TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 29, 1952 K*""” > *^ 1 — RH& 1 "™ l> *f fcM ~* A T^‘ ,^M ir *r —iiiw— n m ■im-- - - - --« FOR SAli FOR SALS: Six room house with floor furnace and hardwood flows. -If interested see or call J. A. •Hardison, W. Cumberland St., Dunn. Phone 3897 l-26c3t-p FOR SAUf: ’sft Chevrolet Pick-up. 48 Club coupe Chevrolet. Combin ation meat, grocery and service s£a tipn. Grade A. rating. See J. Alvin Tart on Pope Road. l-24-9t-p FOR SALK: 1848 Chevrolet panel truck with overload springs, heat er and radio. In very good run ning condition. Uses no, oil, tires Rery good. See or call Oeorge W. Williams, 70S 8. Magnolia Ave., Dunn. Phone 3396. l-11-17t-p J '■""S' ■» i LEE'S 14 Heur Road Truck Tervainal ©> ( Met Wrecker Service PHONES 2727 - 2Q52 FAYETTEVILLE HWY. DUNN, N. C. D—» Z" i REGISTERED POLAND CHINA AUCTION SALE I Friday—Feb. 1,1952—1 P.M. f Here will be your opportuiaiy to get top Breeding Stock in the breed that is growing in both Demand and Popularity. Poland Chinas won more In the Borrow Shows in 1961 over all ether breeds than any other one breed. The packers want Poland China Rnality. Let’s produce what they desire. Sales will be heU t miles South of BuanleveL N. C., juf off Highway lp-A, the ferae they were grown and bred. r byrokSSTfarm^ BUNXLEVEL, N, C. 1 Loans—Financing ! '* Hake Loans On New and Used Automobiles IHSTAUMENT LOAN DEPT. . FIRST-CHKM WM & TRUST CO. . Stewart Theatre Bldg. Phono . Puma, N. C- Tobacco Cams Balk's Special 24 x 20 - 4 Yd. Wide WtTHOUI METAL EYELETS $8.90 - lOOyih. 28 x 24 - 4 Yd. Wide WITH METAL EYELETS $9.90 - 100 yds. Dunn, N, C. ALL KEYED ads at strictly confidential am. no information wUI be , given. Please 4o not 03k dqx rt, CLASSIFIED bates; 3 \!*«s ONLY s\.oo This s)se Tvue Sc Wort * TlAtjK QNIY fI.YS s-Woed Minimum W® RW ** rtA Bjaa Type fc Were FOR SALE: Two young mules— well broke. Also farm , implements. See or call Moses A. Vann. Erwin, N. C. s l-26-3t-c TOR BEST RESULTS wtth all ’arm animals. WAYNE FEED Is the product for you to buy. You will find a complete line of WAYNE FRED at FARMERS SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-c FOR SALE: One store with three room living quarters and lot 100 by 140 ft. 1 mile from Erwin, two miles from Dunn. Wired for electric stove. See George A. Vann at Pate’s Store in Erwin. l-2a-3t-p FOR SALE: Fifteen pigs. Good 1 strain. Three months old. Sec Mrs. C. L. Guy or phone 2954 or 2097. l-29-3t-p FOR SALE: Five room house in Erwin. See James F. Glover, 208 West D. St., Erwin. l-28-6t-p » BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Thort is money in the au t©mobile business. Dunn has opening for dealership for one of Amer ica's oldest, best-known and most popular automobiles. Persons interested must; be able to provide refer-i eoces and, evidence of good ; business lodgement and perience. Reasonable a raepnt of finances required. Act now in time for show ing of new models. AH inquiries will be kept strictly confidential. Apply "Dealership", care of The Daily Record, Dunn. 1 -25-st-p WANTED WANTED: To buy a modern com fortable home in Dunn. Must be in good location. Write "Home” care of The Daily Record. 1-7-ts-c WANTED: Riders to Fort Bragg daily. Leave Dunn each morning at 6 o'clock. Call 3838. l-28-3t-p WANTED: Good used car heater. See T. M. Stewart at Daily Rec ord Office. l-28-3t-p SERVICES OFFERED QUALITY PRINTING at ecooo ulcal prices at TWYFOKD PRINT ING COMPANY in Dunn. Let us bid on your next order. Telephone 1271. We will evil for and deliver ,-rur work. Auto Finance AUTO LOANS -REFINANCING - Reduce Yom Present Payments Money in 10 Minuies MOTOR CREDIT CO. , DUNN, N. C I'tyttteville St. Phone ’l5B ___ HELP WANTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED Book keeper. Permanent position. Good salary. Write Bookkeeper, care of Qglly Record, Dunn. l-25-6t-c HELP WANTED: We need a sober, reliable, middle-aged man experi enced in general farm operations and livestock care. Write “380”, care of The Daily Record stating ex perience, references and salary ex pected. l-23-st-c WANTED: Lady for general oftteg work. Perfer bookkeeping existence but not necessary. Apply to Wtll ons. Cantjy Co. Phone. 