PAGE FOUR .-*—— KEYED ADB at ! itrirtly honfidnnttM am. IM>- information win be sivhn. Plated to not ask |hR.4SS!FIID RATES ONAY SI.OO TW* ‘Mae Tvoe So Word a VIMES ONLY SI4S UWMwd Minimum «0e 8w Ml »**■* 1 " HLE: 1948 Chevrolet panel * overload springs, heat •adio. In very good ren dition. Uses no oil, tires 1. See or call George W. 766 S. Magnolia Ave., ionp 2396. 1-11-nt-p I|C>R SALE: Clean 1949 Chrysler Windsor Highlander. Fully equip ped with radio and heater. First tfrsS condition. Priced to sell. Call te-see-Gene Hood at home of Mrs. jp-V'/' Davis. Phone 21119. Dunn. f*l6-St-c * ms. BEST YBMULTS with all turn animals, WAYNE FEED is Se product far you to buy. You MU find a complete line of WAYNE MED at FARMERS SUPPLY, ffirm , s-17-ts-c DUNN FCX I - Is Buying Corn - Soy Beans I Oats And tPKMS At The } FARMERS Warehouse - HOURS - ?j3O a.m.-5:30 p-m. Weekdays Close 12 Noon Sat. Fayetteville Hwy. Dunn, Ni C. I JANUARY .. I SPECIAL 1 GARDNERS EXTRA I D invi l Bfeyß it- ~ mmmm go VELVET Jvr * jfl - .: flavor m H -fly BB jffil BgEwASTED I / ALMOND Jr ■ A torte wiH t«B JW Oto*| ear's Lord 9daei Ice Greens ia mad* *“■ I those who wool a smoother, richer lee I *g Sv” '5 t ■ ■■■— QUALITY PKENTXNQ at econo- l B Bleat prices at TWYFOKD PRINT ING COMPANY in Dunn. Let us I bid on your next order. Telephone $271. We wilt crll for and deliver yxtr wack. HELP WANTED WANTED WANTED: To buy a modern com fortable home in Dunn. Must be in good location. Write “Home" care of The Daily Record. 1-7-ts-c WANTED: Comfortable 4 or 5 room house or apartment by a young man and mother. If possible by Feb. 1. Reasonable rent. Cali 2248. $-18-3t-c JOB WANTED: Age 28. High school graduate. Abht and willing, have mechanical, weldjng, carpenter, trucking, routing experience. Want work in Dunn-Erwin vicinity. See Cramer, 409 A 14th St. Box 296, Erwin. l-li-Bt-n ~ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR INDUSTRIOUS MEN Large national manufacturer has opening for men in this territory. I method of pay, is high a* *lo,ooo a year; We are not looking for a miracle fellow but rather “ju«t Plato W type who believes in himself and has confidence to his ability to control his own money making act ivities. Xhe men selected mus* be I able to furnish good references as to honesty, character, sobriety, *tc You will handle a lot of money. Your general appearance and character reference is more of a de termining factor witl) 0* than you* past business experience—apply pi the Cottondale Hotel, Tuateay, Jy uary 22. team 6:00 tq 7:00 p.m. jw personal interview. .Ask for Ml- K W. Hodge, l-lg-st-a Auto Finance Legal Notke NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. The undersigned, having quali fied as executrix of the estate of E. V. Gainey, deceased, late «t Harnett County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 14th day of February. 1*53, or this notice witt be pleaded in bar of their recovery. persons SAiA entitle, will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. > This the 3rd day of January, 1962 .- ” ' ' ' - ■}■ - BRIDOET M. GAINEY, Executrix, * 108 N. Ellis Avenue Dunn, M. C. • ; - 1 Jan ' 1 HORSE WRECKS TT~ WATERBURY, , Conn. flB-Mrs. Jennie Napoli wan a (so* adit, in which she claimed her automobile got the worst es the deal to a® ; encounter with a horse. She sgid . her car was wrecked when Carl ■>* ' aaw rtsTT Y niTMW, m. to. , Miss OQuum Guest J Pianist At Club Meet The LUtomton Jimlor Wqmah!