> \Tv V >,v * - r. '•( * ■,,. ' ’ 4 ■■ ' TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 11, lt»l. Santa Letters Show . Kids Have A Heart *» HARMAN W. NICHOLS United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON Olt-Santa has a heart, and so do a Jot of kids. I've been browsing through Mr. Claus’ mail at the dead letter office. For Instance: One little girl, named Eunice, aged eight, wrote: "If you get to Korea, Santa dear, please give those poof childKn something and forget me. Well get 4 along somehow.” 1 David, also eight, wanted noth ing for himself but asked Santa to give a pipe to his daddy who has a "hurt back” in Korea. Most of the letters which wind up at the Post Office marked "in sufficient address” are posted for delivery to "North Pole.” The Post Office does not allow the use of last names or addresses, but most kids don’t give that information anyway. ' } N A little girl named Ruthie asked Santa for 122.90 to pay for her mommy’s dental bill and 4 “please give her some better teeth.” i VENETIAN PLASTIC , *' BUNDS TAPS iOL (3E) FL i H Custom-made in our factory. Come in and see how your blinds are g cut out and made. Four Way Aluminum Awnings made to measurements for Homes, Stores and All types of Commercial Buildings. Call on us in regards to your Warm Air Heating problems. Also Sheet Metal <4, Work. WALKER ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. ' 222 Franklin Street' , C. 3794 -or- 3979 * | —— ■ ■ ■ i {lf /1 / f/y / : ft / HHf * >Bll Emm Yes, the Demand is Endless, f but Yours are on the way! « Th* demand for these U. S.,ROYAL TIREB Thw Royal Air Rldw-the tire that changed » baa been going on for yuan. It haa nothing to do everything a shori "while ago when it.demqOr• ' with world candhkma, or any midden stampede strttod bow a tiqe could successfully absorb the ' of tire buyers. It originate, in the tiru’s quality road hi Miara «l wlr ipiif on special st serin# and parfonnancel traada—with cushioning protection to both car and poaeengeie from wearing read shock and 1 irregularity. T)w Royal Mwt*r-e new, modeni tire with . TOTAL TRKAD- DEPTH SAFETY that can ha renewed when tire inveetment for yeara t<> co°i»- »rep other tlxee ant Bnftftth and worn a•# their ikio nißit tee • 9Wl—weTl tor delivery 01 walla protected by their own ezeiuaive your new P. 8. Royah. Convonlonl u edit OURfiOUAitD, lemt It wetlreo, Ift. Only Svdt Itrm In A. World , MB* fe* • : **.*? Iflftlß « Lees Truck Terminal WANTS MILLION TAX-FREE Another little girl named Mar garet, asked for a two-wheel bike and a million dollars "tax free”. A nine-year-old named Oscar said he had been a “fairly” good boy in school and “please bring me a tool chest and a ranch.” The television influence was evi dent in many of the hundreds of letters I went through. One boy named Dickie said he wanted a “corrall, with horses in it, a ranch house, a new gun and a lasso.” Sandra, aged nine, said she had teen a “pretty good girl”. She wanted a “good sharp knife, a doll, and a fancy ash tray.” A little girl named Nancy asked for “a piano, a real baby, a set of drums, a banjo and a singer who can sing”. This one, so help me, came from an eight-year-old named Ferdi nand: ANYTHING YOU DON’T WANT “I've been a good boy except I knocked hell out of Juntus. I’m ' sorry, but I’m all right. Bring me I— .■■"■l, -~ - I 'I. DISTRIBUTES CANDY Santa Claus la shown, surrounded by'the ostial admiring group of children, as he distributed suckers to children here Friday afternoon In front of the Flrst-Citisens ***. B . U !! d , A few of the youngsters showed some interest in the photographer, but most of them centered their interest on the old fellow with the white whiskers. After all, he WM th* one passing •ut sweets. (Daily Record photo by Louis Dearborn). anything you have you, don’t want.” Rusty, aged 10, apparently wants to go into the garage business. He asked for a road scraper, three army trucks, a transport .trailer, a wrecker-truck, lumber truck, fire engine, electric train, fire truck, coal loader, and cattle car. Some of the youngsters asked for things that will get the fam ily out of financial stress. Like 10-year-old Dickie who wrote from Bowie, Md„ Where they have a fine race track. I quote his letter: “Please dear Santa—My daddy could use some new horses to bet on. Get him a couple and you can forget all about me.” Burglar Foiled At Lucknow Here Preston Parker, manager of the Lucknow Clothing Store, reported to the police that