PAGE FOUR fi i * t ip' i t —' tt: tt t i v- 25 iAq,h .1 £ A fcj -LJ H.ik> ljffi gl^Mßinriijr^y^MlimTr >*mw» ®t?PLY Bil7-tf-c rus' sal*~ it*nd hardy chicks New ffel* g; »|teb days every Monday jj*Bday. Complete line of We sex chicks ©SSBF HATCHERY. I«a» Godwin, THHjfar. Phone 3740, Dunn, N. C. “wgSßsr LOT ON NORTH AT - RANK inWiLm --••* USE" rf yioAqs! !&■§ To« B«v ’ iwii ' RMR “ FOWLER , ‘ u7 ~ eodi purchase of 6 13.2 or 16 J cubic loot COLDSPOT FREEZER Jp; _. t . f ‘•• -■• -■£ - •■•■ _ _ ._ • ' Otter Begins W Nov. 26th and lasts (though i Dec. Ist, 1951 | In SSt.SO down and 17.50 o mo. !H ji» p»y f $55.50 down and 19.00 a mo. / . _ ifr Passu in J‘j;" —i; ;t-~ ■- ■ nzi: •-~t -: ■CetSSii Shbw i '.... R- ‘ »-e , ’ , ; t*fc^L r -!L” Y*frifftr* mr"- £*' JIHKJ ru/'iiMM'm’smi !!!S! not ask This Size Type . . Sc Word ? TIMES ONLY $1.29 3 TIMES ONLY SI.OO VWaitf lflrdmuni 60e 9mhi hk rha Blae Type ........ Ob Wort accept automobile in trade. Phone 4338. Mickey Rouse. 11-13-ts-c FOR BALE: $385 wiU buy lft’ front by 88’ lot at edge M town. Terms if desired. Phone 4338. Mick ey Rouse. 11-13-ts-c FOR SALE Bathroom fixtures, cast iron tubs, lavatories, water closets, kitchen sinks. All first quality. Installed by Johnson Cot ton Co. 11-20-3tc FOR SALE: 1 mile south df Coatt on highway 35—5 room house with bath, hardwood and tile floors, in sulated, weather stripped, fire place, less than two years old. Price $4,500. Offer closed after Dec. 9, 1951. Sherwood Fish, Coats. 11-23-ltp FOB a ** lr CHOICE HOME SITE 75' by 136’ lot in very nice sec tion of town. Paved Street. Pric ed reasonably with term* if de shed. Phone 4338. After 6 pun. phone 3385. Mickey Rouse. 11-13-ts-c FOR SALE—No more being made, lew more available—22s ft residen ts! lot, 1-9 block deep—wiU sell all or divide to suit. Pavement, sew age. Very desirable location. Day phone 4238; night 3365 Mickey Rouse. 11-3 1«. FOR SALE? A Lionel Electric train. I Stationary oti ball bearings. Sturdy table. Reasonable. Call Mrs. J. T. Mann. 2024. 11-22-3 t-c FOR SALE: Four-room house, heat ing hall, Venetian blinds and circu lar. $2,000.00 Mah. Remainder fin anced. See F. E. Summerlin. Phone am. . ii-2i-3t-c EVEEtTHINO t> KBH» WITH; We Guarantee: to furnish everything needed to ttuda soar house —except framing lumber, save monCy, time and worry Q^W^SmgvCo. ip £mnruPhonc 3333 or 8875. LDSE: »s* Dana Htghciaas ifhg. BALE, engraved intata Please re turn to Magdalene and re ceive reward. Phone 2347 or write Jr. o. tmu. liidHi FARM MREAU INSURANCE Building Dunn, N. C. Phone 2254 . 19 i 8 ,M S? sromi. Tcauio, sosu wvets. Good tires. Reasonable. Phone LU lington 3931. _ _ D-itt-St-p TORRENT SSteA Ctoee“ta“ V bima*» after reartndhle^^S Ml aaA^| Mill® nMMV —-T- AUtO LOAMS BEFtNANCtfRS - RttbodE TOUR rItMBNT rixIUNTS MONET IN 18 MINUTES motor credit co. w - •• DUNN, &C. LMEDn TAywHCrUIB MM Phene MM HEUP MBSSr Weß uUtglflMied business firm decree a number of ladles m this vicinity to mdke calls in their neighborhood with a pop ular product. Pleasant, dignified work. No previous experience nec essary. You woht get rich, hot you can earn $25 or s9e. a week by working only a lew hours each day, at your own convenience. Ibis is a particularly fine opportunity for ladies handling Stanley’s, Avon and Other products to increase their earnings at the same time. Write 444, % The Daily Record. 9-24 tt-c WANTED: HELP WANTED: Woman wanted for general housework. No Sunday work. Small family. Pleasant work ing conditions. Permanent job. Write 121, care of The Dally Rec ord. 11-ts-c TYPIST WANTS Saturday work. 2 years experience in typing. Call 4321 aftef 3:30. 11-26-it-p SERVICES OFFERED QUALITY PRINTING at BBOWU Btod prices at TWYFORD HUNT -1271. We «fli 4HI for «fad deßfW wait work. Payton, Tine (Cun—wet From Page Oqe) saying, “Wtfne still very much in love. We’re sine everything will went trim there is anybody's guess. _ • I 't*'ki-Xr -J ■ s- ’ | ’>r * fc^ Patients™ w wiiwMfef • M4h-riiffnit-i|i|» • -• ' • »Sh,“*S«B“SS fiuagms, reyeivewiue avc„ uuu« Mrs. Erbertson Beasley, Oen. Ivery, Quna. Mr*. Rctha. 34w>h. . Dunn. 1 i; ■' neon UrmSTSsM. ierthfc 1 ** hioatoigtxp. it.