t f - r • ,-y - r ._ •tWGMDKY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 22, I*sl Mrs. Theron Miller Honored At Shower Last Friday Night ™ A stork shower was given last Friday night In honor of Mrs. The ron Miller at the home of Mrs. Nathan Fish. Co-hostess with Mrs. Fish for the affair was Mrs. Nay mon Denning. lovely bouquets of bronze chry santhemums and pink gladioli were used In the home for the evening party- The honoree received many lovely presents from the guests. After a number of games were A enjoyed the hostesses served punch, •W potato chips, fruit and cookies. Those attending the shower were Mrs. L. C. Maynard, MTs. Carl Tart, Mrs. J. A. Miller, Mrs. Clax ton Turner, Mrs. Lee Ray Ennis, Mrs. Mabel Barnes, Mrs. Mamie Barnes, Mrs. Graham Allen, Mrs. Dennis Parker, Mrs. Gordon Mor gan, Mrs. Paul Murray. Mrs. Jun ius Williams, Mrs. Everett Denning, Mrs. Ruppert Parrish, Mrs. Elbert Tripp, Mrs. Lester Langston, Mrs. Lonnie Moore, Mrs. Melvin Daniels. O Mrs. Melvin Denning, Mrs. Ailecn Pippet, Mrs. Mervin Turner, Mrs Harold Turlington, Mrs. Johnny Williams, Mrs. Earl Ennis, Mrs Chester Avery, Mrs. Layman Den ning, Mrs. Flora Denning, Mrs. Vara Hdrdee, Mrs. Luther Miller and Mrs. Sherrill Stephenson. VISITING FAMILIES Jerry Lewis and Johnny Wil loughby, both students at Atlantic Christian College, arrived yester day to spend the Thanksgiving sea *aon in Dunn with their respective families. I -4rff44fr| It’s Christinas at FITCHETT’S! The merriest Christ mas ever for we’ve made our store as gay as gift wrappings as bright as berries on a holly wreath. We’ve filled our counters with a wonderful selection “ of wanted gifts •.. perfect presents for every person on your list... at prices that lower your cost of liv ing- One visit to our stare will tell you that Santa has opened the brightest Christmas package in town to make shopping easier and more economical for you. SOLn> OLD SPICE COLOGNE gift set ’ $1.50 2.00 to 4.25 PACQUINS 51.29 c>e«m98 c f _ in Gay Gift J imrMUT IttMtHW !!?*a Atom!tor tST w Sl - 50 111 Miss Addie Lee Pope Weds Robert Sheppard it _ *' j- * r-. . * \ ;'V' 'W m 9 -Sf 4 On Wednesday, November 2ist at four-thirty o’clock, Miss Addie Lee Pope became the bride of .Robertas. Sheppard in the Coats Baptist Church. The vows were spoken in a beau tiful candlelight ceremony. Baskets of white chrysanthemums center ed with gold, palm plants, and green ferns were used as a back ground. Reverend J. Ben Eller conduct ed the double ring ceremony. Miss Laura. Frances Pope, pianist, ' play ed wedding music prior to the ser vice. Miss Jean Jordon, soloist sang “Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life” and “I’ll Walk Beside You.” The bride wore a two-piece suit of white brocade. The fitted Jacket finished with rhlne stone buttons topped the full flared skirt. Her .hat was of Panne velvet. She car- - . i.. ■; „■ ■ ( Tied a bridal mit bouquet of white chrysanthemums cehtered with 4 purple throated orchid. ; For the wedding trip the' bride chose a brown suit with ‘white blouse and brown accessories. She wore the orchid from her bouquet.- The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David B. Pope of Coats, North Carolina. Mr. Sheppard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Sheppard of Norfolk, Virginia, j Goodwill Club Met On Tuesday i The Goodwill Club met Tuesday at 2:30 for its November meeting. I The meeting was held at the club house with Mrs. L. V. Stephenson and Mrs. R. A. Stephenson as joint hostesses. ' > Mrs. Joe Stewart, president calls ed the meeting to-order. The group 1 sang “Come Ye Thankful People Come," after which the club coir lect was repeated. Mrs. Johnny Barns, .sect, read the minutes of previous meeting. They stood ap proved, and called the roll. During the business session thi club members decided to have a supper November 30. A committee of the following people was ap pointed: Mrs. Julia Mabry, Mrs. Carson Gregory, Mrs. D. A. Lang don, Mrs. Everett Bams and Mrs. E. L. Parrish. The money made at the supper will go to help com plete the club building. Mrs. T. V J. Bams, Family Life I ■ bji iITTSI -I UNIQUAUID FOR PIATURIS AT ITS PRICt Hen's— mochas t eu.ft.of —t-ntlmii—puna iJuslgni MnsrsSfeiiSES? SEDUCED PRICE EASY TERMS Thomas & Warren FURNITURE CO. Fayette HRs Wwy. Mr, KC. * * .. 