someone had at tempter to break into his store by removing two panes of glass after cutting the screen. ■ The burglar inserted a piece of wire and fished out a sweatee, skirt, pair of trousers, two pair of bedroom slippers, a child’s shirt, a key-cham and a pair of pajamas. Nothing had been touched by em ployes before investigating officers arrived, and the intruder left some possible clues to his identity. jttobuLtuco*. brim a. a :r - Coats High School News The Coats High School student body met in the school auditorium Thursday, November 29. The Glee Club led in the group singing of Christmas carols. Mr. Smith, our principal, talked with us about the true meaning of Christmas, and how it should be celebrated. In the previous years it has been a traditional custom of our school to draw names in the classrooms. This year we have decided to let our school celebration of Christmas be In the true Christmas spirit. Each class has decided to help some needy family have a white Christmas. Baskets containing va rious things will be presented to them. We feel that such a deed will help us to have a more enjoy able 4 Christmas, as it is “more blessed to give than to receive." The feeling that Christmas is near is penetrating through the air everywhere. It seems that ev eryone is thinking for Chirstmas. and the pleasures concerning it. The classrooms are ringing with Christmas carols and scriptures from the Bible are being read by the students. Pictures have also been drawn and painted portraying the birth of Christ. The chapel program, Thursday, December 6, was given in the theme of “Bilent Night.” The Call TO Worship was given by Dennis Pope after which was sung ‘‘O Little Town Os Bethlehem” by the group. D. C. Ryals gave the Scripture Reading, after which Edna Avery quoted a poem. Jo Ann Fox then led us in praver. The Story of The Author, And The Hymn. “Silent Night.” was analyzed by Sue Lang don. We then had a special num ber by two of our students, which was followed with a poem by Clara Stephenson. The program was con cluded with group singing. Basketball season for Coats was LILLINGTON PERSONALS Pfe. Joe Weaver, who Is station ed at Craig Air Force Base, Ala., Is spending a ten day furlough at his home here. He is the son of ( Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Weaver. Miss Elizabeth Chandler of Fre mont spent the weekend in Lit ling ton. Miss Chandler is a former member of the LiUlngton school faculty. « FRESHMEN PLAN PARTY The freshman class of the Lil lington High School will have a Christmas party the night of De cember 15 at the Lillington Com munity House. Arrangements have already, .been made for the use of the buildup. .tliat night. Miss Helen Hoffman returned to Lillington last week after an ex tended Wt of several weeks, with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Hoffman at Cornwell, Conn. Erwin Post Office Rent Is Increased Boxhalders in the Erwin Post Office will find when they receive their box rent btts on the 20th, that this item, along with every thing else, has Increased in price. The price rise, effective on Janu ary i. was- authorised in a to Postmaster John F. Lynch from Assistant Postmaster General, Os born A: Pearson. Prices for the box rent per quar ter for the various types of hoses * Lgr terTW J** boxes number i per quarter $1.50, Since all rente are collected bi tjliltiuui * Lvneh lißiiiuli theee increase* win bTsbown on th* opened recently. Acting; as coach for the girls is Mr. R. W. Coon. The co-captains of the team are Sue Langdon and Josephine Johnson. The leading forwards are Josephine Langdon, Becky Upchurch, Doro thy Stewart,, Sue Johnson and Margie Holder. The most out standing guards are Sue Langdon, Imogene Williams, Lucille Black welder, Anh Pleasants and Jean Hawley. The boys coach is Mr. James , Valsame. His leadbig players are Rudouph Miller, Dennis Pop*. Tom . my Pope, Mack lUgr Turlington, Hoover Johnson. Frtderick Byrd and Bobby Smith. Both teaips have worked hard and ! played good games, but haven't won any thus far; partly because they haven’t had enough practioe. ; We hope that with a -little inore . practice, there Will soon be some victories. , v Reporter, Ruth Defining •• l —— . | ■■ V Designed jfwr you and your budget too l mm DISHAY NOW t COMFORT !... stretch-out r00m... chair- • mUsI * hißh seats . . . big windows ... big doors PERFORMANCE !... big, high-compres- SJj ' sion engine... no-shift driving... smooth- mad., your F