PAGE TWO Ellen Tew, 6, Celebrates Her. Birthday ' Eliew'Myrte Tew celebrated her *tt* birthday Saturday with a "birthday 'party at 4 o’clock at her home on South Wilson Avenue, Ellen’r-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John . After Her little friends had en- Toy&T/evpral games, Ellen opened Jler many birthd»> gifts. Later her mother served ice cream, the dec orated birthday cake, candy and cookies. Those enjoying the party with Ellen' irpluded Bobert Church, Kefth Moore, V/anda Boyette, Pa tricia Gale Pope, Mary Ellen Leon ard. Wallace. Ray Tew, Pamela HeriTy,' Petty Lou Williford, Mary LihcJa Williford, Freddie Tew, Jean Tew, Don Barefoot, Dwight Bare foot, John Thornton Elaine Thorn- j ton, and Brenda Sue Godwin. W Party Held Friday Night For Carol Choir Ttyie Carol Choir of the Dunn Firjt Baptist Church had a tele visicn party Fridray night at 6 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Cad TTpdhurcfi. A, delicious picnic supper was 1 served wn the screened porch of the i UptJiuFch home. Afterwards games j were -Heaped and television was j watfheij. Guests for the party were the f Rev. "and Mrs. Ernest Russell, their j dau£Dsprs, Beth and Mary Ann, j Mrs.,.David Smith and son, David 1 of Butes Creek and Miss Ruth ; Rui&ell cf Albemarle, a weekend I guest of the ( Rev. and Mrs. Rus- j sell. Others present for the party in- j eluded choir mothers, Mrs. R. O. ! Ennis. Mrs. Uochurch and mem- | bgrs, Vicki Upchurch, Sue Ennis, ! RiaiWiJ Godwin. Grace Dare Max- ! UfeyPatsv Northcutt, Joyce Pope, J Rit^.McLean, Alice Strickland. j JXteiPone. Carolyn Hawley, Alma ; Jfcliy Westbrook. Linda and Bob lELTtayncr. Raymn Lee, Joyce and I -Nyiark.Pateat, Norma Jean Catt-1 lett Jo Jernigan, Ann Britton, | SteifljL go Iges and choir director, j SSSrt’-yn. ~~~ SHOP IN RALEIGH Miss Evelyn Stranughon, Mjss ' Adelaide Coats and Mias Pat I Johnson snopped in Raleigh Sat- | urday. ATTEND CIRCUS FRIDAY | Mr. Carlton Barefoot and son, Clifton attended tin circus in Ra- i leigh Friday. RELIEF AT LAST For Tour COUGH Crcomulsion relieves promptly bccauAi it goes right tc the seat of the trouSE to help loosen and expel germ lade* >' phlegm and aid nature to soothe and neal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has Stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION mimM Coughs, Chust Col*. Ants ImcUHi 1 * — fbo can r:? Iwt Beating Cor' ■ FLBSci mm® ; IwMBMKaHanEBOESC (rlf Mfft htot from ovory drop of oil • No wot, smoko or odor & IlHinrt ffam# for mofo efficient kool 0 Cosy to kwp tjKirkfmg cl too + kockod ky 76-yoor myukklon for toIiM ± Facts mo ■ •i) every I] Convenient Ym Pr»»f H Easy Terms ■gfe-4 - o ifi Dull¥ i whin, n. c. "Business Founded IMT Harris-Sykes Vows Spoken On Sunday r I Miss Myrtle Lee Svkes, daughter i of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sykes of Spring Hope, became the bride of Linwood Augusta Harris yesterday afternoon at * o’clock in the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church near ’ Nashville. The Rev. B. A. Mitchell, pastor of the church, officiated at the double ring ceremony. The couple spoke their vows be-1 fore the altar which was decorated with white gladioli, carnations and lArge #ite chrysanthemums with OWBlSf^nr 1 ferns. Lighted tapers DWriM In seven-branched candela bra. Mrs. Wiley Manning, pianist, pre sented a program of nuptial music and Mrs. Cecil Way, soloist, sang “O. Promise Me”. "Because” and i "The Lord’s Prayer”. The t tradi tional weddinc marches were used ' for the professional and recession- i al. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin, fashioned j with a round neckline and fitted | bodice. Tiny satin-covered buttons; fastened the dress in the back, and! the long fitted sleeves tapered to i form points over the hands. The j skirt was decorated with insets of lace, and ended in a circular train. Her finger-tip veil fell from a tiera of seed pearls. The bridal bouquet was of white carnations centered with a white purple-centered or chid tied with white satin ribbon. Miss Beulah Mae Sykes attended her sister as maid of honor. Her dress was of dusty blue taffeta, and ; she carried a bouquet of pink car nations. Miss Paulette Sykes, niece ot tne bride, was flower girL Shea m__i^nx*rya:■ • - ■ 4jp HONORED AT RECEPTION Mrs. Francis Duncan sai Mrs. Bttirr Duncan are ilmi ,k~ the lovelv reception ftvea in thair honor by M a R. A. Duncan, Sr., at her home Saturday night & frtteJtiassßßS . • .... . .. . ... ... - ' I wore a pink taffeta dress, and j scattered rose petals in the path > j of the bride. i Mr. Cari Horton of Tarboro was j best man. and ushers Included Ler vern and Gerald Sykes, brothers of the bride, and Vester and Sanford Harris, brothers of the bride- I groom. I Mrs. Sykes, mother of the bride, wore a lavender dress with black accessories. Mrs. Harris was at tired in a grey dress with Mack, accessories and both wore putofei orchids. Later in the evening the bridal couple left for a wedding trip. The bride wore a navy blue suit with navy accessories and the orchid i from her brida! bouquet. | The bride was graduated from | the Spring Hone High School, Mr. I Harris, son of Mr and Mrs. Ollit i Augusta Harris of Rocky Mount, is manager of Efird’s Deoartment Store in Erwin Following their wed* : ding trip, the couple will live at I 300 East E. St. in Erwin. Following the wedding rehearsal i Saturday night Mrs. Edgar Sykes, j mother of the bride, entertained at a cake cutting at her home. The dining room tanle was centered with a beautiful bouquet of white i flowers and candles burned in crys tal holders. After the bridal couple had cut the-first‘slice of the wed ding cake, it was served by Miss Paul Sykes. Punch was poured by i Miss Joyce Boone, and Miss Beu | lah Mae Sykes served nuts and ; mints. Mrs. Edgar Sykes said the ; goodbyes to the guests who in- : eluded members of the families and the wedding party. -.—l.—i i ' i.i i ■«■■■■■ ■■ i i i Mrs. Warren Hostess To Friendly Dozen Members of the l-rtendly Doten Bridge omb rttn with Mrs. W. B. I Warren at her home on North Orange Avenue Friday nfght for I their evenings piay Beautnm arrangements of roses and chrysanthemums were used in tne warren nome On the coffee tame purpie anrt red dahuas made I a colorful bouquet The nosiess served large sand wich trays tliiedvitn chicken salad sandwicnes, potato emps, gnerkin pickles, pecan tarts and cokes to the memoers and guests. Guests lor tns evening were Mrs. Ted Burweti, Mrs. Oranam Prince, Who is moving to Florida, and Mrs. Gar smith came in lor re freshments. Mrs. Prince was re membered with a hand painted plate. Members playing were Mesdames Ed Hood, L. p. Stephens, Sonny Harreil, H-inert Peay, Wayne Jus tesen. Everetie Delteymyre, O. Q. Mitchell ana tug nostess and guests. Hign score for the evening's play went to Mrs. Juftesen. Second high went to Mrs. Ruoert Peay and Mrs Eu Hood received low score. T. E. L. Class Meets With Mrs. L Campbell The T. E. L Cisss of the First Baptist Church held their monthly meeting at tne home of Sirs. Locke Campbell on Tuesday night. Mrs. J. O. West, president of the class, presided over the meeting which was opened with a song, “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” For the devotional Mrs. West used the topic “An I Worth My Way?” The scripture