3194. * Jan. 21 tfn, WANTED. iSvo live wire ap pliance salesmen. Car necessary. Call 2290 or write Box 61L Dunn. 1-21-tfc WANTED: YOUNG MAN, MARRIED OK SINGLE, EX PERIENCED IN FOUNTAIN AND STOKE WORK. FUR NISH REFERENCES- APPLY BOX 350, Dunn, N. C. 1-35-3 t-c FOR RENT FOR RENT: f aur room apartment for rant on Clinton highway, 2H miles from Ddnn. Call Percy Lee, W & W Chevrolet Co., Dunn. Plyone 2131. l-38-3t-p FOR RENT: Three 7oom furnish ed upstairs apartment with electri cally equipped kitchen. Recently renovated. Close in. Call 3194 after 4 pun. l-38-3t-p FOR RENT: Furnished three room apartment. Private bath. No child ren. Settled couple preferred. Phope 2097 or 2954. FOR RENT: One three room down stairs apartment. Private entrance and private bath. Phone 2686. l-28-3t-p Flue-cured tobacco growers in this country produced almost one billion pounds of tobacco, during 1951. It was a record crop. BUNN FCX I is. Buying I CORN and I SOYBEANS 1 farmers! WAREHOUSE I 7 3a" HO 'Zo~ I IiAbMuHII Mmyic vuivwni nm Circle No. 1 of the Godwin Pres byterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Marvin Barefoot on Wed nesday evening, January 16th. Mrs. , Frank Pitts, chairman, presided. I Mrs. Grace Sink had charge of the ! pfogram. There were two visitors, | Mrs. J. K. Adcook, Jr. and Mrs. * Richard Godwin. The hostess ser ved nice refreshments. Those attending the County Council meeting- of the Home Demonstration clubs in Fayetteville last Thursday were: Mrs. Annie Godwin, Mrs. C. W. Spell. Mrs. McLellan Wade, Mrs. Millard Price and Mrs. G. R. Washburn. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Treptow and daughter, Julie of Kinston spent the weekend with the Mc- Lellan Wades. Mrs. Ell Holland and grand daughter. Bobby Smith spent the weekend in Hope Mills with Mr. and Mrs. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Holland brought them home on Sunday and spent the day. Mr. A. G. Fearington of Win ston-Salem spent Monday night here with his sister, Mrs. Donald Mclntyre and Mr. Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Collier visit ed Mrs. Claude WilUams at Duke Hospital in Durham Sunday. Mrs. WilUams has been seriously ill for Several days, having undergone a serious operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bass and son of Spring Hope spent last Thursday with Mrs. Bass’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McLellan. The Women’s Society of Christian Service met at the home of Mrs. G. R. Washburn on Monday eve ning, January 21. Mrs. Clyde Mc- Lellan gave 'the devotional. Mrs. Roger Collier had charge of the program. There were sixteen mem bers present. The hostess served orange fruit cake, hot cheese sand wiches, nuts and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Marius Starling and family of Rose Hill visited the Harold WilUford’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and family of Angler and Mrs. Addie Warren of Dunn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith. Mrs. Joe Wade Lucas and baby daughter, Emily Catherine spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wade. Mrs. Robert Upton and son, John Charles Ventnor, N. J., spent sev eral days here with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Braxton. Mr. Myers Braxton and Bobby Upton of the University of North Carolina spent the week end here. Dr. 2nd Mrs. James W. McLean and daughter were Sunday dinner guests of the Braxtons.. Miss- Eloise Connelly went the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Warren at Garlan. p Mrs. W. H. Tew is visiting her daughters, in Greensboro this week. Mr. and Mis. Marian Rowland of High Point spent the week-end With Mrs. Rowland’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.. E. Graham. Cob