AFTERNOON, IAMIDAAY 31, IdSSf , mmcmmmmwu m ftiii —g——————y—Wg—^PßpßpM| v ”” l, * w,l * l,,,l||>llwl " l,>,||,l, M |||| * | < |, M || ■ Jcm^ our KEYED ADS M | Wrictly confidential am. 0 ho Information will he Sven. Please to dot aik Kit CLASSIFIED RATES 3 T IMES ONLY SI.OO 'This Size Type .. 3c Word 9 TIMES ONLY $1.25 ,-\ ft-Won! Minimum Me Bum, AS w . fha The blase lifted through a sta tionery shop and radio and appli ance store before it burned a tele the central exchange. The operator summoned firemen who brought the fire under control after Ufhad caused about SIOO,OOO d&wjie. BAYTOWN, IB) Mr. -.and I esthetic and doctors removed Mgl appendix. Attention then to Cloud postponed heT^JtS aectomy, • r ERWIN SOCIETY Mission Study Is Held By Methodist Ladies In Erwin The members of the Womans Society of Christian Service, mem bers of the Wesleyan Guild of the Erwin Methodist Church and mem bers of the W. S. C. 8.,0f the Par kers Church in Linder) held terhoeh Mb eVdhlhg. was tebtht by MW. H. C. TuHlhg ton Os Dunn. nriha fix yfa 8 Bft iil iba'.tftA ii eggl ah.-.- group *&]£** toUSt Wfe Mis. d‘ A. Petty gave a very impressive devotional and MQss PWMeW ttarreh sang “Brtathe On Mb Breath of God”. Mrs. D. T. stutts then Ittti*- duced Mrs. Turlington, Who v«-y interestingly gave the Study of Latin America. Following hbr talk at 6 o’clock supper was served in the Educa tional building basement. The menu which was toritteh to Span ish gave \ list of thfe following foods. Arrospolio - - - Ensalod Frutos Pepl Panecillo Pan chocolate case The Rev. D. A. Petty gave the Invocation, and after supper the group returned to the church audi torium for the remaining session of the study. Mrs. W. P. Holt Jr. gave the closing devotional, and the group sang “America” and “America The Beautiful”. Mrs. Wayman Melvin of Linden gave the closing benediction. Erwin Club Plays Bingo For March Os Dimes The Erwin Womans Club hbld their regular meeting Monday eve ning In the Club House. The meeting opened with the members praying together “The Lords Prayer,” This wftg followed by the club song Wonderful Weeds of Life.” Mrs. Louis Dearborn presided over the business session during which time’'dub accepted some garments to be made ttir tfye Red Cross during the month of February. Mrs. Cdy Norris was lh charge of the program which was a Bingo Party with the proceeds ffato the games to go to the March of Dimes. The hostesses for the evening Mrs. E. G. Purcell, Mrs. Lddte FoW ler, and Mrs. Wilbert Tyson served homemade cake, salted mite and coffee. Club members present Included: Mrs. Erwin Brantley, Mrs. H»i«m Sbrr, Mrs. Johnnie Whitman, Htta. Louis' Dearborn, Mrs. Coy Norris, Mrs. Pink Leonard, Mrs. WUUs Gray, Mrs. Wayman Byrd, Mrs. Dan Ennis, Mrs. Haywood Butleb, Miss Ruby Sewell and the hos tesses. SATURDAY IN RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Stutts spent Saturday In Durham OVERNIGHT GUEST Mrs. J. C. Graham spent Tues day night In High Point jrith her sister Mrs. Haley. She returned Wednesday byway of Greensboro where she picked up her daughter Emily and Janet Ennis students at Womans College who will spehd tM weekend at home. sis— •'* Mi*; reg. *2 sU» *1.00,.. - ■ * Dj, frill Perkin# / % ■ WL .'-V. ; irllllw .urn. mm, % a Junior RW Group Meets At Baptist Church In Erwin The Junior R. W.’s of Iterwih First Baptist church MH thWr regular meeting at ttib djWjtoeb Monday afternoon at IbVUr b’btbte. The program fov the %es Based oh the stmrtfctab w tommy and Bud stritkiand wm a -story abbot "M*. Donak Bih.” Study ddbb ibr the Mission Btudy to* be held oh ». The Kwfchtty tieea fw evety ft. w. In February is to be a onofr lUAuinut manner. Bbyk present for tine ihfStttoi CaS’ Otem %pod Hawley, Woody Woodall, Wlfoe G«tdry, Barty Orlffih, Jbhn DoWd, Slade Williamson and Mrs. D. C. Woodall. . v