PAGE TWO LILLINGTON STUDENTS START i, ROUND OF CHRISTMAS PARTIES ial«ngton high school students in a Series of class parties given HgPMfJKFek set the pace for festive m,.holiday season among the younger SKrißlv H-*' ' three sections of the fresh lufeaip. ctass in which Mrs. J. A. Walker, Miss Helen Russell and <(Jr ilolm H. Blackman are home room were entertained by sev * *aS grade mothers on Saturday ' "night at a party at the Communi ty Center. The hostess grade mothers were 1K,. -Mrs: 'Neill. .Kelly, Mrs. G. S. Ad- Sn l «»ck»...Mrs. F. W. Farrell, Mrs. S«rr-- - lIImMJ /I jag /J Jam Jfi I ' ftr ftr : ■ ft ft ® m 3 ft JW Jfm jfc • - -I* a m a « . • m . * tom _ A Phono /q i-jl •jl Kf)Ai|A . pftj Frank Giles, Mrs. Horton, Mrs, , M. M. Jernigan and Mrs. John D. . McDonald. Approximately 65 freshmen at- * tended, exchanged gifts under the ' lighted Christmas tree and after > » series of games joined in a 1 square dance with Carl Byrd cal- 1 Ifng figures. The long refreshment table, cov- 1 ered with dark green burlap was 1 garlanded with red rickrack braid l and decorated with red candles < and berries. Ribbon sandwiches .1 and cup cakes, iced in green and a bearing a lighted red candle in the center were served with assor ted candles, SOPHOMORE PARTY On Monday night at the Legion Hut near Little River the soph omores in Mrs. T. D. O Quinn’s home room gave a party, also in Christmas setting. Grade mothers who assisted with the party ar rangements were Mrs. A. J. Whitt Mrs. C. G. Kelly, Mrs. Mary Gar rell, and Mrs. M. T. Phelts. Holly and red berries decorated the club room and the refreshment table featuring a poinsetta design made with candy canes. Hot chocolate sandwiches, cookies and potato chips were served to 31 students who attended. A second section of the sopho- - : w \* J ?**. : ! - - " ■" " "P T-- >-■ ■ a,-,'.. .H ■jj i ' y TOR THEM J £j|-|f THERE HAD £ SOM* BEEN NOy^f^ 1 R 0 QM/g-ajP To the casual observer, it is ju|t another typical night in Bethlehem, sleepy town of many generations. Excepting, of course, that the popu-l lation Is more than double, for all the descendants of David have come to register as ordered by Herod. For many, there is no room. And yet, there is more about this (tight! And thhre are some whose faith and wisdom give them aye* to see. Hear the hour of midnight, a darkened sky suddenly shimmers with a light of ethereal beauty, and angels appear to sing s great psalm: “Glory la the highest, Aad on earth, peace to men of good wHI.” A new star fines Itself to brilliance, near the edge of town, bathing In its light the stable where a Galilean carpenter named Joseph has taken refuge with his bride; a queenly young girl named Mary. For them, there had been no room. The star rests above the humble shelter, sending down golden rays that illuminate the area in a strange, unearthly manner. In the distance appear ■!■■*■ —.l ■ --!-!■ & • lilfc JIO«RISJFgEL|a W. Vartce St. Phone 2789 Mrs. Frank Lewis Entertains. Off-Duty Club Corsages of red rarhations for each guest served the dudl pur pose of favors and faftle decora tions when Mrs. Frsnik Lewis en tertained the members of‘the Off- Duty Bridge Club.ehi Wednesday night at the home bf her I;mother in-law, Mrs. N. F: Lewi?. A dessert course of ambrosia and plain cake Was served 'guests on arrival at the meeting which marked the cjub’s'annual Christ mas party. Bridge garnet followed an exchange of gjifts among the members. The gifts were placed under a decorated tree and a San ta on the desk arid a poinsetta plant on a small table added dec orative touches of holiday red.' -second high hwtjrg' wefH'-td'.Mrs. W. H. Byrd. Lqw scorer was .Mrs. Rupert Bradley. Guests included;' Miss Vara (ee Thornton, Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. G. M. Norwood, Jr., Mrs. Rupert Bradley, Mrs. Lewis McKinney, Mrs. Joe Moss Jr., Mrs. Neill Mc- Kay Ross and Mrs. Lewis, the mfts v\£\t with his mother Mrs. N. 8. Atkins. His wife. Mrs.’Stew art Atkins and *hslr yon* son; Neill Atkins of Duluth, Minn, sru expected here coming bprfay of Washington. D o. where they will Join Mr. and Mrs James Colon Atkinas and family for the rtip to Uilington. colonel Atkins win report in the New Tear for duty In Germany. h °" t * S W«DNEBDAY CLUB On the afternoon of the same day, Mrs. N. F. Lewis was hostess to her card club, the Wednesday afternoon Bridge Chib. Mrs. W. 9- Hunter, high scorer, received 1 china coasters and Mrs. J. N. Fu quay as low scorer was presented a vase. Mrs. T. D. O’Quinn was rememberer with a card hay and Mrs. Ralph Izard, another guest was presented a linen handker chief. Ambrosia and fruit cake were served. bring yaw much happness, health, and gpai fariune.' Southern Coach Company Durham * Dunn - Erwin - Raleigh - Wilmington Infay Southern Transportation During Tho Holidays. M.a.,-.. ‘ • ' ■ Vf4 •j. v - ... , t ' ->■ 7 -t. ' J •-j ' . it . f.iJf.A ,4i ’ jgjM / R}v.4§i ; ' m ) fli 4/ Sp ’ ■' - /ly #y v ; \ . .. i.. .; v f flt iu jPWH Kstf* S *' Wm- l T J, } n ? I Jm*- pi ■> if From D. R. iee And All The Staffs At . . * i , {'j'; , turtm ftttFf ih * AND ' r’ ■ 9 r : : MM9MKS HXKB ! fflghSS te n ° fT S? . to spend the Christmas holidays , with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. . M. Johnson, Br. James McDaniel . Johnson. Who attends school at Dav tdson, It alto kite for the holidays. He arrived Wednesday. STUDENT NURSE HOME 1 Miss Martha Ann Neighbors, a 1 student none at Charlotte Mem ’ ortal Hospital, will be In Dunn dur , tng the Christmas holidays. I ' .- WITH MOTHER Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dickey will Billy Joe Johnson, student at Oeorge Military Academy is At lanta, Ga. Is here for a holiday > visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. .Grady Johnson. CHRISTMAS EDITION ! ARRIVES THURSDAT I Miss Carolyn Westbrook arrived Thursday for the remainder of the . Christmas holidays. Miss Westbrook attends school at Duke University. . from Virginia Mrs. Charles Smith tis Arlington. Va.. is in Dunn visiting her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Raynor. Mr. Smith will join his wife here before Christmas. ' WITH PARENTS t Mtas Mary Allot Keller, a student - nurse at the Baptist Hospital in r Winston-Salem, Is home for Ohrist . mas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Keller.