PAGE SIX 1 M Wg feWKiiaiaiililiki Jpwjs $60.00 down and $5.00 week UNEQUALLED FOR FEATURES AT ITS PRICE *«•’» u much aa 3 cu. ft. of extra ktorage space—plus 1951 Advanced Design feature*— at the price of smaller refrig erators. Built-in freezer. t-*r . REDUCED PRICE EASY TERMS ; Thomas & Warren ' [ FURNITURE CO. FityetterlUe Hwy. Dunn, N. C. ■ | ■ ysisss«ssHss»sss>st t J JUST RECEIVED J m NEW SHIPMENT OF 2 | FRESH HOLES S • We Also Have Good Second • | M;' Handed Mules and Horses • J CASH OR CREDIT 2 • Sea--- • (Louis Baer Livestock Company J 2 Dunn, N. C. 2 msm Jlj Tops in value tops in looks so, it's your best j buy of all! And Imm- • J~ ; - * ' 9 it washes so quick • *• |H and easy. Turns *lllll * * * lljjj out a P er * feet wash that owners say, 'You ‘*RwY^. . 3M i ust can t eat a ■ Dexter". So, see I this great washer Bl j|, i.tiiiinl \ today! Dunn, N, C. All KEYED ADB are strictly confidential and no information will be given. Please do not ask for it \ - I CLASSIFIED RATES This ‘’ize Type .. 3c Word ! 9 TIMES ONLY $1.25 3 TIMES ONLY SI.OO 5-Word Minimum 50c Sun Ad rhJZ Size Type *e Wort FOR SALE FOR BEST RESULTS with all farm animals. WAYNE FEED is she product for you to buy. You will find a complete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMERS SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c BABY """CHICKS FOR SALri Strong and hardy chicks. New Samps hires. Rhode TsKad Reds, tarred Rocks, White Leghorns, White Rocks, and Bull Qrpblng tons. Hatch days every Monday and Inursday. Complete line of : poultry enuloment. We sex chicks DUNN HATCHERY. I eon Godwin, proprietor. Phone 3740, Dunn, N. C I- tfpe FOR SALE—WAREHOUSE LOT CONTAINING 165,000 SQ. FEET ON RIVERSIDE DRIVE, DAN VILLE, VA. VERY SUITABLE FOR TOBACCO WAREHOUSE PUR POSES. RIVERSIDE DRIVE IS JUNCTION OF U. S. NO. 58 AND ALTERNATE NO. 29. THREE OF DANVILLE’S LARGEST AND BEST WAREHOUSES HAVE JUST BEEN BUILT ON THIS STREET. IT IS THE MOST CONVENIENT LOCATION IN THE CITY FOR THIS PURPOSE. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE: HARRY GREENBERG CON STRUCTION Company, P. O. Box 1112 DANVILLE, VIRGINIA II- FARMS FOR SALE 125-acre tract. 45 acre cleared. Two four-room houses, one filling sta tion. One new tobacco barn. Two feed barns. >3.2 acres tobacco allot ment. $2,500 down. Seven years on balance. One 29-acre tract. 10 acres cleared. One tobacco bam and strip room. 3-acre tobacco allotment. Price $4,750. 55-acre tract. 27 acres cleared. 3.4 acres tobacco allotment. One four room house. Two tobacco barns. One pack barn and feed barn. Price *7350. Call or contact. HERBERT L. JOHNSON Coats, N. C. Phone 3724 or 2287 11-28-2tC FOR SALE: 1951 Studebaker coupe. Fully equipped. At a discount. See E. L. Warren. 303 E. Bay St. DUnn or call 2366. 11-27-3 t-p FOR SALE: Four room brick house with bath and 3 lots. 1 acre and 8-10 tobacco allotment. South Mc- Kay Ave. See Jim Yearby or call 3267. 11-27-4 t-p MR. FARMER: For your complete line of furniture, paints, dry goods, shoes, ready to wear, visit E. Baer 4 Son’s. For your shopping con venience we are open ’til 9 every week night. 7-19-T TH-ts-c » FOR SALE CHOICE HOME SITES 75 Ft. x 125 Ft—7sFt. x 140 Ft—so Ft. x 150 Ft. All in very nice section of town. Paved street, water and sewage. Priced reasonable. Terms if de sired. Phone 4258 after 6. P. M. Phone 3365. Mickey Rouse, Dunn, N. C. — v FOR RENT FOR RENT: Two room downstairs apartment three miles north of Dunn. It is near P. O. Altman’s. See Mrs. C. R. Blackman, Dunn Rt. 3. 11-28-3 t-p FOR RENT 2-room furnished upstairs apartment. Recently ren ovated. Close in. Call 3194 after 4 P. M. 3tip FOR RENT: Seven room house that can be used as two. apartments. Hot and cold water. 401 S. Washing ton. See B. H. Westbrook, Newton Orove or phone 251 after eight p.m. 11-28-3 t-p Auto Finance AUTO LOANS WANTED: RIDERS WANTED: Leaving for San Francisco, Calif., around December Ist. Want rider to share driving and expenses. Call Dally Record be between 8 and 4. 