+W EAT HER*" NORTH CAROLINA Meetly fair pad wanner today, except part, ly cloudy amj some light rain in extreme east portion this teeming. Coeler to eeastol area tonight. To teortww fair and warmer. lOMMEI DUNN IS READY FOR DIG CHRISTMAS PARADE w r- * I . -■ ' r tirnnr^ mr [s:<" jjlf 19HhE&L ' * *jSH W ISk ILj ; ' flftl, JByy x|HBF «> .Wff ' COMING SATURDAY Old Suite Clause, pictured here* AM Mot *ef« Jtef***. *e> Aeri '«*»• day ter Dunn’* big Christmas parade, which w>B begin at SaMR': CfteM Faatejte kfkfectej. girt* to BHt him in Dana at the parade ee titer to* ■ teW'Rbtewtort vAad; dent ml* nay part of that Mg parade,” hired tenth. "IP* gatag to be Rrtnlfifsl 'jSatg W .phitV '* - floats, beautiful girls and everything. .•vV-,£*‘ .? '* Jto/’V' V?’-- -' ( £J •.'•••' v *"? v ■ :... ;' ■ .;-• i->. . ' -'•»■■ •» •• i ' -* •••■' ■■ DEAR SANTA: DEAR Santa Claus, H* I love you very much. I want you to please bring me a doU, a table set, high chair, a little doll bed and some candy and fruit. I am a little girl Just five years old. I thank you. Barbara Ann Skipper Dunn. N. O. Nov. 2S, 1951 DEAR SANTA: ' I am writing you a letter to teD f 9 you what I want you to bring me for Christinas: A little peddle car, a knife, two long ranger guns and holdsters. some fruit, candy, and nuts. Thank you. Santa. Kassel Oraymay Tew * - 703 8. Clinton # Ave. i Dunn. N. C. DEAR SANTA CLAUS: I want to thank you for being so nice to me last Christmas. | ' know you are a good Santa Herd 9 to a list of things I would hke to have. 1. A dally, a. A tea art. 3. A of African Lion Being * Hunted In Nebraska * WATERLOO, Neb —W War-, ried women and chUdyeu thick cleat by theto banes today while •■•sis® TELEPHONES: fit* - *IW • *«» Cau dle Is Accused Os Accepting F«e WASHINGTON « T, Lamar i Caudle, ousted amlgtertt attorney i general Who got cut-rate iqtak i coats and cars, a free television get i and commissions on oil deals faced i questioning today about a report i that he also picked top a fee tot > selling an airplane. Caudle was recahad for a fourth appearance before a House wavy and means subcommittee Invest!- gating steadily-widening scandals in the Internal Revenue Bureau. Nineteen employes of the' tax- < collecting agency were fired vector day and 13 others *te* ateed to ; resign, raising to »t least M the total firings. suspensions or resig nation* mthe the sub committee began Ito inquiry. More bureau employes are expected to be fired later. - Caudle, who had the final edp-ad ! about proaecutlng detiipiurat. tax payers, wee fired by rampent Thi man Hot. 18 for actJvattea “Ihoom tied" said Ifrf Jffrlann “The (She Bailij ]Hecorfi the, latest in a series 4 •’outside lng centered around favors Caudle firm which Imnsed some M tag caste before going dtat. of buslnete .tost ..August . told er favors' /• ; Caudle tcU about the following Worth' gafttUng,” bought to around Christina* »M At wholesale, pUrfilg SIBO6 of the $3,406-. citt fate, price herself and toarniM latte that the tab for the remaining nwd Ih, Sh, g** tog MrfjMtan *n**|P*. y i *? .y^ Sfto^LdMwßtMiSi.TuroS ■ *?fr JSf"** | f s ‘ TEMVloiUfl, TOyUa*.% inC, . s?h < *9f .**» yWH °p >4- - x»-. DUNN, N. C„ THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 10, ISSI Allied Weapons Roar, Shatter Reported Truce TOKYO. (UP) —:The tltunder of Allied guns in the west and the rofir of bat tle in the east shattered an informal cease-fire4n Korea today. American artillerymen resumed their bombardment of the Com munist lines on the wedtem front on renewed orders to slibot to e kill after an undeclared truqp of mure than 4g hours.. On the eastern front, Communist attacks twice drove JJnlted Nations forces from an advance position northwest of Yanggu and each time the Allies rallied and recaptured it In heavy fighting. The Allies still were mostly ‘on the defensive, however. misunderstanding : Gen. James A. Van Tleet sMd that Wednesday’s lnformSl truce apparently stemmed from orders he tosued in connection: with the u. N.