PAGE SIX Benson Society MfS. Woodall Is HostessL.To GA's At Benson The OMr* jjv T,pr '- son Pfcnttat rv ' f 't >fnn, * ov home of Mrs. Marshall Wnodp'V Jtjfe TWe r**p r HH and winad e "n <'«*»«'* o« secret p rv. 'T'h* report vas pdvor* hv War<H A/i***'*?. A n r o p *** ,Tl w< »s, h*» w;i. prorH^*'on > Tpy*o P’-'tphoYrl and A r*nr Q «-«^ f ed s »w --jrram which group sinffln*? ws* ®n*nvAd. |*pf r *c>*vv, <*-*,. ~« v e served bv Trou Barbour. "Present. «’«»•«• |f’*" Q+rl*’-. laiJd. rn-Tf»f»d»»»* n»ith m# ~o .hidv wove T *'”*boiJ»* Ja pU, « Harbour. A' 4 **"* JPnn**: JpV»ncr>n Woodall T.lpd** nrwJ^ Pritchard, and WUladean Hardi son M** P»rf , '*« enters ?n«d «*♦ o cana°ta nartv «vor ! *v». Mf l !. Vrlnr OH.ftnon or** 4 WrrnA^ Minlz v 'i" v * »-/V'*-P nw"PA r>*>H UT|irAr»d 'Tint l * ar* 4 I TPr*n If”'** «! rvl-roq tfv nnd ' f -c ' t aal AllrPiir '*■• *”■>'( a**- »tnl fI T. t>'**_ *n«n and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mint?,. nj-' V*— rV>T«ritf, (-! W.vyft,t! rs p—'-. ••••■’*<,a »f r anc ) M rs j F. Woodall Sunday. • _ m™ ni—i Po-n —* *k-s <-, r. Pt... .r,-wf *k «* ‘y *»— '"•'■'ttaye at Kurf Beach. Wilmington. vhr e,n<» Party..,* onH \f'rv T•*! ill er*«r»f »fr. Mrs; Carl Barbour at Four! Oaks. Vd o«d V»,, T>,tnV. Whio:n»Vn JCTtPnV W...V, V- ar.rt T.#rr F«’oh Edward Whittington in Ral eigh. Vs, ***** Mpolr Owprhv TTTorm to Southern Pines during the weekend. v > ITSTEN T>ATLV TO “Your Old Country Preacher” With Fayorite HiObtHy Hymns at iBa. m. r**r y' ■nrta, N. C. +Stewart+ Today Thru Friday Also I |4' News Comedy *rnm §L Today. Onfy flMHft Comedy Cartoon h .^Hvnett+ I’ll.l— -*§g|ftCHKCfHOB »yi»nedy , Cartoon ALWAYS IMPORTANT GOOD EYESIGHT B - Come to Dunn for Eyt • CU I_ U . I Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Rose are spending a few days in High Poiht attending the furniture show. ■ Kelly Joseph left Monday night for a business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie l Rackley spent the- weekend with relatives in Wilmington. • Mr. and Mrs. Will WoodaH visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marley in Angier Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Godwin, Mrs. Margaret Clifton, and Miss Mary Rose Godwin left Thursday, Jan. 34, for a Several days stay in New York. Miss Melba Langdpn, Miss Mae Byrd, Mrs. Bobby Porter Parrish, and Dallas Langdon motored to Washington, D. C. on Sunday to spend a few days. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Woodall of Akron, Ohio, were guests of Dr. Woodall’s aunt, Mrs. Betty W. Johnson, and his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Strickland during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flowers, Jr„ of Durham, spent the week-end here with their aunt, Mrs. Vinnie Smith. Mrs. Justus Parker and Miss Stella Creech spent Sunday in Sanford with friends. Miss Roselyn Harris of the Ben son school faculty spent the week end with relatives in Areola. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diggs and Miss Magdaline Coats 6i Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Wil son recently. Mrs. Betty Johnson and Mrs. W. R. Strickland were visitors to Fayetteville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Barbour vis ited Norwood Sorrell at Veterans Hospital, Fayetteville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Wilson and Miss Yiildred Barbour motored to Camp Lejeune Sunday to visit Benton White, hospital corpsman there. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd May of Houston, Texas announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, January 33 in St. Joseph Hospital, Houston. Mrs. May is the former Miss Lina Pearl Johnson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Johnson of Benson. 