PAGE FOUR farewell to jqltinq joe I ■’ TODAY'S SPORT PARADE **• By OSCAR FRALEY (United Press Sports Writer) NEW'YORK IIPI Joe DiMaggio today walked down the lone some roso they all follow sooner or later—but he did it with a smile of relief. Thfn» was, naturally, the ache of parting from the world Cham pion-New York Yankees as a player. “BUt the aches arid the pains with which a willing spirit tortured a reluctant body made him reaHee fnally that he had to follow Ruth and Gehftg through the exit Just as he followed them on the field of greatness. He had known since 1949, he admitted, that his days were number ed. More relaxed than anyone had ever seen him, the Yar*6e Clipper reveald that h had known sine then that he was “sliding.” The timing was going and the reflexes were fading "Thdft was always the physical pain,” baseball’s greatest drawing card explained as he disclosed the step-doWn secret he had been car rying since the World Series. ’ —“I took a Mg physical bating last year. I remember a lot of t.lmpg wHen 1 could just make it oat of bed. For normal living I’m okay. But action is something else. My shoulders and my knee hurt n when f play golf.’ v m He could have lasted a couple mofe years if it hadn’t been for tHe arduous demands of night baseball, he said vehemently. But the ifln, handsome man with tile piano-key smile obviously was glad W - ■■ »■ " ■ "- 1 . .■ ; I " "** 111 3| I MI ■ 111 I H p a**. <• set • steo PLUS « Howdy h»*m oyar ■ • hflMnMil VM B ■ l.vcr> one of the HS pieces has a ■ HM| **?*. . burnproof mafbtoid handle... ■ professionaiiy.ground stainless-steel ■ Mjj; blade a mifror-iike finish that ■ Ms- , * , ; never needs polishing. Get your gift ft If, 8 * I 2t . 5- heat high-speed surface f fjjj • • Ext. a large oven with • K. 2 thermoctdl control \ * L 1 «• • AckkiilMfcwi IteTivw porc*l«»n - -?v • ....’ lllll& B- ■ -,y 'JMdmSwm Biß >BB ■ B 818 ifi jP|| i| B B^ 9F, oQ», WILSON AVE. . rUUNci MvMuif 0K v. Stanky To Fight As Hard For The Cards As He DM Against 'em ST. LOOTS llfl—Husfcßng Eddie Stanky. peppery little second Mtsa man. took oter the managerial reins of "the St. Louis Cardinals to day Rnd promised hse’H field a hus >Qe» club next spring. Stenfcy was signed yesterday ts a two-year term as Manager by Ci-.l owner Fred Saigh at an estimated $35,009 ams. al salary, and prompt ly promised he’d b« a playing man ager. “They’re all grown men and they should hustle," Stanky said of his new charges. “I’m sure most of them will but there might be a few who have to be reminded.” Baseball men agreed that Stanky. who learned many of his baseball tricks under “Lippy Leo” Durocher. is just the man to inject hustle into the aging Cardinal club. Color ful and swashbuckling, Stanky has t it was all over, “It wasn’t fun any longer," he said slowly “That’s why I’ve play ed my last game of ball." Then, without rgrets, he looked back down the years and spake proudly and without longing of his great moments. “My most memorable,” he recalled, '‘was that 56-game hiMfttg streak in 1941. But for one day—or let’s three dXJs— I’ll nebee forget coming up to Boston in 1949.” Nor should he. For Joe had been out of the lineup 65 days with a heel injury that season when he stepped back into uniform for a make-or-break series with the challenging Red Sox. All he did was win all thfee games, and kiH the Red Sox frith four home runs and a single, driving in nine runs. “I guess the beet catch I ever made Was against Hank Greeßberg in 1939,” he said. “There was one out and) a min on first and fHWta berg hit a ball just short- of the centertiekf flagpole, whert i» says 465 feet. I wanted to hold it to a triple but I Stuck up My MbM knd there was the ball for the out. “But I pulled a boner oi H," he grinned wryly. “I forgot there were only two out then, and the man got back all the why frCM turd.” Now, though, he was glad it was SB over. Ha made MS decision the day after the Ist series ended—“ahd never wavSwkf.”' The Yank ees tried to change his mind but Joe wouldn't budge. Never' Would he become a has-been. So the Yankee Clipper is gone. And just as they didn’t find a new Ruth or a new Gehrig—so, too, they’ll never find another BBdaggMv THE DAILY MOOED, PPHH, N. CL long been known as