Hi News By RUTH DENNING Last week was a week of work for the majority of. the high school students. It seems that there is no getting arqunq the fact that mid-term examinations must be given. For m.ost of the students this meant a review of what had previously been studied and for an envied few, there were exemp tipns. But for the student who I never seemed to keep up with his daily assignments, it meant hours of extra work. Now that examina tions are over we may calmly look back and comment that they weren’t fealty as bad as we thought at that time, but still we are glad they are over and behind us. The high School chapel program given Thursday, January 34, was, presented- by various students in the form of a variety program. The program consisted of the scripture, Jo Ann Ennis.prayer, Mr. R. Hal Smith; group singing; poem, Graec Ennis; trumpet solo, Maynard Mo points. The final score was 29-38 DUNN S NEW CITY l*W REQUIRES YOU TO HAVE An. approveo type > GARBAGE mi s Reg. Price $3.64 Snugly-fitting covers to keep oder. inside. f This Is A Real Buy - Why Pay More? ‘ 209 E« Broad St. Phona 3.187 »WN, N. c. . . , ; DUNN, IT. a Dunn Personals THREE HOUSE GIIESTS Miss Polly Pope had as her house guest over the weekend, three of 1 her classmates at Duke. Miss Mary Jane Cuici of New York, Miss Cookie Ballard of St. Petersburg, and Miss Marty Ludwick of Pitta burgh. Pa. HAS INFLUENZA Miss Jane Westbrook is confin ed to her home with the flu. SLIGHTLY IMPROVED Mr. G. O. Godwin, who has been confined to his home for some time, is slightly improved, it is re ported. FROM STATE Jimmy Twyford, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Twyford, spent the weekend here wRh his parents. Jimmy is a senior at State College in Rafcigh. HOODS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hood and son Ruffin are here from Dunedin Florida visiting relatives and , friends. WITH MOTHER Miss Ann Vann, who is em ployed in Raleigh, was here over ! the weekend visiting her mother, , Mrs. Nellie Vann. MISS DICKEY HERE Miss Jean Dickey of Durham visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dickey over the weekend. WEEKEND VISITOR Miss Katherine Brown, student at Atlantic Christian College in Wilson, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown this weekend. IN NEW YORK Mr. Guyton Smith spent last Tuesday in New York. VISITS SISTER Miss Alice Edmundson visited Saturday afternoon at the Whisper ing Pines Convalescent home with her sister, Mrs. T. W. Stroud and other patients. TO MAKE TALK TUSSDAY Rev. Dick Gammon will be guest speaker in Clinton Tuesday night at the Gray’s Memorial Church. HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Calvin We Hons returned to her home last week after being a patient in the Dunn Hospital. ' VISITS PEARSALLS Mrs. Woodrow Carroll and son of Raleigh spent Saturday in Dunn vi6iting Mrs. Billy Pearsall, Jr. MR. WILLIAMS IMPROVED T. Brown WilUams, who suffered ran; piano sole, Sue Ennis; quar tet, Faye Dean Moore, Shirley Norris, Doris Gregory, Carolyn Turner; piano solo, Marilyn Yar vocal solo, Kay Sarnes; -iiano solofi Ann* Pleasants. The progr'inT was thoroughly enjoyed by the students. The Coats basketball teams play ed at Erwin. Tuesday night, Janu ary 22. Our girls lost, although the score doesn't tell of the hard work and playing put Into the game. The most outstanding guards were Sue Langdon and Imogene WilUams, while Josephine Johnson and Doro thy Stewart were high scorers with 10 points each. The final, score was Erwip 41, Coats 27. Our boys played a thrilling game, one which was close all the way. Tommy Pope and Rudolph Miller led in defense, with all th* players putting on a good defensive game. Miller was high scorer with 12 in favor of Erwin. The junior varsity team played Erwin the same night. This game was quite a different story. Coats won, 56-36. Stewart Hough and Leon Johnson had 19 and 14 points respectively. Hough led in defense, The record for