-Commuhist agreement jtt Pgnmunjom on a ceate-flre lltoe which will become permanent only If the remaining armistice terms are settled by Dec. 37. The voice of the United Nations command at the same time broad (Cmttomcd *o peg* twel Father-Son Event Tontte The annuel Tether and Ban Ban quet of the Dunn Ottoiter of the Fetere Farmers of Am#ica. Wtoteh starts tonight at 7:#o |t the Dunn HJgh School, will pretent nPogram that should' prove ' ia tteeUting to both group*, it was tefrSjed today by A 1. Denny, dent of the 'Dunn Chapter'wlU tell the group at the help his fTA ex perience has proved since his grad uation. Bffly Pope. Olenn Miller Shelton Barefoot and Walter Byrd, also 'have spots bn the program. Tha Wgh point ot the program wiR v be-Ahe' selection of the *«weet htery orWie Chapter, be Rbch «toh to repre sented, -Wti Louise ■ Brown, rep rtetetlng th* ninth grade; Dorothy tenth; Sylvia Edwards the eleventh; and Artne Horae Rte tweiftef' - - 7p»*. group will be welcomed by; President Kermit Johnson, and J. 1 T. Jackson will reply on behalf of the father*, the FTA creed will | be recited by the group in unison. < BULL ETNAS UPTON, N. Y.—(W—A new atom smashing machine that may unlock seme of the inner secrets of nature is near iny completion here and is expected to go into operation some time after January 1. It is the cosmotron of the Broofchayen National Laboratory, operated by nine East- Hwrolvfwltks under contract with the Atomic Energy LONDON.—(lF)—Winston Churchill celebrates his 77th birthday tomorrow but only a confirmed political opponent would dine eail him an old man. The prime minister re ' (Qcottoocd eo Page Twl Mahone Endorses i Rot oar a vure Edition Bari if. Mahabe, Cashier of R*| Flrte dUssns Bank and TTuef tomtef,tiu prominent Dunn) bustotete, drt And rMßlous leader, today endpwed md fbte his fun ! supoort to the wtopfavurc edition I to be published tor The Dally Re -4n pfatort>l tiSik ' * '.■’l R JfjgyS of untold value tel sfforto toatiract new tes>pw\t« sad J teM Wteks. /RHH bkcSL-> c-.lH■■ TAKING IN THE SHEAVES Mr*. Wilbert Lee, seated, and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Monds are shown here ae they told tickets for the barbecue Mpper and dinner staged yesterday by women of the Grove Presbyterian Church at the Dunn Anuty. A total of 1100 plates were served during the two means and the event was acclaimed a big success. (Daily Record photo gp&'Yempie, Jr.) Grove Lddies Serve 11,00; iff' __W_ —.. r‘ # Working for Extra SI,OOO s^wh&rr* GOP Leader, TakenbyDeath WASHINGTON W—Senate. Re publican Leader Kenneth ,S Whor ls of Nebraska died'today. He was 88 yeai* old.'' v ‘ • Wherry, who recently underwent an operation, returned to Oeorge Washington hospital this morning. ' Wherry’s dtetb was announced by his office shortly after ft' re ported he had bCeq taken to the : hospital In ~tery critical tondlflon. 1 suffering from “respiratory cpm plication.” - 1 * V . ‘ j He had served In tile Senate since (Ceattnuod e« page twe) v , PHOTO FIVE CENTS PER COPT /Women of the Grove Presbyte rian Church yesterday earned mom than $l,lOO at 4 bar becue and chicken stew dinner and supper held In the Dunn Armory and if they ran raise another **oo by Sunday they'll get another *I,OOO for the rhurch as a reward for their efforts. for the church as a reward for their Pigs for the supper were donated by men of the church. The church is raising money to erect a new addition. When the project came up, Wil bert Lee, prominent Dunn business man and a deacon In the church, made the ladies a proposition. “If you’ll raise *3,000 at the din ner and supper,” promised Mr.. Lee. ‘Til add *I,OOO to the fund." The ladles worked hard and long hours and yesterday’s event was a tremendous success. They se; ved 1.100 plates. But even so, they fell I*oo short 1 Mr. Lee good-naturedly extended the deadline until Sunday, adding generous praise for the excellent work dorie by the ladles. "It certainly wasn’t their fault that they didn’t raise the whole *3,000 yesterday," declared Mr. Lee this morning. Today, the ladies were still busy figuring out means of raising the other *9OO by Sunday morning. •MARKETS* RALEIGH —Oh— Opening cotton quotations middling and strict low middling, based on 1 and 1-S3 inch staple length: Dunn: 43.80; 40.80 Laurinburg: 43.19; 40.79.. Lumberton: 43.80; 41.00. Tarboro: 43.13; 4031. RALEIGH —Oh- Hog markets: Washington: Slighgtly stronger on 100-340 lb. barrows and gilts top ping at IBM. Benson, Kinston, Rocky Mount, (Continued an page two) Three Jailed For Stealing Cotton Here j. Three Sampson County Negroes were arrested here early yesterday morning on charge* of stealing 800 pounds of cotton and are being held i held in Jail awaiting trial McNemf Ms sMIO^bAmmSSS [j m (ms d, I R. Lee. Jr„ well-known Dunn hue-’ [!