THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY Si, 1952 LYNN NISBETt Around CapitolSquate • FILING —lt will cost all state wide candidates, except governor and supreme court justice, more to enter the primary race this year . than ever before. Filing fees for legislative candidates and for most county officers also will be in creased over the 1948 and SO scale, because of Increased salaries pro vided by the offices sought. The election laws fix the filing fee at one per cent of the annual salary. Presently the attorney general is paid $8,400 per year and members of the council of state are paid $7,500; but with beginning of the next term these salaries go to SIO,OBO for the attorney general and $9,000 for the council of state 'members who are the secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, superintendent of public instruc tion, commissioner of agriculture, commissioner of labor and com missioner of insurance. That means it will cost candidates for attorney general SIOB to file and will cost candidates for the other positions S9O each. No ohange was made in the salary of the governor or su-' preme court Justices, that figure remaining at sls 000 and $14,400 with filing fees of $l5O and $144, respectively. • LIEUTENANT OOVERNOR No change was made in the regu lar salarv of the lieutenant gov ernor, which stays at $2,100 per year. But thi “compensation” of the lieutenant governor was sub stantially increased by the raise in pay as ex-officio presiding officer of the state senate. That was up ped by virtue of a constitutional amendment ratified two years ago from S7OO for the session to S2O per day for a period not exceeding ninety days. The IPSI general as sembly ran well above the nlnetv days and Lieutenant Governor H. P. Taylor was paid the maximum of SIBOO as president of the sen ate. Added to his regular salary as lieutenant governor that brought his compensation for the year to $3,900 and fixed the base filing fqe for the office next time at $39 in stead of the S2B which Taylor paid four years ago. LEGISLATORS Application of the same rule to filing fees of candidates for the general assem bly would set that figure at $13.50 this year. Instead of the six dol lacs which had prevailed for a long time. Members of legislatures Inlf 1W to 1944. inclusive, were pail MM. of length of Ute session, with provision —nor 'extra pay in event of a special session. The amendment ratified two years ago changed the basis of pay td sls per day for not exceeding nine ty days, or a -maximum of $1350 for the regular session. The 1951 session went well above the nine ty days, and each member, was paid the maximum of $1350. which set the filing fee for candidates at $13.50. GRAVY Whichever member of the house of representatives is elected speaker will get a free ride for part of his filing fee. Because the speakership is not an office at stake in the primary, he will, par the same $13.50 filing fee as all the other 119 members—but if the session goes to the ninety days he ‘ will get SIBOO in compensation. „ RECORD At noon Monday books in the office of Raymond Maxwell, secretary to the state board of elections, showed three candidates had filed for the su preme court associate Justiceship. These filers were Itimous Valen tine. now serving by appointment of the governor; Oscar Efird of Winston-Salem and Superior Court Judge Allen Gwyn of ReldsvtUe. Valentine and Efird filed for both terms—the approximate one month for the unexpired term to which Valentine was appointed and the full eight vears beginning January 1. Gwyn filed only for the full term. In other words, Valentine and Efird each tendered checks totaling S2BB. while Gwyn settled for one check of 8148& ~ GAMBLE Paying $144 for the* chance of serving for a little more than one month might be classed as a gamble for all candidates ex cept incumbent Justice Valentine, REGISTERED POLAND CHINA AUCTION SALE Friday—Fab. 1, 1952-1 P. M. Here will be year oppertonHy to get tap Breeding Stack ia the WiMmi'wn'h S» h ßMroT«»a*^*te*lßU < *rea to popularize even more strongly all sweet potatoes shipped from North Carolina. COLD-WIND-SLEET J M fijui you ate y f IN THE MOST COMFORTABLE / JB/M|\ SPOT IN THE WORLD... j // SITTING by your own £fjA ■ U WUmJw FIREPLACE; YOU AND YOUR 11.11 FAMILY DON'T HAVE TO v - V FI LEAVE YOUR HOME TO II GET THE FINEST JKT flf W ENTERTAINMENT •<*& W'fejS • BECAUSE YOy-v(^ BLACK- TU T A f| DAYUTE If \> MODEL 17T5 ■■■i ■AHr V W Featured Sinter on “The Garry 1 * INCLUDES ★ INCLUDES W Jjoore Show” ' * ’ LOB " MATCHING EASE MATCHING BASE ipt ,,, „. H _ _ „ • j /f-'r,t5 r - yotellit mi "Thi « . f *Fnce includes Fed. Excise Tax. ' xi:?w'f Qgnr M oore Show”. Installation and picture tube jrarry moore You Can Get Over I Dollars Worth of Entertainment I , ’ ' f>> ' l7C, ° 3 '' E RS A RY Mp4y.- ,;t Ar^ v> AV A- *" ' •;■ ;•; wßf B|r B^gpSfc|^^^^\V v « « % % * * % •*•*.••• •• •* •«V.' ■ w ijAtfl' I ICC / IrgjM '* , • ■- iferiiffimMlhflmiiwt^'lMWi : ' • ■ ..• USE OUR KBuTiiTiITvZ ■ w w w ■ eaeM 11 *s ibb "yae,f»» -« ,i> , { -v- ? I | ge.wll»lifimyfllfauf iifft . I EASY PAY PLAN! THE PAIIiY RECOItI), PPNN, N. C. SECOND SECTION" PAGE ONE