the girls team is not what we would like for It to be, mainly because of a lack of experience. We have only a few forwards with previous * experience. We are very preud of our guards, who have held some of the county's high scorers to low scores. The en ure team Is showing improvement witft each game they play. Our boys team has had a fair season seappn thus fay. Although they haven’t won many games, they hav.e made a good showing in most of them. The recent Erwin game is ap example of the Improvement the team has made. The entire student body is proud of the work which these two teams are doing. a severe heart attack several weeks ago, is reported to be gradually improving in the Dunn Hospital. He will be hospitalized for three more weeks. AT FORT BRAGG Mrs. Bill Lee spent Wednesday at Fort Bragg. NEW MAN HERE Mr. BiU Cameron of Asheboro has accepted a position in Dunn with Mr. R. K. Footman, account ant. WITH PARENTS Miss Jean Dickey of Durham spent the weekend in Dunn visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dickey. MRS. HERRING BETTER Mrs. J. T. Herring is able to be up again after being confined for some time with the flu. RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mrs. Ben Hartsfield and daugh ter, Domini, returned last week from Florida. They had been visit ing her mother, Mrs. Bertha Hut ton at North Miami Beach for the past month. VISIT AT HIGHSMITHS Mrs. Harvey Strickland, Mrs. Mann Norris, Sr., Mrs. Lizzie Monds, and Mrs. Sallie Gilbert were in , Fayetteville Friday. While there they visited Mr. Tommy Core and Mrs. R. F. Jernigan at Highsmiths Hospital. , RETURNS AFTER TWO MONTHS Mrs. A. C. Parker has returned to Dunn after being away for about two mouths. She visited in Win ston-Salem and in Statesville. She Information CoSymn FOR VISITORS AND RESIDENTS SALES- SERVICE-REPAID • A V TO , .1* ■'l.lULEsTgil T 1r A I QUICK, COURTEOUS thw—ut—if .J I A Dry-Cleaning Us F °U Alterations Printing ZZ GOOD USED i Paramount ——— IS_ f = Membership CardK* v* CARS « TRUCKS Cleaners ,»•*, * limn, Lir,n„* fj • Wext to Stew “* Theattc Prompt Serrlc • i' 1 Durat Family Word Printing COMPANY NAYLOR-DICKEY laundry & Dry fn «? 301 th dial nn -- ■ ■ Fayetteville Hwj. Duntt Cleaning * m TRACTORS % 19klf-mi & Delivery UKIfM HTA * Noah Safes &servic*j 2#l N WUKLU U 31M 1 r^S— . A M FqyMtortMn Ay. Dtwaf • DRUGS ® ' ■|L j JLTifjl. » AUTO FASTS ♦ HOOD'S DRUG lIIIHIIiP - in iiniim i “The Friendly Store" -Ml drags Sundries iSwiSSIB 113 E Broad St | llfcC Alim rvß-’Twfl datV # ELECTRICAL fo\ CV|I eißff APPLIANCES » ty) By m rA|i) • repairs • L\ M ; So. Clinton Avei Dunn xgsp i ■ ten vet rke OMtr w Ato’ • AAJTO BggfVWS P liBCYRICAL FERGUSQH SYS For Body and Fender ror Body and Fender ON AM. HoWgg Henry t Body Shop *'"«*«’* i iMMIMBWIMBm 8o otuu. Are, Duuu. N. c. g^wiercantile^J ® ***** d•* i • rURNITURjE % START YOUR SAVINGS n THESE CQLUMMS. __ , . .■ *.v .. la | _ Appumtw .w|| l r n rrrr jPnzMFD ■ iPßiTaoie ivudios - Electric 1 THE II SAVE YOU wMBKKLmI I foie I i Dtuv I Joiinign iubiiluii. 11 BifORRY AtiPAlOieHTiß visited for a while with her daugh ter, Mrs. Mel McAdams and fami ly. IN LUMBERTON Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bahen and children, Kathy and Jimmy, spent Sunday in Lumberton with Mrs. J. T. Harrington. FWRKEBS IN RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. John Parker and children, Alexis and Johnny, were A A. -mm A m m - - ltMtm9«8888898#8i8t 1 JUST RECEIVED | • NEW SHIPMENT OF $ | FRESH IDLES ) • We Also Have Good Second • • Handed Mules and Horses 0 2 CASH OR CREDIT • s •*—. : S Louis Baer Livestock Company 5 2 Dunn, N. C. • fll OOo•OO #ft O o ® o• t PAGE SEVEN in Raleigh Friday. BELOTE CHILD SICK - Master Lackie Belote, . sou qX Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belote .-baa been confined to his hoqip, ylth a cold. SON FROM PORTSMOUTH Mr. and Mrs. John Tew, Sr., had las their guests over the weekend ! Mr. and Mrs. John Tew, Jr., of Portsmouth, Va. .....