PAGE FOUR fjpdnhs, Gardners fnterfain At Party pn Friday Night an# Mrs. David Adams and Sr. and Mrs. L. J. Gardner enter mined at five tables of bridge at St* Adams borne on West Harnett ■best Friday night. **o*ely arrangements of narcissus and other Spring flowers were ■MI to beautify the Adams home Sir the enjoyable affair. Xlbndng Play divinty fudge and wit drinks were passed. After three PHyasrlom scares were taillied Sbd Mrs. J. V. Bass received high snore for .the ladies. Mrs. I*. C. Du ne. Jr. Was awarded consolation. Id Wade received high score for pie men and Mangum Butler was flwenled consolation. l M«bhP*S of the Canasta Club ttmspnbered Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dupree, Jr., who are moving to fßymouth with an electric hair % After the game delicious choco fite cake and coffee was served to me following members present for Pie occasion: Mr. and Mrs. Wall Knott, Mh and Mrs. Ed Wade, Mr. tegd Mrs. Gene Bracey, Mr. and Krs. James Britt, Mr. and Mrs. £. C. Dupree, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bangruifi Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. White, Mrs. J. V. Ba&, Mr. find Mrs. L. G. Gardner and Mr. gpd Mrs. David Adams. $ —* South Piver Group Meets IE The ffeuth River Garden Club Mecember meeting with Cain of Falcon. There w member. Mrs. D. M. Godwin and one visi .' E. Randall of Falcon old members present. 8 xne meeting was called to order Rg the .president, Mrs. Ella S, Page. Alter singing the club song £cjd redßlng the collect a brief fastness was' held. ’> Mrs. Karris had charge of the |spgmm*-6he introduced Mrs. Jim fty Wallace who read the origin ■mi hisjjry of some of our hfst ■Med Christmas carols. Mrs. Ran m in "turn played a record of each. ” f social hour games were plavgd and Christmas gifts Ware exchanged by the members, r The hostess, assisted by MW. Randall, 'served ambrosia, pound cake, nuts and coffee. K? W ; —S - POILLIPS-HUDSON ,Mr». Norma Tumage Hudson and Hazard Phillips, both of Benson, were unitfed in marriage December iS In Diljpn, S. C. tfotpomt : * Refrigerators Inmn . * Ranges m Water Heaters 5- e * Ireners L" Washers There! No Point Being JVithout Hot Point UYTON'S ; fJSXJNGTON .SPECIAL OFFER | Wo Are Now 6iving Our Business Cords To Our Customers •THESE BUSINESS CARDS ARE GOOD FOR WM. A. ROGERS I SILVERWARE MADE AND GUARANTEED BY ONEIDA, LTD. t • - ; ;Just think of Hi AM you do if *avt those business cards given r- * you with purchases made at our stare, and they are redeemable . ; : |or beautiful WM. A. ROGERS SILVERWARE, in your choice of two ; exquisite designs. Start your set today and you will bo agreeably I • hew fast your silverware cards will accumulate. I* : This is made possible far yaw through a special arrangement we have ' 'wads with the Rogers Silverware Redemption Bureau Inc. of 855 -Sixth Avenue, New York 1, New York. 3snd the required amount of cards listed an the back of each card lor in the catalog, to the New York Office and the silverware will be I 'forwarded to you Parcel Past insured Prepaid. : "Remember to ask far ROGERS SILVERWARE CARDS" I* * THEY ARE TRULY VAiUABLE U • ’ '•? >: X+- ‘ J*X' * \XJLI CROMARTIE F HARDWARE COMPANY Bridge Party Given In Honor Os Couple Moving Away Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cunningham who have moved to Charlotte were honorees at a delightful bridge party last Tuesday night. The party was given in their honor by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryan at their home on West Cumberland Street. Gay potted plants and greenery was used throughout the Bryan home for the enjoyable occasion. During Play toasted pecans and soft drinks were passed. After scores were compiled a dessert of delicious fruit cake and coffee was served. Recipient of high score for the men for the evening’s play was Paul Walker who received a nov elty shower set. Mrs. Cunningham received high score among the la dies and received a cosmetic set. The Cunninghams were remem bered with a box of candy from the Bryans. Those present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Locke Muse, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Laughinghouse, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belote, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryan. JR. WOMEN TO MEET The Junior Woman’s Club will meet tomorrow night at 8:00 in the Dunn Armory. All members are urged to be present and to bring their talent money. Mrs. Grace