43k anil IgcL Rupert Parrish of mear' Benson announce the Wrth of a son. Dennis Keith, on January 19, at Rex Hospital, Raleigh. Mrs. Parrish is the former Mies Agnes Denning of near Benson. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Gulll, Sr., of Roxboro spent the weekend here Cartoon 2 Shows Nightly BOOt OFFICE OPENS 8:30 Shows Start At 7 And 9 aJSjJtTeDwjMrtft ' - TEEN Tattle Tales By LINDA ATCOCK Rollerskating is quite popular in Dqnn by now. Tuesday morning we had the Rollateers In the High School. They gave quite an exhi bition. They proved what spinning around on skates' could do to the sense of balance by caling for four volunteers (two boys, two girls) to come on the stage. Claude Pope and L. C. Draughon stood up im mediately. The girls were hesitant, so guess mile went up! Linda Ay cock! Margaret Wheetly followed. H)ey ■ ppun 'US' ground until .we couldn't walk straight for a minute. Claude Pope was lost and was turn ed ore*- and over until he was quite pale. But he come out okay. As rewards for “bravery” we received pins and booklets teaching how to rolp’-skate. Everyone enjoyed It as mtich as we who went on stage. Must have it again I Frapk Campbell and D. R. Lee seem to be great pals lately. Wish they’d include me! Everyone was happy to see some of the college guys and gals home for the weekend. Hope to see them again real soon. Pet Johnson’s bright look gets brighter by the day. And no won der, with eaeh day that goes also goes a dav of anxious waH.fng and wishing for April and Willie. Eh, Pat? _ Give vour job the best you have and it’ll never get the best of you. A cold snap in the South caused large damage to crops. . . . Your grocer will tell you more about It later. The eagle flies fastest when go ing away from its nest No wonder w# use It on some of our silver coins. If jrou notice anyone around with extremely short nails, you’ll know they have seen “Fixed Bayonets,” which played at the Dunn Theatre this week. It was a suspense pic ture. based on the event of Heart break Rldve in Korea. Surelv if vou did not get to see this picture, he sure and see It when It comes hack. Oh. and be sure to take some thing to chew on! Fleming Glover, are you still “undecided”? Don’t be that way! Margaret Lee Navlor. do vou really wish you lived near 304 West Harnett street? , , Marv Fave Williford saems <te haVe an interest out on tM oceftp X b»“r he’ll be coming home next month Mary Faye, fit it true? If so T know you are happy. Good lock! Doc Corbett: “If you want to sleeo at my house vou’ll have to make your own bed.” Jimmy Bills: “Ob, that's all right. I wopt mind.-- ■ TJpc: “O. K. Here’s a hammer and saw," ■ ; I WIW I W*«k M*»nny- /JJ Lee Ninrtor’s OOM- T>Y WTtOW /vwes '•'vve Lee’S, nOCRE, T TVq . Owfoar* —slVO . v«* prmr»r.»_nnrw • e*., vjr-rv’>V! r»w«»oAs»*v,iTT'.' vy— •* uosr. • V.l, ‘ Tee’s A PH,TTY TO T **PN. '' ' . w.—t*♦ Vaaw* V— log- n»* m,, u «* lat»lv »»arva»"*” *% Warefoot* ▼* **•*—* v, j*,.!* a we -AnS **~:~,*e 1 Ov -’w/r Y*fd fri ftWftvm /YlvMWxiak w-te ; v y*»* ftenllw _wlalva4 o pis* aWa nf»r* ft lov^Tv Mi4ftt A Yes* A# , eewov tioveotMan n>v4 —otMAA V»aA #e»s» •* »- T eyAtTAte gtoklse ♦H*»o n*»evvsoe%<o Vnrp, Vowmaa •"’H s»tt ■ !»••* +!^^‘ AWA "AW4A «*VI *»AW"fte’AW| fKftWft ftVUI ▼ rWI klww*o raavil* « HI for e*e- these horses sVr pr hea , -r*e*di •- y > > "»v»"*AA k»s«fe Kaj| Aonte *A,|S» W W# Ui- V»dA*r |4teA Hdftf tA’AWlle pi’ll act he able to ptey snymere (doc • -on *•— eat^t>eMs.m-)aY Mr. and ?4m. .VMQpMt > ' , V™ Th-t-'S 'Vae*-">n and V*-* tea net*. f t r~,t. sai > sr J A I &L v 7s 9*:- ■. V- ■/* r ; raw* «> tsamvn weonesaay. T.Sm.S? * < ?r C r .