A?TE*NOON, JAMBA** If, M 2 f—■l"-l 111 f g! l .. ... i Buick Super Riviera Sedan fur 1952 \ j ” t>l9v ~ —cr-v '•*'•— •*• •.*?* ”* ' yyff.-—-’' , V.i"/»4yii .»»——t— v...., •; . ■ Mi f£s kt ly , /-JMliv H P^^tyfI^^W^^RiMHMHMMHMMjHRMMMMMHMH^^^^UMBMMHHHIIH^^fci^aNMHMRIMP!®-" H>u|it (ou^don l Riviera sedan in the Super series, in- as an option. A new high arc rear deck lid raises the silhouette of tile *W**y* *® medium-priced field is presented here in new rear-section and provides seven per cent more room in the luggafe It* *”* Important new exterior styling changes and exquisite new compartment. The Riviera sedan is mounted on a 125',4-inch wheelbnse ■in lor appointments lend a new note of elegance and beauty to the —four inches longer than other models in the Super series—that give it ■JJefcNew for 1952 are the swedpspear and rocker panel moldings, additional roominess and comfort 1 It is powered by the high performance wmr ***** eenamenta, and high lustre stainless steel wheel covers, offered F-263 Fireball engine which develops 128 horsepower with Dynafluw. Alia Club Meets At Hbme Os » Mrs. E. Stewart Three guests played with mem bers of the Entre Alia Bridge Club when they met at the home of Mrs. Edwin Stewart Thursday evening for an evening of bridge. The Stewart home had attractive bouquets of flowers in the living V'oom for the evening of play. Dur ing progressions the hostess served soft drinks and cheese wafers. When scores were tallied delicious refresh ments of cocanut pie, toasted pe cans and coffee were served. Recipient'of high score for the evening was Mrs. Paul Walker who received .a pitcher with fruit Juice glasses as prise. Mrs. Gordon Red dish received place mats for second high. Traveling prise, a clothes brush for traveling went to Mrs. dfocke Muse. she guests for the enjoyable even. In* Mrs. Gordon Reddish. Mrs ftinZl Wbttehead and Mrs. Locke Afeo‘T b< ” were Mrs. Bill Stan/wfi. Mrs. Lewis Godwin, Mrs. V«U]7*>n Base, Mrs. Mac Barefoot iQd ■ ■ Ml.-.'- -"-aaii I.y ■'-SII >1 Mrs. Godwin Feted At Shower By Merry Matrons Members of the Merry Matrons Canasta Club, gave Mrs. Marvin Godwin a surprise shower when they met *at the home of Mrs. Ollen Jernlgan last night for their regular evening of play. v , Upon arrival Mrs. Godwin was presented a colorful basket flounc ed with tiny pink and blue bows and filled with attractive gifts from the members. Mrs. Jernlgan pinned a novelty corsage on the honoree. The Jernlgan home was very »- ttraetively arranged for the enjoy able evening. A lovely arrangement of gladiolius was used on a side table in the living room of the home. During play cheese coronets and coca-colas were passed. After play the hostess served, delicious choc olate Ice box cake and coffee with tiny pink and blue novelty dlapera filled with assorted nuts being given as favors. Mrs. Bill Twyford and Mrs. John ny Welborn were recipients'of high score and received attractive rhine stone costume pins. Gold costume pins went to Mrs. Lee Sandlin and Mrs. Jernlgan for. second high score. Members playing tor the evening were lira. Taylor Stephens, Mrs. wwin* Boyette, Mrs. Bill Twyford, Mrs. Lee Sandlin, Mm. Locke Campbell, Mrs. Clarence Cannady, Mrs. George Williams, Mrs. Johnny Welborn, Mrs. Betty Bass, Mrs. Marvin Godwin, Mn. 1 Troy God win and