MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 14, 1952 BlWfl j : -"» -niriED I ——- ..__ - ... .....~~ ~ v ~*— —=c- - l aDR «t* * gtrktt* -(®Biid«hMsi ind 1 tid infoMftitloil iflil W» • &ms: fMlo not Kt* lot ft ■ ' ’ . CLASSIFIED Tfm GNtY SI.OO Type $e \Vord 9 fitm ow * Mfftttntun 50c Sam* Ad . ry, \sT.T v r TJ!ZL BIELP itanted HjjUfc WANTED : Man f or milk routA Mfist- be high school grad uate. Salary or commission. Apply to .Dairy,, Dunn, N. a. AIXWArfrED: Young tody tffth +Stewart+ ‘/Ulr TODAY tyftgßlCAM TUESDAY M PARIS . Hr ffig: “Bml, +DUNN+ A> NOW SHOWING 1 R6M's stirring ilkwitor^J I WESTWARD |1 r the women I Robert Taylor denise parcel —Added J4y * Latest World News +Harnett+ 1 NOW SHOWING j —Added Wt»— . Musical & Cartoon Peerless Theatre PERFECT SOUND - ERWIN, N. C. lfir ,i ■ ■■■ i iii' . iii T.ii gTrrs-g.-iT.ra SUNDAY MONDAY james Mason in i i i i "The Desert Fex" !' “The Story ol Rommel” I. > ■ —- i TUESDAY— WEDNESDAY "SIERRA" ] IK AUDBY MURPHEY WANDA HENDRIX | .Quinn's Television Schedule “■ WFMY—TV 12:15 Lore es Life * # , 12:36 Search For Tomorrow ♦ Greensboro ... 12;« Kate* Smith Show * fi- * l:ec Store Allen Show • * TONIGHT SSSaKfe,'. 6:15 1 ink la, Fran * QWe • 3:31 Mel Torme Show * 6:le Newa, Evening Edition 4:40 Homemakers' Exchange * 6 K (-Gun Mayhouse . 4:10 Carolina Calling “j I i ’arlety **ne £ W Sipbeam 7: 5 1 ’wry Como Show * 6:09 United ™sons * 8- 0 1 Idee Theatre * 6:30 News, Evening Edition 8* 0 ' ’nice es Firestone * 6:40 6-Gnn Playhouse mi 0 < Irusade in the Pacific it 7:60 Circle K f 0 I Uhts Out • J=» Travel In Safety 10i e : tndio One * ’=3* CBS lit 0 maxing Jfr. Malone * c • Work Ch»b > iii e• he cw»f. • ; , *2122 , * 12: ( News. Final Edition 10; e SoTtY hpe 2£f!£S| *“i eu '. ,lour “ ;; SSeISL*. «;S 52?™?&5,p % HIM fill CWethvln Show * l* 12:09 »•»•. Edltton 12K0 ¥e Egg IP , ; 3 »«*• wfe** VB*-. wR ' change wlshowt nottefc g;V- v s t! _ 'jlHils'-iL. .Ht. j; '' Apply at General Utility Company, Dunn. ft. C.' 1-14-tfn-c HELP WANTED—WOMEN make extra money at home. Sew our ready cut “Rap-A-Round”. Easy ptblrtabJO. Hollywood Manufactur- 1 lAg Co., Hollywood, 46, California.! 1-14-lt-p i • WANTED WANTED: To buy -a modern com fortable home in Dunn. Must be in good location. Write “Home” care of The Daily Record. l-7-t£-c WANTED AT ONCE: First class body repair man. Highest salary. Ideal working conditions. Apply in person. Auto Saids and Service Co., Dunn. N. C. 1-8-tfnc WANTED TO BUY: Corn, highest prices paid for corn. Equipped to shuck and shell corn on your farm. See J. H. Elmore, Dunn, route 5 or call Jim Elmore 3626. l-10-st-p WANTED: To keep'children in my home for mothers to work. Call 4250. . l-10-3t-p Sunday Monday GREAT BOOK BECOMES A HEATER FIGURE DICK POWELL end EVELYN KEYES, "MRS, MlKE^srias , News TUESDAY—■ WEDNESDAY -1 RANDOLPH* . Uggpm Dfflflß aRMR JWUB ■ • Musical A -Cartoon 2 Shows Nightly BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 Shows Start At 7 And 9 Remember - Children t Under 12 in cars FREE 1 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Two-horse farm. Has four acres of tobacco, 10 acres of cotton, six acres of corn.-Tenant must furnisly his own , mules and I fuel. If interested, see Louis Baer, [ Dunn, N. C. _v tfnc FOR RENT: Bedroom with’’’pri vate entrance. Two blocks from business district. Call 3518. l-10-3t-c APARTMENT FOR RENT: Down staii-s two room unfurnished apart ment, electrically equipped kitchen. Private bath aud separate entrance. Call 2353. l-10-3t-c FOR RENT: Nice farm, five acres of tobacco, 12 to 15 acres cf cotton. Located near Spring >.• Branch Church. GcoU tobacco barns and -dwelling houses.’ Phone 2462. See Hubert-Peay, Phone 2462. Dunn, N. C. SERVICES OFFERED QUALITY. PRINITNO at eToaj r K-nl prices at TWYFOKD PKINT INO COMPANY m Gunn, in oic on your next order. Telephone J 271 We will evil for and deliver - ur Work. BUTTON HOLS werk done at 1110 W. Broad St. Reasonable prices. Krone 4235. 