- *Ultington f ociefy MRS. MOLLIE HAIGHWOOD, 85 7 PAID HONOR AT LIIUNGTON j Mrs. Mollle Halghwood, who ob served her 85th birthday anniver sary-on Wednesday, was honored Mat an Informal open house held npat pay by. her daughter,' Miss Mamli Haighwood, at their home ArouSd 45 guests were received In the afternoon and night. Mrs. Halghwood, who Is the old est member of the Lillington Bap tist Chureh and an active mem ber of the T. E. L. Bible Class, was presented a dozen red roses and corsage of .the same flower by the class. AS Practically all the class members, Wo-workers In * the W. M. TJ. circle In which Mrs. Haighwood is a reg ular attendant, and near neigh bors called during the afternoon to extend goqd wishes and pre sented the honoree with gifts. Mrs. Haighwood’s birthday anni versary coincides with that of her son, Carl Halghwood, who came from Fayetteville for dinner. Later the same evening follow ing the weekly rehearsal of the PERSONALS Miss lona Campbell has return ed to Raleigh after a recent visit with Misses Edith Ann and Veve Caviness. Miss Campbell is a for mer resident of Lillington. \ Miss Ruby Peede has returned to Charlotte where she is a stu dent at Queen’s College after be ing at home for the holidays with Jmr. parents, Dr. and' 4-- W.. Misses Lynn Lewis UMI Jailnita Bass left Thursday tp we turn to’ Flora Macdonald Coliegd at Red Springs following Christmas holi days at their respective, homes here. T; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sylvester of Richlands were New Year’s Day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson. Mrs. Julian Fortenbacher-return ed! from a holiday trip to Florida. She was accompanied By her daughter, Miss Judy Fortenbacher member of the Campbell College fatuity. igt. and Mrs. C. W. Morpfe and their sons, Charlie and Ratmie. Were to leave Saturday foe, Jack son! Tenn., home town of Sergeant Morse. Mrs. Morse and the chil- W’S ~ ffotitCofM Spill, gives you ALL the revolutionary FERGUSON SYSTEM features GENERAL UTILITY COMPANY, INC. Dunn, N. C. « ,A flc methods awaits you when ■IHnnAL you call us . phone 24«*. Ttljluadr For prompt pifck-up ... far complete service phone 246* ■ C ARw#L|fl|A *>• • - -« My. ft**•• Baptist Choir in which Miss Mamie Haighwood sings, the choir mem bers and several additional guests gathered at the Haighwood home to add their good wishes. The living room was decorated with red roses, poinsettas, red candles and sprays of greenery. During the afternoon Mrs. Haigh wood greeted her guests wearing a lavendar dress. For the evening party she wore black crepe with a corsage of red roses. In the dining room a color scheme of pink and green was fol lowed. The table held the white birthday cake decorated with pink and green and an arrangement of pink carnations. A pink Christmas begonia decorated the buffet. The cake which was sliced and served by Mrs. Andrew Jackson was served with green Ifruit and salted salted nuts. Mrs. Inez Harrington presided at the punch bowl and assisting in serving were Miss Ade laide Shaw, Mrs. E. R. Davis, Mrs. Willie Dean, and Mrs. Roger Weaver. dren will remain In Jackson while he is on maneuvers with the Air Force in Texas. The Morses had an apartment at the home of Mrs. W. P. Byrd. Orphanage Says Thank You Dunn >'' In an open letter to the Dupn Rotary Olub and to the ctfczens of Dunn, officials of thesDunit Ftee Will Baptist Orphanage express their gratitude for their outstand ing contribution to the welfare of the orphanage. The text of the letter is as fol lows , The Dunn Rotary Club and The Citizen* of The TdWn of 'Dunp, N. C. Gentlemen: » “The Dunn Free Will Baptist Orphanage, Inc., wishes to thank the Dunn Rotary Club and . the Citizens of the Town of Dunn for the liberal contribution presented td the Chairman of the Board of- Di rectors of the Dunn Free Will Bap tist Orphanage, Inc. on January 1, 1952 in the sum of $900.00. “The Rotary Club sponsorship of our Orphanage and the coopera tion given by the citizens of Dunn to the soliciting Rotarians is great ly appreciated. “The spirit of the Rotarians who worked in our cause in the Christ mas campaign for our orphans and the response your local citizens