reading taken from Matthew. The class officers were recognized and gave their reports. Mrs. Millard Bales was elected vice president cue to the resignation of Mrs Mac Jernigan. The group captains gave their reports and Mrs. Viola McNeil, treasurer, reported the offering for the class Sick members were re ; ported and cheeked on. , After tbe business and devotional, a social hour was held. The hostess t served delicious pound cake, sand l wiches and coffee to the nineteen members and one visitor attending. Princes Honored At Dinner Party Friday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Aldredge entertained at a delightful spaghet ti dinner at their home on North Orange Avenue on Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Graham Prince who are moving to Florida. 4 -,-The charming dinner table was ' coveted with a dark green doth trimmed with retj and set with colorful rottevy dishes and dark green crystal. A lovely centerpiece of red zinnias In small milk glass Pitchers were flanked by red burn ing tapers In milk glass candle holders. Mr. Prince is leaving for Braden ton, Fla., this weekend and will be loined by Mrs. Prince and the children next weekend. Those attending the dinner were the honoreea, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Aldredge, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Freeman of Fayetteville, Anne and Emmett Aldredge, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Aldrodge. SHOP IN FAYETTEVILLE Mrs. T. Lester Jcnes and daugh ter, Nancy Lon, Mrs. Frank Porter and children, Carol and Frankie shopped in Fayetteville Saturday. SEE GLOBE TROTTERS Mr. and Mrs. Preston Parker and son Bobby, Mr. R. R. Taylor and Mr. Harvey Tyner saw the Harlem Glove Trotters Friday night in Ra leigh. - ■■■■■■■■ - .1 ATTEND EVENING PFRFORMANAffCC children Herbie and Joan, Mrs. R. Durham Tawor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ifamm y and In Ra leigh Friday nignt. VISIT IN OHIO Bill Scanley and Walter Jackson have Men visiting relatives of Mr. Stanley’s In Columbia, Ollto. CpL WARREN HERE Cpl. Wallace W'arreh, Who Is sta tioned in Baltimore, Md., arrived Friday nfght to spenij several days here With his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Char'ie Warren. Cpl. Warren is doing research work in chemi cal and medical laboratories at the Army Chemical Center between Baltimore and Washington, D. (J. FROM HOLLINS COLLEGE l«s Rogie Tyler, who Is attend ing Hollins College in Virginia, Was visiting her family In Dunn over the past weekend. CAME THURSDAY Mrs. H. M. Alitmsthy of Oxford came last Thursday to spend sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson and children and Miss Nancy Abernathy. DURHAM GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson of i Durham visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill ! Twyford, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Monds Saturday. ATTEND GAME Coach Paul Waggoner, Tommy ; Waggoner, Bothy Day Godwin, r Harvey Eldrldge, William Corbett ! and Douglas Overman attended the Carolina-Tennessee game at Chap ' el Hill Saturday afternoon. HERE RECENTLY Mrs. Charles Livingston and son Connie Mack of Wilson, visited Mr and Mr*. Leonard Moods and Mr and Mrs. BUI Twyford, Jr. last Tuesday. FEOM ALBEMARLE Miss Ruth Russell of Albemarle was visiting her brother, the Rev Ernest Russell and his family dur ing the weekend. VISIT IN NECK Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dfckey spent the weekend in Scotland Neck vis iting her mother, Mrs. Leland Kitchen. WAS IN DUNN r Miss Jeane Dickey of Durham was in Dunn for the weekend. a»eals MEMPHIS, Tetln. Wi—The' oark lflg