Swain, local Red Cross head will address the group. LEAVES FOR NAVY Robert B. (Bobby) Wright, Jr., left December 27th for the Navy. Bobby, who was a member of the Junior Class Os the Dunn High School, and of the Fu ture Farmers Os America, will finish his schooling in the Navy. Bobby, who is now stationed in San Diego, Calif., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R B. Wright of Dunn Rt. 1 PABTIN-# ARNELL Mrs. Creolia Darnell of Coats has announced the marriage of her daughter, Miss Marie Darnell to Pfc. Jlmmi# Partin of Angier. The marriage took piece December 21 at the home of Mrs. Darnell in Coats. MOORE-EASON Mrs. Jennie Eason of Roanoke Rapids has announced the mar riage of her daughter, Mies Mary Eason to Sgt. Willie Eugene Moore, son of Mr. and lbs. James A. Moore of Coats. The marriage took place December 24 in Erwin. PHILLIPS-HEARNE Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hearne of Fayetteville have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Joanne Gigson Hearne to Cephus Jonathan Phillips of Godwin. The marriage occurred December 22. \ FLOWERS-WARREN \ Mr. and Mrs. John Galvin War tr«’ daughter, Miss Mary Lee Warren to Glenn Flowers. Mr. Flowers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lor man Flowers of Bentonvllle. The marriage took place December 23 in the Pleasant Union Christian Church of Newton Grove. Ambulance Service Phone 2077 CROMARTIE FUNERAL HOME DUNN, N. C. Joint Birthday Party Held By Lillingtqn Youths Miss Sharon Turlington, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R; M. Turling ton, and Dougfas Schafran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shafran, whose birthday anniversaries coincide en January 5, were honored with a joint birthday party given Satur day night by their parents at the Turlington home. Miss Turlington was eighteen years old and Mr. Schafran cele brated his seventeenth birthday. The Turlington residence was ree orated throughout with red and white. On the living room mantel was placed an original decoration of red gladioli, fern and ivy. while roi candles burned about the house.. In the dining room the tabled cov ered with lace over a red cloth, was decorated with red candles and fern. Miss Turlington had a corsage oi red carnations, while the other honored guest had the same flower as a boutonniere. After guests enjoyed charades, yarn-spinning and other games, re freshments consisting of Castilian cake, buttered pecans, ice cream in cupid designs, and lime punch were served. Miss Turlington cut and served the cake while Douglas Schafran served the Ice cream. Miss Beanie Strickland of Dunn presid ed at the punch bowl. Gifts for both honored guests were then opened and afterwards a color motion picture Aim of the Ice Capades made by R. M. Turlington, father of Miss Turlington, was shown. Guests attending included: Miss es Jean Hamilton, Sara Hatley, jane Cranford, Reba White, Pat Garrell, Laura Mae Edwards. Shirley Camer on, Suzanne McKinney, Fay Mat thews, Doris Manning, Beanie Strickland, Sara Kelly and Hen rietta O’Quinn; and Bobby Bes soms. Rudolph Brown, Darrell Kelly, Hill Murchison Jr., Leo Kelly, ,Jr, C. H. Brock. Jr., Joe P. Smith, Jr.. Kenneth Watkins, T. D. O’Quinn, Jr., McKay Salmon and Pat Sut ton. ■ RETURNS TO BASE Pfc. Clarence Edward Tripp, who has just completed a six months’ course in aircraft mechanics at Shephard Air Force Base, Texas, spent a Christmas fprlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Tripp of Dunn. He has now return ed to Shanute Air Force Base, Illi nois for specialized training on some of the world’s fastest bomb ers. VISIT NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ciccone and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Anderson have returned from New York City where they stayed throughout the New Year’s holidays. RETURN FROM MARYLAND Miss Mabel Pope has just re turned from' Leonardtown, Mary land, where she visited her sisters. Mrs. Clifford Cox and Mrs. Tpl .madge Qopdmag- \ . HOBSON-FUNDERBURK Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Funderburk of Jonesboro Heights, Sanford, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Bara Funder burk to David Hobeon, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hobson of Jones- IK MAT memo, «onh. a »• Coats Seniors To Give Play Thursday Night “Cornin’ ffognyT the || the tide of die three-srt comedy to to presented to tto Senior dys of Coats Dish January 10. ip