PAGE FOUR *!L"LL'- »UU ■■ ” —— ' ■ 1 sale ■ |OR "'■£*&' HfciULTB with all fcm animals, WAYNE FEED Is Jfce product for you to buy. You !8» flnfl tFootnplete liue of WAYNE gencrat ’tarmers supply, CMnn. 8-17-ts-c pFi [ "iv K • TYou can grl lliie leatißf Ids' rITPKIn ! mmm i L— "pj |§ SSSJ> ! ft Oof men toot Item every drap el •# | N< tost, wneke or odor p Interne Home for more efficient hoot f Un pjmr tparkling clean locked bylMhW reputation lor volvo Op" "•* I Convenient jPMIWj |nroi You Proof 1 Easy Terms Ptforo Too Ivy | | HOWARD M. LEE £ m Company DUNN. N. C. “Business Founded 1900” II IK mm : 1 4 o«i load mmT\ n I Finish your washing earlier (j. 'j^nns^ft '• b «• *■> * : ,f* •ML: JS Jn \ fl|F- i. ww j mm f! PBjS 9! B £■ Bk i U > mm 1 li | ill B;: J&J mm 8 ?: |1 ui IpS i ly. b- 4® -. V • iL* ' h mim 1 m m I m ® I ? Jgqft mg* ihfaxieß : UncSe Sim may glTe your ofl to John Bull. Let us fin your tank today.' Fitctett’s Home OU Co. Dunn, N- C. Phone 3138. 4-19-tfc MB'S CHICKS PUB SALE Strong ana hardy chicks. NeW rtampshires, Rhode Islcnd Rods, Tarred Rocks, White ungborns. Vhite Bocks, and Bufl Orphing cons. Hatch day? every Monday and Thursday. Complete line of poultry equipment. We sex chicks. DUNN HATCHERY 1 , Leon Godwin, proprietor. Phone 3740, Dunn. N. C t-15-tfne FARMALL H TRACTOR, Planters and cultivator, gang disk, tractor cotton duster, 5-blade Athens tiller, wood saw for tractor, milk cow and heifer, one lot of hogs, one lot of corn, mule and harness, GMC pick up, all farming Implements. For Sale on November 23 at 10:00 at Uria Tart homeplace, Rt. 2, New ton Grove. All items in good con dition. Samuel Hardison. , 10- 13-16-21-pd. EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH: We Guarantee. to furnish everything needed to build yo. In Dunn. Phone 2323 or 3875. M-W-F-tfne FOR SALE CHOICE HOS& SITE 75’ by 125’ lot in very nice sec tion of town. Paved street. Pric ed reasonably with terms if de sired. Phone 4228. After 6 pun. phone 3365. Mickey Ropse. 11-13-ts-c ' FOR SALE: LOT ON NORTH ORANGE AVE. 50’ by 150’. WiU accept automobile In trade. Phone 4228. Mickey Rouse. 11-13-ts-c FOR SALE: $385 will buy 111’ front by 68’ lot at edge of town. Terms if desired. Phone 4228. Mick- i ey Rouse. 11-13-ts-c FOR SALE: W 37 Chevrolet with very good body and no-good motor. Has all the glasses and good paint. I Going to sell it at some price. Make me an i ,fer. Phone 4228, Mickey Rouse t ;S ed Cars. 11-15-3 t-c FOR SALE: Two mules and farm ing equipment. See F. Arthur Page, Route 3, Dunn, near Casper Tart’s store. 11-15-3 t-c FOR SALE: A 1948 ’3B Oldsmobile on easy terms, or will trade for land. Has eight tires and tubes. See Max McLeod, First Citizens Bank Building or call 2412 or 2455. 11- FOR SALE: Two gas heaters, one large, one medium-size. Dr. O. L. Hooper, Dunn. 11-16-3 t-c : set—large pictured Portable sewing . machine. Biglow rug and pad, 15 by 17. All comparatively new. Also iioner. Cin be seen 701 S. Elm - or call 3501 H-W-^t-c i FOR SALE: bicycle, 24 in. size. Re , cently renovated. In excellent con dition. 203 N. Tenth St. In F™ l " ! or phone 275». ' li-W^tt-C 1 FOR RENT ■ FOR RENT: One three room du plex apartment. Unfiamiahed. Call 2367, M B. Holland. 11-13-ts-c • FOR RENT; New 5 room house, i with aH modern conveniences, loca ted on highway 421 nestr Plain View School. Rent very reasonable. Contact Mrs. Troy Carter near ’ same location. ' 11-15-3 t-pd FQR RENT 2-room furnished Upstairs apartment. Recently ren ovated. Close in. Call 3194 after 4 P. M. ;3tlp : FOR RENT—Seven room house -that can be used as two apartments. Hot , and cold water. 401 S. Washington. , See B. H. Westbrook, Newton drove or phone 251 after 8 at night. 