PAGE TWO BULLETINS (Continued from page one)) by film producer Walter Wagner nine days ago, was out f the hospital today but uftable to talk about the Oxrfer -BTH ARMY HQ., Korea 00 The United States has Host 506 planes since the Korean war started and 14, -a record - | have been shot down in the last week, it was announced MEINERSEN, Germany (10 Four bandits who robbed a railroad station cashbox dressed as Santa Clauses were caught by police today after an exchange of pistol shots. BOSTON Iff) A bitter inter-union dispute, which al ready has resulted in a brief longshoremen’s strike here threatened today to shut off the port of Boston indefin itely to American cargo ships. ASTORIA, Ore. Iff) A marine survey firm official said today that flames and carbon monoxide within the white hot steel hull of the Danish motorship Erria will keep boarding parties from (learning the fate of 11 persons be lieved on the ship until at least tomorrow. * WASHINGTON (IP) The Defense Department said to day the traditional turkey dinner will be served on Christ mas to military personnel around the world. ATAMI, Japan iff) A pair of young Japanese lovers blew themselves to death today with a stick of dynamite in a hotel room. The girl’s diary indicated her mother ob jected to her marrying her unemployed lover. WASHINGTON (ff) —Telephone companies were told to day they must decide for themselves whether to cut off service UP establishments they believe are being used for gambling purposes. WASHINGTON (ff) Mrs. Alva Dawson, wife of presi dential assistant Donald S- Dawson and a key figure hi a Senate investigation of influence wthin the RFC. has left her job at the Reconstruction Finance Corp., it Was learned today. WASHINGTON (ff) House tax investigators believed today they have laid the groundwork for contempt action against Henry W. Grunewald, who lias been linked to dtl alleged $500,000 shakedown attempt. NORTH BERGEN, N. J. (ff) A middlte-aged couple who lived together as brother and sister for 40 years, began life as husband and wife today. George H. Wickham, 58, and hhuadopted sister. Isabel, climaxed a 30-year friend ship in a simnle church wedding. • - v ~ CHICAGO (ff) Joseph Short, White House press secre , tary, charged todav that criticism of President Truman’s {■formation securffy order by a professional journalism | fraternity was a “detestable slander.” Inited Nations General Assembly to- Christmas holiday with a record of re to thaW the cold war. - Augusta National Goflf Club offic ii today that Gen. Dwight D. Eisen •vations at the swank establishment (dent Truman sent a special fchrfst ay to members of the U. S. armed 'ar East. Vice President Alben W. Barkley being made to have British Prime irchiH address a joint session of Con — Police said today they believe - or someone like that” swiped brass m the headquarters o! five foreign er Japanese embassy. XATES CfiNTEK, turn (ff) A 74-year-old man was held here today on charges that he ended a breakfast table argument about his allowance by cutting his wife’s throat. liHSBOP. Calif, (ff) Authorities theorised today that a JHftr that carried Swedish pilot Erik Ovgard to his death Spikeup” in the turbulent air currents which prevail in (V) The National Labor Relations mSei today ordered the Montgomery, A a Adertiser Co. H|tiiii!Sdscouragu>g membership of Its employes in the Newspaper Guild CIO Sfe&SHINGTON (IP) President Truman today appointed KpdPlLloyd and David E. Bell, both now working in the gCjSDris special counseS, to $15,000-a-year jobs as ad- HhSrBNGTON iff) The Navv announced todav that lIiCgFC Director William E. Willett has resigned, es- from his SIIBOO-a-year job on the staff «flßKt£retary of Nary Francis P. Whitehair. •' '■ •—— SSSStoIST MARINES, Korea (IP) Marine helicopters | tare ready to take Christmas to the Leathernecks in the foxholes of the cruel East Korean mountains RICHMOND, Va. (ff) A federal district court jury here JJHfcgnp scnooi icicflcr irom « irun »or rdusing 10 nuc in n 5|L, - , ■ , i .in' . .. HalMm Mart nOIHMy nfISS To Draw Crowd Plans were completed for the sacred and solemn ceremonies Which w I The rescuers Worked In teams in the dust-filled dgfkness to bulM a ‘Tire block” aihlgd at Smothehng aj dogged blaae thatj hampered rescue oMrstlons all nigHt. [The badly Injured miners-token] apt were removed to West Frank- 1 Hurt Hospital.. Their fade* were Mack With coal dust blown into the skin by the force of the Mast. RELATIVES BREAK LINES About 25 wives, , mothers sod daughters of the men trapped he ld* broke through police lilies and Made theip way to (he shaft head Where rescue headquarters were set up in the offices of the Chicago, Wilmington and l Franklin Coal Cm., owners of the mine. t They gathered. In s silent, stun ned little group, waiting for word of their menfolk. All had dressed hastily when word raced through the area after the blast. •One woman w*s In her nlght gpwn and a shabby cloth coat. She trembled In the 19-degree temper ature and her gaae never left the doors to the elevator leading down into the Masted -pit. >Rescue teams.