PAGE TWO ]k_ PHJIJLETVNS (Onnttaue* From H|t One) ' HkilV farmer sfrur of the “Grand Old Oprv" at Nashville, and well-known radio entertainer, died today in a I obesity. He was 32 and weighed — (UP) Atlaantic Pact leaders have ahan- H|W ns 1° Set a single German soldier available for ■K- Ilwight D. Eisenhower’s army before 1953 at the authoritative sources said today jjpl|ELGßAl>lK, Yugoslavia. (UP) Search by air and ; for a 17. S. Air Force plane and its four-man Mitdt’dldlned to cover five countries today. /»*#*<*• * i 4 ■ 1 , WASHINGTON. (UP) The US. A-bomb has scored I victory in Korea without ever leaving this coun- I!l jflfrf- “ hps forced the Reds to abandon the massed man w&tifOactics with which they came cUtee to overwhelming SfiStwlyred United TNations forces. pSjPAHTS. (UP) Russia’s long boycott of United General Trygve Lie seemed ending to y JtWASNINGTON. (UP) House tax investigators ■ Ailitodifß they will be “badly handicapped” in open hear s tnjfs starting Monday if President Truman fails to make available Justice Department tax filtes. >. KEYWEST, Fla. (UP) Chief Justice Fred M. Vin jap flies hack to Washington today after two days with | Jpreaident Truman and talks that may influence the 1952 |A«Bt#*l picture. I jr - IKL '"’TONKERS, N. Y- (UP) Police looked today for an the public incenerator. It has $17,600 worth ISof jewels inside. \ Pa. (UP) A thirteen-hour absence frena home by Nancy Welsh, 13, was Mamed today an a [ “hotair” movie which so scared the girl she was afraid to | gp ham*?She said she spent the night with a girl friend, returning- home when she heard a radio broadcast which her missing. iPWIySHG KONG. (UP) A Peiping radio broadcast I land .today that North Korea had cabled to the United Na :V fan an allegation that Allied forces had killed or starved to death?t7,6ie Chinese and North Korean war prisoners. ! LOSPANGELES. (UP) Police and FBI agents in i | vestigated today a report that a pouch of confidential mili tfry infesmation was stoßen from an Air Force officer in a I; arid Row bar. • ’ | 1 TER AN. —■ (UP) Thousands of Iranians gave Pre : mier jflohommed Mossadegh a thunderous ovation upon his j return "By air today from a visit to' the United States and WASHINGTON. (UP) Some administration of : ficials iaire conceding privately today that President Tru p:-. vrttTfaD to win Senate approval for his nomination ! el Gen. Mnrk W. Clark to be American ambassador to the ' • PARIS. (UP) A United Nations committee voted fe ever Russia's protest today to put a special watch on the I enpmsrve Balkans because of the aggressive enmity of the 1 Rwiet Hoc toward Yugoslavia. If McAfeESTER, OMa. (UP) A kindly judge today H*S expected to suspend a five-year sentence he passed SBi * W-year-old bandit because he was “impressed” with I behavior during a one-night stay in the peni l WASHINGTON. (UP) The government’s new Of living; index is expected to show only a fractional |P «* prices—but enough to give more than 1,666,066 CIO ■blelfHbeis a one cent an hear wage raise. Hr. iJONDON- (UP) The Ministry of Food anaounc- W today that the bacon ration will be raised to four ounces Hr RMfc instead of three beginning Dec. 2. NEW YORK. (UP) Four investigations were «ee e» e eeaee see man mmummmmmmmmmmmy QUINN’S I funeral home 24-HOUR I SERVICE ppHVGsr affection PHONE 3306 IMS FtORIST W . HARNETT ST. Hrgrennd Rd. Dunn DUNN, N. C. | IftATCHER AND SKINNER I ft n'» 11 U Ftf IJll Call Day I ° r Ni *bt 44 7 " In Your U ST. DUNN, N . C. fl J ■Epjfnbelaace Service ||! e Phono 0n 77 S,’ * “* “ “ V W # # 111 r ’ ' ‘.7.’' -•, ’ ■ , -> <* • - '• <' (i -"I I||gW' . 11 “ " "< r. s’- 4 * e -w/ 'i 'ip ** i 1 gJB * r TM] t ' ’ v * A„« n , V' BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES This might weil be the title of this picture token ot Folcon, os | those bi the 105 vehicle caravan carried in the contributions madte by churchoo in the Pentecostal. Holiness Conference as a Thanksgiving offering for Falcon Orphanage. As fast as a group of cats and trucks, smiiar to those in the picture could be unloaded, others took their places at the rear door of the old auditorium. When the unloading' was completed, all the floor space in the building was cohered. (Daily Record photo by Louis Dearborn). 1 ■ E : a. i I Ridgway Says He's Set For Anything i BTH ARMY HQ, Korea.