Mrs. Ollen Jernlgan. TO VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Aldredge ariu children, Kay and Ray Jr„ will spend the week end -with Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Aldredge pnd family. ■ k « GOOD USED CARS - TRUCKS • NAYLOR-DICKEY DIAL *127 ; Fayetteville Hwy. Dana ■ .mwaai if WHEN VINTERTIME 1 KICKS UP A FUSa | *OEFVrr/©er j, VOUfiL.QIL FROM US SINCLAIR Mrs. Mickey Rouse 1 Is Hostess To Novus Bridge Club ] Mrs. Ed Tart and Mrs. Hazel 1 Joyner were guests feat night when Mrs. Mickey Rouse entertained members of the Novus bridge o'ub i When the guests arrived they were served a delicious dessert course consisting of individual choc- I olate pies, salted nuts and coffee. Later in the evening, the hostess -served iced drinks and cookies. Mrs. Hoover Adams was the re cipient of the high score award for the evening, and the traveling prize went to Mrs. Alsy Johnson. Mrs. Adams received an attractive band pointed plate wdth' rack, and Mrs. Johnson’s gift yvas a china ash tray. Members making .up the two tobies with the guests were Mrs.- Alsy Johnson, Mrs. Hoover Adams Mrs. R. A. Duncan Jr., Mrs. Gerald Mann, Mrs. James Surles and Mrs. J. W. Thornton Jr. I Belts -£=ssM O DBB _ B sale 1 STILL tOIHG STRONG ■ - ' . " : i | New Added Values for the Weekend | j Quality handkerchiefs 12 for 1.00 NENETIAN I Men’s SPORT SHIRTS Now 2.98 I Shop Regular 3.69 ; f VALUES TO 4.69 ' ’ T#w#l*s%# ' 11 You Can't Afford to Miss This Sale! AT Naui 0 ftfi 1 SHOP TODAY! Hoik’s I Thousands oflYards of White Waffle HOSE I ’"M 11 Pique, While Broadcloth in White and 11 v ¥ " 3 ■ Hl} Colored Percales. RPBKJR 8 ; ■■-:-=S 8 RCMI' 59C Yd 50-15 Denier S 1 f | j y * R®9‘ 1*29 B AU —NATL RAL TABS S - * - . . WHITE—26 TO 26 WIDTHS ’HM ■ MOW VK J IN 64 LENGTH of Rayon and JfrLt°° Lace Trimmed S L l' P S F?rst 5 Quality A All New Sh.Ars 1 T * BlE L * DIES " t BH ° EB -5 " ~ / 2 DRESSES P REA D S /jf* 1 Regular 16.95 1.98 J m ij NOWB ** Gig Ed if IRESSES j MS% ABSOLUTELY THE FINAL ijfiH W REDUCTION ODD COLORS AND SIZES - - -™ ■ I large tab “ ladiks II 3 H Yen Can’t Afford to - | H mk p * it p * II Miss This H ' S II D ir i'S I m S II || II YnfcMt to 14J5 II M , | ■ I Now 2wBB n ® h Come-And-Sit Tea Given Yesterday By Mrs. Harris Mrs. Mamie Oates Harris was hostess at a delightful come-and-sit party at her home yesterday after noon at 4:30. The Harris home on W. Divine St. was charmingly arranged with bouquets of Spring flowers strik ing a gay note for the enjoyable j party. Fayetteville Highway | PHONE 3591 X -DUNN, Nv C. Mrs. R. A. Duucan, Sr. was in i charge of the games for ' the as-1 temoon. Mrs. Ernest Russell en tertained the group with old ball ads and Mrs. Allen H. A. Lee gave a humorous reading. Mrs. Duncan gave a perfect reindition of "Mones And Sainbo” with her personation of the two. Little Miss Grace Harris recited a short poem. Delicious refreshments of angel j food cake topped with whipped i cream, homemade candies, toasted j Alteration Lady WANTED -t APPLY AT ■ - £Jih JaApiionA BENSON, N. C. PAGE THREE ’ pecans, cheese crr.ekers, State I chips and coca-colas were - sewn d | to the fifteen guests present for the ( j LISTEN DAILY TO."' “Your Old Country'*** Preacher” With Favorite Hillbilly Hymn* j AT 10 A. M. >sr wFVG =b xr: Erwin. N. C. 1 HfcAjIMF . » ' ,l * f