*•**—■ £ • Mr. a*» Mr*. Harvev McLamb y lor * ■•rwrfti aft/B stay »■/ . f IBI’ fIAIUIfV All * J 1 fcAKL HA mil Uft Wt f Ij• ■ - .. liiak. * it Wholiin B er (CSSOI ; Wa DAILY «SOOHS. DTOOf. Hft Ruth Eller Class Holds Monthly Meeting Monday The Ruth EUer Sunday School Class held its monthly meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Raymond Ennis. The president, Mrs. Mcßay Ste wart, presided over the meeting. IDs. Banks Pollard, who was in charge of the program, used as her subject. “Shall We Tithe?” Others taking part on the pro gram were .Mrs, Mcßay Stewart and’ Mrs. Grace Yarborough. The hostess served pecan pie a la mods with oof fee. Those attending the meeting wei* Mrs. J. Ben Eller, Mrs. Mc- Ray Stewart; Mrs. Bari Erin is, Mrs. Frances Lanerton, Mrs. Banks Hoi* land, Mrs. *Fleteher Flowers, and Mrs. Grace Yarborough. The average farmer today pro duces mote In one hour than the farmer of A years, ago produced in two. , tor’s orders). Flue caused this and we’re awfully sorry, Janp. Hurry up and get back to school 'cause we miss you very much. Kack White: “How come your father sent you to the attic to study?” Jean Sorrell: “He wanted higher learning.” Sorry to hear that Billy Monds was lured into the 'Air Force and I know Margaret Cathy doesn't like It anymore than anyone else. Good luck, Billy. Do your duty and make us proud! • DEDICATIONS: “Turn Back the Hands of Time” for Laney Hodges and Woody Hill. “I Love You” for Alice Prince and Robert Pope. ‘TH See You in My Dreams" for Margaret Cathy and Billy Monds. “Rugged- But Right” for Libby Raynor and Claude Pope. “Forever and Ever” for Peggy Kirby and Mondy Pope. “Slow Poke” for Jane Westbrook. “Always-Late” for Jon Fitchett. “It's AIT Over But The Mpmory” for Pat Johnson and Bobby Day Godwin. Alice Lou Jackson has her eye on a cute Junior! Let's all contribute to the March of Dimes. START TOUR SAVINGS COMMERCIAL I ’ **BANK r * ■ See The - GREATEST CAR EVER BUILT In Th* Low Price Fidd At Tour Mlltil DEALER'S IS! Is Buying I CORN and I SOYBEANS I . l! 7t30~' .-SsM _ . II r.rWtqrfll. R BRINGING OK FATHER % . * . , /. . ' : 'now vou cam startY i vwujt To 1 ' menv up with V ■ r ( —T /HMfMBIS Riownawcwi4--i'M thankmdu mej_l»jch-i ain't we what»voj6av O l L_ eojeouT toujnch- porhcing oust wired a go**na have MEwwewuz nothing to ■■■ £ " ' AND WV«N IOT SACK ME-SR/ , > NEW SECPETABy AT LEAST ONE WECE WWK.E I MB-BUT VOU HEfUi 2 11 L ill na*e a lot of L. ) an’ivegotto game of was our’ hambanew ‘.j , J IF letters to dctate' Y oHBEL gh-back to, gm RUMMY? what DID sue SBCBBTARV-, Rv ■ .AT —| wiqwi | eoLpcxatt' | Hi- ABNER-bVaI Capp AH DOkfT KNOW EXACTLY WHUTAH USES V MAKE ft T* Mi MT 80/.T-THreiS A UTIP THET PERFDOM. AH JEST SEEMS T* KMOteT ■FfiHL iVV GREATDAN TORYOO.r WWJJ »*> WHUTS RIGHT-BV INSTINK.'r- BUt OHK SELLING TOOR PERFUME HAKIWB\_, r'Cgfc THING AH ALLUS USESrr IS COHrKDCRATE. J WILL EARN ME MILLIONS /X jH| HONEY.7- WE'LL ■*s — [ SOH'LL r»N STUFF f. JVtjflf*** , °^f ■ •' , YEP- IWE ITH* BUH-BUH-- \ NOW, DON’T BUST ME an 1 him ts OH. LAWSy!!W AN 1 TH'BABy B’B'BABY U i a 6LOOO ISHOREHAD* T7 SNUCKOUTFER WH'WHAR Vs-5? ICKET y a i s WBr,KII<q fbatwbks aywwcATn u., wowld atom r -= ||H MICKEY MOUSE YeWt'fvEN BuriiwiaNte. ' If NO—LETS |WHV DO VOU || 7 f BECAUSE THIS CLERK] jjn r -nE\cy> irV T"""jlT~ p ll 1 I?) * WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 30, 1952 ; « : —,

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