CHBISfMAS EDITION ..r; ■——- Dbborah Sunday School Class Has' "fule Party Tke Deborah Sunday School Clan of the CKppel Tabernacle Church of 'Dunn held their Christmas party lass night at the home of Sybil Oachupin and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Smith. At the first of the party, a de votional was given. This was fol lowed by the group's singing Qtatstmak Carols and playing garn«B/J|uiny Attractive prizes were Due 1 to the weather condition, the social committee planned 'an indoor WjMner roast fob the class member^' and their guests. Rotaiiaps Fete Wives At Party Members of the Dunn Rotary Club and their ‘Rotary Annes” were entertained at a Ladies’ flight pro gram at Johnson's Restaurant last night. The program got underway at 7 o'clock with the serving of a turkey dinner with al) the trim mings. Preceding the meal the early ar rivals were led in song by President A. B. Jdhnsoh, who presided at the nmeting. The speaker. Dr. George Cmhreil, pastor of the Hood Mem orial Christian Church, was intro duced by Herbert Taylor. " Dr. Cuthrel} chose as his topfc, “The Real Meaning of Christmas” and emphasised the imporfahie of 4he Christmas season fropi a spirit ual rather than a stand point. “Observe the birthday of Christ in such away as to be a real tri bute to Him,” he 6oiihseled. jA t the dose of the pfogram each lMary Anne present was rem embered with a Christmas gift. Neighborhood Kjfj§ To Go Caroling Tonight Miss Ann £}dredge is having a little Christmas party tonight for ttiA children in her car pool and in t?R immediate neighborhood. At 6:30 the children will meet st Ann’s home to go cKrtsUhas caroling in the neighborhood and will later return for refreshments. They will be served hot chocolate, cookies, and popcorn balls. Those attending will be Jimmy Mattox, Betsy Byerly, Carol and Peggy Stephenson, George Albert Neighbors, Janice Moss, Marilyn Lee. Lewis "Joseph, Wesley How sdb. BIU Jpaekley, Becky ahd Jennie Ay&ck, Jean and Joan Godwin, and Butan Warren. < ..(sHfll m « k On Christmas Day and ■Bp ’W of N «v Year i / JtL a pfiff. Good Will and riij^nw | 1 " u- ■ I ■■ , ™ U 1 ■ - • _ L u D M || An *; na 'e IVupm Phone—Fuquay-Varma 72 BABYTALK -- b y oallentines Dairy Wedding Vows Solemnized At Antioch Miss Betty Sue Spence, daughter I ; of Mrs. G. B. Spence of LlUington, Route 2, and the late Mr: Spence, I was married today to John Thom- i as Stephens of Raleigh, Route 3 ’ in a ceremony performed at 4:30 i p. m. at the Antioch Baptist Church i . in Mainers. < The Rev. L. M. Woolweaver, pas- i ! tor of the church, officiated at i the double ring ceremony which took place before a chancel dec , orated with baskets of white gla- ' dioU, white eathedral candles, > palms and 'fern. Wedding music was ! played by Miss Margie Stewart of : Liliington, Route 3, a classmate of the bride at Meredilh College. So- ' loist was Mias Vitiari Byrd of Bupn lcvel. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, James Spence, wore i for her wedding' a fjavy blue suit , wfth white silk blouse, white gloves, ; and a White hat with white veiling. ; She carried a white prayer book \ topped' With a white orchid and showered with fleur d’amour. Onljr attendant f6r the bride was her slstet 1 . Mini. Charlie Cain of Fay- Ntevill|p, the former Misg Ruth. . Spende; Who wore a royal blue suit ; With a white hat identical to that t of the bride, and had a Colonial s —— Aldredges Have , Informal Party ! Friday str. and Mrs. Ttamett A'drsdge ■ entertained informant' at bridge Friday night. - The Aldredge home was lovely ■ In its Christmas setting. ‘Firp logs banked with pine glowed in the 1 fireplace and an arrangement of ’ silvered' foliage and Christmas balls graced the secretary. Across the mirror in silver letters was the inscription. “Merry