r MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 31, 1951 tom s'Avflww COMMERCIAL Dana, H. & iANK Cash On Delivery For Your Pdpwood I i - Beginning Tuesday, January 1, we I will buy pin# pulpwood by tne truck I load nt lt«# t#am track in Dunn (l| block north of th# A.C.L. Station.) t For pric#c and specifications see 1 Floyd Whittington at the siding or wrft# or call ♦ J PIEDMONT WOODYARDS 1 Telephone 771 Sor.ford, N. C. n- Sillyettes &, . i iii ii.iiiiifaitfiliiii.l ml rn+mmimmmmmmrtmMwm ; jfek >Mb % \ , h .- —§i And to think I tewOid on my car through MOTOR CREPtr CO. ta sty On hospital WO. .... ■ . . 1 . 1— # : „ a, aii^i 3«*D ®« * Joha Deere "A," "8,~ or “G” ' «- —— •*** •attaltajontalf ID ml tractor comfort! •. * W,.-. ■ Thrn trtUMt Mt taitwl eidl you io mind. UOOMMr _ ft t** llll ***** l . 1 * *np nflMnnil mt tta’i «Mhm mkhmmery . r ™gT aud three , unoi i Vh.L ■.• to, .* . «■- r > ' tvsctof.ipi .. plyr of hg room. ’tonnm wimr • , Thmt wtaOtihnfr*m Deere is WAiaiMiwgn. * i *?*?*’■ on “* • • * *®**®*jy*®np#y ■o»4giMte'- £ ' Wefcb Leads Merry Romp, ” Elopement" Delightful Bundle-up the family, little Jun ior end all, and hustle down to the Stewart Theatre if you want to aee the most delightful comedy that has come thte way in many moons. In “Sopement,” which plays Sun day. Monday and Tuesday, twen tieth Century-POx has cooked up a richly comic family stew, if one may be permitted an exaggerated metaphor. Clifton Webb, departing frdm hta customary Belvedere role, fat the sharp-tempered father of Anne Francis, a cute ash-blonde, who elopes with a young college pro fessor. William Lundigan. The pres ence of the Irrepressible Webb and Charles Bickford, leading their res pective families in a chase to Stop the marriage sets the stage for much of the hilarity in this won derful human interest comedy. The enmity between the two families leads to many hn«Hn.. t complications before they learn to like each other. Bedded down in a bam after an all night chase, the pareftta discover that the elopers have called off their marriage after a heated prenuptial argument. Then they do an About face to patch up the deTferenoes between the young sters. Naturally, low I nil, isms temperment and the elopers make a new and stpeeaeful dash for their Gretna Oreeu. “Elopement” is Mined at the hearts of young lovers, especially ance beTsed^That was the situation there. In Flori da I paid Sermtor Steiwer: -You have ac counted, according to my. flguna, for »*O. You sSrt no to Arkansas and no money b% Louisiana; $3£M logo Mississippi, to Howard, national committee- BM”*-, y JW« would have to count fegib in Georgia, I should say, because there warlaob given Mr. Davie to cover hie personal expanses to Washington oci tbctom MUM BUREAU Juawdiny'. JaaLf! |r owMW&tjBRS&L. ' BMMtog - Duah,.*.-®. >. „ •'tLah.. ■’ mmmgm tt GOOD USED I CARS- TRUCKS | NAYUK-DKKEY I .. as ■' mWJm MW|| _ wrap, PflMyy. a those who ever headed tor ait alter ; Ewssssrassw ; 22, ss^xsjt^s Kohlmar and Director Rnty Fee ! 22 8 The stars, who are a joy to watch, are supported by Reginald Orndtom. Evelyn VardX. lEgato Gilimore. Tommy Rettig and. to l two wwnderftd MU as an sged far mer and his wife, J. Farrell Mac- Donald and Julie Dean. Winchetl IWHIIVM wlOi n|V Tw#f . contract would have meant a atH hoa bux. .The next day when the agency chief scanned Ms dunetag PHf« smile was featured to full page ads of OtoneTb dggfas. “Bound Ott" is a OhesterflcM (Saw! Oh, the poor man He posed tor the Camel ads because he Wbs ae s shred “the publicity win do you • good I “ NBC to drlrrt—el that Reuae r body to going to Watch Dave Gar wwayh new » a. m. pregrma. They “• «*s?a wata an ttodr «Mk Street studies so that pedea totoue can be tote tor wmk...|Ja toa a Spenser hastens r «ae es the NBCs few puMk service FWMk Tfa a ftshtua* (which Beato totoßtoentty with importaat ' ?*■-*» j—*. «• - wvmcn, a mMPmmmhtp-' got a break toast veterans in sigh lb#.' LmM i# the ML & Camera”.. Frankie Carte’s hod daya were ntof. Bto RCA-Vfe »«*todl ,-Ctotlm agent. pnM h •ay frees the snamstfm at TM ! mSetoJSSSi" Ttof tohmhmT* ** Bsnam-Bafley 'Circus win aw Imf «• a ttak. Iho: t •*°ar PmUl rt *° ry ,0t Wo ° LS"* ** «* tonerica. H«r IMB ntod. a young ».*** “* wheel.!* -jam mm t>et ~£E£:*£* Ska" (the aMh&^Sr^SSto) thejiauyd and Dctir fl|a on the 'hill the first prodoritoo to* ea. farmer at Best. Msrtto Hotel Mto next wtR be the tarn vatston of “Dnrtt of the Mean.” g" - *** «•<**...»ta Maywortoh reason for tovtong by OohanMa Pictures: a harlot in aa».*..3MSiM.-. # mim AMD SERVICE wt * u* Cs Repair Vwur Car Far Winter dvmMnV motor v.o. to hmmrnm * ihhimrjM * Mr mm* * Mib ZgSL .i. ,: AT j MIDNIGHT TO WELCOME / 1"-—«I f - V THE NEW VEAJ» ' i jHw\ f|H I A r 4l / / W 'T r ltt> - i_nTfnirnini IL-LT' fEPHC#MJ IgJ|l|g£ wOnTt do it j] flwm I j rnajl Tl n { *l# f • jpAf I j j /fcfe*i 1 wfk jyl fjm fml PAGE THREE