PAGE TWO trocfailu JUmra r : - ■“ri.rSSass'" ]t' NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE THOMAS F. CLAM: CO., INC. * 205-217 E. 42nd St, New 17, N- J- Branch Office* In Jftffi pt|| ~~ SUBSCRIPTION RATER BY CARRIER: 20 cents per weft; A* yj»r in advance; $5 for six months; S for three months IN TOWNS NOT SERVED CXRR&R' MTD ON RURAL ROUTES INSIDE NORTH C.tßOLth’A: &M per ’ year; $3.50 for six moMJis; $i for wee fnouths OUT-OF-STATE: $8.50 W * Entered as second-class matter xn the Rost Office 771 Dunn, N. C., under the laws of Congress, Act of Mgrph 3, lg7». Every afternoon, Moriaay through Friday The Christm§fj Story mu THE GOSPEJ, *ppp W( Np TO jj T . (.CTfE And iA'came to pass in those days, that there went out a >msoS from CSSaSr Augustus, that all the world should h£ taxed. (And th#6 taxing was first made when Cyrils' was governor of JBhia) And alhyent to be taxed, every one unto his pwn city 4qj3 Jeseph also went pp from Galilee, out ctf the city Qf 5,1 " Nazareth intp the city of David. Which is called Bethlehem (because he was of the house a Ad' lineage of David*) To be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with O child. ■■+***: was While -they yere there, the days were _ - -dwccsmplished that she shqpld be delivered- Ahfl she brought forth her first son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes. Biin in a manger; because there was no room in the inn. ' irere in the same country shepherds abiding in & tch oyer their flock by night, angel of the Lord came upon them, and the round about them, and they were sore afraid, igel said unto them, Fear not; for behold, I S of gyp&t joy, which shall be to all people. 71 is born this day in the city oif David a Savior, Which is Christ the Lorji. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe Wrapped in swaddling clothes lying ip a manger. Arid suddenly there was with the angel A multitude qf the Heavenly host praising God and saying, CGtoBY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH TOWARD MEN Luke 11; 14 Sentiment The greatest miracle of tine, is fftfUating influence from a cradle in Bethlehem ever h»ea«iprig through nineteen centuries. this Babe began His career froip no pedestal 01family fame, pis parents were humble people, for whom ho guest chamber was provided, but were forced to find shelter juporig the beasts of burden. The circumstances of His fqgth even cast suspicion upon His legitimacy. »?&Me shared the glamour of no conquering race, for the gWry of Solomon had departed, and He shared the fate E f* a remnant of a subject race* ruled by the vassals of a fareign power. There had already developed a racial - prejudice toward the Jew that has dogged the footsteps of that scattered people in their wanderings through every country upon the globe. But worse still, ife was imsuhder sraaofld reviled, arid crucified even by His own people, and -His Only friends a handful of fisher-folk. Today the whole world counts time by a calendar that marks Jlis birth, and even unbelievers (fate affairs by His only writing was with His fingers in the sfind, but the world’s greatest literature is filled with quotations and paraphases pi Ris sayings, and finds a place of per manence only in proportion as it draws inspiration from Hfe teachings. He left no musical compositions, but the greatest of all musical copipositions are those that give (Jftression to the Christian hope and aspirations of mien. building was in the simple carpentry of the Yil ■gaf "Nazareth, but architecture has achieved its great- SfßSjgallftplis in the temples and cathedrals erected for ; no institutions, but the lengthening shadow is studded with hospitals and orphan- M, HSere men and women minister in His name. PJlsjfiganized no public charities, but no Community Chest or Red Cross drive, or other manifestation of the fragrance of man’s humanity to man, but in its last analy ses rest*- upon the appeal “Inasmuch as you have done . i* unto one of the least of these, you have donei^mto : | In the cataclysm of war that mm we who fight and pray for the preservation or the conception of government, pin our faith to thS I yiftnai verity of His teaching in the brotherhood of man, confidently look forward to that new order, which Isiah foresaw twenty-five centuries ago, when “the Gov- i Sutoj QhiStmM iw mu, way back.” the me up a hot The editor said, write it l sa» be logical Jtui Then. Pqys •pflffllPflV fIfSTfIWF FWTWTF eveht of ’ historic significance. A number of ife pure' tried to recajl a similar incident in human his tory, but we' au failed. ' It was a meeting of the natural law institute, but this year some thing entirely new was added to the convocation. Instead of the speakers being Roman