fcfoit mirAit* 4, im crest* Htfctwog Cttefe* of the Women of ft*.® £«t Pttabytwisp Church will meet Mond*y afternoon at 9:10 and MoftdW evening at 1:00 as follows: vN*. I Ml's. R. L. Remaburg, Chmn., with Mrs. 4. jW. Purdle 3r. ,N* *—Mrs. J. e. Gdddard, Chmn., With Mrs. Guyton Smith. I'M. 3—Mrs. M. B. Boole, Chmn., wltfi Mrs. L. t*. Stephens. No. 4—Mrs Harvey Strickland. Chmn., with Mrs. C. D. Hutaff. EvUtfnc Circles: . Ho. S-ltoTaV Sufford, Chmn., ♦lth Mrs. H. A. Rayford. No. 3— Mrs. R. D. Goff, Chmn., With Mrs. Paul Walker. No. 7—Mrs. E. W. Smith. Jr., Ohmn., with Mrs. R. C. Oakley. NO- B—Mrs. O. C. Henderson, Chmn., With Mrs. Q. C. Henderson LEAVES FOR FLA. Miss Evelyn Straughan left this morning to attend the South-wide Baptist Sunday School Clinic in Miami, Fla, FEE! ACHY? Ni re mm g jiaL r 9 |ve * fast M 2 M 2 m 2 symptomatic VVV RELIEF Quinn's Television Schedule WFMY-TV 2:00 TV Chape. ftronnshhrfl 2:30 ° ne Man’s Family * vmmt 3:flo K ß^ bi “ (18 Vt g j 5:00 Super Cirrus * r? E »«tlon 5*30 Trouble With Father * I)f 6:00 Television Playhouse * 2’5 JsS** . 7:00 Paul Whiteman - Iff £" * . . 7:30 This Is Show Business * !:2 Show • S:00 Comedv Hour . J’ff n*' Tpe rwome . 9:00 Fred Waring • JJ? Crllhe 1 0;0# Ce | ebrity T | me * ,{ ! 2 *K V?™ - 10:30 What’s My Line? * ff’J! U.« Greatest Fights of the 11:30 what - s Mv Nam( , ? * „ -- r*? tUr ™ . 12:00 News: Final Edition « ! 2 J rreßt 2"* . Slgnoff was v* U MONDAY I*:M News, Final Edition 9;30 Xw)t p att( . rn Slgnoff lfl:00 CBS TV News « SATURDAY 10:15 Arthur Godfrey * 6:30 Test Pattern 10:30 Film Feature * tf:S9 Hollywood. Junior Circus* 11:30 strike It Rich » 11:00 The Whistling Wizard * 12:00 The Egg & I * 11: JO Smilin’ Ed’s Gang * 12:15 Love Os Life * 13:00 Big Top • 12:30 Search For Tomorrow * 1:00 Mr. Whard • 12:45 Kate Smith Show * 1:39 Assembly VI * 1:00 Steve Allen Show • 3:99 Basketball * 1:30 Garry Moore Show * 4:99 On Trial * 2:30 First Hundred Years • 4:39 Pentagon, Washington * 2:45 Bride A Groom * S:M American Yanth Forum • 3:00 The Big Payoff • 5:39 The Nature of Things • v 3:30 Melody Matinee 141 tedeatry on Parade • 4:00 Homemakers’ Exchange * ftOO American Barn Dance • 4:30 Carolina Calling >149 Boat'The Clock * 5:39 Howdy Goody * 3*5 §****? * ; *9 T 9 i B « Announced,. 7:19 fccrete # 6:15 Kukia, Fran A OlUe * I:4* New*, Evenmg Ydltlon 6:30 News, Evening Edition 9:99 Ben Mnrray Shpw * • 6:40 6-Gnn Playhouse 9:f| Wonderful Town • 7:00 Variety Revue 9:19 Year Show of Shows * 7:30 CBS News • 19:9) Who Said That? * • 7:45 Perry Como Show * 11:00 Vs T«fm Chib * 8:00 Video Theatre • llitO HM Parade • 8:30 Voice of Firestone • V’M New*. Final EdlUon • 9:00 Crusade in the Pacific • . <. Slgnoff 9:30 Lights Out * >- 2. • SUNDAY 10:00 Studio One * 11:19 Teet 'Pattern 11:00 Mr. District Attorney * 11:99 In The Park • 11:30 The Clock * 12:39 Kate Smith Shew * 12:00 News, Final Edition * Allen • , Slgnoff . ’ • Note: This sehednle Is sahjoct to change without notice. Indicates network shows. spurs of nih. me. Your Zenith Television Headquarters i„ - * V- iirrlllc v«lvt • t h««dI . —< Save HARIIKT HUBBARD AYR* HAND CREAM C mp|gEAM'/ 7 82 50 VALUE now % J 25 \k for a limited time only A fragrant cream that t?‘» Butler & Carroll h;- .v • ■ v s' 1 ; ., v£ J ' *.£v v* -**■= Merry Matrons * Meet At Home Os Mrs. L Campbell Mrs. Bob Leak was ai.fcuest when the Merry Matrons CSnasta Club met at the home of Mr%tockewood Campbell last night fofj their reg ular evening of canast*y. The Campbell home 'rwas beau tifully arranged for with scarlet gladiolius and green mag nolia leaves In a lovely • arrange ment on the mantle Irtj.the living room. The dining room fiad a sim ilar arrangement as a spenterpiece on the dining table. During play the hostess served assorted cookies and coca-colas, after scores were compßed a de licious cold plate con tattling ham, potato salad, gherkins, dgyiled eggs and hot coffee was served. Mrs. Taylor Stephens ; and Mrs. Clarence Cannady