IftGPjhAt A&illttdCftt KcMttomSPP *a tiii Adelaide Coats Honored At Linen- Shower Friday ! 1 Miss Adelaide Coats, bride-elect, was honored at a Linen Shower Fri day night at 8 o’clock given by Miss Fkt Johnson and Miss Betty Sue Mias Coats will Wed Mr. Kichard Shelton Monds, who is now AftUoned with the V. S. Navy in San Diego, Csitf., the latter part of De ■ cember. A vrhite chrysanthemum bridal corse** was pinned at Miss Coats' shoulder when she arrived. The hos tess,flso remembered her with a rose all-wool blanket. _ TTie guests were invited Into the “ dining room where they were served individual cakes by Mrs. Leonard kfonds and lime ice punch by Mrs. L.;L. Coats, Sr. Sand tarts, salted nuts arid chicken salad sandwiches were also served. The guests presented Miss Coats a shower of linens. ‘ Those attending were the honoree, » .Mbs Coats, Mrs. L. L. Coats. Sr.. ts Mn. Leonard Monds, Mrs. Robert Drsughon. Miss Gay Lee, Miss Pat Snipes, Miss Patsy Cromartie, Miss 9 Polly Pope. Miss Hilda Sorrell, Mias t Jennie Barbour. Miss Isabel Naylor, Miss Peggy Lynp KsceU, Miss Brucie Dickey, Mias Shirley Jane Johnson, Miss Betty Cathy, Miss Jackie John son, Miss Melrose Tart, Miss Ruby Surles, Miss Emma Lou Summerlin, Miss Rogie Tyler, Miss Fannie Sue 1 Tumage. Miss Mary Alice Keller, and the hostesses, Miss Draughon gnd Miss Johnson. — a MISS TART ATTENDS Tr Miss Melrose Tart attended the Duke-OaroHna game Saturday. SUNDAY GUEBTS Sgt. and Mrs. Fred Dulin of Spring Lake and Sgt. and Mrs. Jus , ties Parker of Benson were the guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence and Miss Amanda Culp yesterday. W When you use your || .jv? ■ VOICE AS MUCH AS I DO, 1 M?*" I VOOVE 60TTOTHINK OF | 0 /SflSfv ■ YOUR THROAT. THATS ) 'Wlm * M why i smoke GAMEIS I ■ .»-.THEY A6REE WITH I 1 MY THROAT! I •. . .50 H . .25 I .. .25 V .. .25 i E Coats Boy, West Virginia Girl Wed On Television ” A North Caro Union, M-Bgt. Silas 1 ! Fonser Whittington, son of Mr. and | , Mrs. J. rr Whittington of Coats', i was married to Mias Dora • Ellen ] ; Keaslnger of Charleston, W. Va., , on the “Bride and vQroom" tele- 1 vision program on November II in') New York City. I The ceremony took place in the i ■ Park Avenue Chapel of the Colum- < bia Broadcasting System. ‘The Rev. ] . Herbert C. Greenland officiated. t The bride, .daughter of Harold i i- ! Baptists To Hold i ; Study Course i Friday Evening "Latin America” will be the gen , eral theme for the study course which is to he held on Friday at i the Dunn First Baptist Church. Classes will begin at 5 o'clock. At 6 a Spanish supper will be served In the church basement and classes will be resumed at 1 to continue till 9 o’clock. Teachers in the various groups are as follows: Mrs. B. W. Spill man of Campbell College. Adults; Mm. Roy Dixon of Dunn, Young People; Mr. Richard Duke of State College. Intermediates; Miss Kitty Taylor of Dunn, Juniors: and Mrs. Herman Greene of Dunn, Pri maries. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the study course and the supper. RETURN TO ABHEBORO Mr. and Mrs. Reece Duncan of Asheboro returned to their home yesterday after spending the week end In Dunn visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Duncan, Sr. Keaslnger of Charleston, wore a gdwn of ivory satin. Bhe carried a' bouquet especially designed for her by Trepel. John Nelson, master of ceremon ies for the program, gave the cou ple numerous wedding gifts includ ing a set of sterling silver, a gas range and bedroom suite and double- rings for the ceremony. The program also arranged for their week’s honeymoon at Cooper Inn in Cooperstown. > Mary Stewart School Observes Education Week American Education Week, which was observed November 11 through • 17, was recognised at Mary Stewart School with difference grades mak ing posters and invitations. Inviting their parents to visit the school. Open house was held on Friday. Much interest was shown by the parents visiting every grade and ob serving the children at work., Some of the rooms had planned special programs for the guests. As a culmination to the events, re freshments were served in each room. Number of parents attending in each room were as follows: first grade, IS; combination first and second, 15; second. 