patpolic Clergy and laymen, the principal lecturers were Dr. H u Ship, wpd spoke as a confucian and a prag matist; Df. Khalifa Abdul Hakim, a Moslem who catae all the way from Pakistan; Dr. M- S. Sunda fkm, a Hindu, First Secretary, Em bassy of India in Washington; Rab bi Solomon Freehof, of Pittsburgh, Who spoke as a Jew. I read a paper Oh the Buddhist position prepared tty Professor Daisetz T. Suzuki. To these speakers, in the round-table {icussions, must be added Cath cs and Protestants, particularly at fascinating Presbyterian, dge Joseph C. Hutcheson, Jr., df Houston, Texas. | *Herc, under the auspices of a Roman Catholic university, were tethered the representatives of the World’s principal religions to dis euss their differences and their points of agreement. The differ ences were many and often pro found. and each speaker stood his ground for his own faith and tra ction. For instance', Dr. Hakipt definitely announced that Islam has nothing to do with the trinity; that Moslems are Monotheists and Wnitarians; Dr. Hu Shth. in a de fense of J»hh Dewey, proclaimed himself a pragmatist and aii athe ist; and so the argument went aihund the clock. V But as great as were the differ ences, even more profound was the re point of unity; namely, that human beings, at all times, tmd in every religious expression, were gropfng to fin«| a form o| superior or divine intelligence, a creative wisdom beyond man; 'and ail human beings of tfveyy clime and kind, in some manner; found the natural law,' that is. a Moral system based on revelation or oh an acceptance of tradition. To the Jews, Christians, and Moslems, this moral law was re vealed by God to man; in some of the other .faiths, it came to man in other way*. But this curious fact stood oui: the sum of the dis cussion established that the natural few is universal; that qte moral bode of all peoples Is identical. - Dr. Hu Shih, who proclaimed himself an atheist, nevertheless said "It is beyond doubt that through out Medieval China and down to feirly recent centuries, the canon m sacred Scripture of Confucian ism . } . was revered and regarded as the highest authority in mati .fers of morals, law, social rela tion* and. government policy. It had the authority of divine law, tin authority comparable to that of ttie Bible tn the Christian coun- Btea. The Confucianlst canon has Acquired this authority not merely Because of the establishment of Imqfucianism as ’a State religion, her merely pecauae tt was re quired reading in all Chinese Schools and used in all civil serv ipg examinations ten* the selection df mentor public offices, but pri ■tartly because some of the books included in the canon in its broad er sense cfe contain some of -fife Universal principles of justice jthich, in the words cp Aristotle, - All men, by a natural Intuition. feel to h*" common right and fTcouid' not help thinking, dur ing thfe session, how wonderful is eur country. We are not afraid. We iced no thought control. We need 1 no policing of the hufnan' mind. ! Where else could such a congrega tion of gather to pre-. Hwe who were not Roman Cath (|ca wondered at the auspices %- W whjhh we met. tor it has been thst Catholics are themselves m mospiaerc, oi 188 DAILY RECORD. Mnm ( N. a MISTER SKBOIK I I v - -• LIK ’Aa-AT"'** i (Ed. Note—Today, in prew Pearson’s series of columns on corruption in government, he contrasts the problem of the lit tle taxpayer with the wire-pull er.) WASHINGTON.—Here are a few illustrations of how tax injustice operates under the present system whereby the wire-pullers settle their tax-fraud cases without go ipg to jail while the little fellows with no puU go to jail or suffer severe hardship. It’s this kind of tax injustice that undermines democracy and in Europe has led to communism. ILLUSTRATION NO. I—ls J.hat qf Francis' J. Massey, a warehouse worker far a Washington depart ment store who was charged by Treasury agents with having re ceived $l5O in dividends from stock in the Washington Oas Light Co. Massey was able to show, through an'affidavit from the gas company that he r>eve( bwned the stock, lljat it «aa owned by hla late father. However, the internal Rev enue Office demanded that he hay just the : sanfe. Though his salary Irilfes rafe 6 of Gf a wwkVa*tofea of • . This, however, was not.' fast enough for the Treasury, and a lien Was 1 slapped on his salary for the remaining $15.59. This got h(fn into trouble With his employer who didn’t want to be harboring a tax -dodger, and he was tired. He was unable to find full-time Sork. his youngest child became i. the family doctor had not hewn paid, and the child died. She feaa buried in Potter’s field at govern ment expenae. Tliis burial expense probably about equaled