received' plastic covers for high score. Recipients of second high were Mrs. ODen Jernigan and Mrs. Betty Bass who received colorful dish cloths. Playing Jor the evening-were Mrs. Lee Sandlin, Mrs. Bill Twyford, Mrs. Ollen Jernigan. Mrs. Betty Bass, Mrs. Taylor Stephens, Mrs. Troy Godwin, Mrs. Johnny Wel born, Mrs. George Willidms, Mrs. Edwin Boyette. Mrs. Lockwood Campbell, Mrs. Clarence C-annady, and Mrs. Bob Leak. SHmMI LITTLE MISS BARBARA TWYFORD was honored at a delightful birthday party yesterday after noon at 3:30 in honor of her fourth birthday. The party was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rill Twyford on W. Broad St. Games were enjoyed by the small guests and records played. After Barbara opened her attractive gifts ice cream and cake was served. Mrs. W. H. Twyford, Sr. and Mrs. Taylor Stephens assisted In serving. Those present for the party were Taylor Stephens, Jr., Brent Adams, Debbie Twyford, Carolyn Faircloth, Betsy and Dinah Edmundson, Kenneth Monds, Burrell and Ted Wells, Rick Newell and Gloria Phipps. (Daily Record photo by J. W. Temple, Jr.) Cards 'N Gossip Club Meets With Mrs. O. R. Pearce Mrs. O. R. Pearce Jr., was host -1 ess at a dessert bridge for mem bers of the Cards ’N Gossip Club last Tuesday evening at her home on W. Divine St. Ext. Upon arrival members were ser ved a delicious dessert course and during play potato chips and soft drinks were passed. Recipient of high score for the evening was Mrs. Luther Turner who received fruit juice glasses. Traveling prize, candy, went to Mrs. Haruz Duncan. Mrs. Dwight Rowland received thank you notes for low score. Members playing were Mrs. George Williams. Mrs. Owen Wil lis, Mrs. Luther Turner, T.'rs Hanrj Duncan, Mrs. Dwight Royland. Mrs. Ed Wade and Mrs. O. R. Pearce, Jr. Legal Notice NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. The undersigned, having quali fied as executrix of the estate of E. V. Gainey, deceased, late of Harnett County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 14th day of February, 1953, or this notice will . be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of January, 1952 . BRIDGET M. GAINEY, Executrix, ’ 108 N. Ellis Avenue Dunn, N. C. Jan. 4-11-18-25-Feb. 1 TIDE DAILS RECORD, DIMM. M, & Mrs. L. P. Stephens Guest Os Entre Alia Bridge Club The Entre Alia Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. Norwood Stephenson last night for their reg ular evening of bridge at the Step henson home on N. Orange Ave. Gay potted plants and pyracan tha berries added a colorful note to the home for the occasion. During play coca-colas, ■ cheese biscuits and cookies were served. After scores were tallied pound cake, jello with whipped cream and toasted pecans were served. Mrs. L. P. Stephens who was a guest of the elub was recipient of high score and also was awarded traveling prhe. Mrs. Nathan Bam received second high.y - —- ■Member* playihg were Mrs. Bff Stancil, Mrs. Nathan Bass, Me*. Lewis Godwin, Mrs. Paul Parker. Mrs. Edwin Stewart, .Mrs. Mae Barefoot and the guest, Mrs. L. P. Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Masdenglll Jr., of near Benson announce the birth of fc son, Ricky Glenn, on Sunday, December 30 at the’ new Memorial Hospital, Smithfleld. Mrs. Massengill is the former Miss Margie Young of Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thomas of Benson announce the birth of a son on Monday, December 31, at the Harnett County Hospital, Dunn. Mrs. Thomas is the former Miss Lois Brady of Benson. DEVOTIONAL ON WCKB A series of Presbyterian devo tional programs ovpr radio station WCKB on' Sunday afternoons will begin this Sunday and run through June 15th. The fifteen minute pro gram will be carried over 26 sta tions throughout North Carolina- Each Sunday a different minister will speak, starting with the Rev. Sidney Gates, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Salisbury this Sunday. Seal Sale Total Now $3,069.74 ' The Beal Sale for the Harnett County Tubercular Association has barely cleared the three thousand dollar mark with a total of *3,009.74 as of press time today, it was re ported by Mrs. John Dalrympk, who is In charge of seal sales. This leaves Harnett County far short of Its . quota. However, many persons to whom seals were mailed have, as yet, failed to reply, and complete returns may bring the final figure higher. . • V •. Persons who received letters con taining the seals and who have not yet made returns are urged to do so as soon as possible, In order ttiat this fund drive may be con cluded. iS.