Christ ’ mas” and just below 6n the mantel was a reindeer scene: White and blue, exclusively, was used in the dining room. On the ; buffet was arranged a manger (Scene, lighted by mne lights in i electric candelabra. The dining r table Was centered with tiny white i angels encircled with angel hair . ahd blue baUs. t ' The' hostess served cocoanuit a balls topped with burning red 1 candles, toasted nuts, mints, and J. coffee to the guests at the conclus i, ion ‘Of play. During progression!; candy!, f cheese puffs, ahd cokes were pass i ed. - t Those attending the party were i Mr, ahd MrsJ Joe Ruark, 1 Mr. and - Mr&. John Cfccone, lXi. and Mrs. i Gerald Marirf, Mr. and Mrs. Nor i wood Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Waite Howard, and the Aldredges. - - •• CXS r bpuquet of red carnations. Mrs. G. 8. Spence, mother of the bride, was dressed m black and had a corsage erf pink roses. The mother of the bridegroom al so wore block and her flowers were red roses. Mrs. Willoughby Spence of Llllipgton, paternal grandmo ther of the bride, also had a cor sage Os red roses- Stplpjs j follc>wlng the cere mony (he bridal' ‘couple paused in' 'thp church vestibule' to greet their friends. 'Following a wedding trip' they will be at "home in ‘ Ra leigh 'Where the bride, who is a sefiior ' at' Meredith'"College, will cqnflnue her studies. She will tfra The bridegroom was graduated from OarneV High Schoo) ajid served lit thi frm? during >yo?(d jVar il, 16 months'of that H time In Italy. He is now employed by Sou thern Rpll Tplephone and Tele- j graph Company In Raleigh- Be add his bride will have an apartment at ; the home of his parents ih Raleigh, ! Route 3. cake cirnwc following the rehearsal on Fri ®ay night- Misses Lottie and Alice " Rpffjrson, aunts of the bride, en tertained the members of the Stephpns-Spence wedding party and around 3Q additional guests at a a4ke-cutting at their home near Mainers. A bridal color .scheme of green and white was used throughout the house. The refreshment tajjle, cen tered with an aijpngement of Whlfe mums and fever few, was flanked by white candles In sil ver 'holders. The heaufjful tiered wedding cake contained the wed ding symbols attached to ribbon streamers. ’ After, the members of thp wed- | dirig party had pulled the symbols, I the dike was sliced*'and served by the mother of‘th'P bridegroom. At I the dppdsite did Os the table, Mrs. G. B:‘ Spence, motheH of the bWde, served Ume ice purifth. Fern sprays surrbunded the punch’ bowl' arid encircled the base df the cake. , BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. DofnaM Miller Dunn* , route 3. annonunce the birtlTpf a, spff t Bieky Dewey, Nov. 28th at tlf Barnett County Hospital. Mrs. ' Miller is the farmer Miss Dorothy : Mengum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. & Man gum of Benson. FROM CHAFE h mu. Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Hutaff of 1 Chapel HilJ will spend the Christ mas holidays in Dunn with their respective families. LEAVE CHRISTMAS DAT Mr. and Mrs. John Clccone will : leave Christmas day for New York, : where thW fh l visit through New OWNER WTS* Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ogburn were dlhher guests In Snrithfleld Thursday nightbf Mr. Ogbum’s broker. Taykm wIU spend phHstmas day In Chester- Mr. and**hfrs L* cS«Jwi visited their daughter and ebn3n-law; Mr. Wrid Mttt” A.”F. Norwood in SUer City yesterday'. ' - , Dunn, of Benson attended the wedding of we Maynard's som L- C. to Miss TCan Guyton in Columbia, S. C. In DUNN Janus Best, a strident at Duke University, is visiting In Dunn &riify' the T • * THE BECORP, DUNN, N« C. MISS NANCY ABERNATHY, daughter of Mrs. H. M. Abernathy of Oxford has been selected as the good citizen from Dunn High School