FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 25, 1952 I>M CLASSIFIED ads I POK SAU FOR RENT: three room apartment, bath. Either furnished or Steam heated. Couple preferred. Available February Ist. Mre. J. W. Whitehead, 211 N. King Are., or phone 2388. 1-25-lt-c FOR SALE: Six room house with floor furnace and hardwood floors. If interested see or call J. A. Hardison, W. Cumberland St., Dunn. Phone 2*97 l-25-3t-p FOR SALE: ’SO Chevrolet Pick-up. 48 Club coupe Chevrolet. Combin «|~ Jack Wardlaw have a life member of the MILUON-DOLLAR ROUND TABLE LOOK OVER VOUR PRESENT LIFE IN SURANCE POLICIES For An Appointment with Jack i Wardlaw write 1401 Insurance Building. Telephone Raleigh 24433. Jack Wardla# J EARL HAWLEY OIL CO, 1 Wholesale Dealer j PROMPT SBIVICE - COMPLETE PRODUCTS 1 PN- Uytoc Ave. 3704 Phones 2241 Dunn, N. C. I 'fßtammmmaammmmmmmm ■■■—b—bk LEWIS GODWIN AND CO. r ___ i _ GRADING CONTRACTORS PONDS CLEARING BULLDOZING -V FREE ESTIMATES —■— !——— * ■■ ■■ 1 ■ ■ ■ * Hillbilly JAMBOREE! "HILL BILLY GRIMES" * Will Be At Mordecai Vann's BOWLING ALLEY On The Dunn-Erwin Highway * FRIDAY, JAR. 25 j AT 5 O’CLOCK ENJOY The Healthful, Pleasant Game 1 • i of Bowling at Our Modem Bowling Alley - Open Every Nite 4 Alleys. ► 1 6000 USED CARS I DUNN4RWIN HWY< ERWIN CL 11 ALL KEYED ADS tt strictly eanfideatlii sol r no information will be e given. Please do not uk ' classified RATES ; 3 HUBS ONLY Si .00 > This Tvijw Sr Word * TIMES ONLY tl 25 A-Word Minimum 60c Same *4 ffcis am Tyne V Word ation nyat, grocery and service sta tion. Grade A. rating. See J. Alvin Tart on Pope Road. l-24-9t-p FOR SALE: Two young mules— well broke. Abo farm implements. See or call Moses A. Vann, Erwin, N. C. l-25-3t-c FOR SALE: 1946 Chevrolet panel truck with overload springs, heat er and radio. In very good run ning condition. Uses no oil, tires very good. See or call George W. Williams. 705 S. Magnolia Ave., Dunn. Phone 2395. l-11-17t-p R. A. CHESTNUTT CO. • Fayetteville Highway PHONE 3591 DIJNN, N. C. FOR BEST RESULTS with aU farm animals. WAYNE PEED is the product for you to buy. You •ill find a complete line of WAYNE FEED at FARMERS SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c FOR SALE: 4-room brick house with bath and three lots. One acre and 8-10 tobacco allotment. See Jim Yearby, Soutli McKay Ave. or call 3267. 1-18-61-c FOR SALE: I have for sale a lim ited number of fishing rights in Holland’s Lake at $12.00 a year. This offer will only hold good for next ten days. See or call Jim Yearby after 7:00. 1-18-Ct-c FOR SALE One lot new wood uash large size 1 3-B’’ thick One Lot 1” Copper Pipe One Lot I’’ Used Galvanized Pipe One Lot I'A ” Used Galvan ized Pipe One Lot IS4” Used Galvaniz ed Pipe Several lots moulding all siz es. Glass Block, Nails, Paints, Steel sash, Doors Wood and Steel. These materials accumulated from school house construct ion. We are moving to new looation in Town February Ist. No reasonable offer re fused. Will sell separate items or bulk, at our ware- | house. O. W. GODWIN, INC. North Fayetteville Avenue l-25-2t-c EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH; We Guarantee: to furnish everything needed to build your house—except framing lumber. Save money, time and worry Godwin Building Supply Co. In Dunn. Phone 2323 or 3875. 1 M-W-F-tfno / FOR SALE—I 949 Harley Davidson 6i’o. H. V. Motorcycle, fully equipped. Color white. Will trade or sell for car. See Harold Tart, at Dunn Auto Parts Co., in Dunn, N. C. 3 tlmesr-Jan. 31, 23, 25. Paid BUSINESS “ OPPORTUNITIES There is money in the au- 1 tomobiie business. Dunn has opening for dealership for one of Amer ica's oldest, best-known and most popular automobiles., Persons interested must be able so prtnffße defers ences and evidence of good business judgement and ex perience. Reasonable a mount of finances required. Act now in time for show ing of new models. All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential. Apply 'Dealership", care of The Daily Record, Dunn. 1 -25-st-p SERVICES OFFERED quality Pfuimiso at «xmo alcal prices at TWYFOKD PRINT ING COMPANY in Dunn. Let ua bM. on your next order. Telephone 1271. We wifi orll for and deliver yar work. Auto Finance AUTO LOANS —REFINANCING— Money in 10 Minutes MOTOR CREDIT CO. DUNN, N. HELP WANTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED Boak keeper. Permanent poeitisn. Good salary. Write Bookkeeper, care of Daily