* J Club, taking advantage -es local musical tatont, presented libs Hen- : rletta O’Qul m as guest pianist at the clubs regular January meet ing held on Tuesday nepit at the Community Center Miss crQuinm who to * motor at the LUUng ton High School, to the daughter of Mr. and Hr*-' R B. Q’Quinn. She haa stoBM gfena for nine years with Mrs. Bulb C- Brown, LUlington music toaster, and was introduced by toe club music chairman. Mr*. Alton EL stone, who arranged the nrogram. to the absence, of the MeSidant, Mia.' Norman Gogsett, toe vtee president. Miss Lonraine Vaß. presided. ‘ ' of semi-class toal and popular auisic written, far the ptonn were played by Mias O'Quinn who gave a brief explan ation about each compositlen sen tiered. Ulustr&tlve of | nhn |tonai TlmA'a HUun, gkri'an Rapsody*’, “Polish Dance” and “Sea Gardens* ny other coav i posers. ' In the seml-classical bracket she' selected “Clair De Lune” by Debussey, “liyllan Love Call” and “The Rosary” and “Serenade” from .the operetta, “The Student Prince.” As an-example of how themes from classical selections have been ■ used as the basis for popular ate ‘ hit tunes Miss O’Quinn. played "TVI the End of 'wme" adapted frqm Chapin’s “Polonaise”, “Phil Moon and Empty Ateto rrom a concesh> by Rachmaninoff. Bho also pre sented in this popular gtuup “Coun try Gardens” “Make Believe” ate “Third Man Theme.” ■ During the business session {dans Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wood ate > Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sexton left on > Tuesday ter a rooter trip to l Florida. The Woods ima to stop I to Jacksonville (pr $ visit wish . Mrs. Wood’s stotor. Mrs. Relate > Page, ate in Mtoml they will he t toteed by the* teWp-tow. Waw , Lt. Victor MbOßßaw: ’Whig win he i there on a two veete Qwtoe. in the samp city they ntoato tet Mte ‘Dorothy Sutton, formerly of LiU . ingtpn, who la «toted* to to Pteeoto Hospital staff. Tb* Btoods &.*2*‘9i%£:9rSl Moomey and family. MTs. Mooraai |« the tmm Vjjrfk;- ***, . • y. i bond. W** fqgteted WaUaoe Ray Mpore drew so days. | suspended 1* months on paymeat Stodtafd forfeited bond when he tailed tq appear to answer charge* o# speeding and having no HeenSe Rlatee. prayer tor judgment was con tinued U mspthg. «m. payment qt sl6 and costs in toe ease of A. W. W.-.U- Arne. V.nce TW were nol pressed. : Prayer tor . judgment W tiuued 6 months on payment of SIA and etes to Herbei* M. Woodruff,' dhargte with posses*- ’ ion. The *aa**iniwc cases tried lib j volte diUngenaess and the od, i fenders wcaged with fines or su*> I m ,-?i JIKUASY CUPKETS EXTRA MON LOBOVEIVET ICEOffiKM fe. i ■ H - I ’ « •< I * -• n J I ■« f] s ■ d ]| j *m ah# «M • round 4mm » J* tet ***£2 be one open^exied sandwiches, cup Nlw ej4 omi & aa &UnS i tbS «ll ■ I'll! 1»H..1' . I.■ '» 340 Pints Sold By M’SYSTEM In One Day 96 In Only Vh Knurs Illustrates The • (Selling BmlhH Power ■HBBIBBB The Daily Record I^BBSSI Managtr James SurUs of Gardner's \j is A Confirmed Believer f Daily Record Advertising KHBHMMKI ' ’ . .. t ■ .■■• • .~c h u ted a*i»S^ g DaS^tlSr^Tte Last Tuesday^Mr- Surtes can mj4jn 8 *■ rttMtsUdii uunHv rotate iaft? reotb vnvli bo sold in all stores! attte spSejal pSTor 80 <***••, was to get more .1 On Thnasday Mr tertes atea«d Tte ttewsrd: “Itun that ad a ' I t oupU he ias&ctoT l*w never so. fee cream move^so ’ tase in f*™**** •*** tm * sUk * **** carrics Gard '‘ |of rate tte case of the M’Sytam, oopwlar Dunu grocery store and * •■>• m t*?* ft \ ?j\y it/», 4 •' '* v *’’ v '•, ' > " ,'* ' ..-. •, j| _^ BTO®*» W. e. rßlßAir::AlrtpftMw,' JINoaBY 18, I>sß .•*■• t • 'T.’.ixEtfcZ ~-r 'i ■ ... ..•'*■ v - • *■* -T-jWBM HEARS ADDRESS BY PROFFITT _ ... j^^-sans Cgiphlp' Olenn T. Proffitfe SSXm *££^*'*s22. butemiteitSSMS ££H23£s3 A Miiigteß jMbg (sirdar *"*.» II immi iiniiO—e—rwee^ , w** rTaeooe or me oomnattee ohatrmen, *lllr •TTI "* TT' teia at te tet y, tte fecte aS njSffwdTb^ ftthaa 'it «aßt,pw»dai y Bl ** ajsg *gg g»>gffg SjaSSfgSwWe** 1 «<8» ■gS-g'r,^ been used to bay *8 rmw pletfs an« other kitchen equipment tbe Qommunlty Center. -•■d‘''an6’- )!■. BauMAMm