■ # I 9 ■ I g*: I : I ;■ I I II I ' ]*'HB BRIDE-ELECT FETED Miss Adelaide Coats is shown above at the lingerie shower given in M rT “ her by Mta Bub y Surlek and Miss Jean Goff at the Goff home Monday night. Those at • t * n _ • A three course dinner was ser ved and afterwards guests played hearts dice. A corsage and crystal ashtrays were gifts from the two 1 Methodist WSCS Holds Meeting ) Monday Afternoon The Woman’s Society of Divine 1 Street Methodist Church met Mon ' day afternoon at 3:30 at the Church. 3 After the singing of a Christmas hymn and prayer, the president, i Mrs. H. C. Turlington, presided : over a , brief business session. . ISrs. R. L. Cromartie, Jr. vice ' president and chairman of the 1 Program Committee was then pre • sen ted against a background of > maroon draperies was a long table • draped in light blue satin on which ’ was a lighted cross flanked on either side by seven branch brass can ! delabras holding white lighted tap ers. Before the altar were four seats 'also' draped in the blue. As the pianist, Mrs. Ralph Wade, played softly and Margaret Cathy sang “Advance, O Church of God, Ad vance.” the leader in choir vest ment* took her place at the rear of the platfsrm, and at the con clusion of the music gave the in troduction to the playlet “Four Words. Four Women” with a*T)lea that.at this Christmas season we come back to the central figure of our faith-JESUS. “Think of Jesus and the women who called him: My Son, My Teacher, My Friend, My Saviour.” Mary of Nazarath GAVE a on, GAVE him care, GAVE him sheltering arms in danger, GAVE him in loyalty in death. A Mary in Bethany though criticised, sat at the feet of the Master, QUES TIONING. LISTENING. LEARN ING, RECRUITING. Mary of Jer usalem gave her upper room to be used by Jesus'and his friends, and there was Mary Magdalene, first member and first messenger of the church of the Living Christ. Four women, who gave, who learn ed, who won others, who belonged .... the four Marys, r ' - The parts of the four Marys Were .most effectively presented bv, four members of the Youth Division dressed in biblical costumes. Nancy Abernathy played the part of Mary of Nazaretlr. Margaret Godwin was Mary of Bethany, Sallie Bryant Whitehead Mary of Jerusalem, and Anne Byerlv Mary Maeadlene. Margaret Cathey beautifully sang short solo parts throughout the play. Mrs. L. J. Best offered prayer for All Marys, and after the ben ediction, the entire group r;ng “Come, ye faithful.” Following the program Mrs. Cromartie was hostess at a coffee hour in the recreation room which had been beautifully adorned with Christmas decorations. Mrs. Crom artie poured coffee and Mrs. Wm. Pearsall served cake, nuts and candies. It was a happy .hour and the members felt closer together in- Christian fellowship. hostesses to tOas Green. Guests included the honoree, and Miss Betsy CampbeU, Mrs. Gordon Long, Miss Lula Green, Mrs. Frank lin Pearce, Mrs. Hugh Cbwen, Mrst Paul Leland, Mrs. ‘WUbur Pearce, Mrs. John (green, Mr* Charts %g%2AT-'' 3 SSLt£ OjeOWlttta. aßd Mrs. N R Up. I - -> - v TO) OAM tacaSD. new. Fidelis Class Meets With ' Mrs. W. Chalk The Fidelis Class ol the First Baptist Church held their Christ mas party at the home of Mrs. WUbur CRialk last night with Mrs. Ralph Lazier as\co-hosteas. The Chalk home was beautifuUy decorated carrying oUt the Christ mas motif. A lovely Christmas tree was in the Jiving room of the home with the class gifts under the tree to be exchanged. Greenery and red berries were used throughout the home. Mrs.’Wayland Godwin gave the devotional taken from Luke 2: 8-14. Mrs. H. A. Westbrook, class presi l&cv&nme dent presided over the meeting. Airs. Roy Dixch, class teacher, was presented a Christmas gift from the class. After the devotional and a short business meeting the group ex changed gifts. Mrs. George WlUiams accompanied the class on the piano while they sang Christmas carols. Contests were led by Mrs. Clifford Warren. The group wIU have their January meeting wijh Mrs. Keith Finch with Mrs. H. A. Westbrook as co-hostes. The hostesses served a delicious dessert course of Hot Russian tea, butterfingers, stuffed dates, pim ento cheese ribbon sandwiches and green and red iced cookies in the shape of Santas and Christmas trees. Airs. H. P. Strickland was a guest of the class for the evening. Mem bers present Included Mesd&mes Roy Dixon, James Hawley, Earl Hawley, Ernest Warren, Carlton Tew, Maylend Godwin, B. E. Straughon, George Williams, Wood row Tart, George Jackson, Clifford Warren, Renard Barefoot, How i ard Tart, Charles Wace Keith Fin ch, H. A. Westbrook, David Haw ley, Wilbur Chalk and Mrs. Lan ier. svkes-culbrEth Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Culbreth of Fayetteville, Route 1, have an , nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Claire Lynn Cul bretbr to Kenneth Sykes, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sykes of God i win, Route 1. The wedding will take place on Sunday, December 23. -mi STEPHENS SPENCE The following invitation is be ing received by many friends of the bridal eounle. Mrs. Georpe Broughton Spence requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Bettv Sue to Mr. John Thomas Stephens Saturday, December the twenty second at half after four o’clock in the afternoon .Antioch Baptist Church Mamers, North Carolina RETURNS FROM FLA. Mrs. T. C. Gilbert returned Sun day from Florida where she toured with friends for ten.days. PAGE THREE SQUARE DANCtP" A square dance will be held Sat urday night, Dec. 15, at the An derson Creek Community Building on Highway 210, sponsored.Ay. the Anderson Creek Home Demonstra tion Club. Time, 8 ’til 11:30. Ad mission 50 cents each._ SEE SATURDAY PERFORMANCE Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Cgnhady, J. W. Temple of Duiftl' and 'Miss Nancy Clodefelter of Charlotte at tended the Ice Capades Saturday evening. “•* FROM WASHINGTON '■ Mr. and Mrs. Santo RttM of Washington, D. C. were the week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jackson in-Dunn.