a battler Who olawed Ms way to ma*» Hague success on esumge. and tight. Stanky, who is 34, was jK| on his rebuilding plana far the Garda frarar-^m*-- “Bvery player on the teen* w«*: hove to win bis jab,” he dsdare* He refused to predict where the Cardinals would finish nsot year bi t said hs'd definitely be in the lineup to help them out. To alt other ctuesttons Stanky replied with a terse, “that will de pend on spring trSining.” Saigh revealed after Stanky was signed that he “was the man I wanted right from the start.” In granting Stanky a two-vear contract, Saigh reversed himself on ids decision to ftte Morion because BenhaVtirt Cltb, Boone Trait Bmp Take HC VtcMmi The people out » rim nett saw two gobd MUI Bathes at the MedKOgcn gyfc last- night as neighDbrSSW B teMrf Traft and Befr- very Closely pMybd High girls added Stao&ed fIWV to schools astoundir^hSSdHdljßW girls by a 4k lb, Grace white to thgh second Wlft. dt mS year against SttS’ oSOference loss. Jean SteworttiOggad the I Boone TSdg| Sb|j< Mt■ jUPIjj.. IS? Wallace Cash all-around gaSsW One of the, Mb baU players to the county,. Joe Holmes, gitd Ms team plenty 1 of supgbrt in scrap ping to withfSr oMy two paints of the winners dgTSs ihwaglif: bk Jl points as the &t*tf tSMW fadgMi to' the finish. Both gamed **e (hard-fought battles betweeh S couple of rivals that glory in defeating each othfr. Boys’ scoring: BOONE TRAM M 2* 45—48 BENHAVEN , M ft> 3»—46 ■i ... ii l aig ia i WTifu Miwi v Erwin Idft Wiiv LillingfWl 6k|| : Run Up E| Scots ;;>ss ( ,in the scoring, eohrnm Mgr gM ’at' the Erwin m it thd dm racked up 70 pWhts SgSinst »- Win’s good 56 BR.' | Doris [ tine Smith Sjjllm m dfalense bm the winners. ' t • - -V ; Gerry MstthM» 4M » ssMM JtiU i of hitting the Rgttuhi- for the Er ’ win team aa She dgve Doris Brgwn a real battle fo* hWi-scorio* hbn ors with & potpts M her “ttgdtrd 1 game as a mgl'ilari &Win forward. Delores Mason get the cradle for i leading the ddtea#. - ' ULUNGTO* M II U iMR * ERWIN S U ft HU# Coach Pdbora’r pgg had antou a one-paint Mag at visitors, bub Ors. gmn to hit With those one-bMfitd George ERriMftow. who is vuQ known foe Mft gladly WOffc. tut , from last aeasOtt. didn’t get warm ed up lasb Aight, but be lt* the attack witß IftpMntk George Lu cas was riflßg lehfhrf Wi» Widh Ml Both boys dedr jotnerf by Hbvea Stewart in pMy&tg good ass-around floor gaoM. ' ■ ; • r\~ i Leo UodbnMdand.Jbd Bbrfth fM fiMd TNGTON 7 It It pMI ERWIN It M 16 I*—tS ' ' •. * ~ il " v =;: t igfr « |j/iOP/)y#Y sit# lAtfa tor. 141 3-4,' ’Taranto. Harry Smith. 1» | *, C» ... « ... M.C. ItnM M«»d"S ... RMchM N»D*tMw> Counell that Jsoted more than tsvoj I tee tge oloasd m nou noameht ooncerntog a B4# heed eaaoh or Feathers ntsbmping at* i hsM ptoked a* the fa vorite to succeed Feather* flora cc 1 tmdsrsesx backfield ooaob and chief scout who Joined the gridiron staff f only 'last summer. He is the only ntember of the 19*4 staff still with, the Wolf pack. the great ex-shortstop wanted more than a one-year contract. Stalky h*rf, wanted a three-year contact to glad Aim time for * re-birfldlng job. The two-year agree ment WiMS apparently a comprom ise. Stanky said He understood the Cardinal focit “don’t like me be cauSe 1 played a* hard against tlie VCESATIAE ’■.* ; - 1 1 ” i - : -■ Its a table model or a. smart off-the-floor ? ' "f "Vj T console when you add- a' "‘•j. odge-to-edge Instant ‘Target ' Tuning auto- TERMS HHBfHPHPPffHfB “Golden Voice” Tone reproduces full range ft bWdpjft |T H lift of voice and gtusic in perfect pitch. : B JHHHflnflß nHBHfI[HH| & S JB^ SI j I KUdftionally styled “Masterpiece Finish” Mahogany ’ * ' dtitaet. Larger-than-life pictures arc FiHereehGlear of (j - ftridrbing spots, Rooks or kshss. 29iWCh screen shows the IntSre picture, just as the TV camera -A— ft . ’tags” it and without losuig “off center” action bapause of* r.“* Kl< j detoff comers. GUke-QttardGereen oKmiftatee up to-9»% —i*, iaivSi iv L. • ‘ •> ■ .• .vVySfiMRNg-.wMV •• ,n - V: «: v- ' ;; * ,4|mbftati jtata m K-fitai'ig’M--' ■ - ■ jmimgmm 5 .. ; ■■ftM ‘Mb Tm EHaH inßwn.Ci ■ IIK-m^Vkefl^SKta 208 E. CunißMl»g'fr. Phone 4228 ® jm -A I M i ■ ■ I I ■ -' * f * * I ‘ t :, - c> ■ ■.-; ■ v RM& WHiOWIIWI NIORT TysiiilMigiVr" i iri»'^mrVaii>l 1 ,j| 4 '