1-14-lt-c FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1348 Chevrolet panel truck with overload springs, heat er and radio. In Very good run ning condition. Uses no oil, tires very ‘good. See or call George W. Williams, 705 S. Magnolia Ave., Dunn. Thone 2353. l-11-17t-p FOR SALE: Clean 1949 Chrysler Windsor Highlander. Fully equip ped with radio* and heater. First class condition. Priced to sell. Call or see Gene Hood at home of Mrs. E. P. Davis. Phone 2219, Dunn. 1-10-ts-c FOR SALE: Nine piece solid ma hogany dining room suite. Very good condition, if interested call 3039 or 3155 in Dunn. Reasonable. l-10-3t-c FOR BEST RE.-.ULTS withal) farm animals, WAYNE FEED Is -he product for you to buy. You »111 find a complete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMERS SUPPLY, □unn. 8-17-ts-c FOR SALE: Malcolm’s Work Shop. ;All equipment and supplies. Phone 3266 or write to Malcolm Hodges, Malcolm’s Work Shop, Dunn, N. C. 1-1-llt-c FOR SALE: Nice five-room house located at 306 North McKay Ave nue in Dunn. Located on 75x125 ft. lot. House recently remodeled. Has refinished floors, new plumbing, modern bathroom fixtures, new hot water heater and other modern ap pliances. In fine 'shape for occu pancy. Easy terms. Ca,U Lub'y Naylor, Dunn, N. C., 2128 during day and 2032 at night. l-8-4t-o EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH; We Guarantee; to furnish everything needed to build your house—except framing lumber. Save money, time and worry Godwin Building Supply Co. Tn Dunn. Phono 2323 or 3875. M-W-F-tfno FOR SALE: Piano. Excellent con dition. Price $175.00. Telephone 3790. Rev. McNeil, Dunn, N. C. FOR SALE: Duroc Jersey sow, weighing 200 pounds. With three ,p:gs seven weeks old. Telephone 3790, Rev. McNeill, Dunn, N. C. Auto Finance •" ——" '—i AUTO LOANS -REFiHANCING Reduce Y-our.-Present' Payments ’ - Money in id Minutes MOTOR CREDIT CO. DUNN. H. C. ■ Fayetteville" St: Phone 7158 Legal Notice notice of sale of lot , Under and by virtue of the power of .sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by A. M. Rouse, - Jr., dated June 18, 1651, and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of HarnetC Qounty,(N s C. in Book 333 at page 60, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trust el will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Pqfrof Noon the following described lot of Varteriy THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. C. Othman (Continued from page 2) tlemen have got to worry about .the Japanese Peace Treaty, aid to Eu rope, the business of an Ambassa dor to the Vatican and no telling what all else. The Senator from Texas is against that Ambassador idea; he tlunks his committee is too. The reporters jammed around an enormous, green felt-covered table just sat there. They waited until he'd finished his reading, periods and all, before they asked the big question: What about Ike? Sen. Connolly scratched his ear. He took a deliberate puff bn his cherpot. He glanced at the spec trum colors twinkling from the crystals of the lamp. And he said: “I'm really not in his political con fidence." Then waited, issu ing smoke like an expectant vol cano. The questions boiled around the table. The way he read the general’s "(aterient, said * the Senates, Ike figures cn staying in Europe until and if President Truman recalls him. Yes, said a reporter, at least until July 7, date of the Republican National Ccnvention. Another of my cohorts wondered if Eisenhower's leaving Europe, if he does, will have any . bad effects on defense over there. “I don't suppose there is any tor dispensable. man,” said Town. “If there is, we're in a devil of a foe. Why, any moment some newspaper man may die.” He hoped this wouldn’t happen, but it was a possibility. And there’d still be press conferences with the Foreign Relations Committee chair man. The reporters laughed. They wondered how the Sena tor's