+WEATHER+ NORTH CAROLINA Mostly cloudy end mild today, tonight and Wednesday. Some light rain today. ♦OIPME 1 ) i j hHb * 1 1 ■ * 111 Imm I HARNETT FARMER BUTS $5,4(H) BULL - Preston Gardner, prominent farmer M the Angler “ section, is pictured here with the prised Hereford hall calf which he purchased at the National Hereford Show in Louisville, Kentucky. Mr. Gardner, who kelleveo in diversified farming, has been raisins reg istered stock for sometime, and sometime ago soli a calf for 18,1—. He has a fine herd of Hereford*, as well as M seres of tobacco, 89 acres of Improved pasture land’ and oK»r crops. Also it the show in Louisville were his son, Melton Gardner, Joe (lourlay, John Sntton, Billy Byrd and J. O. Cotton. (Daily Record photo by T. M. Stewart). i ,i• ' ■ ' Anti - Truman Governors Reject Plea For Harmony HOT SPRINGS, Ark. —t statement criti cising the nolitical character of Rsvbnro’s snpech and declaring thev wiil not sunoort a party nom inee who isn’t completely accept th th- M*V»vr.)ivn GOVERNOR W*f.Rß OUT Hie parissn nature of Ravhurn’s speech provoked a . walk-out bv Oov. Theodore R. McKeidln of Maryland, the Aniv Republican gov ernor at. ths conference. ► McKeidln to’d reportees it was “nutraireoiw* as h» rtalked from] Die. bunongt Man T jiter he issued aj statement In which he odd, in part: I (Centime* On Page Three) 1 * ; —•"»" 'll / —— New Poultry Plant Opens Capable of processing tso chick ens each hour the poultry dress ing plant, installed by J. Leon God win and Charles Wade, is the latest in design for poultry dressing. The entire set-up is arringed on assembly line design, wfth|no last motion from the time the chickens enter the chute, to the time they are placed, neatly and efficiently cleaned and dressed, in the ice box at the front of the building. , The fowl, six at a time, enter the chute. From there they travel to another room where an automatic machine “dunks- 'them In boiling' water, the temperature of which is kept at Just the right point by a ened, they are passed to on opera tor on the picking machine. Here whirling tubes of rubber, rid the fowl of feathers in a »«***» of j ) < rkisn?iig J TELEPHONES: 8117 - slls - 8119 Grand Jury Indicts 2 The Harnett County Grand Jury today returned true bills in tab first-degree murder —see. Charlie H. Burr, 96-year-old Barbecue Township farmer, ;W*a indicted for tbe slwing of his son in-lew, Clyde' PoWZJk on October The grand Jury returned the bill after brief deliberation. j According tiratithorttieo, .*Htar shot and kilted the young mtoi with a .13 gauge shotgun When beWfent to the Halrr home to visit His en trenged wife ahd four-year-old child. SURRENDERED TO SHERIFF After the slaying. Halrr went to the office of Sheriff Bill Salmon in Lilllngton and reported the slaying. He has been. free under *IO.OOO bond. , Halrr was arraigned Immediately after the verdict was returned and entered a formal plea of “not, guilty.” Trial of the caaa was can-1 tlnued until January, however; be- 1 cause of the Ulncsraf his attorney, State Senator Bob Young of Dbnn. woman. ' 1 1 / .;- ' ’ T* Janes (Slim) Taylor, S3-year-old Lillljigton Negro, was indicted for the staying of Mary Rllixabeth Piireell. young UUington. Negro | Tiylor admitted after his arrest [that he kicked down the door of ♦Ha ’ woman’s home and shot the woman to death- a* sne lay sleeping with her twa-year-Obf child. 1 «■' "if mis V* WRU®' S* UvN I Wxt jßailu, Jltmrfr - '? -■ -.V.-: District -Solicitor . 'Jack, Hacks, Who it expected to put Tkylar on, trial for his life, set the base - tor' feter; in the week. ; ' . ■ ~ ,s fcfc. ;. 'j+ jM+itU.. ' .' y. ? *.jv- ?• . Mi W Church doe of the oldest in. this section/ Will have a tot to; bf ihuhkful to#,’ When the worshipper*, gather there Thursday bight for special Thanksgiving service,«t Brßo o'olock. ) Knit church has recently conclud ed a remodeling program and the Wtilding. althouehßnaU, is now Ilf perfect condition. The. former epurch building, more than eighty ydars old, haa been completely re . furbished within and Without The influence of the church can. not be measured bv its size nor the site of lts congregation. Friends and farmer members are gcatteredthe lehgth and breadth ol Eforth Car oling/and many from distant parts to- the rebulldibP ■ • i 'LEE EXPRESSES THANKS I Elder Letter E. Lee, motor of a church and its alternate mto . liter William DavkL, rea. A U. N. communique said accept ance of the Red proposal at..this point might delay if not forestall the release of thousands of Allied, war prisoners in Communist hand*. The U. N. will not agree? tot end the shooting until the dtepoettfmi of war prisoners and enforcemmt* of the truce have been asqujred, * U. N. spokesman said. ..... MEET AGAIN TONIGHT; The showdown earn* during a marathon five-hour meeting, id the joint subcommittee seeking* ter tr*dg a cease-fire line and buffer zone across Korea. The subcommittee! will meet again at 11 jl. nw Wetie nesday, 9 p. m. Tuesday. BBT. The U. N. communique astiT tt*l Communists made it cleo •r*t thdß ever before that they want a otteto* fire to take effect as toon o« the truce line has been agreed teHfR “rather than when ether essential matters are settled and an aratei tice is signed.” REVERSE STAND ' ■ “Today’s stand by the Cdmauay ists was virtually a renunciation of their Dreviously stated position that hostilities should continue dtift In? the armistice talks,” the eeaO* ? munique said. “They would thus obtain «■s> cease from ti. N. military . tions. Agreement on other ummb items, including th* question prisoners of war. WlU9h with extreme importance by ta§ :2 ti. N. commands, oould -be iMtetot -jj thereby, if not fdfe*ZaS*d^?**-^ STATE NEWS BRIEFS THOMASVILLE Ob—Five prison ers overpowered their Jailer MR a escaped from the Davidson tail last night but two were back in custody this morning. VVitikr .J Wyers. 22. of Winston-Salem V9B | recaptured In that city about fWg 1 hours after police arrested-tbo-fteg* ot the five fugitives on Woote 3* near Lexington. Samuel El dodge, 30. of High Point, surrendeved to police about 3:30 am. STATESVILLE (W—The bodieM* J a Negro mother and her four child ren who died in a fire here Oct. It f were to be exhumed today for ■ new examination. - • MORGANTON (W—A 12-yeifteß M boy told Sheriff’s officers todojyfi reached out to catoh a footb*lHM| | accidentally discharged a 22-ca|n ber rifle that killed his playmwß f here last night. The vlctito. ]fHM| Edward Ramseur, 14. was dead «t arrival at a hospital with S htiflß 1 wound in his head. CAMP LEJEON* (tfi—Wave* at Marines tshon at Onsk^t Beach today to grapple witti J*4«, fensive” forces in the 1 (ContUHte* en hm i cautioned that a Democratic Jl woiuq wii powenui