fcIUI)AY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 16,1951 IMI r.i Ari:: A * ■■■■!■—MH !■■■■■■■ —'■■■ 11. j I ■ I I %<*B»TSW-fcWFf » s PNIY *>.po Ehi. sms Type *0 TfonJ f rw^ir FOR m' Dunn. ftl-tt* Uncle Bam may give your oil to JaW Bun. Ut us'nil your tank today. Fitchett s Home Oil 00. Dunn. N. C. Phone 3138. Buff Orphlng-' poultry chid*. DUNN HATCHERY, Leon Godwin, tfoprjstoj. Phone tnp, Dunn,N.C FARMALL H TRACTOR, Planters s£l cultivator,'fang disk, tractor cotton duster, 5-blade Athens tiUer, wood siw'for tractof, Alik" cow and h*lftr( one lot ol 'hogs, One' lot 61 corn’, mule and hamdsS, GMC pick up. all larmlng implements. For Bale dh November '23 at W:off at TWa Thrt HOtneplace, Rt. », New ton Grove. AH Items In good con dition.' Samuel Hardison. trl - ■- PYf&TTRWQ TO BIRLp WTTOi •" a* m Guruitou • to furnish everything Reeded to build your house—except framing imtoer. . for sjjttJg: ras 'wiii front by# lot'lt edge of town. Terms H desired. Phone ‘4228. Mick ey Arm FOR SAIB: SI acres, 25 ‘^utoFinance LOANS fm mmr rlmm . i Ht&EzWm* MEN'S, ... of eight end five o'clock. 11-11-ts-c FOR SALK: bicycle. >4- in. size. Re cently renovated. In excellent con dfitlcm r. I^Ewln FOR BALE: Two mules and farm ing equMmenf.JNfe. Route 3, Dunn, near Jwfe FOR SALE: A I*4B W OldsmoMle on easy terms, of will trade sos land. Has eight tires and tubes. See Max* McLeod, '‘First Citizens Bank BUildihg or call 3412 or 2455. fl-15-gt-c FOR SALR: M 37 Chevrolet with very good body and no-good motor. Has all the glasses and good paint. Ooing to sell it. at some price. Make me an ‘1 Her. Fhofte 4228, Mickey Rbuse T/sed Cars. U-15-3t-c FOR SALE: Two gas heaters, one large, one medium-size. Dr. O. L. Hooper, Dunn. 11-18-3 t-c FOR SALE: An R.C.A. television set—large picture. Portable setting machine. Biglott rug and pad, 15 by 17. AU comparatively new. Also ironer. Can be seen at 70! S. Elm 0f“call 3501. 11-16-2 t-c FOB SENT FOR RENT: One three room du plex apartment. Unfurnished. Csll 3307, M- B. Holland. 11-13-ts-c ‘ FOR RENT: New 5 room house, with all modern conveniences, loca ted on highway 421 near Plain View School. Rent Very reasonable. Contact " Mrs. Troy Carter hear same location. ll«15-3t-pd ranted HELP WANTED: Well-established business Him desire* a number Os ladies in this vicinity to make calls in their neighborhood 'with'a pop wdrk. 'No previous Experience nec tpfery. You' won't gist rich, but ymFcan earn $36 or S3O a week by working only a sett hours each day, at your own cbriVedlehCe. This is a particularly find opportunity for laoM handling Stanley’s, Avon and Other products to Uaetob their earnings at’the same time. Write ffißTThe Dally Atom* * 9-9* tt-c HELP WANTED: Cashier wanted. Please apply in perton at Stewart theatre between 2:30 and 6:30 or TmßAnd f ■ ■ ■ il-l-tf-c HELP : Woman wanted ing conditions. Permanent Job. Write 121, care of The tokriy Rec ord. H-ts-c "Typist”, care of The Daily Rec ord. - 11-13^-6 WANTED First class painter who‘works individually.' Nice job. Worth looking Into. • Call 4053. UMsm/gj? ** WANTED: 4,5, or 6 room ttnfurn- WANTED: A- smart' young colored bo)" immediately Tor full'time Job. at the jewel &ox WANTED: Experiencer salesman desires position. Can furhi#^£r • nxnCES OVFKUD —taT* ifjL steal prices at TWYFOKD PRINT ING QpgOfSKT brPaafl. Let tia ott Tour pest order. TclcphoM b7r?-W» wirnui tor uNNM *+\jr went.** ** *- r “ -LOST AND FOUND —. ,t m > miii itr i it—‘km LOtm Stack Ooeker spaniel puppy, gg^^g l, 'gS^ -• ***“" W * ’I pfimmrilf .toward encouraging j you® >* - • —•' —v" ; Benson Chamber ..ftwssrspffi!. United States uhW til* ratification in 17W- TSthry fOufeht thd Idoptidn df th* constitution because he could hot cohcelve oiife state after an other ' burying its differences and Wdfking together. The war of 1861 to 65 was fought, not .over slavery, he declared, hut •because some states felt that state rights were more important than the Imfon. We were never really united Until after that war, but now we are one hation indivisible. 