PAGE FOUR ms I ipt it 4r 4 - 4 f C 4 Cl{l| a[ A isl ’ TTTr» nrl jppBMPIpP <#wW * • wore * fflWf MY sl*2s «f TOMBS ONLY SI.OO , J yßfl n Me Same Ad itfeip Mae Type *e Word ■ farm bureau f INSURANCE 1 John K. Snipes I Office is tooted In FCX . Building Dunn, N. C. - Then* 2254 j w w I ; PRICES AT i Benson 4f ,A*w | Dunn . ii mZSfiSSuSL J. A. JONS guying Every Day :: TOP CASH PRICES-NO Lj COMMISSIONS 100 000 WOMEN I WRONG gj3P* Haw **■ I . ~ • f I' Last rnantti.tte Or» Hundred Thousandth ELEC TRIC «**iN6E av» soW and put in service in the teifm»V servfed byCarolina "Pdwer 5 & Xcm- W- •■• On* +tun*ed Thousand a* ::j r alofflf fanges —in fact if they-were "piled ywen. | top of another they would moke a stock. about |" J-'- Th—nfl—rortrwd ftyviywciceLyrtrir aflMi.HMMnt 'll ■' Kpa Taken an a newgppeal—w«f* jpßcNlp dn£Ja*ry <,•’ :-'L ;-L-J nnd (mm M'd dStelM’U irowunisnea—anpwnerc Yjpnr 1 ft|niPy«d bytheWy Ohihi & "'■J •> - ■' ’ i ivv,<am women can i^r ft 4m i$ the accepted standard-wwwdwn hemes m •I ihtXc.rolinas —a* it is oil over the country. 3 I- :H . ■ • .. ’ : '•/ |;5 • : -- 4 ’f;l T rIWVr Li IIH W Wrn AelVll'l I WjWffnill 1 M „ _ '- r - ,:- ;- - -" • ' - -■•; - - ; ' '' ■■ --S ■' V ' r4 rt, - • ]TOR BEST raWPLIS with ur tsnn animate. pSxne feed is 'wSS3skMm\ .geSapCetngg, f jgLent ■ «**'mi Suite Rocks. White XAghorae, inti ißadk% at bus aekie* tens. Met Met M} Monday AM Thumlw. Oomptote M at %£S3&Sh'Z2r£SZ proprietor, .now CMO, Buna. if. 0. , 5-5-tfnc TOR BALE: xm ON NORTH ORANGE AVI. SB* by 25?. Will accept Automobile In trade. Phone 4229. Mickey Ranee. 11-12-if-c FOR SALE:~~B3BS will buy lU’ trout by 98* tot at edge rt town. Tbrmsif desired. Phone 4228. Mick ey Renee. 11-12-U-c FOR SALE: Automobiles are as tow «s $50.00 down and 86.00 week ly. Phone 4228. Mickey Rouse Used , cars. 11-27-3 t-c CHOICE HOEIP SEEE 75’ by 125’ lot In very nice sec tion of town. Paved street. Pric ed reasonably with terms it de sired. Phone 4228. Alter 6 pm. phone 3365. Mickey Rouse. 11-13-ts-c TOR SALE—-No more being made, few more available—22s ft residen ts lot, 1-3 1 block deep—will sail all : or divide to suit. Pavement, sew > age. Very desirable location. Say < phone 4228; night 3365 Mickey ‘ -Rouse. 11-2 1 ts. ■ FOR SALE—WAREHOUSE LOT CONTAINING 165,000 SQ. PIET ON RIVERSIDE DRIVE, DEAN- I VUiLE, VA. VERY SUITABLE FOR i TOBACCO WAREHOUSE PUR > POSES. RIVERSIDE DRIVE IS JUNCTION OF U. S. NO. 58 AND' : ALTERNATE NO. 29. THREE OF DANVILLE’S LARGEST AND BEST WAREHOUSES HAVE JUST [ BEEN BUILT tW THB STREET. IT JS THE MOST CONVENJENT -LOCATION IN TBS CITY FOR . THIS PURPOSE. FOR FURTHER 4 PARTICULARS WRITE: I HARRY GREENBERG CON STRUCTION COMPANY, p. o. Bex ZU3 DANVILLE, VIRGINIA 11-27-St-c FOR SALE: 1951 Studebaker coupe. ■ Fully equipped. At a discount. See ■ E. L. Warren. 303 E. Bay St. Dunn or call 2366. 11-27Jt-p We Gunactftwß to furnish everything needed to build your house—except framing lumber. Save’ money, time and worry Godwin Bailfling Supply Co* In Mum. Phone 2823 or 3875. ■M-W-F-ttoe LOST: 3602 Sunn High ctass ring. SJN.E. engraved inside. Pteaae re taxa toStogdatoae EmteaM re ceive reward, fteee 2*47 or write r. 9. mm «. u.-26-dt-p TOR SALE: Four room brick house with bath and 3 lots. 1 acre and I- tobacco allotment. South Mc- Kay Ave. See Jim Tearby or call 1287. 11-27-4 t-p ' FOR RENT ' FOR RENT: Two room downstairs apartment three miles north of Dunn. Tt is near P. O. Altman’s. See Mrs. c. R. lackman, Dunn, Rt. 3. 11-28-3 t-p FOR RENT 2-room furnished upstairs apartment. Recently ren ovated. dose in. Call 3194 after 4 P. M. 3tip FOR'RENT: Seven room house that can be used as two apartments. Not and cold water. 