WteteftEND M NDkFOLk Mr. ahd Mrs. Bob kelly add Mft. Bobby Bryan sjlent the weekend ih Norfolk. . f Campbell Receives Return For Favor The old proverb regarding bread cast upon the water* held true when Campbell College received a check from W. H. Wheeless of' Sardis Community, one of Smithfield’s su burbs. Mr. Wheeless recently told C. W. Hart that during the depression the. college allowed him to pay tor his daughter’s tuition with trtfc* and other garden vegetables and that he wanted to show his long standing gratitude to the college by doing something for the students. He sent the check to the college last week and earmarked it for painting and renovating a room in the Treat Dormitory for girls to be used as a recreation room. Mr. Wheeless’ daughter is curwnt ly teaching school in Smithfleld. Benson Seomon Botfehy |taH* Charles M. HAII,-’seaman, ÜBN. of Benson, has arrived to tfte United States following mprt than U months of dbty. to Korea aboard the USS L8T758. LST’s are laWdtog ships but bfi ten are adapted tor toahy other US*. The 798 carried Com. pris oners of war ftm ftrsih, to Prison camps bh the mt- Igytog Xortftn Island of Koje. The ship also transported UN troops from POrts in Japan to Korea. The 758 will undergo i a period of overhaul at San Diegjo, Calif. PVT. .OAW TO JAPAN Pvt. Qolta D. Shaw, soft of Mr. and Mrs. Jatoes A. Shaw of An derson Creek, has arrived to Japan where he Is stationed, with the quartermaster depot. Be sailed froto San Francisco Jan 4 on the “Gen. Patrick and arrived at. Camp Drake Japan. Several days later was sent to Tokyo, Japan where he will Be stationed.. His ned address Is Pvt. Colin D. Shaw U. 8. 68,085,- 799.. 8080th A. U. T. Q. M. D. Apo -1851 Cftre P. M. San Francisco, Calif. i, RETUft* HOME Danny Jftkemftn of Erwin Route 1. son of Mr. and Mr». Raymond Jaokeman has returned home after Visiting hts grandparents Mr. and M*s. James A. Shaw W Attderson Crtek. “-'-mi —in — Student Makes Highest Grade Alter 2 Beers Is. MJwyik m wr thtee •to w Ul tebitoft a aa Maltob r >WNA lliiSWWidi tooth < i RAsrt rJAfi | ! 631 iCTWhill! Lysol • REM FOR COUGHS 57* l FECTANT I DIAL SOAP 10* I 55 * J ALKA-SELTIEiI 29* I box toe : I Q-TIPS : I ■ BiHSUilUild i , I LUX SOAP JERGENS I APPLICATORS ( g for lc . HAIR TONIC | ft Rj With economy LUIIUII Liquid Cream B 49 C m PEPSODENT Free^Dispenser You save 19c E 98 c 2 for 39 cII I eo! : I tan Deodorant. . ' | | Drops, IScc I** j Bath, ISC Size ItCB II f MENNEN . | ||T£-. j 9 S WOODBURY 3g | | nrhluiß a irv k ■ BS , 'o II Tk»t you cun be sure of when you briuf 'X[ M | your prescription here for compounding. 'f'> E - I Our complete stock of fme drugs U always vj I%n B | m .. . - ■ ,- - ! Fresk, Pure and Potent ... tin way your X■ V A Hj NYLON HOSE ! ‘ ,octor expects them to he. X ? I B APEX MOTH 23 h BORIC ACID H | fl BHtoH . fl OH I ■ | H Bpsfll B B^Dflßyfi D n lj Id I j Flits ' polegy exam to get top “one phis” marks. Foote spent the first 45 min utes at Ms tbree-heur examin ation arid barking on the test. Then hft strode from the room —allowed under Prince tort’s hon or system—and went to a cor ner taproom for a couple of •bars And 48 minutes of televi- Afpfcr getting thoroughly “re laxed,” Foote came back to the exato room, checked his paper And handed it to. Only one oth t* test had been handed in be ftoe that. “I Jrtst can’t see these fellews PAGE FIVE who tighten up when they tahe an exam,” Foot said. “Af~Tpng .. s * as you’re reused, you’ve goQhe il battle half won.” ‘ ; ***■■ . FIRE CHIEF toNFIDEtfI' CENTER OSSIPEE, N. KJW— When the fire bells rang, everyone attending Sunday service at the Congregational Church helcf' his breath. The Rev. Clifford W. Laws continued with his sermon* after saying he had every the fire fighters. The pastor dou bles as Center Ossipee’s fire- chief.