12; third, 17: fourth, 17; combination fourth and fifth, 5 fifth, 2; sixth, 9; and seventh. 16. NIECE VISITS Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Duncan, Jr. had as their guest Thanksgiving day Miss Sue Avery of Fayetteville, their niece. jfyH* W’ *• e Novus Bridge Club Is Feted By Mrs. Adams Mrs. Hoover Adams entertained , at bridge Friday night at her . home on south Layton Are. Upon the aryival of the gueats, a des sert course was served with coffee. The two tables were centered with miniature gum drop trees, sug ’ gestive of the approaching Christ mas season. Candles were on the table dur . ing the bridge games, and during the evening the guests were served nuts and iced drinks. Mrs. Gerald Mann tallied the highest score among members of the Novus bridge club, and Mrs. George Arthur Jackson was high for the gueats. Mrs. Mann re ceived a cologne stick, and Mrs. Jackson’s gift was earrings. The traveling award and embroidered hand towel, went to Mrs. J. W. ‘ Thornton Jr. | Members of the club playing were Mrs. Gerald Mann, Mrs. J. W. ' Thornton Jr., Mrs. Pat Tart, and ! Mrs. R. A. Duncan Jr. Ouesta for the evening were Mrs. Ed Hood, ; Mrs. George Arthur Jackson, Mrs. . .Emmett Aldredge, and Mrs. Hazel Joyner. 1 —; i Musical i Varieties] i Mrs. Reta Whitten ton announces : the following schedule for her Mu sical Varieties program heard each treek-day over WCKB at 2:30. Monday Organ program from home. Tuesday—Piano program. Wednesday—Dunn High in chargs. Thursday—Elaine Hodges. • Piano selections. Friday—Mrs. William Newsom will read with soft organ music background. IN RALEIGH Mrs. Harold E. Jemigan and daughter, Rebecca are visiting in Raleigh with Mrs. Helen Stewart and Miss Lois Jemigan. » SHOP IN BALEIGH Mrs. Claude Cheek, Miss Amanda Culp, and Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence shopped fti Raleigh Saturday. IN RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Knott shop ped in Raleigh last week. SHOP BATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Luther J. Gardner shopped In Raleigh Saturday. SEE FOOTBALL GAME The Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Garni mon attended the Duke-Carolina football game Saturday afternoon. IN NEW YORK ■, ; .. .Mr. and Mrs. Paul Waggoner and children. Kay and Billy, spent the Thanksgiving weekend in New York, ‘ftigy jest Thursday and re turned yesterday. COMES FOR BAT . Miss Omoe Herring of Durham was in Dunn, for Thank: giving day FROMSTATE Dick Warren, a student at State College, was home for the weekend. ma raoß tec Mias Jeanne Goff and Miss Lin da Godwin, both of Eastern Caro lina College were in Dunn for the holiday weekend. HAS DINNER GUESTS _Mr. and Mrs. Li A. Stephens of Benson were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Langdon Thurs- AT BEX HOSPITAL Mrs. E. C. Hinson at Dunn is a PjGtent at Rex Hospital in Ral eigh. STAfi STUDENT HERE Jimmy Twytord was here for the weekend from State College. DAVIDSON FREBHMAN HOME _J®®wwd White, nfratynan at Davidson College, has returned to sdiool after mending the holidays with his parents, j , Mias Barbara Pope, a student hi Converse, was here tor the week- FORMERALY OF DUNN Mr. and Mrs. Jim r•—rft-r «iui aawnsra ! Our Future :rr o :i k . Citizens Kindergarten I I (■ HH i ( ■ : I; :. /; _. Y-.:/ ' ; - '"• i s ■ ■ I I i B Harriet is the attractive blonde daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Thomas. Her daddy is part owner of the Dunn Pharmacy, and she has a baby brother, Chuck, that must be the most wonderful brother in the world. Harriet talks about him all the time, and we get a lot cf laughs over the things he does. Thiq, is the second year for Harriet at school, and she is learning to read now. She was six before school started but she came back to take first grade with us anyway, and we are