PAGE SIX Woman's Club Has Enjoyable Program The American Home Committee, composed of Mrs. A. B. Johnson, chajrjnan, Mrs. J. R. Denny and Mrs.'c. I. Thompson, presented an enjoyable program to mervoeri of the Dunn Woman’s Club Tuesday afternoon in t' e Home Economics Department of the Dunn High School. m- Alene Mintz, Home Service Representative for the Carolina Power and Light Company, spoke to the club on “Christmas Decor ations That We Can Use.” She pointed out ami showed how homes could be decorated in a very in expensive way through the use of our native shrubs, holly and berries She stressed the creating of orig inal decorations. In other wo-ds she said, “Make Your Own Merry Christmas." She urged that .v < practice safety with our lighting. Decorative arrangements forth“ dining table and other types o! tables, mantels, and wails, and na- Mrs. Willis Mofr Hostess To Ace Os Clubs The Ace of Clubs Bridge Club was graciously entertained last night at the home of Mrs. Willie Moss >on N. General Lee Ave. at 8:00. . The spacious Moss home was beautifully decorated for the oc casion with the Christmas motif being carried out. Lovely arrange ments of white and red carnations and- red roses were used in the home. ( The tables for the dessert bridge were attractively arranged with red burping candles encircled With red berries and holly. A delicious dessert course of ice cream topped with strawberries, green cocoanut balls, 'sits and coffee were served members upon arrival. During play cheese biscuits and soft drinks were passed. . Recipient of high score for the tmning went to Mrs. Earl Jones who received a set of costume jew elry. Mrs. Earl Jones receiped tow els for second high. Hostess trays w*nt to Mrs. James Yearby for traveling prize. Members enjoying the evening Were Mrs. A1 Wullenwaber, Mrs. James Snipes, Mrs. Joe Ruark, Mrs. Earl Jones, Mrs. James Yearby, 1 Mrs. L. B. Pope, Jr., Mrs. Frank Belote and Mrs. Dwight Mattox. Bethel Club Has Meeting With Mrs. Lee The Bethel Home Demonstration club held its November meeting Wednesday night, November 28 at 7:30 o’clock with Mrs. Pearl Lee as hostess at her home. ’ The meeting was presided over by the President, Mrs. C. M. Saun ders. The opening song, “Silent Night” was sung, followed by -e --peatlng the club collect. The roll was called and the min utes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. Mrs. C. W. Wood As*the former vice president: had resighed, a new vice president was selected. Mrs. James Flowers. Plans for the Christmas Party were made. Mrs. James Flowers will head the arrangement committee. Hie party will be at the C. W. Wood home December 18, at 7:30. Mrs. C. M. Saunders, project leader, gave a very interesting dem onstcation on “Family Life.” The hostess served Ice cream sandwiches. The meeting adjourned to meet agin, at the Christmas Party. ' Party. ... V MONDAY. > Mrs. Paul White and Mrs. L. J. Gardner shopped in Raleigh Mon day. |. % ' ABC CHOPPING Mrs. asßßrWMpes and daughter, rt Barbara, are shopping in Raleigh \ this afternoon. Py. SEE ICE CAFADES , / -Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Aldredge / and children, and Mr. and Mrs. K u