PAGE TWO mil wvwc! D VJ ujmjMj M {9 j ICwim From hn Om) them from dininf with frontline tMßfo ' WICHITA FALLS, Tw (W) Tew pcmu. in eluding few Wiehita Falls hMi whad pupils, were Ml here today on narcotics charges resulting (raw evidence gathered by a youthful undercover agent who posed as a student for two weeks. More than $25,000 worth of mari juana, heroin and other narcotics were seized. MIAMI, Fla. (CP) The pilot of a Coast Guard plane today sighted the last three of 22 men who had to abandon the floundering Haitan motorship Toussant La bature 15 miles south of here. MILAN, Italy. (UP) A roaring avalanche of mud dy water flooded eight towns in North Italy today and en gineers blasted Fo River canals at two points in desperate efforts to lower the crest. PARIS. (UP) United Nations officials said today they were making progress in promoting private Soviet- American talks in Paris to solve the East-West deadlock oyer rival disarmament plans. WASHINGTON (UP) lnformed sources said to day; that President Truman will back the Justice Depart ment ini its refusal to turn over its tar division case files to House investigators. <—ISMAILIA, Egypt- (UP) Two British soldiers killed and two others wounded when terrorists am bushed a troopcarrying bus In the Sue* anal zone lost i> - jj HOUSTON, Tex. (UP) A pencil-led sketch Os a rocket gave a glimpse today of the scientific visions which' ended when a 17-year-old inventor was killed hi Hie e*- ; plflson of a bottle of home-made fuel. «• ;; CHICAGO. (UP) The royalty of America’s feed- Dote, sleek and slicked up, calmly waited today for the st|(rt of the 52nd annual International Livestock Expos!- «• 4 . \ SAN FRANCISCO. (UP) Gov. Earl Warren of California said today his appendix Operation will prevent him from seeing the Califomia-Stanfetfd “Mg gamester toe ttfp time in 43 years. Warren, N, underwent an appen dectomy yesterday. j; SEATTLE (UP) The United States marshal’s of fice seized more than 125,W0 pounds of sohnon after U. 8- fettd and drug agents said it was “misbranded -JWA ** composed.’ *•’ BINGHAMTON, N. Y. (UP) A former true* driver wanted today to give an eye “to some Mind penmrc who needs one. “I never did anything for anyone, and Pis like to do something now,” said Frank B. Neer, 41, who lives infli county home. j* SOMEWHERE IN KOREA- (UP) United States Marine helicopter pilots braved freezing rains today to dev litfcr Thanksgiving tutor, with trimmings, to toe Leather nocks fighting on o fog-shrouded mountain. *• SALEM. N. J (UP) Dr George C. Lippincott, (Ben but a short time to live when he was medically dis charged from the U. S. Navy in 1885. died ot his home here ydkerday. He was 191. v APPOMATTOX, Vs. (UP) Virginia police, who' cautioned motorists against the hazard of holiday driving, today listed a state trooper as toe first of 11 predicted Thanksgiving fatalities. Trooper R. W. Smith was killed, yesterday when his ear was hit by a Norfolk and Western IHB at nearby Pamptin. • If ;; WASHINGTON (UP) President Truman and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill are planning to begin their conferences on political-military strategy here J9ftr J, It was learned today. - |; WASHINGTON. (UP) Congressional demands mounted today for action by Congress and the United rations on toe reported massacre of American primuses oi-wat3>y the Communists in Korea. JbesMsoemsssooemoMsw jls I*! FLOWERS HAVE ■ ALWAYS BEEN A I‘DEEPEST AFFECTION imdrground Rd. Dunn ■ - ■■ , ■ ■ p* C fl n Hiyy BROAD AT DCTNN N C U Phone 2077 II Qumirs FUNERAL HOME 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 3306 311 W. HARNETT BT. dunn; N. C. lu l a C “u’^hfrr F Tjr flows into the Atlantic. There were no reports, however, of a tense ra ebl situation Cpl. U. O. Morrow and tVoopMr 1. H. Jackson of toe highway pa trol halted Miller as he Was en s (wra ml flvaanvilla O/l •villas rWltv WWary VlTvvnfiiJv, 4v iiiUvu away. They asked to see his driv ing license. As the Negro attempted to think Os an excuse'for not having one, a Woman's screams were heard, and the officers discovered Mr. Boyd. They returned to the Boyd home with the woman and found tie body of her husband. Paid said ' Boyd must have died almost In stantly from a charge of buckshot from a 16-guage shotgun, fired at point-blank range through