PAGE TWO BULLETINS (Continued bom pace 1) tiEyTit has no desire -to. garb control of the proposed new pmyersal iptHary training program. PHILADELPHIA (If) A two-alarm fire damaged the pfitb and sixth floors of the six-story Lincoln Hotel last night, routing 150 .persons. Three elderlly women, one of them 94, were carried to safetv by firemen. No one was T SC**XTQ'N, ra. (IP* A Josen FBI agents seised *8 dm machines and a ton of parts for the machines in s£ven raids in tins city and nearby Peckville last night. PANMUNJOM, Korea (IP) The United Nations ac cused the CommunHsts today of trying to keep 50,000 im pressed South Korean war prisoners in the Red armies af ter an armistice. Markets ' (Continued Fnom Face One) COTTON {* 1 pan. prices local Church Most At Mset jlThe Divine Street Methodist •flJhureh last night was host to approximately 250 church leaders it a Sub-District Institute, which lagan with a Fellowship picnic at 6 o'clock. fj'At 7:00 the group held a round table discussion on the various uses of the total church work sr which they separated into ups for separate discussion of phases in which the individual tups were interested. luch of the discussion revolved 4found .work in the mission field *pd the choir’s selection, “Send Out the .Light” was selected -to emphasise this valuable portion of die work of tide church. .{These institutes provide in-service training lor school officers, tea titers and church officials. The dteeting last night was one of four , being held as part of the center- : program. ftl -*ll • 'On Thursday, Friday*, '“Saturday iid Sunday of nest week, fir: ! i inward Fills of the General Board ' W conduct a workshop in evan- D frlism for the young people at •Jarvis Memorial .Church in Green idle. •February Ist, and 2nd and 3rd, i . conference of Christian vocation iir youth will be held at Trinity 1 lurch in Durham, as another por in of the program. * ‘ . ‘ ‘ l*t last night’s, meeting. the #mn session was directed >y tab dtov. W. C. Waiton of Apex Rev Thomas A. Collins directed the «pnel discussion, Which was sup ervised by Rev. ft E. Brown, slip- i -teintendant of the Raleigh Dis ftflct. x ’ i on the program included: Mrs T. A. Collins, Mrs. Millard •Warren, Mrs. fi. A. Maxwell, Rev fj S. Hubbard of Raleigh, Rev. , ftorl Walton, Mrs. M. M. Person, (district president of the W.,8. O;*., j mtn W. Ruark of Raieigh, Rev. J. mJ4Mberger. Rev. LynweOd.Black- [ J bum, and Rev. Joyce V. Early, < pastor of the host-church. L r~~ •' |fn !• TIME TOD AT 7 | TSSjt S • I# yft .H iifi ST HR lll'l l; NEW YOR OP March 41.78: May 41.45. NEW ORLEANS OP March 41.72; May 41.44. Club Hears Daily Specialist The Anderson Creek Run tan Club held its regular meeting on Friday night, January U at the Commu nity Building. The evening meal was served by members of the Home Demonstration Club. The meeting was called to order by President Edwin Bain. After several items of -business were at tended to, Mr. (Bain turned the meeting over to Robert Warren who was in charge of the program. Mr. Warren introduced Mr. X. Carlton Blalock, .dairy extension specialist at North Carolina State. College Mr. Blalock -then intro duced Mr. Blodgitt from Washing ton who is in North .Carolina studying artificial insemination of dairy cattle. Mr. Blalock then gave a very interesting talk on Artificial Breeding. In his discussion he in-, eluded many colored slides showing the process of artificial insemina tion. its advantages, and results. After his talk, Mr. Blalock led the group in a question and answer discussion. The program was very interesting and was enjoyed by all present. • 'The next