*••• man, la*. Tueedar . from his I Mr Lee had gone to taka a group || of cotton ptekamhoms and £3 II turned. It hpj jff pttMto skeata. r ri r ßi»»w '‘ " * "I' v-Jig The Record i Gets Results Fate Os Yduhg Harnett Boy Is Pondered Fifteen-year -old Lennie Lee Whittington continued today to re side In Wake County Jail as Wake Juvenile Court authorities ponder ed how to dispose of his case. The boy was taken out of Cen tral Prison several days ago when it was discovered he was only IS. A Harnett County orphan, the boy already has a long police record, according to John H. Hamilton, a Juvenile probation counsellor for the court. According to police records Len nie was taken to Central Prison on last July to serve a term for car larceny. He told the court he (Continued on page two) Early Is Given Honor By Church The Rev. Joyce V. Early, pastor of the Divine Street Methodist Church, has been named as Secretary of 1 Evangelism for ' the Raleigh Dis trict, which comprises 103 churches. His position will call for frequent t conferences with ministers In the district to encourage more exten- Continued On Page Three* - - - .■— nm- ■■ ■ I ■'*■%> Eure Will Address Info Clinic At 8, Tonight At Armorv Secretary of State Thad Eure tonight will receive the full treat men—police escort, reception, etc. extended visiting celebrities—when he comes to Dunn to deliver the season’s first address to the Dunn Information Clinic. - ni ; Moderator Jim McMillan, who has been spearheading the event. 1 said this morning that every thing ' is in readiness and a crowd ,of 1 several hundred is expected to bear l Ur. Eure. ' Members of the Lions Chib are > attending in a body as their regu -1 lar meeting, and ticket* have also b« n .oid to other civic dub mem i hers and to private citlsens. k Secretary Bure will be Mfct a* the Hotri Cotton Dale at 1 o’clock NoTisr Five Bands, Many Floats Will Appear Four bands-count 'em-four, wllfbe along the line of march of the big Christmas parade, which opens’the season officially here at 7:00 p. m. on Saturday. The four will be Dunn High School Band, Harnett County. Training School Band, Erwin High Bchool Band, E. E. Smith High School Band from Fayetteville. “Every time the band gets op posite me they stop playing,” is the oft-heard complaint of spec tators. With all these bands along the line of march, it should be an odd-on bet that you’ll be able to hear one or the other performing, no matter where you stand to vle»v the parade. - PRETTIEST EVER Last minute entries In the fin** department, too, will assure thP residents and visitors, .the best parade ever seen here. Eleven at the floats will be professional jobs, but every entrv in the parade will be decorated. It’s one of -the rule*. The line of march wth include the entire business section, And (he parade will go all the way.®* Broad and Magnolia before It tufhs back up the truck lane to King. Since the parade will take place after aaik. Police Chief George Arthur Jackson had anticipated some difficulty In handling the traffic problem, a night parade would present. However, he has been assured fit the aid of extra Highwav Patrol men, and the members of The Dorm Fire Department in keeping ] traffic under control during the parade hour. y, | UNITS IN PARADE Following is the latest list qf i firms entering floats or decorated vehicles in the parade; ,-us | Prince’s; Sash Door and Mill- a ISTiSSJKWIttSSSt 1 hinery Co., who will also have an antique car and two surreys; Col onial Frozen Foods Lockers; Pope- Mixon Building Supply Co.; W.iipd W. Chevrolet Co ; Dunn Pharmacy- j The Men’* Stare: Crom*We 1j Hardware: McKay Manufacturing Co; First-Citizen’s Bank and Tbsst Co.; M. F. Hodges and Son; BUtler and Carroll; Commercial Bank; (Continued On Page Three) HATE NEWS | BRIER CHARLOTTE -«h- Th* CWan ese Corn, has announced ptanwbo build an offioe building serve its 11 plants in the floh*b and Southwest. LAURINBURG —OV— The 1& sense attempted to orove today that Jess Butler, 43, Shot, and kffipd former East Laurinburg Mayor ! Janie Chavis, his son-in-law. in , self-defense last AuguStr .'HR 1 GREENSBORO WI Fashlofc able, debt-ridden Sedgefleid bO . has been sold to the Dinkier hem t chain, it was learned "here Uaftr The adjacent golf course, oWngc by ihe Sedgfield Club, was not jfr (ContlDuod an Pag* Two) age 1 I 5 ■ I

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