11-16-3tp. HELP WANTED , HELP WANTED: Well-established business. firm desires a number of ladies in this vicinity to make calls in their neighborhood with a pop ular product. Pleasant, dignified work. No previous experience nec essary. Y.ou won’t get rich, but you can earn $25 or S3O a week by I woiYing only a few hours each day, at your own convenience. This is a particularly fine opportunity for ladies handling Stanley’s, Avon and other products to increase their .earnings at the same time. Write 444, % The Daily Record. 9-24 tl-c HELP WANTED: Experienced typ ist wanted. Good salary. Write \ “Typist”, care of The Daily Rec- ,j ord. 11-12-ts-c J 1 l Ten Are Issued License Id Wed So far in November ten marriage licenses have been issued by Mbs. Inez Harrington, Harnett County Register of Deeds. Permit to marry was issued on November 15 to William Clarence Hoileman, Jr., 22, of Angier, and Peggy Fay Gilbert, 21, Bunnlevel, Route 1; On November 14 a license went to Lemuel Carr Gregory, Jr., 22 Angier, and Ruth Eugenia Sum merlin, 34. Angler; A license was Issued on ITovem , her 12 to John Rudolph Griffin, 19, Fuquay Springs, Route 1 and Joyce Lee Baker, 18,. Lilßngton, Route 3; THREE ONE DAY I On November 10 three licenses were approved. They went to Char lie Roy Packer, 19, of Fayetteville and Fort Bragg and Betty Jean Stewart, 18, Dunn, Route 3; to Nor man Lee Fuzzeil of Coody’s' Bluff, Okla. and Fort Bragg and Delores Ray Spivey, 19, Jonesboro Heights, Route 6; ' and to Sam Lawrence Garrett, 94, LilUngton, -Route 2, and Sarah Jane Beasley, 18, Wil low Springs, Route 1. Daniel Gene Struttuck, 21 of Columbus, Ind. and Fort Bragg and Janice Rose Owen. 17, Angier, re ceived * license to wed on Nov ember <9. Other licenses issued during the first 'week went to the following: on November 7 to George Alton Jenson, 95, Goldsboro and Rachel Gennady, 27, Dunn; oh November ;3 to Hannibal Godwin Warfen, 34, Dunn and Gwendolyn Wilbom, 21. 1 Lillington; .and on November Fred Tisdale, Jr., 28, Hilton Vil lage. Va„ and Beulah" Woodruff Norris, Dunn. * ■ ' ' * Erwin £Aow Has Werner Roast Thursday The freshmen class "of Erwin High School enjoyed a wiener roast to .Jfce Ifeb school torch room Thursday night. T*e event was planned for Maynards Lake, but due to the bad weather, it had to be held to the lunch room. During the evening the group enjoyed dancing and games. Later hot dogs with rolls, candy. marshpollow, crackers and soft driqks were served. .Approximately 50 freshmen were present *ar this delightful event. Teachers present inetaded Mia* Janet Byrd, Mrs. L T. Hicks, mid Johnnie Pecora. _ .... , J Mews 1 Classes Mold j i Barbecue Supper i The Young Men’s Bible' Class and to H THE DAILY RECORD. DUNN. N. QL " — | —-—i . I Auto finantt "wfVT nr AWoioANS REFINANCING REDUCE YOUR PRESENT PAYMENTS MOHgr jin h hmctm " MOTOR CREDIT QO. DUNN, N. c. \ . Corner Fayetteville and j Cnnzberland Streeto Phone 3158 jVANTED: HELP WANTED: Woman wanted for general housework. No Sunday | work. Small family. Pleasant work ing conditions. _ Permanent ]o b. Write 121, care of The Daily Rec ord. li-tf-c WANTED First class painter who works individually. Nice Job. Worth looking into. Call 4063. Mrs. F. A. Haaks, Dawson Motor Court, Dunn. 11-14 3tc. . , . WANTED: 4,5, or 6 room unfurn ished apartment or house immed iately. Mrs. Thurman C. Ennis. Phone 2213. H-12-ts-c WANTED: A smart young colored boy immediately for full time' job. Apply in person at the Jewel Box in Dunn. U-8-ts-c ■ WANTED: Cashier from 6 in the morning til 3 in the afternoon. Good salary. Must furnish referen ces. Apply Johnson’s Restaurant. U-16-3t-c WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT 4 rooms, unfurnished, prefer 2 bed rooms. Call 2852. 11-19-3 t-c SKRVIfIKS nFfj’jkTynr QUALITY PRINTING at eudto cical prices at TWYFOKf) PRINT ING COMPANY to Dunn. Let us on yom next order. Telepftooe .1371. yfffi .wife caU for and to ,’w .wei k. LGST A?tP>OUND LOST: Glasses between Lucknow Clothing Co. and 413 N. Elljs Ays. In red/case. Reward. Preston Pac ker, Lucknow Clothing Store. 