401 S. Washing ton. See 3. H. Westbrook, "Newton Grove or phone 251 after eight p.m. II- Auto Finance » AUTO LOANS I —REFINANCING— I Rt uute iour Present f Pnym-nf' |,i Monev in 10 Minutes motor i s CREDIT CO, DUNN, N. C I F.-r-tiLvillf l’hone 1158 I WANTED: RIDERS WANTED: Leaving for San Francisco, Calif., around December lit Want rider to share driving and expenses. Call Daily Record be between 8 and 4. 11-27-St-p SERVICES OFFT2tED~ QUALITY PRUmNO at aoono nical prices at TWYFOKD PRINT ING COMPANY in Dunn. lot ns m on jour next order. Matin kSm. WewiU tail far and OWtrar jr-ur work. THE DAILT HIUOBDi OUHRi E# v» ■ r ß "Vv"! i • Pursuant to #n cwder of the Board of Commissioners of .the Town of Dunn, which order made under the authority contained in Chapter lit,, Section 59, General Statute*. 1943, and the amendments thereto, no-, tice Is hereby given that the Town of Dunn will offer for sale At mib lic auction for cash, at 11 JO o'clock A. M„ on Saturday Deoenfbar .28th, 1951, in front of the Municipal Building, Dunn, N. C„ the follow ing described lot of laind which is located in the Town of Dunn, Av erasboro Township, Harnett Coun ty. North Carolina: BEGINNING at a stake making the intersection of the Saptbern margin of West Edgerton Street with the Western margin of Primi tive Street: thence Westwardly a long the southern margin of West Edgerton Street extended a dis tance of 386 feet to the run of Ju niper Branch; thence along the' run of Juniper Branch to a general Southwardly direction towards Broad Street a distance of 140 feet to the Northern boundary proper ty line of J. R. Murphy, Which is 160 feet North of the Northern margin of Weat Broad Street; thence Eastward ly and parallel with Northern mangin of tko J. R. Murphy property line a distant!* of 185 feet to the Western -margin Os Primitive Street; thence .North wardly and along the Western mar gin of Primitive Street a distance of 140 feet to the beginning. The highest bidder will be ire-'- THE FOOTBALL % CORNER yfc «,ws- NEWELL'S > FOR THOSE «OT4QFF- op THE -GBXLL SAND- ' WICHES AIW . | • Makdwfcte (cSSO^ • rnffnn ——.— STATJON I «"»»*«>*£*<*-» U I Vltk V«m&eC* COIIiGE FOOIBAU fOWW IHDU j **" CH ARIiE'S | H !-'■ Car deservisf’ .! Drive In ! \ mi aaaa TORWB W ■(HUM 9XW, For Week Ending Docember 2, 1951 * jL( “——— : | CVIUUUA sup : sa_-«;ssr ii--K OIIVMIA . W —--W . ■ - . . So, C»llf. *#*.2v»Notre Don. AM I : : : ■ asm to * Baylor unovaßlc* _ *»a* Tennessee *117.8 vs Vanderbilt - , . -m md ■ - 1 |SAjdMIHrtV!MMMIBI i Munav novxmbxr jo e. tmm tt arwu sou stw t. c. n. _ waava s. m. w a.o , T M 1»1 T A R !■! wnoSB Oa. »».OvaO«orsia ST.O Texas Tech. *W.3rsHsito^lmV w.O ■ 4if Bf. S^^szssrs^^; 1 .; ■ w> ,. ■ • - f! \ v THIS WEEK'S LEAMAS 8 I- “w.?yii!!y*- a «AST Mownr sooth »a* w«it # Superb Ferformanoe -breaMowna, ly a tts ttero to , tanp uu, emwcxtow 100.7 1. men. sr. _no.s 1. tXnnsssei m.s t stantoxd _ioij orerhato refrigeration motera. ? i.-WlCk. xr _uoa ijoitcioss om a wiscohxw jw i Maryland ioi« aa ra cnco sm ifci \m i m \mv ***%*"« , Mion* 3A3S !' . SggS-jg, i£BggZ:£i 1 ZiSSSXr. S:1 IK i^2£r«£*-ai, . CUn ton n. c. *l XAvnot. o. jao, tsmnoui m ». tulsa oat ab.k. u. oao a Colorado jm sa'csma nvo. iruun, n. *»*»— 10. nxcaois _ ears nnSux _su w. notrx damxst.o 10. bxorgia _ n o 10. sta. Clara nt aaaßaawwwaaaißwaatew 4 Ynu'ii itoJP, fl?p^g ,4 isKas ssris assays ■ _ ToufIMA SatLarA Ma.3 gmga.-JS WINNER ‘ s WINNER s*l?*;* S88L&-S SfSir!L-Sl SSSETrSI USSFirffl , - Every Time WM> USSKS : 5S J.S3So“- SS 23Sa.