'ft, too, takes time to build a peaceful world,” he declared. “In 1918,' on November Ith, we had an armistice, and this was confused With peace. “Noah Webster played a trick on us here,” Ife asserted, “according to his dictionary an arm istice is the temporary cessation of hostilities.” It lasted, he continued, until 1933, for fifteen extremely hectic years, during which we forgot all about how wars are created. In 1945, rep resentatives of 51 nations formed the United Nations, an organiza tion dedicated to the principles of peace. “We are prone,” Dr. Green de clared, “to talk unkindly, about the bankrupt haberdasher in Washing ton and about the United Nations, but we have had wprse v IMt ioojc 13 years tb^establish our own na tion, don’t be'too demanding. It takes a tremendous amount of time.” In the state, the nation' and in pur communities give that spirit ual essence cordial corisidejratiM'i, practice tolerance and uwflertflfchils ing, be patient, determmldjfcfVhftii count, your blessings. “If )Wft So,”' l Dr. Green concluded, “we can have •Thanksgiving any, day and will not Jtiave to wait until the fourth Thurs day in November.” . ■ The speaker was introdueWT' by pr. C. W. Sandejs. Aftef-'-kroup Zinging of “God Bless America" by the group, Rev. C. C. Cribb.-dslfv %red the invocation. Soloist ttas. Mrs. O N. Bostic, ’accompanied by , Wilhemhui Utley, t who also to serve three years on the board of directors, O. M. Blackman, D. W. Parrish, Harold MedUn and Willis McLamb. ' ‘ , The dinner was prepared and served by the members of the Ban ner Home' Demonstration Q1 üb, headed by president, Mrs. to. L. Peacock and including Mesdames W. J. Lambert, R. M. Morgan, Ver pon Jackson, Sherrill Jackson, Bill Matthews, Charles Denning, Hettie Denning, Shelton Turlington, J. E. Wall, Victor Gregory, Pearl Tur lington, Julian Godwin, Carmie Dorman, S. P. Honeycutt, Harold Medlin, Hattie Byrd, Lee Whitting ton, Kenneth Neighbors, Qlennard Bailey, Dttikht' iohhsof!, Waylafld Bailey, P. B Wood'ind Ralph Bur % \ Qorpai's Tq»i (Continued From Page One) to stop at a stop sign and was tax ed with costs, with prayer for Judg ment cdntjnued'B months. Hymih Blafck, ’Henry George Gunst, Colton Boone, Mildred' D. Gurtßy, * QHSorge Ooda, Harold S. Hinkle, Albert R. Jones, Frank #ch>- Uizzi and McDonald Wray, waived appearance and pleaded guilty tc speeding‘charges. Each was taxed oosts. Bond was ordered forfeited in Ure case of Anson Lockamy, when hie was called and failed to appear )o answer charges or speeding. The remainder 1 of tjie 22 cases, prosecuted by Solicitor J. Shephard Bryan, involved public drurikehness , - ~ . ■ fM-jrm-. don IrraH of the major cities of life country ."Through- 1 the national ctgarttzation, the bekt lri speaking jaMbt can be secured. • '"lfhe yoting people of this section in partlciijar ahd the 'gehifral pnK hc as W are ekftncfitf'a cordial ■ BiviAtrorr to ‘ atttndf* at the Gospel Tabemlele ih Durin, Saturday ftlght at' 8 CTtJock. - I "$7 ■ ;k777777||;;V775’ 7iTiiTSf■ vSsSSi’ i n: r-1 S I---* _ _ ■’ _ _ . I 4 I BENSON CHAMisER HEARS GREEN —* Hr. C. Sjirtstrr Green I WB it y m qm 11 I jPSyf y jdßii W !?