Out Complete jOo% Will Help Make Your Car Ready For Any Driving Need. We Give Expert Service * Oil Change * Thorough'Greasing * Tires and Tubes Checked * Radiator Service * Battery Service And Powerful Esso Extra WILKINS ESSO SERVICE E. Broad St. Dunn, N. C. The laughs are long and loud as Fred Mac Murray and Dorothy McGuire turn cowhand Howard Keel into a movie star and idol Benson Society Benson Bride is Honored With An Afternoon Tea . Mrs. William P. MacDonald, Jr., who before her recent marriage was Miss -Peggy MassengiU, was honored Saturday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 o’clock when her mo ther, Mrs. Lynwood Johnson and Mrs. W. R. Denning entertained at an informal tea at the Denning home on the Dunn Wghway. Midwinter flowers and greenery decorated the spacious home. Guests were greeted by Mrs. John Allen. Mrs. Robert Denning of Benson and Miss Louise Mlley of Erwin assisted in receiving. Mrs. W. R. Denning invited griests into the . dining room where a color scheme of green and white prevailed. The tea table ws cover ed with, an exquisite lace cloth and centered with a low arrangement of white gladioli, carnations, and fern flanked by lighted white cath edral candles in silver holders. Mr. W. A. MassengiU, grandmother of the bride, of Four Oaks poured tea assisted by Mrs. Hubert Mas sengill of Four Oaks. Party sand wiches, cookies, nuts, and mints were served by Misses Ann John son, Sue Bandy Lawhon, and Diane Overby. Miss Joan Benton presided at the bride’s book where fifty guests were registered. Mrs. Johnson .and Mrs. Allen said the goodbyes. Miss MassengiU William -McDonald The December marriage of Miss Peggy Ann MassengiU, daughter of Mrs. David Lynwood Johnson of Benson and Norwood L. Massen gill of Four Oaks and William Percy MacDonald. Jr., son of Mr. MacDonald of Vassalboro, Maine and the late Mrs. MacDonald has been announced by the bride’s mo ther. The bride, a member of the Ju nior class at Meredith College, is continuing her studies .there where she is majoring in primary education in conjunction with her study of piano and voice. The bridegroom is a staff ser geant stationed at Pope Air Force Base, Fort Bragg, N. C. Mrs. William P. MacDonald, Jr.„ the former Miss Peggy MassengiU whose marriage occurred in De cember. has returned to Meredith College where she will resume her studies as a member of the junior class. Mr. and Mrs. David Parnell of Parkton spent the weekend here with Mrs. Parnell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson. Pvt. J. B. Benton, Jr., and De- Leon Barbour left Thursday for San Diego, Calif, to resume mili tary training after spending the past ten days with relatives here. ” Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Johnson and son, Billy, and Mr. and. Mrs. William P. MacDonald, Jr., 'spent Sunday in Rocky Mount with Mrs. Johnson’s- mother, Mrs. D. L. Mc- Lemore and visited other relatives. | / Frdd Johnson was a visitor to Ro6*boro Monday. „ Mrs. Keith George of Fayetteville spent a few days here this week with her sister, Mrs. Will Woodall Mrs. C. W. fSanders, Mrs. Vlri nle Smith, and Miss Neta Turling ton visited Mrs. Festus L. Turling ton in Clinton Tuesday. have given those of us who have charge of the Orphanage affairs a renewed spirit to serve our cause. “Please, therefore, be assured of our genuine and lasting gratitude Tor the, Christmas service you have rendered us. / .... v . “May Odd Bless each of you throughout the year of 1952. "Cordially and Sincerely,’’ >' Signed?-• '•'V** u^vk * . JOHJJ HENRY TART^' ' X .j* Pima Free Will Baptist Dunn Free TO Raptlst of America’s, youngsters in “Call away,” M-G-M’s hilarious eome dy-drama now showing at the Dunn Theatre. Mrs. J. F. Woodall and Mrs. Will Woodall spent Thursday in Ral eigh. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Slocumb of Middlesex spent Sunday here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Slocumb. Cpl. and Mrs. Roy Critcher left Sunday for Fort Sill, Okla. after spending several days here visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stancil and Mr. and Mrs. James T. Critch er. SPECIAL OFFER Oot- yhb Week Only Receive This Useful Timesaver That Makes r.