THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER IS, IWI Two Benson Negroes. Henry Wil liams, 29, and Willie James Camp ban, 19, are being held Hi John ston County Jail without privilege OT bond on a charge of first-de gree burglary. They are accused of breaking and entering the home of Mrs. J. 3. Benton, wife of the late State Sen ator and newspaper publisher in " Benson, on the night of October 28, while she was asleep, and stealing SBO In cash. Entrance was gained by cutting a side screen door, un latching the screen and entering the house through a door that was i# ldeked. The thieves are said to have gone into the bedroom and taken a poc ket book from a dresser at the end of the bed. Mrs. Benton was awakened by them as they left the house, reported Police Chief John nie Medlln. The pair have waived prelimin- a"" Me y Cornel’! delicious favor makes you want to ting and dance. For 50 years Comet l/UafUil Process packs Cornel's big whole grains with added Vitamin B-1. , Send a box top for rice recipes Thurman C. Ennis, CPA and Harold E. Linder, CPA Announce The Formation of a Partnership \ For the Practice of Accounting Under the Firm Name of \ S - / * i ■ Thurman C. Ennis & Co. . Certified Public Accountants *\i. ■ *>*[ < , . Cf With Offices at > 124 V* Anderson Street, Fayetteville, N. C. Turlington Building, Dunn, N. C. "S f I t I " -s6s ■ ■ .;■ l‘ :■ , - • » # It's A Fact There's Nothing To Compare With Qardner's Dairy L ’ Products - y 4.. f: Mrs. Weathers Dies At Home In Fuquay Mrs. Claudia Ann Weathers. 75. of Fpquay Springs, Route 2, died at her home Wednesday afternoon at S:SO o’clock after several years illness. She is survived by her husband, J. O. Weathers; two daughters, Mrs. A. L. Wood of LUlington and Mrs. Henry Burnehire of San Jose, Calif.; seven eons, J. E. and Ralph Weathers of Fuquay Springs; M. O. Weathers of Raleigh, Maurice Wea thers of Greensboro, L, P. Weathers of Newport News, Va., Craven Wea thers of Portsmouth. Va., and James Weathers of LUlington. One sister, Mrs. J. W. LaShley of Acme; 18 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral arrange ments are incomplete. ary hearing in the Benson Mayor’s Court and are being held here for trial at the next term of criminal court. Our fiiliftii'tt profile* Os the " small fry at Marks? i citizen* ; Kindergarten GARY CICCONE Gary is the handsome young five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John. Ciccone. He Uves—some of the time—with them at 408 West Cumber land Street; but he loves his grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Rouse, Sr., so much that he has to spend‘a lot of his time with her too. We didn’t think Gary would ever get over his “homesickness" enough to come to school, but he has fooled us. Every day for the first two weeks he brought his grandmother with him, and wouldn’t let her leave. But if you’U take a good look at the above picture, you’ll see that the most important thing at the moment is to choose exactly the right crayon for that picture he is drawing. ' Gary paints wonderful pictures of airplanes, and although he has not yet shown too much interest in the musical side of his education, we are betting that he will play the accordian as well as his daddy does one of these days. He is as smart as he can be, and knows the words to all the songs we have learned over here. On the other hand, he could decide to work on a newspaper, since his daddy does such a good job of adver tising on The Daily Record; or he could become a famous writer—his mother, you know is on the Dunn Dispatch staff. Mrs. Davis And Mrs. Kelly Feted At Coffee Hour Mrs. Robert Young and Mrs. James Davis were hostesses at a delightful coffee hour last Friday from 4 to 5 In honor of Mrs. Robert H. Kelly and Mrs. Palmer Davis, Jr. The affair was held at the home of Mrs. Young. A lovely cutwork tea cloth cover ed the dining room table. White roses in an epergne flanked by sil ver goblets bolding white roses made a beautiful centerpiece in the Young dining room. Tall white burning tapers and white flowers Ace Os Clubs Meets With. Mrs. Earl Jones Mrs. Palmer Davis, Jr., a recent bride was honored when the Ace of Clubs met, at the home of Mrs. Earl Jones last Friday night. Beautiful arrangements of purple and yellow chrysanthemums and a lovely bouquet of white and gold mums were used in the Jones -home. Guests for the evening were Mrs. N. M. Johnson, Jr., Mrs. Ed Hood, Mrs. R. L. Cromartie, Jr., Mrs. George Brittan and Mrs. Davis. The hostess presented Mrs. Davis with a salad fork In her silver. High scorer for the evening’s play was Mrs. Joe Ruark who received a pearl choker. Mrs. Dwight Mat tox received a’ planter for second high. A lovely silk scarf went to Mrs. R. L. Cromartie, Jr., for trav eling prise. Guest high was won by Mrs. N. M. Johnson, Jr„ who received earrings. Assorted sandwiches, potato chips, pickles, (Hives, brownies and pokes were served during the enjoyable evening of play. Members playing were Mrs. A1 Wullenwaber, Mrs. Joe Ruark, Mrs. Keith Finch, Mrs. Willard Mixon, Mrs. Frank Belote, and the hostess. |Umlnto s n , i'sSr THE DAILY RECORD. DUNN. N. Q. VISITS MOTHER Dr. Allen H. Lee and Mrs. Lee and daughter of Angier, spent Wed nesday evening with Dr. Lee’s moth er, Mrs. Allen H. Lee. ATTEND FUNERAL Mrs. Mary Hawley, Mrs. Margar et Warden, Mrs. B. M. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Harper Smith, Mrs. Dutch .Maygafd aILM Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Jaok Hawley of Fayetteville attended the funeral of Mr. Louis Jones in Warsaw. were used on the buffet. The honorees were presented beautiful orchid corsages from the co-hostesses. Mrs. Bobby Bryan and Miss Caro Davis alternated at pouring tea and coffee during the social hour. Chicken salad on rusk, ham bis cuits, cheese biscuits, sand tarts and potato chips were served to around twenty guests attending the coffee hour. \■. ii rr *-''rHiuib ms MT 11 CUw FT. UNBQUALLKD FOR FEATURES AT ITS FRICI Here’s as much as 2 cu. ft. of ertlfa storage apaoe—plus 1981 Advanced Design feature*— st the price of smallbr refrig reglu.g DsrilfcdiM As.i. n . nnUul. UITUtOR m^6Z6T. REDUCED PUCE r iSASY TERMS , | IIJIIIIHIIII 'in ON GENERAL BOARD Rev. A. C. McCall of Bunnlevel has been appointed to the General Board of the Baptist State Con vention. Hls term will run until : leave for sma T. B. Williams and Bozle Tart have left Dunn to attend school at Staunton Military Academy i n Staunton, Va. ATTEND FUNERAL Mrs. Norva Westbrook and Miss Lou Westbrook attended the fun eral of Mr. Ed House at hU home near Newton Grove Sunday. VISITS GAMMONS Rev. and Mrs. Richard Rhea Gammon have Rev. George Staples of Highlands Presbyterian Church to) Winston-Salem as a guest. Chase & Sanborn |H^ ] BMP OB IMinUftl M COFFEE 33 * rnKMOb. Mother’s Tansy D| SALAD DRESSING r fIL \ - 25* I Little Sister or Ca Maid Armour’s Or Swift’s Butt Or Shank End \ > J§ SWEET * iKED Homs ■? a • 49c hgm WHOLE HAMS -53 c I * £*& 1.-I4 I.BS. AVU. WT. FRESH ABMqSSI STAB TARTY PORK RAMS -53 c chopped S7« lt-11 LBS. SVG. WT.—LUTEE’S SMITHFIELD gfV% ARMOURS STAR FLAVORS' HAMS ««- ” 89 c Cm wmm £2™ 10 * SAUSAGE -55 c IBL3€HHa rSSLf r CBn “ *** *•* SSmcor" lb. ssclgSaßSßeiV MACKEREL 39 c JO| Gref's Prido Chicken | Ocean-Fresh Seafood 10 C S SPICED Salad 8-Ox. 43c I Select Oysters .95 Pt. I FUbHeKW PEACHES Whitings 15 lb. • N«. 2* 28# Fillet Os Red Colonial hit the Turkey Juet tor you! Etch and/to „^ _ _ ... every "bird” wM be fully drteeed end drawn, and ■ > De*f>k ik Fresh Poreies .391 b. completely evleoereted. W. have the largest va- ■ ymyt rßaCfl *•”' OiPW r *esn 6 rt*iy as sizes in aur history. Far amalt famlllaa ■ . Tr turkeys that weigh ae little as 4 petmde . j. I ■ITUBMWI . - far large famillee ... hen turtoy* .as «rga ae I rVJMrMII 00000000000900 tAlbe. Piece your ardar right away) »:• ■ m m J 17-Ox 15* BEDGATE GREEN AND WHITE LIMA BEANS 2 'c.™ 25 c m k MEAT AND CLO-WHITE S 12* ««». FIVE FRUITS BIgNDED C S THIS AO FRUIT COCKTAIL 35 C active PIE CRUST ’C 19* HOV. 21. 19S1 mre Armour , Star e • • • S&SSiSL.r’ 37c TBEET Q a cjy , BABY «»><-» ntk SHa ! •- w JtonJa rCMTC BOOTS • 9 OoZe | *°' Derby Canned FSI3 J 8 85.1 S Per 0.51 Cl PAG SOAP 2 10-Ox isc omro j CtJEANSER C 12c ArmoM* Vi.wn, '*~'''" ''" "f, la &r r int, iukl »itvsiial* ( > «*** 1984. The appointments were made yesterday by the messengers atten ding the meeting in Asheville. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE: Two mules and farm ing equipment. See F. Arthur Page, Route 3, Dunn, near Casper Tart’s store. U-15-3t-c FOR RENT: New S room house, with all modern conveniences, loca ted on highway 421 near Plain View School. Rent very reasonable. Contact Mrs. Troy Carter near same location. 11 -15-3 t-pd WANTED First class painter Nirho works individually. Nice job. Worth looking into. Call 4053. Mrs. F. A. Haaks, Dawson Motor Court, Dunn. 11-14 Me. . -I FOR SALE: Two mules and fares ing equipment. See 7. Arthur Page, Rt. 3, Dunn, near Casper Tart’s store. 11-15-Jt-c LOST: Glasses between Lucknow Clothing Co. and 413 N. Ellis Are. In red case. Reward. 11-15-3 t-c FOR SALE: A 1948 ’9B Oldsmobile on easy terms, or will trade for land. Has eight tires and tubes. See Max McLeod, First Citizens Bank Building or call 2412 or 2485. 11-15-6 t-c FOR SALE: »37 Chevrolet with very good body and no-good motor. Has all the glasses and good paint. Going to sell it at some price. Make PAGE FIVE ms aa offer. Pboae 4325, Mickey Roues Used Ogtfc 11-WH BIG, 1981 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR “ * 7* Ik. Freed* Food Locker * La, fe Capacity Was $439 Now 9339.95 Boe the Model 1315 Thomas & Warren Furniture Co. FayettevHld Hwy. Donn, J». C.