meter flag showed red but a note on the windshield explained “ Please don’t give me a ticket Mv Sis afternooh” 1 WID ** * ■ 1 ■' V '*: \ X- :: .. ; . . - ‘p«ii«apan iiiiiiinj •■ - i Viitii 4 iii i r.r v STARTS | H « I STARTS TOMORROW | K % | TOMORROW ON WCKB #■#«#• ON WCKB MS ON YOUR bIAL 780 ON OiAl "s£wsl Box Sieodime" f Tour Big Chance To Win Abselutely FREE A $25 Draimnd Certificote Which May Ka Applied On Parchose Os Any Dimnand Ring Os SSO ar Mora At fha Jewel Bex In Dann. ; * ALL YOU 00 TO Witt IS KENTIFY THE MYSTERY SINGER ON J. I. S. BROADCAST OVER WCKB-780 ON YOWL DIAt. ; 3 ™«S ,L __ Win A daily At Two FoflowiHg Times $25.00 * ■ BdS AM. “Tt* - CartMeatt WCKB 139 f.ll. 780 on your p H , The Jewel Box ' —| t listen For The MfMety Singer-Then Telephone 3133. If Yf* The Name of the Mystenr Singer Together VMth Ywr Own Name and Address en o Post Card and Moil te * AB. S. Care WCKB, Dam. . 1 • i»■ —»ima——— v v Mrs. Hkks Entertains At Tea for Recent Bride One «t the tovelttst parties ot the faU seasoi. was the tea given Fri day afternoon by Mrs. I. F. Hicks at her home on West Divine Street. Suests were invited to call between ie hours of four and Six o’CfoCk to meet Mrs. Faison Mosley Hicks, a recent bride. Mrs. Hicks was the former Mias Nancy Worrell of Green vile South Carolina before her marriage to Lt. Hicks, the step son of Mrs. I. F. Hicks. Miss Jane Williams, sister of the hostess, was at the door to greet the callers, and Mrs. Myres Tilgh man introduced the gdests to She receiving line, which was composed of the hostess, the honoree, her mother, Mrs. J.-P. WorreU and her two sisters. Mrs. A-. L. Lee and Mrs. W. F, Blackwell, all of Greenville, South Carolina, Miss Alice Hicks, Sister Os Lt. Hicks; Mrs. Palmer Davis, a recent bride, and Miss Eleanor Goddard, whose Wedding will be an event of November 17. Miss Blanche Grantham and Mias Rachel Clifford invited the guests into the dining room where Mrs. T. H. Sansom and Mrs. Beulah Graham poured tea from handsome -according so a- J ‘ nationwide sorvay r. H , ] every branch of A wi J wf - Xf -j. MONDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 8, silver services. A beautiful center piece of pink roses and chrysan- - themums was used on the dining room , table, other arrangements of pink flowers and burning pink can dles in silver holders added to the beauty of the room. Decorated cakes, nuts* and mints were also served. Mrs. George Marks and Mrs. Guyton Smith received in the dining room and assisting In ael vlhg wet« Linda Hardee, Elinor Allred and Alice Stewart. * Mrs. J. H. Allred Was at the door to the middle hall and greet ing callers there were Mr*. J. W. Temple end Mrs. W. S. Mason, attest* were invited into the music room by Miss Viola McNeill. The table where the guests registered in the bride’s book was decorated with pink roses Min Msble Lynch presided at tin register, and Mias Julia Sanders, aunt of the hosteas, and Mrs. Lucy Sansom also rec cetved. During the afternoon, an enjoy able program of bridal music was presented by Mrs. J. Lloyd Wade, pianist, and Mrs. Eugene Smith amMJtr.. Fred Flemingof Oo& The specious Hicks home was de corated throughout with lovely bou quets of autumn flowers. A beauti ful arrangement of mixed dahlias was placed In the ream where the receiving lode formed, and a table there held a bouquet of white chry- M santhemnms. The beauty of the • home wav enhanced by the many candles. Mrs. Out Hardee and Mrs. Hstfry Fleishman said the goodbyes to the many guest* Who enjoyed the pifrty. Vhlt m> in,. ■1 f* lnn* iiin ibittliiii ■”■ I Vllfllll IJr Drapery A upiiuiiivry p c | uirect rram lull ■Bm I vQIIQIdfOn 9m g\