PAGE TWO BULLETINS (CwHwhnT From Page One) t the CIO bnited Steelworker* C 1 TOKYO (IF) John Foster Dulles told Japan today that only United States miMtary power has saved her from be- Soviet Russian satellite/’ liii)>nßTnTT Tex. OPI Five units of a Southern Pacific passenger train were derailed at a small bridge 19 miles noftfcoi hero today and two coaches and a Pullman plung ed dow^K a 15-foot embankment into a ditch partly filled M Mffilmttr. HAYANAi, Cuba (IP) Authorities prepared today to re tiring J. Godfrey Pat O’Quinn to North Carolina where he escaped Jail Nov. 15. WASHINGTON, (IP) Career diplomat John Stewart Service today pledged an all-out fight to clear himself of charges that led to his sudden ouster from the State De partment after more than 16 years in diplomatic posts. KNOXVILLE, Tenn (IP) Police looked into Hugh James Miller’s complaint today that a thief stole a radio, camera and piggy bank from his home while he was be ing held in jail on safecracking charges. ALBANY, N. Y. (IP) A nine-year-old bey confessed today he had set mere than a dozen mysterious fires on Capitol Hill. Police caught the third-grade pupijf last night after he had set fire to two automobiles parked near the State Education Building. 1 HOLLYWOOD/ (lf> Rita Hayworth was bounced off the payroll at Columbia movie studio today tec refus kagi'tp work in her comeback picture four days before it was to go before the cameras. ■rr HARTFORD, Conn. (II) An insurance' company’s yjiUlfllal-report on odd claims noted today that a robber look $lO from a choir singer’s purse while she listened £o a sermon on “Who’s a Thief?” HICAGO (V) The National Safety Council said that the nation’s millionth traffic victim had re a one-day reprieve arid the fatal accident probably occur on Dec. 22 instead of Dec. 21. | i WASHINGTON (IP) M-Sgt- Hubert L. Lee, Uland, Jfiss., has been awarded the Congressional Msdnl of Hon ps fee leading bis platoon in six “banzai” charges against - Si Commuqust-hehl hill in Korea. NEW YORK i» The Western Union Telegraph Co. mud it wou&d take action- today to deprive the nation’s pabMen of its facilities on Feb. 1, 5 A JET AIRBASE, Korea (Ift Maj. George A. One-Burst tans Jr., world’s leading jet ace pilot with 12 Communist dunes in Id days to his credit, sad today he’d ‘sheet any iting that gets in front of me . . • I want all 1 ean get.” CHICAGO A snowstorm hit the Midwest today, tying m city traffic, delaying lural busses and disrupting some feme flights. MANILA (IP/ —Two tropical storms Churning toward t/ie "tiilippines veered to sea today sparing the islands where W persons already have beeen killed by a typoon. ROCQUENCOURT, France (IP) Sep. Joseph Martin, louse Republican leader, conferred with Gen. Dwight Eisenhower for a half-hour today and said afterword ppsgHElelieves the general will run foe Preesident f TEL AVIV, Israel (111 The condition of Dr. Chaim ■ktuannn, Israeli president, is “steadily improving,” -1 (Cyitiufhelltef 9m) Would defeat an extra levy on pro -2 The city manager favors an elec- Bon In order to settle tbe issue wee and for all. m There were no indications today Wat a sizeable delegation (nay be fa flnrf Monday niaht to visor- Kusly oppose caUing of tbe election. Headers of tbe opposition said to- Bay. however, that they may take 1 ‘ .-- A »U p»rty «u I»ht hy thej^am ■mil ?Ti?irfii-rir p“ "i - •*#»> • • r-u • a “wait and see attitude” to see what action the board takes first. So far. nobody has opposed a recreation program, (p.t there is opposition to a property tax for the purpose. C. H. Pope will appear before tbe hoard and ask permission to put six apartment houses on one wat er meter. This at present is against city policy. ORDINANCE SOUGHT The city manager will ask for a strong ordinance to require cit izens to provide rat-proof, dog cowi aS* SET TEA Mdses tanaie Sue Turwags sari Pet Snipes were co-hostesses at a tea yesterday in honor of Miss Adelaide Coats, liridsDate.