the improper tkx assessment of $34.51 wrung from Mr: Massey. So in the end tlie Treasury gained nothing. "Finally the Office of Deputy Collector J. Ellis Bowen apologised tor the Mis take. “If you are assessed again, just ignore it," he said. That was the experience of one little taxpayer who could not hire a political lawyer or pun fires. ILLUOTRATTON NO. 3 - Took Mace in the mushroom industry in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Five small mushroom giptoers were found guilty of tax frauds for amounts ranging up to around Toughkenamon, Pa.; Emilio Gian saqte, Avondale; and the three Manfred! brothers of Kennett In contrast, J. B. gwayne of Ken #! capp; A M v a4cls^l i. Wf S* ipsfßSWc'.'' * V 1 ,;-:z L . ; .. wbat aVn<>^o6d lu ®' nett Square, also a mushroom grower, fas' recommended by the Treasury foi* criminal prosecution and the case sent to the Justice Eiepartnient for action- Lamgr Caudle, then chief of the tax divi sion, forwarded the case to U., 8. Attorney Gerald Oleeson in Phila delphia, but he' did not want to prosecute and sent the case badk to Washington. In the Interim, J. B. Swayne had hired a smart tax attorney. Monte Appel, friend of Ohio’s Congress man Clarence Brown of the Taft forces. For more than, a year, Appel held conferences, made delaying moves with the Justice Depart ment. * However, here is the pay-off. J. B. Swayne and Sons already had one strike against them. They had been found guilty of selling misbranded mushrooms and baen fined $l,lOO in Federal Court for violation of the Pure' Food ahd Drug Act. Recording' Milton Hwever, tS ’ HWe NO. 5 Was that of Richard *. Bmith, head of Me Dtx Petroleum Company of Wichita, fans. Re was Wetted on four counts qf incoroi «VKSlon in volving about $37.0* In tans, pleaded guilty and wgs given nine ty days In jttf, plus two years suspended sentence. Ths V. r S. judge Who let Smith off with tfiis Boys who ttote a and took «>crofe a state line, to two years ' fSta^Five) York 9f9**WA* SffcpN Laurence Oftrer and Vlvfen Leigh turned feewn Bui fqr a one-hour appearance fn |em .. Banana” th ? ot|>er night and went i backstage to meet Pbß Silver*, the rolls-and-fork dance •» “The HR Parade-" the other program we* pirated feght out qf fMapttn’s “The E&TLr eTfiji costume*. They, beat the audience ta the street and cabs every bight. Chas. |4U(hton’s de|ifhtful can* dor: “It’» easy to be modest when yeii Ulk like I do." Patti Page had the usual dif ficulties before scaling the hoighty, But in the year ending she had iflne straight recording clicks .. The teevy science-fiction series called ■Out There- rates a nod for skip pink gory mayhem. It hasn't a tingle murder. They realise chil dren are watching .. What makes a star twinkle? Bee Julie Harris’ superformance in “I Am a Camera:" Makes you laugh and cry .. “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn’’ won a majority of okay notices. It wound up With * $125,000 deficit .. NeW Yorkers are still chuckling over Mrs. Tyrone Power’s retort on a teevy show. They asked her: “What did Tyrone say to you on your tint meeting?” The appalled Mrs. Power gasped: "I don’t think I Should say that over the air!’’ .. Modern Screen reports; “Men like Lana because she la honest, forthright and witty - There are at least two other reasons. ' “Ike River,” a movie featuring toll-forehead artistry, is a com mercial dandy. It is mw rated among thb tap dopen mint* . Rbjl Skelton's gag-hustlers have terrific memories.' They had htm say: “He lores the ground she watts on - because she owns the property," which is from the “SMnd-IA-tae- Nighr files' .. “Henry VIIC the film (revived on teevy). I*',peppered With sinful shockers that wouldn’t Broadway remains the No. 1 Showcase for newcomers «od estab spec la tors. Nancl CrompUai Her grace and aping are sqmething tq see .. Janice Rufe; tg *gr-dmy, is ■ tSuHM It uni oae'ol , ours. Tune-Fsn Artey He is a Pitts burgh night watchman at HLH per weta .. Daphne dn Mssrisri new b«ik “My Cousin RiichdL- is not «taf the Literary Gulld sof ectlon for huMmon sold TTMtVii 11 fir you The Worry dtaic By DR GEORGE W CRAME g*- - , i > ■■ Toby dislikes the hath tab! us u result,' he'ls toAng the respect and tave of Ms’ Wife. Mo Woman likes lo be caressed by fc huhk of fimburger cheese or receive sec old hand garlic Msses. U It any wonder that diany wives repulse the' amative advances of their husbands. CASE C-325: Toby J., aged 34 ig a professional man. “Dr. Crane," his wife protested, “you are always Writing about the need for women to keep slender and dainty if they want to hold the affections Os their husbands. “tyell. jugt byway of Record, I am 5* 3“ tail, weigh 118 pounds. And' don’t mfss a dally bath!' “But why do you