ECONOMY! ... low upkeep year after ' year! See the 1952 DeSoto now! K/Jg EXTRA VALUE • Wheel. ■ mTm—— .2™'“!3«£l» W * S MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. ■■■'l lia... I S, -SM—»■■■■— MM. ■ Erwin Teen Chatter By GAIL BYRD Well, did everybody enjoy the basketball game Tuesday night? I’m quite sufle .you did! Erwin played Anderson Creek and it was really a wonderful game. It was our first basketball game for this year. The Anderson Creek girls won and the Erwin boys won. We want every one to come to our next game because we’re sure you’ll en joy it. “Jink” Taylor is now flashing a diamond ring around in every one’s face. There must be some thing contagious in the drug store! First Margie Johnson comes up with an engagement ring and now "Jink”. Margie’s getting married | the 24th of December but I don’t know when “Jink” will be married. Good luck to both you gals and also your fellows!!! Our school pictures have finally t arrived! Everybody’s asking every body for a picture. I saw quite a few of them and they’re real good pictures. I’ve collected right many already and thank “you people” that gave ’em to me! Report cards came out today and most everybody in school was a dis disappointed with their grades this month. It could be that we Just aren’t studying hard enough!! Oh, boy! bid we have fun Thurs day afternoon. Frank Weaver. Jr. got his car and Mary Louise Milby, Marilyn Steinberg, and I went for | a ride with him'. The fiiiny part about it is: the car doesn’t have a floor board and as we drive along we can plainly see the road below us!!! CAN YOU IMAGINE? All the girls telling George Lucas . that he has such pretty legs? . The Home Economics girls cook . ing and sewing? I Peggie Warren looking so pretty . in red? Betty Lou Gray going steady . with a boy from Eton College? : Loans-Financing j 9FR Make Loans On New and Used Automobiles INSTALLMENT LOAN DEPT. . FIRST-CITIZEN BANK & TRUST CO. Stewart Theatre Bldg. Phono INI Dunn, N. C. l " ~ '■ - ■' ■ '‘ ! "s*Liig- PAGE SEVEN (Oood luck, Lou.) Christmas just around the cor ner? Joan Whitman still dating a handsome senior boy from Erwin? Marlyin Steinberg wishing? Betty Hope Byrd receiving a let ter from Ron every day? The girl and boys still practicing basketball? People buying .Christmas pres ents? Rudy West coming to the bas ketball game in Erwin Tuesday night? (Wonder why?)—(To see P. W„ maybe.) Suebelle is still getting letters from Bobby and she’s still writing ! him every single day. Hope he gets to come home from Christmas, Sue. Frank Weaver, Jr. is now a proud uncle to a baby girl. Con gratulations, Frank! Hey, Mae Cooper! Did Louis Moore finally give you a picture of himself? I heard that he was going to. Hope so, anyway, Mae! Johnny Bull: We have some very large birds in England. Why. once while I was standing in a zool ogical garden; I saw a man who came in on an eagle. Yankee Tourist: Brother that’s nothing. Once, while standing in a ball park. I saw a player go out on a fly. Lt. Bobby Bryan Aboard Latimer Serving aboard the auxiliary at tack transport USS Latimer with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterra nean is Lt. (jgi R. C. Bryan, USN, husband of Mrs. Janet K. Bryan of Erwin. A unit of the Amphibious Force, U. S. Atlantic Fleet, the Latimer has made liberty calls at Oran, French Alberia and Athens, Greece, Malta, Naples, Italy, and Sicily. She also participated In fleet training exercises recently com ? pleted at Sardinia. Seaton Will Succeed Wherry In The Senate LINCOLN, Neb. W—G«v. Val Peterson today appointed newer ; paper publisher Fred A Seated-; of Hastings, Neb., to the Sens sit seat of the late Sen. Ken neth S. Wherry (R-Neh) until the next general election. Season, who will be 52 years old tomorrow is a former Ne braska state senator and’ long has been prominent In Republi can affairs. Seaton served as Nebraska campaign manager fur Harold Stassen in the 1948 presidential campaign and he Is a leader of the group supporting Stasarn now. Now In . OPERATION REGULAR HOURLY BUS SERVICE BETWEEN Dunn and Erwin Leave Dunn Leave Erwin Every Hour Every Hour 7:10 AM 7:25 AM 8:10 , 8:25 9:10 9:25 10:10 10:25 11:10 11:25 12:10 PM 12:25 PM 1:10 1:25' 2:10 2:25 3:10 3:25 4:10 4:25 t 5:10 5*25 6:10 6:25 8:30 7:25 11:30 PM 12:05 AM Above Trips Operate DAILY Except Sunday SUNDAY SERVICE Leave Dunn Leave Erwin 8:10 AM 9:10 AM 10:10 11:10 3:10 PM 2:05 PM 5:30 5:10 8:30 7:25 11:30 12:05 AM SOUTHERN COACH CO. DURHAM, N.-C.