-.My-n > Dunn Construction most rnvoomm Hod, etruc ture, business or otherwloe for much a penult was Issued during Godwin Building and j dwellings amounted to *22,475 in «*Ttor charge of the program and gave an Inspiring devotional. Scrip ture verses were read by Mrs. Les lie Parker and Mrs. Jule Mann. There were three guests, Mrs. J. O. West, kfirs. Mary Holly and Mrs. Allen Lee, present for the meeting. A delicious plate of ham sand wiches, pickles, ice cream, fruit cake, pound cake and coffee was served to the guests and fifteen members present. Churchill (Ceotinned From Page One) officials here emphasized their ex pectation that the Big Two talks Will he “friendly and constructive.” President Truman himself obvi ously shared this view. ” He was asked at his press con ference yesterday about a report published in the London Times that some American officials have indicated Churchill will be an un welcome visitor. Among other tfetMte, the influential British news paper said, “Inspired stories” have btan circulated that Mr. Truman “saw no reason’ for Churchill’s visit and “was rather annoyed at the prospect of it.' Mr. Truman replied vigorously that it was foolish for anyone to doubt Churchill’s welcome here. The British leader is very wel come Indeed, he said, end there are a number of things he is look tag forward to discussing with iff VM V 9000 USED I . LI infcl (n 9 I >:'■ . 11 Novus Bridge Club Is Feted By Mrs. Mann Mrs. Bill Laughinghouse Jr. was a guest last night when members of the Novus bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Gerald Mann for an evening of play. Greenery and whiter berries add ed a colorful note in the Mann home. When play began, Mrs. Mann passed iced drinks and potato sticks and later she served a delicious refreshment plate consisting of ham biscuits, fancy cheese bis cuits, fruit cup topped with whip ped cream, dainty cookies, toasted pecans and coffee. When scores were tallied at the end of play, Mrs. J. W. Thornton Jr. was found to have the highest score. She received a towel set as did Mrs. Laughinghouse. The trav eling prize went to Mrs. Mickey Rouse. Members playing included Mrs. R. A. Duncan Jr, Mrs. Alsy John son, Mrs. Hoover Adams, Mrs. James Surles, Mrs. Pat Tart, Mrs. J. W. Thornton Jr. and Mrs. Mick ey Rouse. Delta Dekka Club Meets At Home Os Mrs. B. Alabaster Mrs. Bert Alabaster was hostess to members of the Delta Dekka Bridge Club last night at her home on W. Canary Ave. Gladiolus and greenery w'ere used in lovely arrangements in the rooms of the home. During play coca-coins and mints were passed by the hos tess. After scores were compiled a delicious dessert of strawberry shortcake and coffee was served. Mrs. Willie Moss was recipient of high score for the evening and received a lovely rhinestone pin. Second high, a small mustard bowl, went to Mrs. Dennis Strickland. Mrs. Waite Howard received a set of ash trays for traveling prize. Members playing were Mrs. James Yearby, Mrs. Waite Howard, Mrs. Emmett Aldredge, Mrs. Lonnie Baldwin, Mrs. George Britton, Mi’s. C. B. Aycock, Mrs. Willie Moss, Mrs. Dennis Strickland and Mrs. Bert Alabaster. SERIOUSLY ILL Mrs. Mamie Butler of Dunn, Route 3 is seriously ill in Watt’s Hospital at Durham. A* ~ NECCHI sewing machine sew^gj^i makes buttonholes, blind-stitches, nf HE,R 1 f ♦ \ .'RKi CmMOf t h :I , NWMMNi l takes the handwork out of your sewing job! ~ You still have time to make your WINTER WARDROBE with a Necchi. This machine not only i stitches straight, it stitches zig-zag too. It does most of the jobs you now have to do | , by hand—and does them without attachments. | Come in and let us show you. Or, if you prefer, ' ■Hf-aNfe we'll gladly give you a free demonstration •> at home without obligation. Con-ole and de-k models to match your furniture; portables too. Service and parts throughout the country. ‘ ■ i ? EASY JEMS! SMALL DOWN PAYMENT! Liberal' tmbe-m allbrahce «• yo«r oii mcMml > ..