■ riStr I f 'fc Vy-■ •' I --- —————— Ml DAILTJMPCOBD. DUIfJf. ft. a Purchase Os TB Seals Is Ur§ed Py Byrd Dr. Charles, Byrd, president of the Harnett County Tuberculosis Association, brought the Stbry of the ever-vigUant fight agahikt tu' berculosis to the attention of the Lilllngton Woman's Club as the group met Tuesday afternoon at tHe Community House. * ■ 1 Doctor Byrd, Dunn physician, was introduced by Mrs. A. J. White, public affairs chairman, who ar ranged the program. Mrs. John A. Womble, president, presided. The visltjng speaker illustrated his talk on the fight against tu berculosis with a map of Harnett County showing the location of each tuberculosis case reported, the largest number appearing in the larger populated centers of Dunn, Lilllngton, Coats and Angier. North Carolina has only three state sanitariums for T.B. treat ment, Doctor Byrd said. For many who wish to go, there is no room, the speaker said. “And conditions in Harnett,” he added, bring this point home forcefully.” However, the physician continued, a State building program at the due to .be . finished within two ydars, ttlll fetnedy this situation. Meantime, he noted, pub lic. heajth authorities and 'private physicians must do what, they can for patients who have been-'refused admission to a sanitarium. -V JTho doctor called on the chib •wmen ,to ' support the 'sale of Christmas health seals which will finance home treatment; for some' TB patients, support others in hos pitals, and buy expensive drugs for still others. CITES OBSTACLES The difficulty of detecting symp toms in the early stage of the dis ease and the highly communicable ..nature of the rruilady are stumbling blo'ckff ift the effort to wipe, ft-out ■cohipletelyV Dottot Byrdi'sa.l§tr -pne T. B. Sufferer,-; ;he hosed, by the tWtoPWpHIMfffAWPiMMRv&s a mlisfcale presented by pupils W Mrs. Joe'Tom Long, Lilllngton mu sic teacher. Piano solos Were play ed by Jessie Alina Lee, Emily Keliy, Ida Carroll Renter, Elizabeth Byfd. Gladys Johnson, Geraidinfe Horton, Barbara Myrick, and Elaine Byfd. Three pupils, Misses Lee, Kelly and Senter, gave a dance number and Jean Hamilton added as t vocal solb, “The Lost Chord." ' A piano trio, “Three Blind Mice” and a duet, “Tales from Vienna foods’’ by Strauss were also' pre sented. A recording of two choral numbers recently sung by the new Home Demonstration Club Chorus of'fthleri Mrs. Long is director, con cluded the musicale. ’ DEBT REDUCED During ttfe'bddness session, club members Heard from the president the good news that the debt on the Community H6use, ’the club's chief financial undertaking, has been reduced below the $5,Q00 mark. To cut still more from this debt a Christmas bazaar and turkey din ner will be held' December 57 if the Community House. A check for S3O, also to aid the building fund, was turned in by Mrs. Robert Winston "who with a Club committee Catered for' the ' Duke afumni dinner 'this week. ' " ' Spiced‘tea and sandwiches were served ‘at, the social hour. Hostesses were Mrs. Hkrry Schafran, Mrs. Leo Kelly, Mrs. C. £. Bbfrell, Mrs, C. R!" Ammons, Mrs. Grady Johnson and’Mrs. W. p'. Byrd. ” and the offenders ’ escaped ' with suspended senteifces and ffnes. ’ Mrs. ■ Ifehry* 'N/ffofS,' St} mother fttyford Os 'tourtt, Is Critt KcaHy 1 19 ftf the hbme of ‘ her daughter, Mrs. “Jolnf ’ Palrns of GWfehyille, B,'C. USei. Twyfofd suf ftfred several heart attacks earlier tME'w«aL r *'■ SAME HAWKITSIMY miesi All Ym Have Tq Be h Identify One Qf These, ■ ? f famm 4/ €app Characters, List The Nome , And Mall Yaa r Entr y Ta The: DAILY RECORD DUNN, N. C. ,«•*“•■• ~-TV Families and Employees of The Daily Record Will N°f B® Eligible. ‘ 1 5 ? • *«* 35E'? Auto Man gj uL ImW m W gel me a H>MI Ml ut **_,,„** : l m a gonna * PWZIE - 5 FREE BOWLINS Jrg&j go.-;: ’■*■ 9fmi raiy? mon »ITO EX?N»H6E .JflSft S DUNN-ERWIN H.WY. "Mordecai Vann The Mpp" * * HIGHWAY '/' «. A-,J RI WrWX * » ' s m-mmni Gossiping 'Bout j ' Knew—it's * PRIZE CREDIT “* ■" ” r*S* U tW* an v 9«t FV 0 ‘ . ... <." J.' £sftti«L£ PAGE FIVE