Record, Dunn. l-25-6t-c with^ Insulation serves you so many ways. It reduces fuel bills, cots down oa outside neises, adds to f your safety because it is fireproof . . . and makes your heme more comfortable, prevent ing drafts from walls and codings. Phone for free edimaie. | SASH DOOR & MILLWORK I TUB DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. a DISTRICT DEPUTIES VISIT WITH ERWIN CHAPTER OF EASTERN STAR Mrs. Margaret Swanson, District , Deputy Grand Matron and Allen Parker, District Deputy Grand Pa tron paid their official visit to Er , win Chapter, Number 230. Order of the Eastern Star, last night. Visitors present were Mrs. Park er, Mrs. Paul Strickland, Worthy i Matron of the Dunn Chapter, and 1 Mr. Hugh Prince, associate Grand i Patron of the state of North Car- I oiina. • The meeting opened in ritualistic form, and this was followed by a | HELP WANTED: We need a sober. ’ reliable, middle-aged man experi \ enced in general farm operations . and livestock care. Write "280’’, care of The Daily Record stating ex perience, references and salary ex pected. l-23-st-c WANTED: Lady for general offioe work. Perfer bookkeeping experience but not necessary. Apply to Well ons Candy Co. Phone 3494. Jan. 21 tfn. WANTED: YOUNG MAN, MARRIED OR SINGLE, EX PERIENCED IN FOUNTAIN AND STORE WORK. FUR NISH REFERENCES. APPLY BOX 350, Dunn, N. C. 1-25-3 t-c WANTED Two live wire ap pliance salesmen; Car necessary. Call 2290 or write Box 611. Dunn. 1-21-tfc WANTED WANTED: To buy a modern com fortable home in Dunn. Must be in good location. Write "Home” care of The Daily Record. 1-7-ts-c FOR RENT FOR RENT: House on . South Elm Ave. Consists of two bedrooms, heating hall, hath, kitchen, and ! living room. Kitchen is equipped with G. E. refrigerator stove and hot water heater. Home has re cently been painted inside and out. Call Mrs. E. B. Wilkins, 803 South Elm Ave. Dunn, N. C. 1-21-23-25 Special Announcement Veteran Attend mass meeting Monday Jan. 28, 8 p. m. Recorders Court in Dunn, North Carolina. State Veterans Bonus Referendom issue will be discussed. Principal . speaker will be Thomas B. Sawyer, State Commander of the AMVETS! 21-t025-p i Legal Notice i NOTICE i NORTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY. I Tot undersigned, having %ualf | fled'as executrix of the estate of 1 E. V. Gainey, deceased, late of ■ Harnett County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 14th day of February, 1953, or this notice will ’ be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay | ment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of January, I*>2 . * BRIDGET M. GAINEY, Executrix, 4 108 N. Ellis Avenue i Dunn, N. C. Jan. 4-11-18-25-Feb. 1 WANTED To Buy 1; CORN IN SHUCKS Paying Highest Market Prices Alphin Bros. PHONE 9267 Fayetteville Highway 2 Miles South of Dunn. f t short business meeting, i Following the business Mrs. Swan. • son gave a very inspirational talk ■ no "Symbolism.” r Max. Parker spoke very interest ingly on “Hie Ballot,” and their ■ talks were followed by a short talk f by Mr. Prince. I Gifts were then presented tt> Mrs. I Swanson and Mr. Parker in an tan ■ pressive candlelight ceremony. The meeting closed in usual form ; and then the guests were invited i Into another roam for refreßiments The table was covered with a grass linen cloth and centered with a ; beautiful bowl of flowers. Refresh merits consisted of ribbon and star , sandwiches, salted nuts, cookies, ; brownies and lime ice. Hostesses were Mrs. Lena Sewell, , Mrs, Martha Brook, Mis. Magalene ' ( Godwin and Mrs. Stella Caldwell , Members present included Mrs. ; Bertha Elderbaum, Mrs. Myrtle Beard, Mrs. Mildred Cameron. Mrs. Susie Stevens, Mrs. Alma Taylor, Mrs. Naomi Matthews, Mrs. Fran • ces Caldwell, Mrs. Lucille Muse, Mrs: Letty Lucas, Mrs. Hazel God win. Mis. Irene Dearborn, Mrs. . Kathleen Stephenson, Mrs. Ada Oomedella. Mrs. Letty McLamb, I Mre. Clara Woodworth, Mrs. Louise Holmes, Mrs. Pauline Ennis. Mrs. r Louise Sheppard, Mre. Thelma Stephens, Mrs. Louise Tew, Mrs. Delmas Laahley, Mr. Oscar Temple, Mr. Earl Whitman, and Mr. and ; Mrs. Ernest Davis. Baptist Group Has : Supper Meeting At Johnson's Tuesday Members of the Home Makers Class of the Erwin Baptist Sunday School enjoyed a 6upper meeting at Johnson’s Restaurant Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. When everyone met at the Res taurant Mrs. Roy Cameron, class i teacher, gave