by the Cornelias Harnett Chapter of The D. A- R. Miss Abernathy was selected by the student class on thlc basis of leader ship, service and dependability Gong with three other students, then the faculty selected' Miss Abernathy from these students. Among - the many' activities she participates in and offices she has held art: Class officer, ninth and tenth grade; Allied Youth, Miss Popularity in the ninth grade; concert band, majorette and: head majorette; student council, chairman of safety committee; chair man of publicity committee; Senior superlative, prettiest; Annual staff; Dunn Hi Time, staff; basketball’; ft”’Tri’ Hi 'Y'"and the' Rr. Tri Hi Y. Miss Abernathy makes her poppe to Dunn with her sister 1 Mrs. A. B. Johnson. ShSe is eighteen years old. She wilt compete In the state D. A. R. “Good Cfflzen” in J 952. dinner Fpr | Gardners Dairy Employees Friday A steak dinner was given for the employees of Gardners Dairy Pro ducts and guests Friday night at 8 o'clock by Mr. James Surles, manager'* - . . ‘EqrfriyMfpihfound his place'mark ed with a novelty nosegay of Chride itias bells. The setting was lighted by candles bftly. Verb interspersed with pine cones wai used between the candles. “ " ' The menu for the supper con sisted of Steak, french fries; pine apple salad; ice cream, and coffee. 'Those attending the party were Mr. arid Mrs. James Surles, and son, Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mat thews,' Mr. Charles Jackson, Miss Betty -Harris, Miss Jeari Beasliy, Mr. Cecil Lie, Mr. Corbett OodWin, Miss Peggy Collin, Mr. Paul Bar bour, Miss Shirley Strickland, Miss Ha Ruth ‘Williams, Mr. Billy Mack and !ifr. and Mrs. Rupert LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monds win’ leaVe Monday for Sftn Diego. Calif.,' where they will make thlir home. Mr: floricks is stationed at a naval base there. ■ -4. -- ■ . ... . - * y—* »**'T _ Jk I I 1 & Js r !ut / V*® Will d@ vipon in® m I ■ Day After Christmas I 5 WEDNESDAY, DbCcMkR 2wn m g ■*B V ) Prescription Service 24 flours Daily ■ | .1 £ UMgjfcj— " At Your Call Day or itlight,- ' ■ -V 11 I I ft ■ I I: ■■ Jb “4 g __ o _ gf' j q. Irfrtmnnhfa Drua Priots ’ rl aiaa J| | Buffet Supper HPnP r § Bridal CQuple Frirtpy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Twyford, Jr. entertained at a lovely buffet shipper Friday night at 7:30, hon oring recent bridal couple, Mr. arid MM Richard Monds. A, Christmas scheme was fbl lowsd 4 - in ail decorations in the Housrf: A~'colotfttl ChrUßnaS tree waPused iri the' living rodto. The dining' room table was centered with ari unusual arrahgemftnt composed of polnsettia; greenery, green” Christmas balls, and fed maline. Tlie centerpiece was flank ed by white candles iri silver cah dleabra. The guests served themselves the following menu: baked ham, potato salad, peas in pattie shells, hot biscuits, hors d’ oeuvres, decorated cake squares, and coffee;" * They were seated at three auxiliary tables, arranged in the living room- Those attending the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monds, the honored couple, Mr. and Mrs. L. i L. Coats. Mr. arid Mrs.’ Leonard . Monds, Mr. and Sirs. Taylor Ste ' phehs; Mrs. R. H. Mo Ads, rind Mb. - and Mrs. ’ 88l Twyford, the host and hostess. ’ \ Formal Christmas Pppfe Gjvep Friday Evening * A formal Christmas dance W)te given list nlgirt’ from 8' to li:|0 in the re&eatf&h rootri of Mi-. Har ry Fleiihmkn’s homi. Those giVfng thb riarty Were Mdfton FftlsHman. Miss Joyce Godwin, Miss Virginia Vann, Miss Joy Lou Edwards, MlsS Alice Prince and Miss Margaret Lee Naylor: ■’"* ' The guests danced till nine o’- clock When they Were served re freshments consisting of sarid wiches, brownies, iiotatoe chifis, candy, and cokes. The dance con tinued then until 11:30. ' '' Trie room was