PAGE FOUR " „ ; , , ■ ■ if jrc]!v- “ I’® , sJhf a* wi,mi- i i : • jSrSflg j!T * .'..¥. *js *i'i ”"’ f nnnrWnOß CAST Shown are the members' W lie presented by the Junior class of the Erwin High School Friday night. Those in the PWwwaad the part they portray are, left to right, front row; Jackie Strickland as Scoots; Jerry ftyata }s Jei+y Minton; Willie Moore as ‘Albert Parker; Doris Taylor as Mrs. Simmons; EUadene Johnsop as Grandma; And Shirley Ennis as Ert Tyler. Back row, left to right; Sarah Thomas ha Mrs Minton; Miss Lnlu Shepherd, director; Tommy Davis as Tom Corning; Judith Holmes as Dettre# Megglehammer; James Paul Barbour as Mr. Minton; and Beth McLean as Diana Minton. The jwejji^p photographed at rehearsal, but were not in costume. (Daily Record photo by Louis Dear- If 6 AND DOWN BROADWAY iy JACK GAYER United Press Editor NEW Tdtat (IB—People talk theoe days about television moving Xfom Ifstr York to Hollywood. And Feme entertainers already have Before You Buy FfiWLER nnrflT— Lillington W^Y^guy 3 mm* _ j .-Genuine Deerskin - B m/ J%&£v n| Gloves KM. t f fl R Heusen Cricket ] I C, U van Heusen E, .» l\JtltVU 1 * “V ( with collar ■p.*’ 1 4ff W A. ' OAt “won't * WTlnkl * tvtt " I names X* ' IP" ’ I M ■ j Bill Goodwin isn’t one of them. Bill has come thisaway instead of staying thataway The big, good-natured actor is a west coast product and he has been in the Hollywood colony for a long time, first a a -padgfing hi a grow ing radio industry;' thien as at>er sonaHty in own right in both radio and mbViOA ‘ ' ! •‘However, my .television program brought me to’ New York,” Good win said, “and we’re moving here lock, stock' and four kids. Also a dog.. LOOKING FOR HOME “I’m shopping now for a home that will hold all of .us and prob ably will sell our Hollywood home. IWe’ve loved ih it foe IT years. I ‘told iny wife that il years In one place was too long anyway.” > GoodWln is the star of the “Bill . largest corporations. Bill Is seen ' for a half hour at 3:30 p.m., EST on Tuesdays- and Thursday. ’ ) “Os cohrse therell be more tele- j vision done in Hollywpod now,” - the actor said, “but that doesn’t mean New York is going to shrivel * up. We’ve J got the production know-how and talent here that we need for a ‘live’ show and I think , New York will always hie very to- 1 portant. I wouldn’t particularly like to put my type of show on < film. I think M’s better as a ‘live’ • show. - "T :■ j NO STORY LINE Robert Quigley, a former actor and in recent years an important I radio and TV writer, has built up i a “character” far Goodwin that , makes 1 tito a bumbling' but like- J able fellow who Is always getting j «touelpgfr Sfyba My sease*frf*a driaSjjly j THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. a show. Actually. I suppose youtt eaH that's mighty important'bef^p*!? situation on each program mat builds into a running gag which we break up now and then Iror some vocalizing by Eileen Barton and Roger Dann and thS' piano playing of Joe Busbklh. X also occasionally, if you’ll pardon a loose word.” , g j \ Iw" Come in and see our line-up of £ % Ik find dozens of Inspirations for Sr "«%'*«#/• adding beauty to your own f. ' jgjfflglKS « ts pom*. .. ,‘ Dozens Gilt Items p X . your S? WMMBffW . with one of these < ed, budget-priced font 5 f Delight her on W Christmas by 6 ■ i«" in * her one ®f i SP B these chairs that 1 }g B will make Christ- I M |] *’ us a ,mi mU | jjj ftta^Mwlfey>r^~~'Tl ' lll ji *;r.w»«'P«'fwwii,Fggg^^iMiM^yx W An outstanding < BBT f* group of beautifully I fcaWWi ■ X styled tables, sec the I m Wf\ 18 rich beauty 1 I KF ■ .^BB. K, polished woods. The I I | B 888, g? authentic details I I ■ B BHIHBk W wonderful values—at B 1 | « ' P eru. period, aatiguc rfl perfect gift giving w I' ' *• /•"-* -•i'*'-* ' v /. '* • ;• - * a: •• x '• • i*.' ,• I ■» ■, Lite-***2? -!■ J~l,* ■£* f;c‘. s-' y - r ■*&' t l 'i'- : - x •• • ■- w mv,?i ; - - A REMARKABLE BBfmilf ‘■ j November - THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 29, 1951 City of Honolulu, Hawaii, are built from the fflsMe out. The Sanitary Engineering’ Committee reports. On a line, vitrified clay Uner plates which are resistant to all corrosive effects of acid and other wastes are plaoed on a form with concrete poured around them to form the pipe;” Cardinal de Richelieu traveled in his bed, his retainers breaking’open the wails of any house he proposed to oecupy. • •♦’ r ; r *••• : r.T'-jjrzz: gr«r.rry r copra oct on Tor r BEADB"6ier, 8. C. (WV-Oeorge i Schultz,- 71 /thinks he cah clalm'tfip .title of “oldest bulMlf liter' in the i country.” When a hull charged Schultz, he i grabbed tjfc mnimal hy the horns lastecTlfrnthutes until the bull tired and Schultz was rescued by i jtwo men. ;... i Schultz ended up In the hospital 1 with a broken' leg and tyie hull In a'slaughter house.