— (UP) Gen. Matthew B. ; Ridgway said today his for ces “are ready for anything” l the Communists may throw at them if the truce by Christmas” effort fails. The supreme United Nations com mander made his defiant statement . during a visit to front-line units in western Korea, where the Com munists have been hammering in futile attacks for more than a week. In the air. American Thunder jets damaged two MIO-15 jet fight ers in heating back the first Com munist challenege to American air supremacy over northwest Korea in six 'days. Thirty MiG’s jumped the Thun cWjets while they were hitting the enemy railway lines south of Sin anju in “MIG Alley.” All Thunder jets returned safely to their bases.: Other Allied jet formations also sighted MiG’s during the day, bra none risked combat. %’ «EE2 : oZ_ started today in the sideswipe-cedisioß of two New York, New Haven and Hartford passenger trains in a tunnel un der Park Avenue. WASHINGTON. (UP) Beth Staate and Defense Department officials said today that progress of truce talks in Korea gave real premise that the fighting may be nearing an end, possibly by Christmas. Both were quick to point out, however, that hitches could develop. WASHINGTON. (UP) The Army reported today that Communist forces in Korea have suffered 1,467,- 46 casualties from start of the war through Nov. 14. KANSAS CITY, Kan. (UP) Two men clad in white overalls, one of them armed with an M-l Army rifle, rubbed the Johnson County National Bank of $62,660 to- '•> *' - ' . , . ' gdftk -- • % -'MmHmh' 47; 1-'I ' j Wm ' . I :< w ' THE fi aH .v RECORD, DUNN. N. CL * * Only a few hours earlier. 10 B-29 1 night bomhers raked the Commun ist airfield at Uiju. just south of the Ya!u River Manchurian border. KNOCKED OUT TARGET “We knocked put our target,” said Lt. William M. Nash of Rcn kenkoma, N. Y. Ground fighting simmered down after Allied infantrymen repulsed five tank-supported Chinese at tacks of battalion strength west of Chcrwon on the west-central front with flame throwers and bayonets on Thursday. Ridgway landed at a forward air strip Friday minutes after a snow storm began clearing. Accompanied my Gen. James A. Van Fleet, com mander of the Bth Army. Ridgway rode north by jeep over muddy roads to visit fighting units. Asked if U.N. troops were ready for another winter campaign, he 1 said: .■ ,y ; “They tell me so.” Tnen he stated jVflaUjMjWe are ready for anything they hive” ■%.« ~ . MARINE PRIVATE FIRST CLASS WOODROW W. THORN TON of 806 N. Layton Av*., is on his way hone today after fighting for almost a year with the First Marine Division in Korea. A former student of Dunn High School, Thornton also served with the Leathernecks frees IMS 4 ««•. - *:Wmm _—; —1 j day and fkd in a 1950 yelllow convertible. , CAIRO. Egypt. (UP) Texas oil heir Sheppard Abdullah King and belly dancer Sarnia Gamal settled today the important pie-martial issue of who’ll be boss in their household—it will be Sarnia. / WASHINGTON. (UP) Russia has notified the United States that an American reconnaissance plane flew over Vladivostok recently and that Soviet fighters chased and fired upon it, reliable sources revealed today. VATICAN CITY- (UP) Pope Pius XII sees no fundamental conflict between science and religion. He told the pontifical academy of science that, in fact, the “daring genius” of science has proved the very existence of God. ' MILAN, Italy. (UP) Rain clouds over flood stricken northern Italy moved away today as the dynamit ing of canal banks near Rovigo gave temporary relief from the Po River flood .crest. ..' ' T':* f 1 ' ' 7TZ : 1 ,v — h: ] Sox Office Opens As 6:30 Children Under 12 In Cars Free i TODAY - SUNDAY ONLY “. \ ciiuici \ L j "South of Death Vqllav" fIAIME " I \&\mi 111 W Mll to T j j I ■ . -JwraijSi, |fllMlTa II \ PYGMY MONDAY " TURg I 1a ■ VICUUin MONDAY -TUESDAY I || It URiMIVV I ill -\ rT I Death Cones Te (Continued From Togo Me) could prolong Rodney’s life a few months by using a nitrogen-must ard compound Upt slows the growth of cancer cells.. However, it dqes ’ not kill the cells. Mr. and Mrs. Gale said they would prefer that their boy die swiftly rather than suffer any more agony. He had been in pain for , months. Markets (Continued From Page One) poor. Heavy hens 'about "steady, supply short, demand good. Prices paid producers FOB farm:’ Fryers and broilers 25 to mostly 26, over three lbs. 24. Heavy hens 26 to 29, , mostly 26-28. For the week: Fryers • and broilers steady to slightly ■ weaker. Heavy hens mostly steady. Eggs steady, 'demand good, sup plies ample. Prices paid FOB local