U»e Hff h Sefchi auditorium « o'clopk. "Ooffito' Round the Mountain * U a truly novel cupaeds of funny doings to down south ' ‘ ■ ■ t M** *«d i tors %ho lifve arranged s me*? rlgge for their bfautilul daughter, Carney RfU. to * hOfWar nfjttb bfff, Sammy Foster. Ssmtnn If fir ing the Skitters as a dowry *mn tisl “hawg” hy tpe name of fspsy Sim. But Conwy BeU has different ideas. She has fallen love w(th e handsome resorter from the “out side” and the family decide tp “git" hipi, even it they hyve to use e shotgun! These are osuy a few of the many, many uproerioue and sometimes almost ridiculous, dum? tions In ’’Cornin’ Bound the Moun tain." Members taking part in the toft are: Maw Jean Hawley Paw D. C. Ryals Curly Marvin McLean Comey Bell .... Melvia Williams “Dizzy” Mae .. Laura Greed' Ennis Zeke Jimmi? Vaughn Ellie Lou DFunny Becky Upchurch Samson Fester Dennis Pope Robert Bruce'’.... Frederick Byrd Edward Small, .. Mnynard Moran Carol Hughes Sue Langdon Doris Dean Lela Ruth .Cobb Tickets are 48c' for adults ind 28c for children. The play will begin promptly at 8 o’clock. Don’t be late. You won’t want to miss a single one of the hilarious situa tions that arise in the hyitterically funny comedy, “Cornin’ Round'the Mountain.” Miss Edith AUen is the director. boro Heights. The wedding will take place February 9 in the Bar becue Presbyterian Church to Olivia. Rev. A. M. Long To Hold Services At Tabernacle The Gospel Tabernacle will begin a series of Revival Services start ing tonight at 7:48. Rev. A- M. Long of Salem, Va., will tap thy Evangelist lor the services which will continue throughout the next two weeks. Rev. Long is the fanner direct or of youth work toy the state of Virginia’ and is presently pastor of thy Salem PH Church to Salem whan * is dbing a grand job and devnopifig a fast growing church. Miss Elaine Vaughn of Roanoke Vy„ and Mr?- JuantojptunSrof Clinton will be special musicians for the meetings. Rev. Bane Underwood, newly In stalled pastor a* Mw church extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend the services which' will con tinue through January S& Tux Collections Show Increase Harnett County Tax Collector D. P. Ray, Jr, to a report made to day to the county commissioners submitted proof Har nett citizens did not wait for the New Year to make good resolu tions. They paid theia taxes to Decem ber, so frequently in fact that the total percentage of collections of the 1081 charges, at the close of the month stood at ISMS per cent to comparison with the 81J7 per emit which had been, gathered at the seme time a year age. . The report caused the taz collec tor to eater the New Year with e happy frame of mind, he said, cit ing that out of the *67tA»lj3 the collector is asked to oollect, the total and since the 1951 charge was <04,438.88 more than the <653,- to collect In the previous 1880, pay ■aid eesp a small income jp per “ssTtsaftSAfsaM'"- Aa a bit of encouragement to all those who plan to keep that New Year’s resolution and pay up, Ray noted no penal the will be schedul ed during. January, thy month a good intention. However, an Feb ruary 2, tardy (arpeysr; will be li able for one percent penalty and in March It will be two percent. Each successive month one naif of on delinquent taxpayers. COAT) m-pi—^#7l Formerly NOW ONLY 3.98 2.9 s 55.00 - - - r 36.36 3,98 Broken Sets' ’ BLOUSES JA AJP OO QA Dressy and Tailored Style T7tyi| - '■ * - WWivU Panties Blouses in a Fashion Clear -1 a-Way. Whites and Colors. KAA . . , , . 30.00 Odd Loto-Broken Sizes Values To Now VwsWf UW»¥¥ Nylon' and Rayon Non-Ron 5.98 2.98 39.95 - 26.63 WERE NOW I 3.98 29.95 19.97 * u - SUITS 78 .T,'. E& formally SOW ONLY D hh cloths ' \-W 49.95 - - - - - 33.30 «° r, “ jou “ * 45.00 ...... 30.00 Bce ° ch .so. rsj*. 2.00 OQ QC Oi It "S’ Bath Towels 29.95 ----- 19.97 n*ids. soudi. strip.. WERE NOW CdPIX ladies’ 39c ........ 29c DRESSES bathltoweu » FormeHy NOW ONLY W 19*95 - w - , - 12.95 79c 59< gloves 16*95 -> - ¥ . . B*BB LADIES' SHOES Fancies and Solids DRESS & CASUAL SOLD TO NOW 1A OC C AA Snedet and Leathers la 1.48 . . 1.00 »' IVfTol ------ 3oUU Brown. Rod. Green and _____ KKm « AA Black Sizes sto 18. '' 1 _ 8.95 3.88 w now __ 1195 795 LADIES’ V'W : 4.88 ■IBB* GOWNS ”1— NYLON and RAYON Shoes sweaters Short Sleeve SUps-Over. Fas- Formerly NOW ONLY ef I Baedw*aife*liafe*t^^l C qq 7.93 - - - - - - 448 5.95 --- -- - 340 MWOTwoiii* waters / . | 11-95 4-8 * «M V * L 398 —C ti— —, Mwott tfwwxw, ttmw >,