£ * •'Healthy Foods More Appetizing, Quicker, And : Easier Than Can Opened Foods. Only $595 l||fe§£ Regular SLSS Value 1 ijv li {lerwr-mi fjL life’' 4) ~vZX Ikbot -- ? j § HRiIPC t * IP 1 H| i m f' - - ollli laanß—• l z ///\ IK mr-y fa \\ | J Or Purchase Anv Model Gas Range From Our Stock And ! We Will Give You The Griscer Absolutely Free. [| This Offer Is Good Through Saturday, January 12th !i -- r A u An a a mh' i: jonnson woiioii W. BROAD STREET DUNN, N. C J . DUNN, £ O. [@l CLASSIFIeB ads at.t, keyed ads am strictly sonfidentitl and no Information will be {iven. Please do not aak (OI It. CLASSIFIED RATES 3 T IMES ONLY sl-00 This Size Type .. 8c Word 9 TIMES ONLY $1.25 5-Word Minimum 50c Berne Ad fhi* 81* Type •* Word FOB SAUE j FOR BEST RE-fCLTS with all | farm animals. WAYNE FEED is the product for you to buy. You will find a complete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMERS SUPPLY, Ounn. 8-17-ts-c FOR SALE: One five room house. One station building arid four lots. Call 2537 in East Erwin. J. O. Horne. l-2-6t-p FOR SALE: Clean 1949 Chrysler Windsor Highlander. Fully equip ped, with radio and heater. First class condition. Priced to sell. Call or Gene Hood at home of Mrs. E. P. Davis. Phone 2219, Dunn. l-3-3t-c FOR SALE: Malcolm’s Work Shop. All equipment and supplies. Phone 3266 or write to Malcolm Hodges, Malcolm’s Work Shop, Dunn, N. C. 1-1-llt-c FOR SALE: 1951 Chevrolet, four door. 6.000 miles. Radio and heater, $1,785.00 Mickey R6use, Phone 4228. l-7-3t-c EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH: We Guarantee, to furnish everything needed to build your house—except framing lumber. Save money, time and worry Godwin Building Supply Co. In Dunn. Phone 2323 or 3875. M-W-F-tfnc FOR SALE: 1948 Chevrolet panel truck with overload springs, heater, and radio. In very good running condition. Uses no oil, tires very good. See or call George W. Will iams, 705 S. Magnolia Ave., Dunn. Phone 2395 l-7-3t-p FOR SALE: 7 room house, alj mo dern conveniences, 100 by 250 ft. I lot. Located in Buies Creek. See or write J. B. Buchanan, Buies Creek. l-7-3t-p I FOR RENT FOR RENT: Two-horse farm. Has four acres of tobacco, 10 acres of cotton, six acres of corn. Tenant must furnish his own mules and fuel. If interested, see Louis Baer, Dunn, N. C. tfnc FOR RENT: Five-room apartment. Extra nice. Steam heat. Electric hot water. Exhaust fan. Private entrance. Free heat and water. Will be ready for occupancy about Jan uary 10. Apply to Louis Baer, Dunn, N. C. tfnc For Rent: Two two-horse farms— five or six acres of tobacco-15 acres of cotton with each. All the corn you want. See George F. Pope", Dunn, I|3 4tp FOR SALE: Several good used oil heaters. Erwin Furniture Co. l-3t-3t-c SERVICES OFFERED QUALITY PRINTING at eoono nlcal prices at TWYFORD PRINT ING COMPANY in Dunn. Let us Xd on your next order. Telephone >271. We wii: cell for and deliver *ur work Auto Finance AUTO LOANS —REFINANCING— Reduce Your Present ■Payments Money in 10 Minutes MOTOR CREDIT CO. , i DUNN, N. C. Fayetteville St. Phone 3158 LOST AND FOUND LOST: A black and white pointer about ten days ago near Clement School. Reward. Charlie Suggs, Box 91, Erwin. i|3 3t p EARL HAWLEY OIL CO. Wholesale Dealer PROMPT SERVICE - COMPLETE PRODoci> f N. Layton Ave. 3794 Phones 2241 Dunn, N. O. PAGE SEVEN HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Restaurant help. Also night watchman. No . phone calls. Ma’s Kitchen, 3 milefXbuth of Dunn on Highway 301/ Under new management. WV4t-p ass.... Help Wanted: Milk routman. Must be high school graduate. SaJaiT or commission. Apply to Gardners Dairy, Dunn, N. C. ljJ-tf-c. wantep~~3~ Wanted: Registered nurse desires office position in doctor’s office. Write "Nurse”, care of The-Paily Record. fT-Jt-p WANTED: To buy a modem oom fortable home in Dunn. Must Ift In good location. Write “Home;' Jare of The Daily Record. J-7-Jtf-c WANTED: Job as salesgirl. Well experienced. Phone 3223. 1-7-Jt-c Four fruits are featured cut the U. S. Department of Agriculture's plentiful foods list for Jaijftary. These are dried prunes and' raisins, and fresh oranges and tangerines. 1 START YOUR SAVINGS AT ■* COMMERCIAL BANK Dunn, N. C. ;;