a win- < dow. Morrow said Miller hadn’t touch- 1 ed the young wife and *had “just! commanded her to get in the trunk.” PREPARING FOR BED Mrs. Boyd told police she and her husband were preparing to re tire on Thanksgiving eve when they heard a shot just outside their win dow. She said she told him to turn off the lights but almost at that instant another blast from a gun struck him down. Mrs. Boyd saM Miller then bar ged into the roam and forced her to take her husband’s car keys from his lifeless body. " She said Miller told her to corns with him. Clad only in a flimsy fttghtte, Mrs. Boyd grabbed up a . sAir of blue jeans as some protec ;tton from the biting cold, i (.Outside, in 28-degree weather, , Mhler forced her Into the car's trunk and drove away, she said. WATCHED BEDROOM ' Miller told police toe watched the Bbyd’s bedroom window until Boyd , time Into dear view over the sight* Os his shotgun, then fired. He said He wanted the man's keys and was killing to keif to get them. Police said Miller admitted be bad known Boyd for some time blit denied there was any friction between them. Miller was paroled last year from a 15-to-20-year sentence lor first degree burglary. Mrs. Boyd told her rescuers she had almost given up hope of get ting help when the car was stop ped She was hi a “bad condition of shock and half-frcoen,” Morrow > said Natisn Gives (Contoured Pram Page One) #as promised a pleasant day with barn temperature* and clear' toes. Only in the northern Mid west was any snow forecast to give tbe holiday a white touch. ' .The customary mass exodus to 'tbe country and homes of friends tow evident in heavy highway, rail, mis and airline traffic. •Smiting men eat Ttntegy .-Helicopters delivered turkeys to American fighting men on Heart break and Moody Ridge as Gen. Mptthew B. Ridgway invited all Mto U. N. forces in Korea to join in He told the troops to be thankful i for the “opportunity given us of 1 meeting again, as men, tbe chal- Binge of barbarism once before ov i mode by the Pilgrim settlers of [; Massachusetts.” ..Back home, in Plymouth, Mass., Dr. Miles Standiah showed up at . the site of the original Tbanksgiv . jpg feaat. He is a 10th generation [ descendant of one of the original I guests. Capt. Mylea Standish broke , bread with the Indians in 1621. " / Got. Bradford of Massachusetts ordered the holiday that year. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln is ( sued the first Thanksgiving Day j proclamation. Korean troops weren’t the only 1 American servicemen dining on the turkeys. Those stationed in the outposts of democracy behind the ■i fron Curtain also received their Portions. The U. S. Army said 98,060 pounds ; of turkey have been sent to Berlin for the soldiers and American fam ilies there. TRUMAN, VINSON DINE -In Key West, Fls., President Truman was to dine ah roast tur- Bty. Hie honor guest was Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of the U. S. Supreme Court. '. A tragic Sidelight of the Korean 'femflict was enacted at Lansing, Mkh., where two Korean veterans tonight home the body*of their prother, killed in the fighting. Cpl. Henry J. Needham, with one jeg missing antler arm partially Paralyzed, and Cpi. Richard Need lam accompanied ths body of their (brother, Sgt. John Needham. > One American celebrated the I holiday aboard hh 33-foot sloop M whlch was sailing from New York f|# San Francisco via the Straits apt Magellan Clyde Deal, 37-ycar-old [ ladventurer who sailed the Atlantic I4e)OM last spring, was acoompeni i red only by a little dog. j OATS, PAN ARAB j lita-n*- I* mESSST* US-?* to Jsr«%^.s>sn» dog food. Her "gueets” were to be toe 86 Inmates of too city dog. fess-l I&ItSS&Ea THS DAILY nmwn niTMN. N fl MtvfrTriaffcj (CasiOnovg Free* Pag* one* cornered Tone at the home et mu tual friends. She and Tom toad » . verbal Mat ever to* telephone and he checked «K. “THAT'S JUST DANDY" "WelM” gasped Barbara. 