CttfttSfMAS Hoover Dun, near Las Vegas, Nev., H *r® w *ap fwa - ■ V,,, ■ IALES * AND SERVICE L 10 Let Us Repair Your Car For Winter Strickland Motor Co. IW E. Edgertcn St. Butler & Carroll Drug Company Dial 2232 Dunn, N. C. CHRISTMAS Mg/fA&x SHOPPING * is a problem I A\V Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, \ Cousin, Aunts, etc But \ This Year Do Your Shopping The EASY WAY Shop for All the family At r tlf nirrt t ***tm j (Merry Christum | - Oue! : i i t/CAND I 'J i AppN SUNDAY 1 0 II TA J D M ' I Vff jvh ' ; A|\ru ■.. Eillßnir fiftfißifT (rlrtnr (vllv |K|||n I j* ~ , !.i| * t v.» f *f| 1 ‘f wtTjFPf S ' • • * ww x ■-• ■ *;v..% | |S|Tl| Tllif ,TO|R a,'- -U' Bh -..fcA-. 1 Ini 111 m I IVI \ I 111 M l*f ffi ■BBBBBBBBBI SANTA VISITS PUNN GRAMMAR SCHOOL—Thraorh arrangement of the Dunn Rarent-Teacher |l> aoclatlopr Q|4 Santa Clans visited the Dunn' Grammar School' Thursday afternoon to n«4 the children be* fore they left for the Christmas holidays. He's shoWn here attributing gifts to a group of the adfcalftar students, (pkily Recjjkd by T. M. Stewart.) 1 Along Tho Routes By John Fallett Last week one map who lives i along RR 3 told ihe that,al|hough he has a bathroom in his houte and an electric pump to keep it In operation, his is so lpw that he cannot'ntse hfe modern plumb ing. I felt sorry for him and a lit tle smug over, the fact that there was plenty of water in my bath room in Buies Creek. IP says she is going to get a big kick out of wrjyWjifr family up North trie lieating thaWout a fffi en pipe in suitiny Carolina. So the weather is cold. At least we haven't had any of the snow they taK about on the radio. And I'ye been InVited. into a lot same in itials: A. B. Parkers of Benson, Kt. ; • . ; , 1 .- f •h » j | i£f rip | wisn tc« your-'V-^nj 1 fil m s 111 Jf /0\ mst •> ;#l h • ; * A *r --A < .... , v . • _ 'i, ?■ Al ;>- T iclrimnnf ' Matt paws, f OQfB ana Eqvipme St. Dunn, N. C. I tSTTERS TO SANTA been receiving me. I wish you and yours a very merry and blessed qpl-jstmas. Don’t forget to include this perfectly yummy fruit cake in your Christmas plans! You’ll want one for your holiday dinner several for gift giving 1 They’re chock-full of the most won derful cherries, pineapple, citrus , peel, raisins, and oh—so many more delicacies. Older yours now. . SI.OO Lb. / mfTl DUNN-RITE fjMBSBI BAKERY DUNN, .N. C. " 5 N. WILSON AVE. | • Crayons. hSlp my mother with the house Smith * . Dear Sapta Claus, Afould you please bring me a bride doll, a doctor set,' rain coat and boots, and *f y° u have any thuig else extra, you may leave it I’m trying to be good. Thank you for whb| you brought me last year. kove, Jeanette Rowles 3P7 E. Cleveland St. Dimn, N. C. 1 P. S. Please don’t forget my little sis ' ter, Kay. (She wants a talking doH). I Dear Santa Claus, I For Christmas I want a bicy cle and I want it blue and white. And I want a record player and some records. And I want a •baby carriage and a *baby dpll. And a surprise. I want my grandmother to hgve a watch. And I *apt some fruit. P. S. You VpH have a gift, too. With Love, |imrta^ 9 prifflth •If you 1 think I need apother one. Hello Santa. I am a girl 14 years old and I go to Bunnlevel School. I like to go to school. I have not been to school in about 4 weeks because I have been ip the hospital. Santa I want you to bring me a billfold, beads, suit and $