DECEMBER 7, 1951 Godwin Social Happenings Jfcr *«•. Q. *. WASHBUBN Th* W, M. met Friday night * Book Stiiidy at the home of Iks. Jamfce Williams. Mias Madge toence of Buie’s Creek, taught the jodlfe which was "Pilgrimage trough Spanish America.” She "* i?!** 11 »>y Migs Annette Bv >ns: Thirteen members were pres nt At the dose of the study Mrs. vmiarna served Jello with whipped nun. cake and coffee. The W.M.C. wUI close this week W Prayer for Foreign Missions #*rtth a special service Friday night at the church at 7:30 o’clock. The .•■Joy QUt” for the Lottie Moon Christmas offering will be given at that time. Everyone is invited to ’Attend this service. The December meeting of the W. ■ M. XT. will be at .the home of Miss es Clara and Sudle Pope on Tues day night, December 11th at 7:30 C'clock. The Christmas Tree will be this ‘meeting. Every member is w urged to be present. '* Mr. Marshall Williams has re sumed to Hollywood. California af ;,ter spending a few days here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Collier and Sybil and bouise, spent several days recently in Jackson ville, Fla, visiting Mrs. W. R. Col _->lier. * ~. _ , . Mr- and Mrs. T. C. Godwin have -<• Cpl, and Mrs. Mack Royals have moved to Oodwin. 1— UAfiAIAkM % ' srrTia If /claw wuxaooN^so! &aCßraffl| | jggg MINGING UP fATHER %£f 60LL.V- HERE ME COMBS 1 ■> fOH-PME-JI6eS-iVeI y WOW ARE MADE A LOTOF MONE/ I’U. SAV HE'S MADE A ] ' rw A SINCE I SOT OUT OF LOT OF MQNEV/ THIS IS eA *77 ME ALRgADVF J -J GONG- JAIL/ By THE WAV-I ALL COUNTERFEIT* 1 "* "" 11 BESIDBS - THAT'S ) fiivl SOR«V-SIR-I DONT~) ■h. Is CALUN6 J INO GENTLEMAN-IT'S J SEE WOW I GOULD&VE r . 11l - WP-JIGGS- LETTERS 7© Q6N- v —, 1 \mA yn %fa MAr 2 - —-J,- ||. "S***™® iiLSKwtMN fJ hG~r LwV' a a - j TWO minutes - y " iTTl’l NN // —i tt> ™ Brniw Dvsnvnvwr ••>•*, • ;• \ \ |iC ff—!**** "l l ».-i. i i ...... . - - ’ , ,r> . f TM HAVING- -NO—YOUR TABLE | HHH il - - —“ —“ SPAGHETTI MANNERS ARE |i. _J , returned to Olathe. Kansas, after spending ten days here visiting their families. Mrs. Egrl Davis Jackson and Mrs. Roger Collier honored Miss Betty Jones, bride-elect of Decem , her, with a shower on Friday even ing at the Godwin Club House. Miss Jones received many nice gifts. The hostess served open-faced wafer sandwiches, cake,* coffee and mints. The color scheme of green and white was carried out in the re freshments and decorations. The Women of the Church of the Godwin Presbyterian Church met on Wednesday evening, November 28th in the Ladies Parlor. Circle No. 3 was host' to the meeting. Mrs. Harvey Jackson, chairman had charge of the program. The topic being, "Heirloom Patterns.” Mrs. T. C. Godwin And Mrs. E. C. Hem ingway presented the program. Fruit bars and coffee was served during the social hour. i Mrs. C. W. Spell and Miss Eloise Connelly spent the week-end in Stedman, visiting Mrs. Lonnie Strickland and Mrs. Carl Avery. Mr. W. A. Thornton has retired from his traveling position and is now at home at their new residence on Dunn, Route 4. Mrs. D. R. Lewis, Mrs. John ! Herring and Ann Lewis visited the P. R. Pope's family Sunday* , Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Lamm spent ; Monday in Fayetteville : , Mr - Jlm M®® Mclntyre is sick at his home this week. Miss Lena Bullard was here Mon day on business. Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Oodwin and Kina, T. C, Jr., and' Stephen, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith. Mr and Mrs. J. G, Aden and , daughter, Bettie Jean, were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Register In Dunn. Mrs. Irvin Thornton, Mrs. W. A Thornton and Miss Doris McPhall were In Raleigh last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thornton and Mrs. Irvin Thornton spent Wednesday of last week in Durham •on business. Gophers Grow. Long Teeth But Gnaw Them Down gopher of California probably has 'less tooth trouble than any other animal. The gopher Is only six in ches long but grows 48 Inches of teeth each year—mofe than seven m PAav anooen-wnw. a a Man Prefers Army To Life With Wife Joseph A. Perry, 'a Harnett resi dent, has filed suit for divorce against his young wife, Jewel Perry, a pretty Texan,, alleging that he left her in 1046 and Joined the Army “to seek surcease from her constant . abuse,” Be accuses the woman of un provoked assault upon him during their marriage and said conditions at their home were "to burdensome to bear.” He set forth that he found relief from his wife in the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Perry, who have one child, were married in May of 1844 and resided together until February 5. Their marriage took place in Lovington, New Mexico. Since his discharge from the service. Perry alleges, he has tried In vain to locate his wife. He wants custody of the child. times its own body length. Dr. Melvin E. Smith of the Uni vessity of California college of agriculture said’ constant use of the teeth keeps the pocket gopher’s cuspids down to a sharp chisel-lik« tip. Gophers dig up rpore soil than any other rodent in California Smith said. - The gophers use their teeth for prying up rocks, cutting roots, dig ging and fighting. The next total eclipse of the sun will occur on Feb. 21, 1952. Its path will cross northern Africa, Iran and central Asia. SNUffY SMITH mmili<^!!^ f^Ystand W N ., } ON°B^U^e'Ss s *' MICKEY MOUSE ; •. * ; ~ K X ' LL . STO - T^AT CeA2VMAOtiNEjJ| IT SIOFPBQ £ TOO LATE I LOO* 1 “,\J MACHINE! ITS CARRYING US INTO r PON'T! IP ITS BROKEN* WE^\ \\ BV ITSELF . 77-77r^T/ /i;') M 1 1,1 inrrr—^fy v -——' wont be able to get back ) y A /UA^/'rn' —/// ©lt s - Ij WELL! HERE WiAKEINTHE gj|g CENTISf V|U STREETS Ag|Mfgg.OT ’ r PANPVI A WHILE ASO 1 WAS ONE JmE* A S; '"" /fffll MV OWN ANCESTORS...NOW I'M ONE \/l 1 ‘ 1 1 '/jjj I' ' " ~ ' I——— —!—i — ' \ ‘ v '■™ 1 jKWM-tr Chic rail* tg - ■ the plumber! bmnC Alexander chipped V —.l I gee whiz. 2_ Lves-i wasl i i the ORess>r vm£SCK ;^ [rl 1|( LOOKED AT THE f > HIS TOOTH PLAYING ISN'T THERE W 7 SAVING IT a < r < —X AT DRIVELS®**! ,- • '' M I ISuGGESnCJKJ, IVESHCT THE V HEAVEN'S } Wtu I KNOWS IT.-T FOSDICK/T-I M\ * 1 II ,y TiSTI AIF I'M JAHREDrDE WONT EAT NO ¥ (ATOM BUM- W*GW*m2C. ££*VY%U W 11 WON T IKrrER J WQF / MORE. I GOT / 'C_. ~~Z* aZB XiSOfStOrwerMfS^M Ijplftv a «^lsßmouV2s! WT * l > |, T^/i tmm V^P ftiStfcSw) *{ SUBODS.T yv A • ' f jiu ■ 1— M ■ ' i U llVaixQv kStc'J | I r ‘c/ j § I ' m I j,;f rJrt I \ M j MK WMa p '»' / Kk'n / t..« i'»»d|»«■■»'«■•> 110 j /)h PAGE THREE