4 TmoAß.Ttwoeo.msw.se. Yo Meets At First , Baptist Church " The Tooth Auxiliary of the First Baptist Church met-at the church last night for their meeting. The group opened the meeting with the song “Come Ye Thankful ■People Come, v \ Mr. Bmmett Aldredge, adult ad visor to the group had the pro gram Tor the evening and spoke on the subject "Honesty is the Hard est Policy.” Mrs. Emmett Aldredge, -adult advisor had the devotional. The youth group brought . tjieir donations for a needy family and oarrled the donations to the family. Old and new business was discussed They were reminded to bring their Lottie Moon, missionary, Christmas donation. “America The Beautiful” was sung at- the. close of the pro gram. ! Guest for the evening was Mr?. Sudie Frink of Durham. Present were Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Coats, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Aldredge. Misses Jerry Cobb, Louise McGugan. Mary Lou FMnk, Pat Johnson, Pat Snipes, Becky Lee, Donald Billy Johnson, Charles Johnson, Ann Byerly, Doug Overman, Harvey Eldridge, Bobby - Wells, Walter Johnson, Adelaide Coats, Jimmy Coats and Fanny Bue Tumage. YOUNG PEOPLE MEET AT LEE’S CHAPEL The Young People of Lee’s Groye I Church met last Sunday afternoon and had a very enjoyable time : studying the Scriptures and sing- i lng. i The theme of the meeting was based on Thanksgiving and the spirit of Thanksgiving. The group made plans to give a Christmas play at the Church. Everyone was very enthusiastic about helping to carry on the Christian work and trying to help promote Christian living in the community. The public is cordially invited to attend the meetings each Sunday afternoon at 5:30. TO PEARL HARBOR It is reported by Mrs. W. a. Pat rick that her two sons, Pat Patrick, RMSN and Jimmy Patrick, SN, are on their way from Guam to Pearl Harbor and that they might be home for Christmas. IN AUTRYVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tumage are spending Thanksgiving in Au- Leader, was in charge of the detp onstration. She talked on, ‘Wow Do I Rate As A Parent?” This re port, was very interesting. Mrs. Virgil Mason, Arte and Crafts Leader, gave a report. ~ The hostesses served delicious re : freshmente. The December meet ing, which is the Christmas party will be held at the clilb house December 11. ! I I 8 -f to $13.95 > g # Was^sVtl.9B-ss79B-$5.98 . 8 | % # Tea Seti - sll9 ta st.9B . • I 8 | # Plastic Furniture -79 c per room 8 § ’ < # Pianos - $1.98 to $2.98 8 •Nj • Mechanical Toys -98 cto $5.95 | j I m j ft \N C m -- • T’ 1 ’ 1 OurFuturer:”?^, CttlZeilS Kindergarten i H i I i I B 1 I MELVIN BAER One thing is for sure I Melvin isn’t going to be “caught short." Here he is, with his very own Thanksgiving Turkey. An a very good one, i too. One of the children, looking on while Melvin put the finishing touehes on the bird, said: “That turkey sure has a funny looking nose!” “Humph,” retorted Melvin, “that is not a nose! That is a bill. Turkeys , don’t have long noses i" And that took care of that'. Melvin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baer, and he was five years old Armistice Day. He is a deliberate, straight thinking youngster, who is interested in everything, and he is going to make a good first grade student next year. He is not going to rush into things, but when he gets around to doing something it will be done well, as the turkey he has in this picture shows, even to the details of “the bill.” CHOSEN CHEER LEADER Miss Haffye Sewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sewell and a freshman at St Mary’s CoUege in Raleigh has been selected as one of the cheer leaders for the school. IN DURHAM . Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Whittington and daughters, Carolyn, Rebecca, and LaurEn and Mr. and Mrs. An drew Taylor visited relatives in Durham Bunday. Brownies Enjoy Black Cat Party Brownie Troop 29 enjoyed a r Black Cat party at their regular meeting Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 until 5 o'clock. During the afternoon the group of Brownies played cat games and prizes were awarded to Mickie Crawford, Elizabeth Faircloth, Ka ren Ann Bethurie, La Verne Johnson and Esther Fay Stewart. " IRESBYTERIAN 1 RESBYTERIAN LADIES HOLD ' ass' * lEGULAR MEETING MONDAY ? 5 & The Women of the Presbyterian , Church held their regular meeting j SHOP IN RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lupoid and daughter Linda, shopped in Raleigh Saturday. Following the games hot choco late and cookies were served. Each Brownie received a paper hat with a black cat on it and suckers as favors. These were sent the group by Sara Margaret Swapson, student at Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Georgia. Brownies present were: Rosemary j Adair, Linda Autry, Mickie Craw ford, Betty Dowd. Janet Carol Hol lingsworth. Sandra House. LeVerne Johnson, Wanda Matthews. Bonita Stephens. Judy Ann Stephens. Pat Turlington. Sandra Ralph. Carolyn Whittington. Ann Neidzwick. Mar garet Deck. Rebecca Frvflrr. Fay Jackson. Karen Ann v. Helen Dennis. Bather Faye 8u ,rt. Oail Strickland. Carol Toth. Elizabeth Faircloth. Karen Ann Bethune. i Judy Taylor. Frankie Messer. Judy ! Raynor. Delore* Royal. Julia Miley. | Annette and Jeanette Adrox. Mary ! Beasley, and Mrs Byron Stevens, | Brownie leader Mr*. Stevens was assisted with the party bv Lucy McDonald and Bessie Holt, i | 7 Ql&ahanai J-aU: ; diodtA SI.OO to $4.00 : , WERE r . $1.98 - $6.95 An after Thanksgiving Clearance of Fall hats, —ft * • including all the wanted styles and H and colors. 'ft 1 eV*d’A Two Prices A fieri 1 Thanksgivingl DRESS SALE \\j flv Commencing Friday m At $3.00 §! , Fall dresses fnßnH Including Rayons, . ft|| Failles and other I, materials in good 'V\ Bpf| styles and colors Values Up To $4.95 j Special Close Out Early Fall dresses J9B Accetate Ravons, , jnjjjjfta Celenese Taffeta, Crepes, prints and plains, fine tmiil ii||- chambrays, etc. ’ • 18i9 | Values up to $10.95 ;||V|| .|; Sale Price \Jj "| . H N If n I . um'i H Pit j* J Enrd s Department Store I PHONE MIS ERWIN. K*jC ' r* PAGE THREE , in the church Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock. ! The meeting opened with ‘tHF’ I group singing together “Count Your Blessings.” This was followed with praver by Mrs. R. M. Phillips. . .. i, Mrs. Fulton Godwin wasip. charge of the program for (he even-'* ing which opened with the group singing “Come Ye Thankful Pedple' - Come," this was followed by pra#»,, er by Mrs. E. H. Lasater, Sr. Mrs. i S. J. Clark, Sr., gave the devotional ' which had as a topic “Christian Homes.” The program for the evening waa. :on the Orpahanage at Barium . Springs and was given by Mrs'. ’ Evelyn McLean. Mrs. McLean told of the beginning of tjie orphanage and how it has growri. At-the end of her talk a special offeting waa 1 taken for the home. ” ■>» The meeting closed with the group praying together “The Lord’s Prayer." v * * Ladies present included r. m. Phillips, v. c. Swanson, E., H. Lasater. Sr.. Carl Matthews! "J.' I C Graham. Alton McDonald, Tony Harper. B. H. Hall, S. H. Harring- I ton. J. M. Morgan, Evelyn-McLean, l S. J. Clark, Sr., Clarence Julian.- t Eddie Stamper, Carl Cameron, Will'’ McDonald. John Henry Wilson, ahij‘ I Fulton Godwin. “ <•/.