meeting will be held at the Community Building on Thursday. February 14 at 7 p. m. All members are urged to attend. Negro Swears (Continued from nage -one) washing wihdows. "She told me. ‘I can’t satisfy my husband. Everything I do is wrong 1 want you to kill him for me,” .Miller said from the stand. “L told hre 1 ain’t never done anyming Ukephat J told vugs already in trouble. She asked me did I have a gun. I told her no. "She told me not to say anything about it.” Miller said he -was cleaning floors at the home of' his parole officer. Miss Elizabeth Warren, sometime later, and -.-saw .a gun. JOB THE GUN “I said to myself, Til get it.’ I 'Picked up the gun. went outside -and .bid it in the hedge. I came Amok two nights later. ,»nd picked . it up. -Chen I goes to the house where Lto staying and .hides it he- ; hind the shed. It stayed there ; .about a week.” . The lanky Negro said Mr. and Mss. ißayd asked him to do some i add Jake at their farmhouse on the following Saturday, and as he was working. Mrs. Boyd asked him again about killing her husband. ‘T said J .didn’t know, but I told (her I’d bring a gun over here. He .said he quit work about 5:3k p. an. on Wednesday, the day be- . lore Thanksgiving. I rtook >tbe gun. wrapped in bur- , lap bags, and rode my bicycle in-.. ta .Choeowinity. I left the bike on , the edge of the woods and came . slum p Funeral (Continued from page one) Rev. vC. H. Coats and Elder Les ter Lee. Burial will be in the Will- 1 Herd Cemetery. Surviving are: tour eons, J M. .. ‘Elmore, D. T. Elmore ami Marvin jßUnore of -Route 5 Dunn .and Fsrnrib : W. Elmore of Dunn; one brother. Rev. C. A. Jackson of Route 5 and 9 j Mhv devrakt j Afta" j wdth Bodies *y*Fisher that eet'tbei] jj mt outers to JteDeM. >, **“*l .Alluring New Intesior iCoiors . . .ij '***• _ ||| - f- \\ i i ■M LEGION HEARS KOREAN MET Command*- Paul White, right of Dunigs American Legion poet is pictured here last night as he aongratuland Corporal Deloit Strickland of Dunn, Ronte 1 tar Ms address to thr poet on his experiences in Korea. Corporal Strickland, was a member of the famous First Marine Division, which engaged in the bitterest struggle of the Korean War. He is the Mr. And Mrs. W. Shelby fitrioktand of Dunn, Rente 1 and is home on furlough. At the 'left is Former Legion Commander Seisin Strickland, uncle us the speaker. (Dally Record photo by J. TV. Temple, Sr.) ■ - ; ; Three farm Meetings Set Three conferences designed ito acquaint farmers with the outlook for agricultural production and pric es far 1952 will be conducted on Tuesday, January 22, in three dif ferent parts of Harnett County, it was announced today by C. R. Am mons, county farm agent. The first meeting will be at An gier High School at 10 am.; the* second .at Dunn Municipal building at 2 pm.; and the third at Ben haven High School at f. 30 p.m. Ammons today urged all farmers to plan to attend the meeting most convenient for them, where latest information on crqp predictions and probable prices will be brought by specialists from N. C. State Col lege. across the field. I came up to the window. “They were sitting there* klSying cards, she Was facing the window. I faised my hknd as a* signjf. “When she finished a hand, she came out, making like she was calling the dog. She told me to go ahead and shoot him. I said 1 can’t do that. I told you i was al ready in trouble.’ I offered her ,the gun and J said *you shoot .him.’ SHOT THROUGH WINDOW “I pushed the safety catch on the gun and handed it to her, and she shot him through the window.” Then Miller told the court that -Mrs. Boyd went back into the house, got the keys to her .hus band’s car, and drove out of the yard and toward Choeowinity, with Miller sitting beside her on the .front seat. “I said you shouldn’t be sitting. here. What would people say?” be related. I Hi-liL i|| | | <■> ' LXI'JHWrV h » •> ■- ■S . Jt. . y-V’ ‘ 1 v ■„, :m 5 >•-■> < . i ; »{ 8 . 1 J ‘‘ IH* DAILY KECORD DUNN. N. tx little Theatre Group To Mpot - Jim McMillan, founder of Dunn’s Little Theatre Group, announced (today that he will call A meeting iduring the next few days to select a play and to begin plans for the next performance. \ Two highly successful plays have •been presented'here. The group discontinued activities just before (Christmas until after the holiday season. 1 Tractor Schools Set For Monday C. R. Ammons, county farm agent, has announced that two tractoi maintenance schools will he held in , the county on Monday. January 21, with J. C. Ferguson, Extension Ag ricultural Engineer in charge. The first will open in -Dunn at 9:30 am. v »t the New Big Jour Warehouse. The second will start •at 2 pml ta' the Llliington high , school ,■/ v * i, General engineering principals of the internal combustion engine, aid ’ -YHMous phases of the service and operation of a tractor will be dis i cussed. Another Dog Is Mutilated RALEIGH (tfl Another case of animal mutilation was reported to day as a California group offered financial help in ’tracking down the person or pereons responsible for .in- 1 juring and killing animals .in a wid“ area of the state. j Jake Furr. Montgomery County ' surveyor, discovered, a small plaek and white terrier hanged from a . limb of a dogwood’tree near Troy ‘ [yesterday. ’Sheriff Elwood Long said 1 the dog had been -shot and gashed ! about the .toes with a knife. Dunn HosjiHal (Continued from jwge one)) Clarence L. Corbett, Dr. J. R. Johnson and J. R' Byrd. , DOFFERMYRE WELCOMED Dr. Randolph Dofferspyte was welcomed as the new chief of staff. He was elected by the memMrs of the staff succeeding Dr. Charles W. Byrd. Physicians hold this of fice for only 'one year at a time. This will be Mr. Tyler’s fifth term as chairman of the board. I Chairman Tyler said that whether or not the project is started im mediately will depend »upon the .proposal cost from the architects. ■*am ON.HAND , The hospital has «et Aside ap proximately 385,900 -for use in constructing an addition and Chair man Tyler indicated that the cost would have to come within this figure. ' ■ Under the proposed plans, -the addition would he erected at the tea centr of the present building, giving a T-shaped structure. Two floors would be completed at the present time and completion of the third floor would be dSaye* ■until additional funds are avail able. Ten Divorce (Continued flam page -ora) dark et dl; Malcolm Cameron vs. Jessie Ruth Cameron. • WEDNESDAY. FEB. 6 G. L. Hodges vs. Mpude J 5. Hod tee; Lewis L. McKinney vs. Jesse Armstrong Jr. et al: M. Q. Buch anan vs, Charles -Yow; E. X, Buchanan,vs; Charles R. Yow.- THURSDAY, FEJB. T ‘Connie Withers J aggers ts. B. B. Holder et al; Connie Withers Jag gers vs. dean Withers Pipkin «t *1; Connie Withers Jaggers Vs. Henry McLean ekkl; Connie Withers Jag rvs. Rita Jane VcDougald et Connie Withers Jaggers vs. J. H. Withers .et al; l-1 fi t'*’' WTljo :n 8 AN«*BiiSt*f k ”®s2s, OT u, Hk I {" " t>nwßt j J //*•____ TareHmy* I T 11 1-1 1 I ' fin* Tmiol P X! m, jjmnm 9 gu II f ' - MONDAY 11 «/ ll® JIBWI 11 City May Buy Asphalt Hser Dunn’s city council Monday night will consider the purchase of an asphalt mixing machine, a .aew city ; sanitation ordinance and .a -variety of other matters. The agenda was released this City Manager Oliver Bms'Tims B «rawmW Ihe’uur chase of a amdll (portable maßMlt mixing muMbira whiQh. ft ts tbe llewd, ivtouki be » wire .investment itaelf. paMbewMdbf a nhit'Hffl'n Id ipran^t system ds that the asphalt trans posted this distance gets cold and hart before ft can be , used. tQnly ■a email .amount fs owed at a -time' for ataoet repairing. • The maohine would cost approxi mately .