PAGE TWO WwWmmmmm r— DUNN,!^C. V RECORD KitSnS COMPANY si.-- «• At SU BRsttSfoary Street f P Sss l^f®S^ ,TE " -- 2*B-217 e. «m at, )M y«» w. n 1 - x '*• “ Branch Office* h wery Major City svßSCßirnpN rates BY 'CARRIER: 2* cents per week* sß.s* W ill aßeeacy; t> IN TOWNS *5©**SERVE©’ £f CA^u|r*Jn^* £N RURAL ROUTES INSIDE NORTH CAROLINA: RM m year; 53.50 for six moot)*;. IS for thee* months i OVT-Of-STATE: R 3» par year to advance; $5 for six months. |3 • - „ to* Ihroe months Entered as second-class matter in the Post Office in Dunn, It. ■€., under the laws of Congress, Act of March 3, 1879- ! Every afternoon, Monday through Friday Citizens Can't Stand Arfoither Tqx Increase • Tonight, Dunn’s city council will consider a propos al 'for_£ special election to allow citizens to vote on an-' other tax increase for the purpose of financing recreation i 4 :the city. Wp believe all citizens are in favor of adequate recre ation. That goes without saying. We shall not discuss that issue in this editorial. - The purpose of this editorial is to oppose any in crease in taxes for any reason. 'At;the moment, we think Os any cause worthy enough to result m a raise qf taxes in the Town Qf Punn. Only a grave emergency could justify another increase. Sjffemtoers of the city board potted by The Record have-taken the same stand and are expeeted to kill the pros6&l tonight. We congratulate them for such a stand. -©sr present officials proved earlier this year that thejSSJave some consideration for the taxpayers by re ducing the tax rate five cents. They wanted to cut the rate stiri-saore - TBe town is fortunate in having an economy-minded set OT officials—particularly at a time when the state and Federal administrations have no concern for the tax payers—except to tax and spend. Already, confiscatory taxes are stifling trade and hurting our economy. And right at this moment, the Pres ident is working' on a message to ask Congress tor high er taxes—which should not be imposed. ; Even if the Town of Dunfi didn't owe a cent of money, we’d b£ opposed to a tax increase at this time. Apd with the town pacing s3s9,ooo— more than any town its sine in the entke State—we believe any in crease-in taxes is §rain City Tags During the entire year; the ©tan Fire Department is on call every day to fight fixe anywhere in the com munity. The personnel, all volunteers, aye ready to drop whatever they are engaged In at the sound of the fire dpot, to speed to wherever the Dawes threaten, whether it is-jpill or private property^ • Qgce each year, the citizens qf Erwin are given an {ftjpoytunity to say thank? to their fire fighters by pur fehasinfe the Erwin city tags. These tags cost a doUgf each and the proceeds'go to the Erwin Fire Department, : ■apre i§ n<#iiing cpmEvdspry afemt this purchase. Residents of the community are merely asked to purchase A wiotprist who dqes not buy r tag Rtfl* n«t get 4 ticket or ~be penalized in any way if a city tag is not) delayed op hfe raacfcne • However, in view of the outstanding service the Er- Win Fwe Department renders td the citizens of the com munity throughout the year, we feel that one of these tags should bp on every car in the community. £_.Each member of tne Erwiri Fire Department is sup plied'with some Sf these tags for sale. Q*t in fopph with one of the firemen and buy a tag for your car. Let’s make it; 100. percent this year, i »• -•gsM.r * iMerkfc OTHMAN iIcLEAN. Va.—No matter how old* you grow, thte itilt is a wom an} world. You can ask my father. Hei All his life until his retirement to 'Henryetta. Okla. a few years ago. he worked for the Burlington Railroad. He hMM this railway; it* train? were one of his great fajfc. Flying machine; he regarded a* iltmyof no importance, skitter ing-Ja'Tfle air like autuffijj, leaves ‘ saaaslyhsg against & lnt n« truck with ’em : when hg; traveled ho chose a Pullman •ROC BUU IIHfWI telll 111 ML (L — liPl . r '/’ “W|»y can’t you just SWG, Kkq other iqen I a HMmlom I AmeRIW-60-ROUMO 0!* »f M»w MABSOM • (ED. NOTE Today Drew in tp* American public’s midn— “HaW Does ftoreuplion in Gov ernment Get Started and wpat to tee Cure?” Pearson, who Ri gan hammering bn Income-tax scandals ah*qd of ahyone else in the nation and who has help ed obtain the convictioil of two congressmen, is probably better qualified to write on this subject than anyqS* in the nation’s cap ital! WASHINGTON—A lot Os people these days are asking how corrup tion got started?* the XJ. S. gov- Kr».3» tesr,sS‘ bly ROOT NO. I—Opt started durips the war years when Roosevelt con centrated '■So intensely on winning the ,war teat he paid little atten anxious to be re-elected that he tßrtw cootfol of the Damocratic P*rty ovef to the ■ Presidedt, even gdfng to ‘the extent of deceitfully changing FDR’s let ; ter regarding »vm«n and WiUjam O Douglas in' order to do so. ROOT NO. B—Got growing Ri May of 194? wj»en (resident T*U ’ man. then (n Office one month. 