11-27-3 t-p SERVICES OFFERED QUALITY PBWTWO at econo- Ii leal prices at TWYFOKD PRINT WO COMPANY m Dunn. Let us Md on your next order. Telephone 1371. We va oen tor end deliver wor work. BUSINESS, PROFESSIONAL CLUB HOLDS MONTHLY DINNER MEETING The Dunn Business and profes sional Women’s Club held Its mon- ■ thly dinner met ting Tuesday eve ning November 37 at 6:30 o’clock at the Divine Street Methodist Church. Invocation was given by Mrs. Mild red Britt. Mrs. Mallie Jackson, the president, presided and presented year books to all the members pre sent. Mrs. Mary Rose Capps, Chairman of Flowers and service committee, presented gifts to the following club members: Mesdsmes Meta Bass, Thelma Brown, Mary Rose Capps, Lina Ennis, Beulah Gra ham, Mallie Jackson, Grace Swain, Rachel White, Misses Iferle Owens Sarah Neighbors and Edith Sorrell for 100 per oent attendance for the year of 1950-51 from the dub. Mrs. Ruby Newsome, program chairman, presented Mrs. Rachel White, Chairman of the Legislative committee who had charge of the program. Mrs. Helen Lee and Mrs. Una Ennis led the group in abat ing “Come ye thankful People came”. Mbs. White talked an women's duty in polities end die cussed the proposed amendments that BPW indorsed last year. She urged every woman to vote and to The Beautiful” was sang in ckntng. The club welcomed S new mem aiaruyn jaexson. nans were made I EARL HAwdrm col - 1 I Wholesale ueaier .uCsimfs ■ I I THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN. N. C. Our Future Pra,,l ' % ° ~h' MU! small fry at Mark's Citizens Wnd . r9orf . n B . ■ ik * H'JB. “t ■ 911 mL ML k ELLEN MY RLE TEW Ellen is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tew. She has lovely blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sunny smile. She has a new coat too, and it is burgandy velvet with fur all around. the hood. If you pass this young lady on the street we are sure you will look twice, because she looks as “pretty as a picture" in her new outfit. Ellen is learning to read now. Right at first she had »a little trouble, but she is working now, and is doing fine. She likes to work puzzles, not only for herself, but she is always glad to help some other child too, when the going gets too hard. Maybe you saw another picture of Ellen in the paper some time igo. She had a wonderful party when she was six years old, and that picture was in the Record with lots of Ellen’s friends. She got lots of nice presents, and she brought them to school for us to see. Ellen has a baby brother, Just as blonde as she is. That brother keeps her mighty busy, too. He is always falling oft the bed, or chair, or sofa, and scaring Ellen and her mother almost to death. One of the children told Ellen at talking time the other day to get some rope and tie him up, so she wouldn’t have to work so hard. \ Three Jailed | cotton to the Jesse Tart Qlji in Dunn and tried to sell it. Mrs. Tart j advised the three men to return the next day for their check and in the meantime notified police. Policeman Alton Cobb and Dep uty Sheriff B. E. Sturgill were wait ing for them when they arrived at the gin for pay. They were jailed in default of SSOO bond, for trial at Clinton. Chief of Police George Arthur Jackson said today he had received other reports of cotton stealing and urged fanners to use extreme caution to prevent these thefts. WANTED WANTED: Experienced wallpaper hanger. Apply to Hight Paint and Wallpaper Store. 11-29-3 t-c LOST: German Boxer dog. Ans wers to Lelbb. Reward for infor mation leading to recovery or re turn of dog. Call Johnson’s Restau rant. 11-29-lt-c to dispense with a December meet ing. Every member decided to take food, clothing, or a donation to Mrs. Grace Swain’s office for her to distribute to needy families. An auction sale was enjoyed by all the members. Plans were made to con duct the annual turkey and ham raffle. Donning Rites This Afternoon Rowan Denning. 