**. tea Snipes home. Those attending the affair were Mrs. h. L. Coats, shame sealed- at ths» left Dias. Leonard Mauds, seated at the right and the hnnorae Miss Adelaide Coats who is directly behind Mm. k k Coats. Other attending were Miss fat Johnson. Miss Wesley Coate, Mrs Reta Whitten ion. Men Barnet P. Russell, Miss Rtta Fleishman. Mbs Stowe bahwsnn. Mtss Jackie Campbell. Mbs Nanay Abernath* toss Sally Whitehead and Mias Isabel Nayle, (UaUy tootrt abate by J. W. Tempts. Jr.) (ml (Continued from Pn** one)) meet so Pope couiu push off the woman's car. fell on head Harmon fell and landed on his head on the hard pavement, suffer ing a fractured skull and other in indies. Little hope had been held fei his recovery. Funeral services will be held Sat urday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at tltp Rule’s Creek Baptist Church. ’Che Rev. Charles B. Howard will officiate. Stand will be in it) 6 Buie's Creels. Cemetery. The body Will lie in state at the church for an hour peter to the services. Mr- Harmon was a native and life-long resident of Harnett, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William H. Harmon. Surviving are his wife. Lilfie Byrd Harmon of Coats; three sons, Otis Clifton, Jr., and Bobby Ray Harmon, of Coats, and Lewis B. Harmon of Benson; four daughters, Helen Marie, and Mary Elizabeth Harmon of the home; Mrs. Marvin Stencil of Coats and Mrs. Eric Stencil of Raleigh; five brothers, W. H„ G. W. and F. B. Harmon of Buie’s Creek; B. R. Harmon of Coats and J. R. Harmon of Dunn; afeo four grandchildren. Jam Imnett (ConUnled From Page One) award winning films as “Stage oeach,” “The Long Voyage Home,” and “Joan of Arc,” had been so upset recently that he had been ‘imagining all kinds of things!* The agent, 40-year-old father of two children, was givfen first aid by a service station attendant, who took him and Mis* Bennett to Lang’s personal physician. He then was rushed to the hospital. The attendant, aid HpKzmana was hekt by police as material witness. Wanger said he saw his wife’s car in the parking lot about 2:30 p. m. yesterday. When he passed by an hour later, he said, it still was there. WIFE IN WANGBR CAB When his wile and Lang drove up in the agent’s car, Wanger told proof and rain-proof garbage cans Arthur F. Pope, owner of the Ho tel Cotton Dale, will appear and ask the city to take action to im prove water pressure sufficiently tc meet the hours' needs. At times he reports, the pressure is so weal that totel occupants on the thin door cannot gat water. Other matters will also come be fore the council. THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. C. Deni* Saftto (Continued trees page U Love. Jimmy Behen, 206 8. Wash. Ave. Dear Santa, Please bring me a doll hoMte with lights and twin baby dolls and doll high chair, rites very pleated with what you brought last year, r think I have been a smart little girl Thank you, , Linda Baker. Rt. 6, Sanford, N. C. P. a My parents name are Mr. and Mrs W. J. Baker. Sr. Doar Santa, Please bring me a electric train and a set of guns and lots of candy and nuts. 1 am two years old. Thank You, i W. J. Baker, Jr. Dear Santa. I am a little girl nine years old. I am id the fourth grade. My teaches name is Mrs. Skinner. I (want a record player, some records, a house coat, a pair of bedroom shoes and a pair of-pajamas. I have a little sister. Her name is Elaine. She wants a baby doll, a baby carriage, a housecoat, a pair of pajamas and a pair of bedroom shoes. Thnk you for being so good to us last Christmas. Love, Brenda Joyce Alien, * Bt. 3, Dunn. Dear jsanta Claus, I ten a little boy one year old. I adL a good Uttle hey. I hplp my fattier. I want you to bring me a baby doll and fruit. Thank you, Roy Hurley Rt. 3, Lilliugton. Deer Sente, I I am a girl of 5 years old, and I am smart. I helps my grandmother get in wood and water. I want you to bring mo a deli, a tea set and a tub and washboard and some fruit. Thank you, Louise Pipkin, Rt. 2, LiUington. Dear Santa, I am writing you to let you know that I listen to you every night on the radio at 6: IS. ] enjoy your program very much, I have a little sister and she listens too. I want you to bring me a pump, air rifle, a big drum and a Bible •or Christmas. My class at school are all writing *to you. Please remember all the ‘jtfaer little children over seas. Qoodby, With love, Carlton Barbour. Dear Santa Claus, I am a tittle boy g years ok) in /.he first grade, 1 am a very good ; joy, am teaming wed in school. L /want you to bring me a. holster 1 tfit. a train, a tractor track, some: :owboy boots, and I have 2 sisters that wonted a doll .and anything /ilse you would like to bring them