-.. .., „ I "r: .! CD pjk sewing lessons ■ j 'ifitjbean't say NECCHI on the machine, DUNN ; f, SCIWljf SMITH—SMITH Mr. and Mrs. _R. G. Smith of Chalybeate Springs have announced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Faye Smith to Benjamin W. Smith. The marriage took place De cember 22. Mr. Sm.ith is the son of Mrs. Ola Smith of Lillihgton and the late Mr. Smith. ENGLISH TEACHER TO SPEAK AT MEET OF W. iC. The Dunn Womans Club will meet next Tuesday Jan uary 8 at 3:30 in the Library of the High School. Mrs. Bessie Massengill, chairman of International Relations Depart ment of the club will be in charge of the program. The guest speak er for the occasion will be Mrs. Edith Horton, a teacher in the local schools, who is from England. All members are urged to be present for this informative meeting. Tuesday Review Club Hears Talk By Mrs. Thad Pope The Tuesday Review Book Club' was graciously entertained at the home of Mrs. Arthur Pope yester day afternoon at her home oir K, Layton Ave. at 3:30. The home was beautifully: dec • orated with bouquets pf I'ioWers in the living room which was thrown ensuite. Tire members and guests for the occasion were ; invited i.ito the dining room upon arrival w here Mrs. T. H. Sansom poured coffee and tea and Mrs. H. C Turlington, dub president, served chicken salad, Cheese biscuits, potato chips, pick les and fruit cake topped . with whipped cream were also served. Mrs. Thad Pope gave a most in formative talk on the turmoil in India and reviewed the book "The World Ip A Riddle.” by Christine Weston. Mrs. Louis Stephens re ported on current events. Guests for the meeting were Mrs. Glenn Hooper, Mrs. Earl Mahone, Mrs. J. N. Creel, Mrs. C. T. Latimer Mrs. Billy Hodges, and Mrs. Leon McKay. Members present were Mrs. J. S. Bryan, Mrs. Carl Fitchett 3r„ Mrs. Hugh Prince, Mrs. Thad Pope. Mrs. H. M. Pittman, Mrs. T H. Sansom. Mrs. H. C. Turlington. Mrs. Guyton Smith, Mrs. L. C. Stephens, Mrs. John Perry Jones. Mrs. J. R. Cathey, Miss Lillian Ezzell, Mrs. P. A. Lee, Mrs. George McKay and Mrs. Arthur Pope. PAGE THREE Hoe 'N Grow Club Hears James'SNlpei 1 Speak On Big|g| Members of the Hoellfct? JOroiO d; Club were graciously entertained J when they met at the home of Mrs. ,-c L. A. Monroe last for their monthly meeting with Mrs. J. M. Dawson as co-hostess/ ...JR The Monroe home was chftrm- yi: ingly decorated for the occasion with colorful pot lants greenery used throughout the home. The program for the evening was on "Birds” with Mr. jarpes'Snipes giving a most informative- -talk on | the habits and different types of I birds. ~ After the interesting program a social hour was held dllfirlg’ which v delicious refreshments -of lime sherbert, assorted sandwiches, sal ted nuts and cookies >yere served to the sixteen members present lor the clubs meeting. START YOUR SAVINGS! AT COMMERCIAL Dunn, N. Ck BANK r HEAD STUFFY DUE TO COLDS^^,^^^ TAKE for fast £}/J A symptomatic OOOjiiF Safer Gough Belief When new drugs or old fad to slop your cough or chest cold ddn’t delay, i Creomulsion contains only trife, help ful, proven ingredients alad no nar cotics to disturb nature’* process. K goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal vaw, ten der, inflamed bronchial ttembnnas. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. Crenmultjon hoi gtood the test of muy millions of useta^ CREOMUUSION nuras Covfiu, Cfewt CM, Ante • “-|