1 kkked out Francis Riddle, the At torney General. Vbc insisted qn | retarding thb U. 8. Attorney m 1 Kansas City who had conviotod Boss Pendergast. 1 The full ’ inside story of how - Truman fifed Biddle, a strait-laced ; y. A Circuit Judge ftom Phitodel -1 ah la’, has never beep told. It goes : to (V bottom of the ligle-reeteed ' fact that today tee Justice and ► the Treasury Departments have be -1 come the grc?i patronage pimps of the parly tp power. There was a time when tee Post i Office Department supplied the patronage to the party. But today. i with postmaster* toMtey under *|yif service, the party, boree* look 1 to the treasury, which controls tarn*, and the Justice Department, which has tee power to proeeeuto. * For tee power to tax and tee *mm te put PtoPto in Jail or save them means far more to tee i efty bosses than any other single tfrfrbg in Washington BIG BQ3SSB STEP IN One month after Truman took l which WUUM. do thilr biddinc ktetV new i kWRfIBHS W HMF 08Uj|il -1 tion to Francis Biddle. He had ' ’ au|V|et ,n M fit A jkgjM/Jm Mr \ \ ff 4 N w 5 m Am mm 1 mi iH yjJm. i . / / jjfJm */n mm l \A y y/y Z\ / [«■« MCan rJTfel’ ns-SSf® handed Senator Truman much of the inside research on the Nazi cartels’ links 1 With Standard Oil Os New Jersey, the Aluminum Cor poration, Bausch and tomb, plus & amazing revelations which f Truman Committee in the es and starter the little- Senator from Missouri on big Fay to the White House. Op the other hand, Biddle had flatly refused to appoint Truman’s old Army. sergeant, Fred Canctl. as U. S. marshal in Kansas City. He also blocked the appointment of Tenter* P*L ex-Congressman Disk! Dugca n of St. Louis, to be a« Federal Judge in Missouri, re flated to parofc Tom Pendergabt aid insisted op reappointing as W- 8. Attorney, Maurice Milligan, i% mga who hats *«nt Pendergast perhaps this wsa why the new President was ashamed to fire Bid dle and asked his secretary, the lqte Steve Early, to do H instead. Biddle, however, not appreciating this second-hand method of doifig business, demanded and got to too the President personally , I quite UMMlßtand that a n*w Itoe«)dcat wanm his own friends id hfs cabinet/ Biddle told Tru hton. “Bm it seems to me 3»U waitd. Teh mb so yourself, Mr. Bfetideht, not'‘detail it to a sec " May I af*’.” my successor ‘ls going to “Tom Clark,” replied Truman. CLARK. RUB’ POLITICIAN Biddle couldn't conceal hi* amazement. A few but h* was easy to many respects his record was bgUbant compared with Hie drift *d teoay-w htoh ha. totem-ed. However, there is ad question tod, that hnder Clark, Justice De jmßt It sanely inaugurated *n ’lfa* tag* Ote fatea* Section) Winehell In A New h York BROADWAY MID NIGHT cure* Atete Ttow»i* itorey gfA IRC **d®e*t now a gtoba tell*M* gn W. 57 th . . . Stow Chaclea Uwdbrex Lege Ragle Om “ Mte Cg*aweva .. . Gam Rrewntef (?*WK) y*u ailtec B»tu tag*, te. i pretty. *1 3aste'* . • , Rebeet Veg efeft. epee kidnaped by IfaereWi at rUUng with zing in tee ste .. . RiUy 9m tie* tew MMhcw* am in-arming along The Bright Righis laa tee On* iblto . . . Hmge Cron- Xn u|4 If |n Xsi4jr (Did esiire oret of ’The Fem-poater”) In the Breagway teredo . . . Esther WR ahoiv ’frewTsh t LaUren^ l Otivire and Lady yivt*n Leigh at Gegfs . . . NaT (King) Cole In town dur ing the Christmas teeaen to record Raster rengs . . . Gertrude Nteaen, the song star, who just mage an other mint wiling, he* Island off the Conn, eeast . . . Chari** Laugh ton breaking a teeth whUe dining ■ Re rushed to a dentist eng w*s only M minutes tardy ter “Ron Juan In Hell” Wettowani Sallies In Our Alley: The passing pf Harold Ross, The New Yorker mag editor, reminded the wags of His episode in the Stork Club cne midnight. Ross was table-hcpping and yelling: "Comes the Revolu tion! comes the Revolution!" . To which Dorothy Parker quipped: "Comes the Revolution and it’ll be everybody against Harold Ross!” . . aoodman Ace’S capsule criti cism of tee play. “I Aw a Camera!’: “No Leleal” . . . folk.:, These Are The Jokes!) New Y*rk Novelette: You lay recall reading ebred h*r heroism in the pagers net tre many week# ago . . . Her name Is Fteeenc# Warner ... She i* «n tite CUB staff .7 \ She W*n the Carnegie Medal ter aatta* the Hfe Os her Bret Beau after lie fell *tt a «**mg bred In Florida In bich seas an# barsaeadg tafsated waters ... . Florence now has a Medal te keep her warm .. . She just word he eloped wRh an other gal—a complete surprise , . . They courted ever 5 yean.. Memo* of * MWnighter: The Al %Rg duFonta have dreidgd to un wind ft. She wdl site Lovely mo ther of Mrs. Alfred O. Venderb(lt is on toe mend after A heart At tack While driving her car Elea nor Holm hasn't yet filed fbr counsel tees. There are ftoet hints of a possible settlement out of court Anna Kaseokina