mightly proud of her progress with her “books." Harriet is thoughtful, pleasant, and considerate. She takes respon sibility well, is conscientious, and shares with all of the other children. The children appreciate and accept her judgement, because they know that she is fair. Harriet colors and draws well, and she is learning to do mighty nice Manuscript writing, too. Wilson-Leach Vows Spoken. On Saturday v Wise Ruth Aileen Leach, daugh-nel Office at Fort Bragg. ter of Mi? and Mrs. Daniel Archie LeAch of Rockingham, became the bride of, Lewis Parker Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Washington W)lson of Dunn, at a 3 o’clock cere mony on Thanksgiving Day, Thurs day, November '32. in the Divide Street Methodist Church here. > The ReS. Joyce V. Early, pastor of the church, officiated at the double ring ceremony. . W» bride and groom, who were unattended, entered the, church to gether, Ttfn Obride , was attired in ■tti* A’ShCvßride Ira graduate of Rock ingham High School and sot the fetv years ‘has held a position bMhe.finance Mffce at fort Bragg High attend- College hi _ jew 'has ; held a position fa -.thfe,Civilian Pertoh ; -V-Vs $<- -.>• bAUGHTRR VISITS Igj »pd Mrs. jHomer Baker and children, Patsy. < Bobby, and Bar bat* Jean of Wilmington spent' the week end In Dunn vtgitine Mr. Wd-Mrs. G. W. Henry. Mrs Baker is jtne. Henry’s daughter. ■,STOTENT nurse home Mary Alice Keller, a stu dent nurse at Bowman Gray, was •If horn* for the weekend. ; SHOP IN RALEIGH - ,fcp. Ralph Snipes apd daughter, Rarbara shopped in Raleigh Fri day. « ' >..••' ■" , Visits parents Miss Pem Lynn Ezseil was at home fsr the weekend from Wo manb College visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ezseil. . ATTEND GAME Mr.'and Mrs. Cad .Upchurch at- puke-Cbrollna game *»!£«■ -|M Wdgßßh saw the Dukt ’ ‘JSI 'ApM' Warren, who attends •mny jb Carolina, was here for HVPmT r ' j: l/* I ■*-»* .j i \ ' ■ IH|| Em|| Cfdf fk ■ r v itrilml' ■ I ussl After a short wedding trip to unannounced points, Mr. and Mrs. Willson will be at home at 815 Amarine Road in Fayetteville. 10 r T.z:;ri j tkjnnifc CUifataA I tu -. ' l "y **'*^4! jy.lawei syr J life ' /I / jD^xr lifiitlOi fnfiX Dr svhi Op- Dunn N C . . ’j®, > ■—' - " . Bride-Elect Honored At Slumber Party Miss Pat Johnson entertained a group of girls at a Slumber Party Friday night. Miss Adelaide Coats, bride-elect, was honored guest at the party. Miss Johnson remembered Miss Coats with a lovely gown. I Those present for the party were I Miss Adelaide Coats. Miss Isabel i Naylor, Miss Betty Sue Draughon, ■ Miss Emma Lou Summerlin, Miss Peggy Lynn Ezzell, and the hostess. FROM SILVER SPRINGS Mr. L. B. Culp and son, Jack, of Silver Springs. Md., returned to their home Friday after spending several days in Dunn with Miss Amanda Culp and Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence. FROM PARKTON Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tngraharn and son of Parkton were the guests ; of his mother, Mrs. T. N. Ingra ham over the holidays. RETURN WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Maynard re turned Wednesday from Fort Wal ton, Fla., where they had been visiting Lt. and Mrs. O. W. Holmes for the past two weeks. CENTER VIEW ocCMuzm >*, Uny Mwart * lam Pl* By Mm litiiß * frrtmid by MM KM9IM • ttmcM *IE» UWOttt COMEDY Se MUSICAL WEDNESDAY COMEDY Me CARTOON ‘ 2 Shows Nightly BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 Shows Start At 7 And 9 Remember - Children under It in cars FREE PAGE THREE STEW AST TODAY A TUESDAY ’ ! JANE WYMAN I « THE:. , j blue veil I •••••••••••••••••«•••»• —Also— LATEST WORLD- MBWS <■ DUNN TODAY A TUESDAY MITZI GAYNOR DENNIS DAY J —Also— . LATEST WORLD NEWS HARNETT TODAY a TUESDAY ZOiTciiNTUEriox* CPt O*f —Also— !])" COLOR CARTOON STARTS WEDNESDAY FOR THREE BIG BAYSL I Warner Bros, ' ■ BUY SINT t4(M , “a btreetcar • vANamed WDesßir: )dgm. Sum o&m Mmmm' =r M*RiPW ■ »»WHUMTER_KARL MALDCN ■ TENNCSSCC Children! • • Matinee i Night Children .35 Children.., 38 Adults ,M | Adults I.M Tax Included