always pick on us women Why don’t you stress cleanliness for men, too? "I’ve mused my husband’s ego until it has the shape of a sausage balloon. * : “But I’m going to puncture it one of these days, no matter what the consequences may be, if he doesn’t Afop his boycott of bath tuba. . ” HUSBANDS, REWARE “No man has a right to expeqt a welcome to hla caresses when he reeks of perspiration and his breath is a foul cdmblnation of tobacco, hamburger with onions plus beer! “On thjs important point of masculine cleanliness I haven’t seen one Casi Record in the past year. "Surely a dainty woman has a right tp expect Soap ahd water cleanliness from her husband. “If he doesn’t have it And she then isn’t as ardent as he” wishes, I suppose it’s her fault if he be comes impotent, poor dear! “Well here’s one wife who is going to revolt, tf>r Toby dbesp’t take a bath once a week. If a bath is too high a price for my husband to pay for martial congress, then he can do without! “And let’s 'see you indict the men folks a little more often. Don’t pick on us wbunen all of the time!” - r-n — rgSTTI ■ Bu jlmorlrnf* Illtgßl-- ■' f fwrWffrr 9 * V Personal Affairs Counselor * “”fXTT T !?WWvf!fWV«w» l 1 - vOi am in the etatg l forties, with him. I am afraid that IT I never get over this; and (bat I i will not be able to live aggin. after the treatments are over. I feel trapped. How lonfe do these tratments take? Please help me; DEAR D. B.; The chronic wor ries Is alwoyg turning jiR a new ; &SSL £ doewr jou art maLfesttag^ about your Srahsferenoe-feellngs; but the essential cause ok your an xiety to the same as ta^rtHhazM • ?, iiiSS^nSMi-rSSg IntaJdng&emeasure of your ■ latest worry, R to well to realise. first that’yob wouldn’t have gone : to Dr. A U youhmgtbwdrivsp threatening that ■ you felt yqu ; outfit Because BMI bought the *fV» CHRISTMAS EDITION CUPID LIKES SOAP Some enterprising soap advertis er ought to capftAlSe upon the per tinent remarks of Tohy’S wtfe. She to quite justified In her com- .1 menb. I have previously described husbands ThO refused to take a bath, though apparently not in the last 12 Months. One suph Individual was a prom inent Chicago He hated soap and water as much as a boy o t 10. . , - , • In fact, he hadn’t taken a hath in the three months prior to his wife’s visit to ihy office! She satd hi had as much romantic appeal to her as'llmburger cheese! 1 I finally urged this lawyer’s wife to refute' him martial relations un less he patronized' the- hath tub. That got-results but he felt that he wap unduly abused by her de mands. THRILL POWER Since a woman’s chief .sexual or gan to her brain, it behooves a hus band to be a patron of soap and She demands rpmance and car- . esses, idealism and poetry, Rowers 4 Is it any wonder we have undue frigidity to the female when she tt mated wltlh a hunk of llmburger cheese or a carcass ekuding the fragrance of garlic? The old factory sense to a Vital factor in sexual passion. It to ifer haps the chief tont' in exciting. the lower animals, but still retains a very prominent role in human romance. ' A man who has so little artistry ( in lovb and Such a deluded view point regarding romantic stimul ants as Toby, is not the rule to day, thanks to the straightforward soap advertising In the past 25 years. If It hadn't*, been for the hali tosis and “B. 6.” newspaper ads. hoVevef; jqst think what y(iu wives would ha've suffered! (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclosing a long 3c stamped, . addressed 1 envelope and to cdvbr typ ing and printing costa What you send for one of his psychological charts.) . ~ port you through the crisis. As lo why insupportabfe attain "developed only recently, When you’ve been presslon m women, wgfeflmes ex- 1 nerienceC to pfepppsusp, > when functional changes aws taking place that may tmborarw upset glan dular balance—thug Inciting a good afetfealqrl!: Whed guch stress to added to chrqnfc anlfety tensions tas’lh W>ur catai Ifffiy pracipi tate panic sfetae —.W which the patient feeels desperatly afraid of up,” jt ctmT psap the signiricancg oi Ute Your agTvjfr past nlgtdry sfeQttt this a* your special present difficulty, un- You feel' trapped,' you saf; and the gttachment. Ra ther I think the deeper truth is that youfee) trapped" by life itself— which is msUn( you old it seems without having gratified your ohU dlsh hopes m magic deliverance 1 from characteristic doldrums. The deeply neurotlc wcmtoP'to usually demoralized by yOuth and oncoming age—for then she sees time" her trump card. She’d ex- You’ve reettMTtatejiwtong point tally clinging |q the doctor, as a faetng*tht acta^p jTjifiments - n progress towards mental tfeglth

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