-said it.was pos- R stole to work only about two hours lq the choking darkness 'of the mine. Rach^nwn^^^^ Sebtof West Fkankfort, Sd West City were thrown uelon by the explosion. p a crowd of about 2,80 persons Was watching a high school basket ball game when a loud speaker ap peal was broadcast for “i>r. Ben nStt” to report to the mine. The spectators. pUndTuT of the dyne disaster at Centrslla on March 28. 1947 in which 111 men’ Med, were electHfied by the words' sftd Immediately sensed something, About 760 left their seats and followed the physician toward the. Mine. I A crowd estimated hy state police at 3,000 persons, many of . them wives, parents, toothers and, sisters of the men In the mine,) jammed a highway leading to the, buildings which cluster about the mine entrance The mine Is one of the largest In the world and holds the record for! hoisting the greatest tonnage of ooal'to one day of any coal mine; to the world. 4 j Story Os (Cottoned from png* rae»' Record that the hoy must of nec essity use more caution thah other chtoinm Mscausj he must avoid to .. But Jhe Wy U now .able to re enter school, and to engage in play and “fairto normal activity,” the span, barring conudieations, "should be normal ” .The doctors did not minimise but joqffwTat ttoi mL child might not live until Christ mas and that It might be his last UiSM*** * n T other person, he with continued proper trest liM*to'uve *** m * a * ea< *" bUB have bee hour prior to the services '•-¥r. Lucas was a native of Johii stoii County, son of the tote WiL. mt and Betsy Byeh Lucas. He of the community and section. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Irdne Bpak Lucas: three cas of Raleigh, well-known news ifSil nephews. ■ ™ ChilildiM cstqls weipi'fni uid Chmhill •. (C«u Jlh. Hn M« less regvftorly since World War IT began. ! WANTS U. t MONEY } For some time it has been ru mored that the primary purpose of Churchill'S visit to President Tru ' man next month is to get several f mort billions In special aid. .. , Ultimately the 77-yebr-old Prime ) Minister, who remembers well bow . lend-lease kept Britain afloat dur -3 Ing the war, may have to come 1 to that. But his closest associates say it won’t be now. They insist Church- L ill is not going on his first official 3 postwar trip to Washington With 1 hat in hand. a « He may make that clear tonight 3 when he broadcasts to the nation ■. over the BBC network, one of his ■ last public acts before sailing for 1 America a week from today. 5 Ambulance Service PHohe 2077 CROMARTIE FUNERAL HOME -. DUNN, N. C • =S=g f j HATCHER and skini^r ! 111! -liig-JX.. ! sAl£§ m§m» ; W and W - SERVICE ■ • ■ , AMb Comjtictk ■• ''f .:' M HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Talau!#!ah (aLaJislu vtilWHl J I wlww Iw^Ha.' . W>> ? Y 1 6:88 ChrlMßsia^ife‘'i4' r jqls TONIGHT «=» s^toTfton L A‘^ r *« «•« Pre t'M SSTftt Clock • 7JB mSf Revue 7:88 Ramsey Kaye. Show * 7:38 CBS News* 7:88 Restate ot live 1:« PSrry Cease RHew* 71*5 News, Evening Edition 8:88 Video Theatre, “A Child Is 1:88 Ken Murrey Shew • Jpnf 9:B# Wonderful Town * 8:38 Vek* of nrcstede* 9:38 Year Shew of Shews * 8:88. Crusade to the Pacific* . 16:38 Who Rhld That? * MM Lights Oat* . UtM TV Teen Club • 18:88 Studio One* 12:88 Bit Parade * - 11:M Services frem St. John’s f 13:3# News, Final Edition Church. Washington, D. ! sr& fssr* a 12:M In The Park* ’ y. : 3 f 13:31 Kate ftmMi Shew* *’** I I'M Burn* anA AUen* ', . t:M TV CM™ TUESDAY. DECEMBER SB, 1951 I 1:38 One Mail’s Family* 9:3# T*ot Pattern ' ”lhliHN in* I■ w ■ a J -Si ' ’ - .•*f , , llj CHRISTMAS EDITION Stores To Open On Monday Nite un«? to order to give last-mtoute shop pers an opportunity to fill their needs, It was announced today by James aplpes. Chairman ol the Retail Merchant* ComiMttM. i City offices will cloto at noon on MdndSy and wUI remain closed until Thursday mortong. City offices wiU oloee at noon on Monday and wiU remain closed until Thursday morning. County offices wiU close at noon today and will not reopen untU the start of the business day on Thurs day. Therq wUI be no sessions of either Dunn Recorder’s Court nor Harnett County Recorder’s Court until after Chirstinas. The next session of the Dunn Court will be held on Thursday.