FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 14,1951 E - WH»—;- J 1 I ■ inUMCOM'C DECT AI ID AMT • - u strictly wnfidentiM and a no information will bo “ given. Please do not ask F forit i C W < This Size Type .. Sc Word ! * TIMES ONLY $1.25 ' 3* TIMES ONLY SI.OO 1 4-Word Minimum 60s Same Ad l ttJM 81m Type Be Word - lor, Dunn. N. C., 2128 during day and 2032 at night. 1130-12-c FOR SALE: 7 room nottae at 501 80. Orange Avis,, oh lbd.ny ISft ft. corner lot. S'team heated. Easy terms. Call 2128 during the day and 2032 at night. Luby . Nay lor,- Dunn, N. C. 11-30-12-c FOR SALE: Grocery and market. The community groefery at Lee’s 12-11-4 t-p. The finest sHfectlbn df toys in town—and at wonderful prices. jgffls&iJh 12-13-3 t-c FOR SALE: Twenty-six Inch boys bicycle. Good condition. Pricfcd to sell quick. Cash or easy terms. See Preston Parker at Lucknow Clo thing Company in Dunn. 12-13-3tc FOR SALE: For good mules and horse-drawn implements, . see Bud Norris, one mile frotn Dunn on Newton Grove Highway. McLamb Machinery Co., Inc. Diinh; N. C. 12-13-tfn-c FORf&rt FOR RENT: Tenant farm—43 ac res. 4.2 tobaccb allotment, lti Os 15 acres cotton. Nibe 9-rooih house with hot and cold water. Very good land. Old John Hodge's farih, Dunn, Rt. 3. See T. A. Brinkley at Attto Sales Sc Service. FOR RENT: Two room unfurnim ed apartment near Mr. Alfred Bla lock’s home, on Highway 421. wiffcd for electric stove. Call 30i61 after 4 pan. 12-3-ts-c FOR REN"t ri”fotoacco ind cottdh farni hfcaf Dtihii. call or write Mrs. A. P. Dixon, Box 1688, Ra leigh. N. C.; _ 12-12-3^-0 FARM FOR REN*: 33 Icrtt ciiltl vated. Nice nine room dwelling- 1014 tobacco allotment. 3 nice tobacco StfSRSS 2287 or 3724. 12-13-3 t-c —Jiisik* " yzaMßai « SERVICES uFf Ififttily *271. We wia caU for and l^^* : ladles handling Stanley’s,- Avon and ether prodiibts to Increase their . earnings at the same time. Write . 444, % Tne Daily fifecord. - 9-24 ts-c . HELP WANTED: Sgfcretary. Typ ! ing and shorthand required. Fivß and days weekly. Adeqii&te sal ary. Write “Secretary” car 4 of Trie i Daily Record. 12-10-st-c ■—t~— ‘ COATS School Nows BY RUTH DENNING The students of Coats High School are lookihg forward to a very Mer ry Christmas. Though the spirit of Christmas is now here with us, our ChriSttlias holidays hive not really beghn. Schbbl lets diit December 19, at 1:00 and starts back Decem ber 41. The observance of Christ mas is being celebrated in various ways otir student body. A White Christmas has been planned for hebdy families and various parties are being given for the students. CLASS RINGS ARRIVE Wednesday, December 12 was a red letter day for the seniors. The elites rings, those long awaited for little bands with ruby stones ar rived. The rings were given out after much excitement. The day of December 17 starts a series of parties for different stu deite.' On this night the Juniors |re to haVe their Christmas party. Thfc class party will be held at the Coats Community Building, with Miss Edith Allen, the class ■* The F.H.A. girls and F.F.A. boys have separate parties planned for ing of Christmas carols, the play ing of games and the serving of erly looking forwafd to a Christ mas Pgrty to be given tb the* by fflf ° err y <*«*• wiu t*»e, place at 7:50 di thd night d i December 18, at w&miM Miss Gerrv Cqbb. PARTIES SLATED All claasrooins arg to have Chrlst diai jafUea at sc«t»l, Ddfcetiiber 19. The students, both eleinentary and high school are bti# planning tat out Tues-j m gSde: J&kLn. Ka thleen Cobb, Willie Carol Honey mmmm mmmm maamm son. LindtM News Mr. and *H. Clfcm WUliaihs of Raleigh spent Sunday with her ] mother Mre. Kirby Barefoot. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bethune spent Wednesday in Sanford visiting Mr. ■ and Mrs. Howard Coley. > ——— < Miss Halite Bethune, Toni WU- I kins spent Friday in Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tew visited c T. Whittington of Dunn I Hh. £ dHuOm was a vteitt* ' | in Lillington Mondfty. * J;- , * - - - F .