*I-*23 SNSSKSto; Sure • WaasterOHaetoowa. t Nate IBM ariteg. a Hav team. CwwliM IV6I. by UUHwI teetew VyiQdWto fartenttftiOßH ..-■.-yi'-p:.'-.’- 1 ■ To Score 4 ■ya ■ jyieß T^WBT f ' » -i- «t V- * r u » s> .>, i ' ,<j , v * _ It r Jß'O'jVJL'l’ljQ ! I l^rvico j I ir^* 1 A ■ WVMX ’MOST nllnTlnj 11C8BS6 | |» Ww *W .r* •« "■ ERWIN HKMM&T I 1 lUWIiHBf jiM I IkIPTrNkI nee r U A DTCD UUJPIvIwIN v/Ew vilMr iCK IS HOSTESS TO OFFICIALS laiUington chapter 243 of the Or o^^t^l^on a, la the Masonic Hall, llfu chapter wom ws deoorated quired to neppett lint er the amount Os hi* Wd aa evldcrtee of gS5d faith. The Board of Commiasloners of the Town <f Bunn indw the Tight to reject any -and Ml bids, if . to the opinion 0T the Board of Com- 1 mlssionero of the 'Town df Bunn the ante property doa not bring Us full value. This the Mtti day of November, 061. Attest: Cfaas. R. Stony Clerk TOWN OF BUNN By Ralph E. .Hanna, Mayor O. O. Manning, City Manager Nov. 28-Dec. 1-12-1*26 WANTS* HEXJ* WANTED: WsUtertabUshed Hnsiw firm dsairoo a "’""ts* <oX ladles In this vicinity to make calls in their neighborhood with a pap ular product Pleasant, dignified •ark. NO previous experience nec essary. Xau won’t set rich, but you can earn 825 or 89t a week by working mUy a few Lows each day. At your own convenience. This Is a particularly fine opportunity .far ladies handling Stanley's, Avon and other products to increase their earnings st the same time. Write 844. % «e Daily Record. -9-94 tt-C "Mtk Ineo Barrington, worthy Smimson*n«Se an Inspir ational address combined with fra ternal tosteucttonA The District De puty Grand Patron added words of encouragement and helpful sug gestions an chapter affairs. A program presented by the star I members, Mrs. Paul Phelps, Mrs. 'iDsWiH Blalodk, Mrs. Edison Quick, Mrs. H. Hamilton, Miss Adelaide Shaw and Mrs. K. O. Mace hon ored the distinguished guests. Mrs. Marvin Betnune, soprano, accomp anied by-Mrs. N. R. Se'V’ms, sang a solo dedicated to the visiting digni taries. The chapter presented gifts and flowers to Mrs. Swanson and Mr. Parker. The flowers'for the District Deputy Grand Matron were bronze chrysanthemums tied with dark green ribbon while .a boutonniere of the same flowers was given the visiting patron. At the close of the meeting an EARL HAWUEY OIL CO. Wholesale Dealer (@) PROMPT SERVICE COMPLETE PRODwfil ' WEDNESDAY AFTiSRNOON, NOTEWBER 2m, lw| Fayetteville Parade Will Be Held Friday One of the feature attractions of the Christtnu Parade in Iby« ettevllle on Friday, November 30 'S^j&sa Manager of toe Queen City Coach Company, Charlotte, N. C. One of the outstanding ho—man of the CARHiau. he win be rding his beautiful white home, «r Charles Alton. His saddle, u«ri to parade, is one of the few of Its kind in the United States. Mr. Love wUI be riding to front of his famous matched 6-hlteh mule team, one of toe few to be seen to the United States. Following Mr. Love and the mule team will be one of Queen City CoAch Oomp hour of fellowship foUowed during, which refreshments were served and all members wpre given an oppor tunity to meet personally toe Dis trict Deputy Grand , Matron and Patron. any’* new ultra-mwtorn Wish Otty The theme of toe parade toll j “Christmas at the Ofreue", so 4s appropriate that In addition toe elaborate .floats * -clown a has ban Invited to partlefpk SS I «SMT3. aeoaotanaaa have been TCcelVi High School ai E. B. Smith Blgb School. _ Visit Mill {nd Store ■ vHvB toF.B Wl w Nayettevate for Top auedity Drapery & UpMsiery Fabrics Direct From ftfffl 121 tenokbon St. RhofUTS — 1

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