decorated with a colorful Christmas inotif. A Christ mas tree glowed In one cornet and misteltoe was used in various 'ar i rangements over the room. To the the ceiling light in the center of the room, was tied a large red bow. Thirty-six guests were present for the gala affair. M. Y. F. Tq Gp Caroling Tonight The members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship and their in vited guests will go Christmas caroling tonight at 6 o’clock. They plan to carol the shut-ins and the hospital. Following tjie caroling the group Will meet at Mis- Frank Spruill’s home for refreshments. She Will serve hot chocolate, or cold dripk, red and green mintß - individual cakes in the' shape of bells, aria cookies topped with icing candles. Her home is decorated With a gay Christmas mo.tlf. Iri the' living room is a colorful Christmas trtee and thfoughout the home' sale mer ry reminders of the season. fROjJf p. M. A- James Brannon, who Georgia Military Institute, is In Dunn for a visit. He will be here through Christmas. VISITING PARENTS Bobby Henderson is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Henderson. He is a student at Georgia Military Institute. LEAPING SATURDAY Mrs. Charles Bighsmith, Sr., left today to visit her son pr. Charles Highsmith of Troy, N. p., Dr George Highsmith of Winston- Salem apd her daughter Mjrs. % A. Dunbar of Jijgh point, fl. C. Mr. wS ! and daughters left today ip spend i next week in Greensboro and High poini with their lamihes apd friends. 1 , „ | Now TRY THIS CHILD S COUGH e ’ rmm o ingredients. t (3) K contains no natcotics to die i turb nature’s processes. »*••*» lt (A) It will 'aid nature to soothe *»A \ heeJ *»W, tepder, influgM tbrret and , bronchial membranes, thus letieviM ■ mmmo | CREOMUtISION LEWIS GODWIN’S PEfi EMPLOYEES AT DINHpR PASTY One of the meet delightful rfln- S-r parties of the gala holiday sea n was the dinner held last Triura ,y 'Wgnt r itf gonor of the emplo yees the Godwin Construction KjWf- The affair was held at the home of Mr. arid Lewis Godwlri in Carr Heights. GreeA and red Christm4o struck a colorful note ln the 'Godwiri' hpme with reindeer and ihoW soenes used in the 'living rptpn anp a glowing Christmas ' nee making a lovely background Tor enjoyable even ing.' A delicious turkey dinner with Jail the trimmings, chocolate cake ahd coffee was served the follow g employees and guests present: r. apd Mrs. O. W. Gocjwpi. Br.. r. and Mrs. Rrwin Regan, Mr. id Jrfts. Durwood Godwin, Miss Lpvie Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tart ahd Mr. Sam Dorman. FOR HOLIDAYS Miss Mary Ann Westbrook is in Dunn for the Christinas holi days. She attends school at Mere dith College. jjgfrv.- v ' SSI If- * - ' y"-’ 4 a#:- 35:- i»IV J 1 ■ « • Jrr- th it -* tfi : I wm * i,. v, j# - ' JgK l- - . r 35 I ' FROM AU DAISY A WISH THAT YOUR - ' CHRISTMAS WILf. 0E AJEffIY i m 1 .an 1 jQSQigrannp w- N. C. • Phone 2446^SSS^fl^^H| " '' ■ PAGE FIVE will be here until Christmas. Ml- - W.JS& 1 " IN 8. C. ZZ ~ Mr. Roger L. Crowe is spending the Christmas hoildkys in WAadK _ ruff, B.* C. with bis family. ZZ. - -■= -- ~ -4* FROM CONVERSE —■: Z Miss Barbara Pope, a studenCW Converse.' is at home for the houv - days. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. w Barbour Ss> as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. fte» Z gene Aiken of Greenville, SiS. - They arrived today. Mr. and Mr*. “ Chad Wick Pierce and daughter, Z Judy, ol Ahoskie. will arrive time before Christmas. w Brother visits ~ Dr. and Mrs. ,G. L Hooper 3311 have gs their guests tomorrow, 46* arid Mrs. C. M- Hooper apd ■tern daughters of Winston Salem. "Jgt Hooper and Mr. Hooper are JSSs there. «m». Mr. and Mrs- fete RowarcQn ■ Warrenton and Chapel ■ be in Dunn Christmas visiting taste respective families.