campaign for re-election in Texas had been coming along. Tawm said he’d just got back from Texas, but he hadn't considered politics while there. /The corres pondents laJghed again, only ioud er. Tawm took another drag on his cigar. A lady correspondent wondered what he was going to do about the British rejecting a load of Texas cotton because they said it wasn't up to standard. The Senator said he’d only got back to Washington Sunday, and he hadn’t been able to raise a single cotton man at the State De partment. "They were all at church," he said. I only hope I’ll not be accused in Texas of being a long-distance carpetbagger, but I trust Tawm’s constituents will see fit to re-elect him. If they don’t, I’ll miss him something awful. The other Sena tors, almost without exception, look like insurance, agents. Pearson (Continued From Page Two) formed in 1945. After having accomplished this, Dr. Weil was supposed to break officially with the communist re gime, declare himself a non-com munist and become an exile— meanwhile continuing his under ground operations. , This is the diplomat who now enjoys diplomatic immunity in Washington while American fliers are arrested and forced to pay ransom money in Budapest. Tomorrow being January 15 and the day when a lot of people pay their quarterly income tax install ments, the following ditty from Pat Patterson of the Atlanta Journal may be apropos: “I suppose that I’m a failure in a minor sort of way, Haven’t made Drew Pearson’s column, never mentioned to ‘My Day’; Haven’t had a deep-freeze offer ed, never "been accused as pink, And I’ve certainly no connection with a thing that’s called a mink. But my failure reached its zenith not so very long ago When I learned that paying taxes makes your news potential low; For as soions met to gather what they thought were all the facts I was overlooked' completely: I had paid my income tax.” - turn to the ring since his recovery? “Sure,” he answered promptly. “Many times, especially when I ' •see two chupips in there.” "Hut what’s the use. I know it wouldn't be any goods Leeders Assert. (Ccn tinned From Page One) so, whoever may be appointed,” he sa)d. Chairman Tom Connally D-Tex.’ of the seriate Foreign Relations Committee said he would stknd on the statement he issued Saturday : that he will oppose - any nominee for ambassador to the Vatican. Glenn L. Archer, executive sec retary of Protestants and other Americans United tor Separation of Church and Slate, said his or ganization had “great respect”, for Clark personally, and opposed his nomination solely because it was regarded as “a violation of the constitutional principle of sep aration of church and state.” S. Louie p. Newton of Atlanta, unaq for, the Southern Bab said he was “grateful” that had withdrawn. • I ign tnc same lot oi l&na conveyea j • * ♦ . NANCY—By Efiffe BmfirtWTttr '"l* / THAT'LL \ I WOW-- ) I'M GLAD l-s --(b£ $9.90, THIS J I HAVE \ -***• NANCy J IS \ \ m A DIME \ p: t ~ p| I DICK TRACY . P . J, r srr ppWN. \ alll rr:-:E Gir-.!.s V;? l c ! have tuem 'Xandalso spinner. I cjar*j ~ro me ifh/veto / i-:/ bring up a 1 send SPINNER ReCORD IN s. RELAVf J L'STEM TO ' EE PLAYED pOiTiiNd RECORD PLAYED / FOR THE ..." MICKEY MOUSE - . 4 fHOW PD - '.'?- 1 S"AgT ) f NO! ’ ( VvL . '■ ) / —\ PKINCES3 FET JNIA’3_SE=S HOPALONG CASSIDY SNUFFY ~ > Dor ii \| [HURRV,DOC,HURSVIh ve 1 ’)uM 6ve(T] what th* Wf it'll give (VIE DOC DOC« RUSTLE yore’ Ste _«s*• DING-DONG F7 ACHfi N CETTCr.r: raiTCHOTJT.. UUt.W THIS UERV INSTANCE!'./ 1 V Mi ~~T’ 1 Mi r LEETLc CRICKET 5 J y • r ryi p roiri/irT y RIODLES*"! LL TO RUM GIT J ci ipppq h ' f fO E rue) UET mama) / V £p'NG j telephoned H COulOn vfc KNOW WE’PE GOINS' y f WWV ™Zf***tJ ■—fe*-MFAVIhTI -XT£isiPr FOP'OIP <, Xs CAS-cv C PA3( P '■" •' ' «- —— .■ ■ T N Bj 1 ~ . *}* H om MAWV TIMES WAVE I TOLD VOL J MS A tT T 11N. \l Fu. arecnciiM 1 II t-je mec»t^ T r'mjMAJtf _ky lJ I I! )\W/ iL jjj L■: »- !>#■ ■ ■ PAGE SEVEN