and remember all other little boys (ind girls, especially Ml the siok mea end the orphanage children, I will leave you some cake on the table. Thank yen very much, J. W. Smith, , Rt. 2. Lilling torn My parents name sire Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Please put. this in the ; Daily Record. (tear Baste Chum » • officers, he waited until they went to her auto end then walked over , tP them. An argument ensued, and /Wanger opened fire with a jttete ' ter Colt Special, pelke site. Asked specifically if he shot the agent over *fVT Vnntot "t“yr replied, “Yes." T “I thought hfi was trying to bnak u» my tomC *t» producer said. Clorter 1$ tost (Continued from page one)) Ulpwkma teeet nearly * pmj Busk Sees (Continued Froto Page One) given the right conditions—of “startling increases in the stand ard of living," Improved health, more leisure, elimination of pov erty, and “relief from the more pressing fears.” Me aaded: SUGGESTS EVEN KEEL I am in the fourth grade. I am nine years old. I want you to bring me a pair of gloves for Christmas and my little brother wants a rocking horse too. I hope everybody has a merry Christmas. Linda Gail Lee, Dunn HATCHER AN» St IK HER Dlu t«£2***»* 2447 &SSR& ST** w. BROAD ST. DUNN, N. C. An)kvlanc» Service Phene T»77 CROMARTIE FUNERAL HQNIE own n. q. lower holding costs America- has mate CbexioJri durable channel-tyge. frame, , MB Advance-Design trucks its rugged rear axl« and dozens N* l chain* k*ttUiae Chevrolet at Other money-saving advms- . M trucks caewteot/y do mare work tagei. Follow the lead of j W for the money ... cut hauling Amertea’s largest group es truck .• • jipEjf* ced>. ThJe outstanding owner*. Choose a Chevroti* wav etems from Chevrolet's Advance-Design Truck gnd great ■naiMered b features,— save! Came-ht and, sea- us—and •4. »0 do more work for your money powerful yatoate head engine, . get the truck tor your |oK ' • - *" *' */*•'* '•* : . --i -Vi. *• 1 ' M 4^B d • BTitte aairr^..^ < c r«r*r re '*^rr << 7 rfw »*7: . AO vanci-i bn trucks borrow just enough mousey nee4- and SMtetm? OreenToHered bIS praises for the “splendid record" made by the Dunn unit and com mended the qfficers for (he out standing work being accomplished Secretary Green reported that during the past year the association loaned its 1936 members a total of *903.090 and that 97 per cent of the loans have been repaid; that the organization's net worth is now *190,0000. Since formation of the unit in 1933, the report shows, the organ ization has made a total of 15.751 loans totaling *8,714.606 and. during these entire 18 years the assooia t lon has lost only WHL*- **.■*. pvititiwi.. : president/ teg hi* tenth oonaseuUVa term, and Ml other \ffteera were also re-elected. Mr. Seay has been a member of the beard, stem for mation of the agency. * Other oifioera are: Junius E. WU liama of: Angler, vice Bteektin.t; Secretary Green R. & Williams Jr., of Erwin, KyR Harrington of Broadway and Leland Lee of Dunn, Route 2,* directors. All the officers have records of long tenure of service. R. 3. Wil liams has served since 19Mb Junius williams has served since 1940: Harrington has served stem 1949 and Lee has served since IBM. Mr. Green has served as secretary treasurer stem June 1, .1961. “It now begins to loch as though something of the sort were indeed possible, in fact on the way ... 19 mute be apparent to aK’tbtekte* men that we, now hate an ow»e»- tunifav greater than ever before, to secure the rich fruits which applied science can certainly render avail able. B- wisely egpjelted." Th bring thin to netet Bush said, tha economy mute be kept “on a reasonably oven, keel" and “stifling bureaucracy’’ mute be avoided. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 14, 1951 j mm teg. _ [At * ■ 1 - >1 • L I DURHAM (WI The chicken thief who raided the eaep of Bin. J. B. Overmen, Jr. near here was choosy. Mrs. Overmen notified Sher iff E. G. Belvin that the thief left this oete: “Too light. Please h "* *-■ He did net take any small pnttete er young fry era Chesapeaake Ray . contains 100 kinds of; fin arid shellfish. JJpi's Television Schedule *8 anas wmm - 1 - IWRKBBT £2 m "MV-nr S:9d Suger- Ctecus * i te Trenbls with Esther saa tote EteteA f SATURDAY l»:te The Egg A 1 * w« etteville is visiting h«- safer In law. Mm Charles Highsmlth today.