'Thais Just dandy. That's jam fine by me!” She denied Tone’s assertion that her plan to make a moVle with 'Neal was at the bottom of the martial bust-up. “I know that's what, he said, - * ] she said. “That's all ha could say. “But I ddfri want to ten the real reason now. I don’t want to unless I have ta.” Ohe said She has talked to Neal ] "a couple of tomes” since separ ating with Tone but only to “talk over business." Barbara said she didn’t feel lad about losing her husband, Let mov ie Job and her ex-boy friend w ith- I in 48 hours. What worries her is all the headlines she's making SAYS SHE’S NERVOUS “I can't stand this!” she moan ed. "Honeskly, I think I’m going to have a nervous breakdown. It’s driving me crazy. I Just want to be left alone.” Manless at the moment, the vo luptous blonde starlet said she'll “try to struggle on somehow.” “I’ll try to get a Job in pictures again,” she added. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. I have no ! plans. I’m just going to stay in j, my house and crawl into a hole and wait until this quiets down.” Johnny T*w (Coutorecd Frwn !•**» Oae) project* through with distinct suc cess. Three years ago Tew Won the livestock award for the Pig chain project sponsored by the Sears, Roe buck and Co. tot year Johnny carried four projects mid won county first places on livestock and soy beans, and second on cotton. This year Johnny has carried six projects of: tractor maintenance, cotton, tobacco, com, livestock, and soy beam. He will not know un til toe middle of December toe out come of his other projects other than cotton from toe county and state rating. Johnny leaves Friday afternoon to attend the National 4-H Con gre* which is to be held in Chi cago November 28th, through 29th. Yell Parade (OMhMi Mum Page One) i of Jack Pinch of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, who has a branch office m Raleigh. All of toe principal floats will have toe circus motif. Late closing hours Tor the stores in Dunn will extend from Thursday December 20th unto Christmas Eve. Stores will remain open until S :06 pun-during this period. -• tolerder to give the employee an opportunity to thoroughly enjoy their own Christmas, the stores will remain closed from Christmas Eve until Thursday December 27. , Nine Prisoners (Contoured Mum Pag* One) Bragg hospital: l"he injured prisoners are: j Edgar F. Merritt of Clinton, Wil liam H. Taylor of New Bern, Jack Lee of Fayetteville, Martin B. Wil lis of Laurinburg, James Evans of Washington, D. C., Russell Thome of Wade, Edgar Oupton and James E. Green, addresses unavailable. Investigation of .the accident is incomplete, but officers said evi marry three in addition to Sarn ia. Just like her. he, added. “I’d much rather -you maqried ’ me lour tones,” Sarnia said. » w. aamta called her beloved “tWy* the pet name she selected for hi# after they , amt In a Paris night club. V Man Suing For Loss Os Timbor O. R. Kirby has filed suit for $5400 to Harnbtt Superior Court , against a Brunswick County lum ber concern, alleging that the com pany cut down $2,560 worth of tim ber on his farm without permis sion. ' * Named as defendant In the suit Is Felton Oaraer, trading as the Bolivia Lumber Company. Kirby alleges In the suit that during 19# and shortly thereafter the lumber company removed val uable trees from his property with out authority. \ 'Under the law, a person can ask for double the amount of actual damages in such a suit. Benson Hu b Facing Charges Barney W Lee of Benea. man aged to violate practically every hwtar vehicle law to Che book, be fori Us *m»t near Oxford by a Butner County Deputy after a chase of several* miles. . Lae, a 81-year-aid whitman, will be brought to trial to Oxford Re brirder’s Court Tuesday on charges of drunken driving, careless and reckless driving, driving without an operators’ license, ahd falling to stop at the sound of a siren. . He was 'arrested in the vicinity of Northslde by Deputy T. H. John 'J® ffNr toe officer ? Btver>l mil**. George E. Knight. Creedmoor white riding yrlto Las. was injured when the ear was wreaked. He poreamum and pub- - " ’‘jffi'ifSli' ' .r. ST ATI NEWS BRIEFS WHITEVILL* - to - Sheriff * Hugh Nznce W Cohimbns County 1 said today he is “going on the , theory" that the Ku Klux Klan was s responsible for flogging White men' near here last week despite an of ficial klan denial. WINSTON-SALEM Mlss Hor- Dunn. Teeny McDougal. Rt. 2, Fuquay; Eva Mae Williams, Four Oaks; Ma *uora James. Willow Springs BIRTHS I Ba ££ ett - daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Baggett of RLI. Dunn, Mrs. Baggett is the former Miss Betty Jean Wood. Baby boy Hall, son of Mr. and MARY SORREH gSHOP