— rii.T" /mss Mirmun rwBQ At BfWta^Shower ana lift Earl Godwm, mother. and sister of the hostess, assisted in serving refresli ments of chicken salad on lettuce, rite crackers, potato ohiM. cakes, mints and iced drink* to the Miss Altman was then preeenteH an array of lovejy gifts -upon an ! appropriately table Cen tered with a bride doB. Those present in «dsUtion,so the honoree and her mother. Mrs. W. A. Altman, were Mrs.. Lends. IP. Tart, Mrs. Myrtle Igse, Mrs. L. Row land Tart, firt, Albert. Brown, Mrs. J. Edward Johnson, lira. Howard Altman, Mrs. Rlton. Martin, Mrs. Mack HobSdL.Wrs. leola ttartfoot, [ Mrs. Lewis Altman, Mrs. Jeoie Al ■ phine, Mrs. jgMMA Mr. FARM ALL HAS PONR IT AGAIN j ■* : , U ...|. UJ | W-n-rt fifWwiWfwi'WPPCi wwwwwT Deans* The fouefc RttMAo! on the above tractors completely oliminatec the mefdo-weary, x -'a;. M I i —i-r-f, fJ Ijji rn r r rjilfilifyfl >Mah wana-opcroTea iwvrs iwnunvn w wnc* tractors . The operator can adjust and lift the heaviest gang harrow with the ease of car door. Other advantages too Msmnumerous to mention are yours in the rarman vracTor, // j. ~'j,,.'j, i_ -. i _.l -f» .. .« i «i ci “ , hh. , fi"*-*7- , > > ‘ - . . ' - . • , : ' ■Hlks - - ' |hmH - atw It ■rr Brtwi a J9b'* lAyfpMfdfiwdi. '• * so. CiilanM*! Oaks, ; ri^wS it Bffl Lee, Ifoqi^dpDßnn. B. P. W. C. TO MEET There will he a meeting rt the aneiwww sort Rmteeshgaa Women’s Club. Tuesday evening, at «*JO at < the Methodist Chinch. IN BUREAU Mrs. Curtis Ennis *M Mrs. Paul Strickland, Sr, art in Durham to ; W. ‘ Mrs Mann, 60, Hondred Ad Birthday fcftnfier ' i whose • ixtieth hirttMldy anniversary falls on Nov ember 27, celebrated the occasion off SufiddF 4rtth A tursey dinner given m, her home in Littngten. ! , All of m child reh predent with presents ahd . good wishes l at this hdpßy event toriuded: Mr. and MTs. Fled Holloway apd son, ffeddle, Mr. and bln. Robert Johnson and daughter, m*he, Mr. and Mrs. SS? SjS: Lonnie Betts and ago, t*o Nidas of Pharmacist Mate, second (das*, Bam Mann of the Maxines Cam, i Carolina. Chanel Hill. MtaW. L. Renter g ferttoi mother of bus. Mann, Slsa attended. - , --r ■■-•-■- -■ - - . - Mrs. Btofd Jaoksan, Mis* Jeah Jackoon. Mrs. Buddie Godwin. Mii O. C. Tyndall, Mrs. Eugene Jer nigan, Mir Bar) OWwin, Mrs. PTeil Barnes and the .hostsq. •.• i i .i'.il TTi "r ijjj < a«_ »| t - fifth flirthdoy ; afternoon fromS until 4:30 o’clock hsnorlßc her dsughtor Bbndra car , her fifth Mrtbdgy. | The home was beautifully dec orated with varied arrangements of . mined chrysanthemums -ahd the , center of attraction was the pretty white, green and yellow cake With its a ve greeh candles. During the afternoon the crimp played games and Sandra opened her gifts. The guests ttasn gather- 1 ad around th* dining roam table! < "knd sang “Happy Birthday," ahd < Sandra blew out her candles, after 1 which the cake was cut and served with toe cream and mints io the guests. Ptusent to wish Sandra a happy ) ) birthday were: Lois Rgy Rctes, 1 I Sandre Temple, Carolyn Moos, San- ‘ {dra Carringer, Allen Byrd, Jenny , Rehn, Frances O’Quinn, Ernest Simmons, Brenda Boy Milton, Otn- • ger Newtoh, Rene Stewart, Ray 1 Stewart, Marshall Watkins, Bill ' Baggett, Tammy Williams, Marty j Nor Ward, Corky Norward, Nancy , Qail Wonfble, Linda Hawley and 1 Severely Canon. ] ;—: ( UttSoyi , (Continued Prom Page One) | up strength in Europe ... to face { pons,” it was made tDoyn, mean the new small atomic weapons recently tested in the United States in sight of troops. They can be used on the battle field for limited destruction in con trast to the mass destruction of the larger A-bombs. EiseritoWer added to his “new weapons’’ statement: “But no new weapons will solve the strategic problem such as train ing and the men Who are trained and their mobttzation.’’ pleaded with the y'_ “guropeyi t ßnny” P whteh Be Concluded, his spokesman said, European defense forced one of 1 • «t i rtßtttog this juomlng, de MONDAY AFRERNOON, NOVERMBER 26, 1951 Hobes Dim > 1 • tentative ceSse-flre ltae TP&dsy. Monday's, session was drawn rt* . by a dispute Ortr Wbe held »• hills tIUA g tt» 145-mue front: ■,J o ttot WBta a dS4?dl«Bsi