* ■ | J Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow FerreU of t SUN■ > M. • ■ - - THE DAILY RECORD. DEHI, N. a '•"rnmmmmmdK&immmmmmmmmmmwmmmmdtoiKßmmmj&dtommmmmmNtß . Our Future "***•*•* oman fry at Mark's CltlZehS Kindergarten i B I t M i ■ Bet you know this young felld! Hfe is Brent Adams, sdh of Mr. dnd Mrs. Hoover Adams, and he lives on S. Layton Ave. and His dstddy is the editor of this paper you are reading tight now. Today is Stent’s birthday. He is five years old. . i Brent likes trains, as you carl see by this picturd. This train is the very first thing he goes for every morning wheti he gets to scHBOI. 1 But he. always remembers to hang up his new red Jackfet aHB caji, . first, before he settles down to play. Brent isn’t, selfish WitK the ttiiin, : even though he likes it so much. If ybu look closely ybti edri ste the HiHd ■ of a playmate, with whom he is sharing his favorite toy. r Brent has a quick mind, and a good sense ot hutitOr, but hfe, first • has to think that whatever he laughs at is wbrth thfe effort, when . that happens, he gives out one of the heartiest atid mbst contagious . laughs you ever heard. He is one of our “thinkers”, and althbugn He i hasn't told us what he would like to be when he gtbd’S up, we Art* i expecting him to make a success of whatever he chooseS. And incidentally, his daddy didn’t Write this story Mrs. Mbffe did I i I ——— ■ - Many Listed On Dunn High ; Honor Roll t Principal A. B. Johnson of the , Dunn High School today announc > ed this sfccohd six-weeks honor roll, , as follows: sth Grade: Miss Owen: Bonnie i Barefoot, Joyce POteat. : r 'Mrs.Ttyals:-Frances Godwin, Judy i Wheatley, Bert Alabaster, Jimtnie ■ Peay. Mrs. Yarborough: Becky Jo Can s nady, Betty Lou Hodges, Jo Jer . rtigdii, Mart Gail Tart, ,Beth Wil son. Bth Grade: Miss Barrett: Btetsy ■ Byerly, Gale Earnhardt, Judy Wood, , M. J. Gainey, Wesley Ryajs. i Miss Culp: Sandra Blackley, Je : anne GOdwtri, Joatine Godwin, Lin da Johnson, Barbara Keehe, Joyce Miss Horton: Ray Blafck, Joyce Harrelson, Carolyn McLaitib, Har old Ausley. Jerry Byrd, Robert Lu cas,. Joseph Norris, pilly Thornton. 7th Gnide: Mm. Barefoot: Mere dith Cromartie, Carolyn Gardner,' Alin Jernigan,- Rita McLean, John Dalrymple, Jr„ Caswell Fowler. Mrs. WaggohfeT: Sarah Linda Hardee. Angele Lee Tart. MISS Smith: Jan AyfcoCk, Frances Carrbll, Phil Garner, Clarence Mc- Lanibi Jimihy Thompson. Bth Grade: Mr. Otisley: Joyce Gbdwln, Alice Stewart, Dotiald Gardner. Bobby JohhSon. Mm. Stewart: Mary Allred, Vir ginlk Turlington. 9th Grade: Mr. Cheek: Shelby Fowlin', Patricia Johnson, Peggy Kirby, Mary Whitehead, Matdine Wiggins. Miss Davis: Alice Prince, Renee Byrd, Herman Godwin.. Mr. Qodwih: Janies Stephenson. Mrs. Myers: Anille Sue Lee, Car oiyb Pgrker. 10th Grade;. Mm. Braswell: Lin da Aycock, Kathryn Butt, Bfetsy Ann Tart, Kathfejlne White. • Mrs. Martha Ahh But tert Billig Jean .jernigan, M&rie Srtiith, Barbara Shlpes, Rfctty Lou Daphne : ’arker. . 11th O ade': BBSS Clifford: Ret ty. Jban Barefoot, Becky Lee, Billy Ray son, Exum Kirty, ohy- JBtes Wade: Jq Hafekett, Fdye i Godwin, Sylvia Edwards, Sohny : Tfeth Grade: Mm. Dixon: Rite Shlpes, Fannie Sue : WilHams, L. c. Draughon, Toinmy 1 Waggoner. / | Six. and Mrs. Percy Tilman were .program at ampbeU College Sun called to Ohio, ID the death of heiflday night, sister in late, Mrs. Charles Bullock! «. aajr Affisrs y-Bts “ r *^"- tt! A, B Bethiunespent Thurtda Jped'L and Friday iis Raleigh CaUtertne NS g4d xwS_ Lecthite it State CoUege on the I& Cabidfes Saturd^ • . r 1 **- - | Mr. anl' JMrs. Lee Johnson »nTVa.,.- five brothers, S. J. and G. R. Gin- o« ner of Rolesville; two sisters.. Mrs. Gebrge Hall of Raleigh and -Mrs... Florine Mathews of Chalybeate. Al-, sb Surviving are 10 grandchildren ->•>- and several nieces and nephews. ! NISH \ CMifaw Cwk> i r | • L'| ;^ OFFICE EQUIPMENT C 3 *P* AND SUPPLY fcO. ; 80. Wilson Ave., Dunn, N.