11-lfl-3t-c « FARMAU HAS DONE IT AGAIN •1, "* * ■ I I I 1 si-' -•> 9 11 'SPfil Hit Gy actual Jest pn thplprm the FprmUJ Cub and Supmr A are the most upiypjrfg} far diyerpL tied farming on the market, with a complete set of Far mall pquipment for every* operation from mustard seed tp velvet beans. \ TJhe touch control on the abeam tractors completely ptimfoptes the pwscle-weary, band-ppergted levers wmofl on other 8111111 fl fIW W"" tractor The operator can adjust and lift WMO—the heaviest gang harrow w«h the ease of opening his car door. Other advantages too numerous to mention are yours in the Ij . j\. |r Farmall tractor. ’ A Camaimte 1 at fL„ Kj» wn tt * ' ' ' V ” * ' fntr * p$ icldJ(^3S YOUR i" r rn»ri nrrr ©ven. Please do upt «ak* rot 1 «. CLASSIFIED HATES TKTb Qiao Tynft Wni!d 3 TIMES ONLY Si.oo I b- Word AATiilmnm Rhf) Amm Ai I ■■•■■■- f-- I em Bhe T*pe 3# M«*d BIRTHS Mr. »ns Mrs. B. G. Thomas an nounce the birth of a* son John Barh&m in Good Hope Hospital Tuesday November the* 18th. Mrs. Thomas is the former Emily Grant oi Jackson. N. C. " fir. and Mm. Ellis Barbour of Dunn announce the birth of a son ip Good Hope Hospital Thursday November the 15. Mrs. Barbour is the former Mary MoCaskill of Erwin. SHGCDUL NOTICE MR. FARMER: For your complete line of-furniture, paints, dry goods, shoes, ready to wear, visit E. Baer 4s .Son’s. >For ypur shopping con venience we o*e open ’tu « every week night. ' 7-19-T IH-tf-c mmmmmtmmmmmmmmsmstmmmmummmmmr A’ SM£§ igtat-l sewicf ™ * A Dig Comnlete SboD 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE I IS OUR 6000 USED CARS ] W. &S. MOTOR CO. * N. WILSON AVE. DUNN, N. C. 'HBMHRHHBIMMHBBMMBMMMBHDiIHMMHHMI — 1 i 1 *■— ■■ i Erwin Bazaar J Huge Success St. Stephens Episcopal Church In Erwin proved to be another success The v*"" was i»m to the parish house Friday November the 18th. homemade cakes, .pies, candy, and cookies. The best seller at the topaar this year were the parcel post packages, which were sbld for fifty cent-. . just as they were mailed. i For the first time since the I bazaar became ft reality the Young Peoples Service League had [ a booth, which netted them a nice sum to add to their treasure. For anyone wishing to eat their r lunch, the ladies sold sandwiches, , cake and coffee. r , Ladles working 7 ln the bazaar ; were: Mrs. Bytoh Stevens, Mrs. . Fred Thomas," Mrs. Lee Whitehead, Mrs. H. M. Tyier, Mm. Bob Young. Mrs. A. H. Harper, Mm. Fhaigt Ralph, Mm. Harry Earnshaw. Mm. W. E. Adair, Mm. t. L. Matthews, i Mrs. W.' H. Twyford, and Mm ! Taylor Stehens. League members helping were Emil Grant Thomas, Martha Ann Thomas, Diane Ralph. Judy Harper, Stephahie Taylor, Bill Sewell, Totomy and Johnny - Stevens and Jerry Taylor. * V ' MONDAY Aari'EKNQON,IhiVbMdKK j__ j Prßsbytei^^n Group Meo^ At Lassiter^ Members of Circle Number Four oflhe Presbyterian Chutoh met at the' home of Mm. Dick Lasater on Tuesday eqentog .it fiSD Mrs. Eugene Lasater Jr. was co h<^ve^meeting opened with “The Lords Prayer* ted by the chair man Mm. John Henry Wilson. During the business session plans were made for the Mens Fellowship Supper for December the 6th. The group also discussed each member giving one dollar to wards the purchase of the stove. Following the business. Mm. Bill baMewtoMwoMMsmsem Du ii ii PCX; IS BUYING CORN' - SOY BEANS WHEAT - OATS - BARLEY . J - AND PECANS ’ | AT TH6 Farmers Warehouse —HOURS , 7:30 ,94*. to 5:30 #>,m. Weekdays i' aO* 12 SOON SATURDAYS ! , ’fayetfcvMle Hwy, .Rump/ g. ■ - -«•- . gai(e a very interesting program on I Mrs. Wilson closed the meeting U»s hps- Included: Mm. Wilson, Mrs. Harrington, Mm. Jean Adam. Mm. Mack Quick, Mrs. BUI Lasater. Mrs. Erwin Bm»W and Mte Cleo Bladtman. IN GOLDSBORO Mr. and Mm. Fred Stephens and daughter Eunice and Mr. and Mm. Stacy Whittington spent Saturday in Goldsboro. •