PAGE FOUR Mi ts Dimes Pester toy TTJI© U * OUR COAL IS $11,900.00 POLIO PUYS NO FAVORITES! Harnett Has Never Failed, Why Should We How! 4'fS. ' Wherever it strikes, let's have * - our Dimes ready to march! if? «* Polio can strike anywhere .. . but wherever it strikes; if S§ (1 H■ If there, too, will you find the March of Dimes money ready to give battle to the disease with the most advanced m~^4 methods available. So, Bet’s give enough to make those HAH li’ dimes march to every possible place they’re needed ... H H H IW H H]i and to march to bright, new hope! m —1 w * w > ..... This Page Sponsored By The Following Dunn Merchants HOP THEM BUILD BACK THEIR MUSCLES AND TO WALK AGAIN. LANGDON'S WOODWORKS "Woodwork of all typos" m • • ‘ — JOIN THE DRIVE FOR THE MARCH OF DIMES - WtSTEKM MW * ASSOCIATE STORE E. BROAD ST. . DUNN m 1 r\ •' l f". ’ ' THE MARCH OF DIMES WON'T YOU OPEN YOUR HEART TO THOSE WHO NEED IT ? FIRST CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. E. BROAD ST. DUNN Link The Space Between Being Crippled and Walking Again. HARNETT HARDWARE CO., INC. E. BROAD ST. DUNN HELP THEM TO WALK AGAIN. CARSON GREGORY * ' • *?'• $ , j -■ ' ,v -' •¥*“. . i........ i.... . > EVERYONE'S!! THE DAILY RECORD. DUNN. N. a Our Future ProW,#s oi th ° " ( t small fry at Mark's Citizens Kindergarten , SfllH v jjßwMAmjNuwit^fc f&V -' x f' H HhL 111 Hp - V . _ . , MARGARET LONGHI Here’s a girl Mrs. Marks just couldn’t get a good picture of when she wasn’t looking, so this is the final result. She got caught when her back was turned! The only other time we could get her picture when shd didn’t see us was when she was as busy using her tongue as her crayon to color her picture (as you can see by the inset) Margaret is a mighty cute vivacious blonde, short and plump, with a winning personality. Her nickname is “Duck”, and she likes that, too. Margaret lives with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Lowder. and her real mother lives in Tennessee. She paid her mother a Visit during Christmas, and had a wonderful time. Margaret has, a nice little cousin, Johnnie, and he keeps her and Mrs. Lowder pretty busy looking after him, but “Duck” ’ says she enjoy tending to him, and Trom what her aunt tells us, Margaret helps her a great deal. Somebody gave Margaret a pretty blue apron for Christmas and she brought it over to school to wear when she paints water color pictures. That way she can keep her pretty new dresses nice and clean. Margaret takes dancing and she Is doing fine in that. Your reader? will get a chance to see her a lot this spring, because she will be in the Dance Revue and our Kindergarten program then you can see her sparkling blue eyes and pretty face! • Burgess Funeral Held On Saturday . Mrs. Mary Taulula Parks Bur gess, 61, of Benson, died at the home of her daughter Thursday night following a long illness. Funeral services were held Sat urday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the Benson Methodist Church, of which she had been a member for several years. Officiating was her pastor, the Rev. I. T. Poole of Ben son, and a former pastor, the Rev. J. K. Ormand of Ahoskie. Burial was In the Roselawn Cemetery. Mrs. Burgess was the widow of J. Ralph Burgess, and the daugh ter of the late Howell B. and Mar raget Parks of Georgia. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. O. A. Lon nie Clifton of Benson; two sons, Harry of Benson and Ralph, Jr. of Halifax; two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Peck of LaOrange and Mrs. W. H. Chambers of Homer, Oa.; one brother, S. O. Parks of Benson, Route 3; and four grandchildren. Banquet (Continued from page 1) attorney J! Shephard Bryan and Lincoln Faulk, manager of Radio Station WCkfi. Manager SutUes will introduce special guests, just prior to the address by the former NAM presi dent, who will be introduced by attorney X. R. Williams. New officers will be installed to serve during the coming year and the closing ceremony will be con ducted by the Rev. Richard Rhea Gammon, pastor of the Dunn Presbyterian Church. Our Complete One Stop Service Will Help Make Your, Car Ready Hr Any Driving Ne*rf. We Give Expert Service turn u|iip £v&aij. (bay At The LUCKY HOUR ONE PHONE-SHOPPING CUSTOMER WIU U)in CALL 2187 - IT MAY BE YOUI v.... ■y. i V am UmtmAffCfaMc! l -v* -«•_ 'J , >- ... WITH CAROLINA'S FINER CLEANING! irtlflTT'l Months at extra “Jtast like-new” looks for your your clothes are yours XA when yon depend upon oar Vb'UhMKW efficient dry cleaning ter —. ior cleaning that gives y°W Rothes that special CAW)UNA ' cIiANERS ft ’ ' gj V ■ . I Monday afternoon, jArtiiAßt 14, 1952 •COATS School News By RUTH DENNING * The Coats student body is proud to have with them two hew Agri culture Practice Teachfcrs. They arc Mr! Earnest B, Taylor from Merry Hill, N. C., and Mr. Gilbert A. Lewis of Fairmont. The teach ers. both of whom are students at State College, will teach and work with the F.F.A, boys until March 10. We are always glad to see the arrival of new teachers, for with them are brought newer ideas that better the qualities of our school life. We sincerely welcome the new teachers and we hope ta make their time spent with us pleasant to them as well as helpful and beneficial to us. We welcome three new high school students. They are Janie Blunt, a sophomore from Linden, Jimmy Stephenson, a freshman from Cleveland and Jesse Tart, a freshman from Deep River. We are glad to have them with us and hope that they like their new school. The Rollateers presented a very interesting as well as entertaining program to the student body, Tues day, January 8. The Roller Skating Stars are a classic among skating attraction's. They introduced daring displays and top tricks, astounding their enthused audience. Their whirlwind exhibition displayed skill, as well as swiftness and action. The Roller Skating Stars are ex traordinary skaters and put on an entertaining program, including technical discussion and demonstra tion on skating. Various students participated in the program. The entertainment was of great inter est to the students, since skating is a favorite hobby of many of them. The Senior Class, under the dir ection of Miss Edith Allen presen ted the school chapel program on Thursday, January 10. Short skits of the Senior Play were given. The skits aroused the enthusiasm and anticipation of the stucrents for the play that was to be given that night. A Three Days' Ceugh Is Year Danger Signal Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membrane?. Guaranteed to please yon or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION relieves Coughs. C&Dsf CnJcfc. Acute Bronchi*! COTTON WEEKatELITE FASHIONSinBENSOH OPEN EVERY MONDAY NITE TILL NINE 1 ■ ■