*2,990. 4MMBR MATtBBBS Willie Warren, operator of the Carolina Oil .-Stores located at the comer .of Cumberland and ibueknow Square, bas asked permission to erect a -sign between the sidewalk -and street. The board -will consider .the .pro posed Aanitation ordinance and .will also consider subiitution of a gra vity -sewer .line to the new Latimer development .instead of a lift. Mr. Manning said today that the vacancy dor a second Negro police man .has not‘yet been filled and that it «may be .a couple of sqiehs before action is taken. Me said .he had several applicants -for -the job but (Manned to «o slow. John Brookington bas beep employed as one .of the >two Negro aHioers t to< be adtted do (the force. . U-S.soys'W' (Continued from page one) pearanee before Cmigrefs. These in. eluded a -firm Allied agreement on swift retaliation * against Red China’s mainland if there Is any truce trickery in Korea; a'mutual ly beneficial arrangement for trad-, tog American steel and British tin! and a Joint effort to streamline the cumbersome machinery of the At lantic Pact organization. MRS. NORRIS DIES Mrw Frances Norris of Dana, died early Friday morning. Fun era! sendees aw as yet incom plete. ma Moore *s. Town of Dunn; In Re:. '•Will of G. W. Wilkins; Mattie W Burton vs. Colon McDonald HARNETT , Last Time Today John- Payne Rhonda JP’teninr in * Also,-dolor Cartoon SUNDAY ©s&pisM HBRP COMES jikkjlAttV t —J2 °^-- ? 5 * ( (Continued from page one) will lie In state at the church for one hour prior to the -sendees. Members of the Junior Order will serve ss honorary pallbearers. t Surviving are his wife, Mrs. . Blanche Taylor Harper of Erwin; v three sons. Thomas J. Harpey and l Bardin Harper, both of .Erwin; J. ’ O. Harper pf Oibeonville; three . daughters, Mbs. Margaret Adams : t ,and Mrs. Louise Pride, bath of r )tesahn; Mre. Sue Boyette ,of ®ur -1 Ji uiArawi- —'ta- .1 lira Ml I Ic ii I'SiwiK -i ■ . 'Aft AHUM W MBWMIHH t, > Wwmm dsmi flsMHsHb. 1 Mane yreK _«. am.: “808 C4MNT AMSS W&P-l v [i -v ’grgriiLj?| ' rr'imrMft' " "( 'j aw—r* ! 4■ • " ’ Ob. « ASd»” A iCantoon . j j - ‘ mum** iwotf - owwot jo! ‘; : ■j j MHBE “ra j ■ ajyfcP j Added Mtansiww Screen Siuuishots >: ’TT-" r 1 :—= : 4N IMMiM 1 A I J*ast Time Today •' ' I wvBWMX| UTHugVI ’ill Phone 5741 N. Wilson Are.' “THE LIGHT TOUCH” "77 Saturday double "7, -, n ’i ; JRbrmy Mack Donbas Fairbanks or !- j A T • *1 ynXAS % "MR.DRAKE'S t\ IN" j\£ DUCK" •Chapter No. 6 tGovemnest Agent ys. Hhantom '. £ •Legion” A Cartoon .h SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 3 p l_-| .SMiXlia BRQ3.WUSSUT # )r i '■ gmy-iy 2:«o tv ci>mp«i ***■ Graonsboro - TONIGHT 5:39 Howdy Doody * 4:M Ford FeaUval * 9:99 United Katleas 5:90 Super draas * 9:39 News, (Evening FdiUon &-.M Troqbie With Fatter * 9:99 6-Gun liwbsuc 6:99 HsHvWms JDaytagw ♦ D 7(99 Videoqaiz 7:99 -Paul Whiteman • 7:29 CBS News • 7:39 Ibis Js Show Business • 7:45 Perry Como Show * 8:09 Comedy (Hour • We. The Teqpie * 9:09 Fred Waring • «:» Man Against Crime * 3:30 Break The Bask * J 989 Playhouse of Stare * 19:00 Celebrity Time * 10:00 Cavalcade of Sports * 10:30 What’s My Line? * Itrtf Greatest Fights of The 11(00 Marita Mara • Century 1 11:30 What’s My Name* * 11:90 My Friend Irma • EHOO News. Tlnal Sdition tI:W Esio