87, of Dunn Route 3, died in YanceyvUle late Tuesday night. Funeral services were held Thurs day afternoon at 3:30 from the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church In Newton Grove. Burial was In the Tart cemetery on Dunn Route 3. The body remained in the Hatcher and Skinner Funeral Home In Dunn, until taken to the church for the services. Surviving are: two sons, James J. Denning of Wilmington, and Parnell Denning of Wilmington, Del.; one brother Jerome Denning of Clinton; one half-brother, Hen ry Denning of Dunn Route 3. He was a native of Sampson County and a fanner by occupation. He was a member of the Newton Grave Catholic Church. NEW MANAGER FOR FOWLER RADIO GO. DUNN, N. C. Mr. JIM JORDAN A jBB Fowler Radio Company Is Proud To Have Mr. Jim Jordan As Manager Os Their Electrical And Appliance Store Located On South Clinton Ave. P In Dunn. Mr. Jordan Has Acquired Many Years Os Experience In The Radio, Appliance and Television Field And Will Be Very Happy To Demonstrate The Major lines Os Appliances That The Fowler Radio Co. Now Carries. •’ j i NORGE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER ■ ■■— • * ** * ® • j Dagmar Is Blamed For Order Hiding Bosoms HOLLYWOOD Wl — Dagmar and : those other buxom TV cutles are lousing up movie necklines, de signer Bill Thomas said today. Now Hollywood has orders to cover up almost everything. “The heat’s on,” he explained. “The pressure groups can’t do any thing about censoring TV. But they can sure make the movie queens be more modest." Thomas Is the Universal-Inter national designer who dreams up fancy frills to show off the curves of Piper Laurie, Maureen O’Hara, Evelyn Keyes, Mona Freeman, Shelley Winters and a few dozen shapely young starlets. * But he can’t show much any more, he said. Necklines nowadays are two inches higher than they were in pre-Faye Emerson days. “We never could show cleavage,” the handsome, 31-year-old designer said. “We could get by with a little swelling above the neckline. “No more. We have to cover up. And television is still getting away with murder.” BOSOM-CONSCIOUS Thomas says the “show ’em ev erything-gals” on TV made the movie censors “more bosom cons cious.” "We used to get away with a subtle peek now and then,” he grinned. “Just a quick flash, you understand. Now even that’s out. “In ’South Sea Sinners’ which we made two years ago, Shelley Win ters wore a little guaze and a few sequins and practically nothing else. But in ’Son of Ali Baba.’ a re cent movie, I had to add flowers and chiffon to all of Piper Laurie’s necklines.” -. He doesn’t feel as bad about the new order as the movie ladies them selves. '■Most of ’emThomas whisper ed, “just love to show as much as they can get away with. And I’m Tarzan, Who's A Chimp, Muffs Driving Test DETROIT. (W Tarzan, a fun-loving seven-year-old chimp, won’t be in the driver’s seat of the little passenger train at the De troit Zoo this year. He had his chance on a practice run but flunked out. The polly chimp operated the miniature locomotive with the grace of an experienced engineer and tooted the horn at each cross ing. His inability to call out the stops disqualified him, however. Tarzan returned reluctantly to his own quarters and means of transportation—a bicycle. THPRSftAt AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 29, 1951 all for it. That’s what sells pictur es.” NOT DISCOURAGED But he’s not discouraged'by the camouflage edict. “It worked the other way,” he shrugged. "Now it’s a challenge. It’} got me to thinking up new ways to point up the bosom. "I’ve discovered I can do it with high-necked gowns of clinging ma terial. Everything’s covered up. I have broken no rules. But . . . wow! “Same with turtle-necked sweat ers. You show a lot . . . but you really show nothing. “And, as often as I can, I have the stars wearing nothing under neath. Some of the girls can get away with it. But, leave us face it. most women have to have a little help in the uplift department.” Dunn FCX IS BUYING CORN - SOY BEANS OATS AND PECANS« AT THE Farmers Warehouse HOURS f 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Weekdays CLOSE 12 NOON SATURDAYS ft Fayetteville Hwy. Dunn, N*C. PREEN CLEANS M as it waxes THY It for Fteon. Uwlsw. remiiws. j *. *. mstttee co.. gn» raw w, at. 088 CROMARTIE HARDWARE COMPANY, INCORP. 117 E. BROAD ST.