grading stations: A large 70, A medium 58. B large 55, current collections 52-55. Dunn Hospital Patients ADMISSIONS Mrs. Lottie H. Oarr, Edgerton St., Dunn; Mrs. Thenie T. Lee, Four Oaks; Miss Ella Frances Pope, Rt. 4, Dunn; Mr. Paul Hobson, Jr., Rt. 1, Godwin; Mrs. Lucerne Neighbors, Dunn; Mrs. Mary Louis Dorman, Layton Ave., Dunn. COLORED Mary Corbett. Wade; Annie Lou ise Price, Erwin; Nancy Corbett. S Wade. STATE NEWS BRIEFS RALEIGH (IF* The State Motor Carriers Assn, woh first place in the 1951 national truck safety contest, the American Truck ing Assn, of Washington announced today. West jefferson iipi The Federal Power Commission opens hearings here Tuesday into the pro posed construction of a hydroelec tric project to supply the area with electricity. HERE FOR VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and son. Bryan of Greensboro, spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. S. Dewey tWhittenton. Dr. and Mrs. Bill Bingham and children, Ann and Bill, also were here for Thanks giving and will remain until Mon day. gijfjfi >'-ir \ Friday Afternoon, November **,im Kidnap Slayer (Continued From Page One) ing beside a stove winding his j watch when the blast ripped I through a metal Venetian blind on i 'a window, dropping him to the i floor. Mrs. Boyd said Miller shouted for her to bring the car keys to him. He forced her to drive the ,'amily car a short way. then made ,her get into the trunk. She said the Negro lay on the floor in the back of the car as she drove, saying “if the White folk* see me riding with you they’ll get me.” ’ She said the Negro did not molest her. The couple -had been married about a year, and it possibly was to have been their last Thanks- j ; giving together before he went into service since he was to have re • ported to Fort Bragg, N. C., for a pre-induction physical examination Dec. 7. SEEMS PROUD OF IT Officers said Miller talked freely of the shooting while being Carried to jail. “He doesn’t seem to think it’s any more than taking a bag of peanuts,” one officer said. “He seems kind of proud of it. He’s a mean boy.” Miller was charged with first degree murder, and authorities said they may place kidnaping charges against him. Sheriff William Rumley describ ed Miller as a “bad customer." He said he told a parole officer last May “I don’t want him in the county because he’s going to cause trouble.” Boy, 17, Kills (Continued From Page One) brush,” he said. , The boy instinctively ducked and the momentum of the bear's charge carried the huge animal- on past him. As the bear stopped and turn ed, the youth shot it twice in the head, killing it almost instantly, John said. The total weight of the bears came to 1,075. pounds. It took Brad shaw and a companion all after- i noon to drag the bears out of the ! woods. The carcasses are hanging at his family's small resort near Danbury, I he said. Along with the bears he allied j a 200-pound doe, bringing his total ■ take of 1,275 pounds of game. TENNESSEE VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Walker of; Harriman. Tenn., are visiting their ; son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Walker and the family. New TRY THIS for CmtDs Cough For coughs and bronchitis due to eo'.ds you can now getCreomulsion specially prepared (tor Cbddßti new took and bise package and be sure: Re (1) Your child will like at. (2) It contains only safe, proven ingredients. (3 >- lt contains no narcotics to dis turb nature’s processes. (4) It will aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed throat and bronchial membranes, thus relieving the cough and promoting rest and sleep. Ask for Creomulsion for Chil dren in the pink and blue package. CREOMUCSION FOR CHILDREN reßem Cwgks, Cfcesf Cilds, Ante Irmufa 1 11 1 ~’ rt ■ .Li ; lHli" wrrrrnwyrs rrtm „***** 8 Insulation serves you so many ways. It retimes fuel bills, cuts down on outside noises, adds to your safety because it is fireproof . . . and makes your home more comfortable, prevent- I ing drafts from walls and ceilings. Phono for m ~ fiati ml ■ BSTlfnCliOi SASH DOQR & MILL WORK Company | BIONE RH4 DUNN, N. fc For Sale 1 I 4 VVW Oggg |Am FROM DUNN ON 2 Dr. Carter (Continued Ktm Pag* One) year. The fall meeetlng was held s pri n g session will be held In Clin ton. i| [HD.VJ \ HEAVY ] LddtyJ Triple-Actien Mobiloil Wish Increased Heavy-Duty Quality S. , Play Safe! Keep Year bM, -"Mobiloil Cleon" EBes ™HEir4 Hpme Oil Ca£ Phone 3138'!