THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 7, 1952 Miss Etteabeth Falrcl<*h, Bltaphe Bruton ,Hr-. jOhirlto. WUl4ms spent Sunday .With Miss Betsy Mc- Kenzie in Clinton. — R. A. CHESTNUTT CO. Fayetteville Highway * DUNN, N. C. NOTICE TAX LISTING WILL CONTINUE THROUGH FEB i ; •v* RUARY 15th. LIST YOUR PROPERTY BEFORE THAT TIME AND AVOID PENALTY. THE PENALTY WILL BE APPLIED AFTER FEB RUARY 15th. Herles C. Johnson TAX SUPERVISOR, HARNETT COUNTY V ifv" „ •" ■' ■ 30 YEARS IN THE RADIO FIELD AND FEATURING.... The MOST MODERN EQUIPPED RADIO SERVICEI^HI^ECTION ■ ■ mm t'' i; *PIP SERVING All TYPES OF RADIOS, TV, ETC. e CAR RADIOS • JY • £?!?™ ELE C * u/mice d a nine ■*■ IkICT Al I ATIOMC _ rattcdv SfiTs * ,fg R n —■*- • m ■%.. Ws Are Also Well Eauipped In Both Materials AMlltMCilNtt .... To Serire You In All Your Refrlfprdtfctt Repairs and |toeds. ccc iic cad aii your radio neeeNl V T Ue- rtt" ML IW» WWW necsio. .< :;i u •• > r Mfe-W 3' ; iu • -tiksMiyyiffe _ ■■ ml m M fIM flft Hj H|| JH JfIMA -HB «| BIH aSmai HUB «§BR US Hi Bsi B B B . iB "life i»re §l§ §g| « §§§ K M tm| h M BBSR B gg ■■ ■■ BJB BB B BBif M hSi 888 18L. |CSS ffeL/y:;,m fif.jj alk; j to&SAiJC FOR BEST RE.-ita.TS with al> farm animal*. WAfNlt Fe*P is &pß&&fj%a FEED at FARMERS SUPPLY, Dunn. 8-17-ts-C | FOR SALE 1935 Pontiac with ' 194 S engine. Excellent condition. Call Russell BaSsford, 3396. l-5-3tc FOR SALE: Complete auto shop. Equipment and welder. See at Bdg erton Garage, Buie’s Creek, N. O. 2-5-3 t-p FOft SALK: NR* five-room house located at 306 North McKoy Ave nue in Dunn. Located on 75 by 125 ft. lot. House recently remodeled. Has retlMshed floors, new plumbing modern bathroom fixtures, new hot water heater and other modern ap pliances. In fine shape for occupan cy. Easy terms. Call Luby Naylor.! Dunn,- N. C. 2128 during day and 2032 at night. 2-S-10t-c FOR SALE: English bull dog. Reg istered. Stud. See Earl H. Wells at 501 E. Broad St. Phone 4352. 2-7-St-c THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN. H. ft ALL. iusykd Alibi &. rtrictly *onfidtatt4i ?mk do information wife bn men. Pienae 1o not iM 3 TIMES OHtt iim Thl« «U*e Tvw 8c IVbrd « tiM« OMIY Al.fS • ner -~« We Asms M ffcls SUB Type «e Wtod. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME—For the home of the future, pick the site that corresponds with that home. In the near future, Guy’s Development will open on the edge of town. Buy a lot here where you will find the benefits of the country combined with the advantages of the city. Contact Mrs. C. L. Guy Sr., Phone 2954, M&M Cradle Shop. Dunn, N. C. 2-7-6 t-c ■FOR SALE: Three registered black Poland China pigs, 12 weeks old. See Arthur Harrelson at Sugg's Auto Service or call 2179 after 6 p.m. t 2-7-st-p FOR SALE: Good soybean, hay. Sam Barnes, Lillington, N. C. Phone 4167. 2-2-7-3 t-p ' FOR RENT FOR RENT One three room down stairs apartment. Private bath. Wired for electric range. Call R. W. Pope, phone 2535. 1-5 3tp FOR RENT: Edgerton garage. Ce ment building, 30 by 50 ft. Buis* Creek, N. C. 2-5-3 t-p FOR RENT: Office building form erly occupied by Dr. Gerald James. Located on South Railroad Ave. be tween Lankey’s Bicycle Shop and the Pope Pointing Co. Modern building, 20 by 60 ft. in size. Call 3426, Dunn. 2-4-st-C APARTMENT: Three rooms. Pri vate entrance and bath. See Mrs. Ruby Thornton, 510 E. Cumberland St., or can 2373. 2-6-3 t-c ,FOR RENT: Two or three un furnished upstairs rooms. Private bath. Also a furnished downataUs bedroom. Available February 12. Contact Mrs. Allen H. A. Lee, 714 E. Pearsall St. Phone 2031. 2-7-3 t-c FOR RENT: Two three-room fur 11ashed Apartments m nearby vil lage. .Electric kitchens. Children welcome. 338-340 a month. See As tor West, Linden, N. C. 2-7-6 t-p Mrs. Wilbourne Is Hostess To Spence Circle In Irwin .Mrs. John Wilboorn* was hos tess to members tit- the Marjorie Spence Circle of the First Baptist Church at her home in Hist Erwin Tuesday night at 7:30 o’clock. The living room was very pretty with flowering quince and greenery. The meeting, opened with a song followed by the scripture reading by Mrs, Wilbourne. Mrs. Ray D. Cardwell was In charge of the program which was on Home Missions, also taking part on the program was Mrs. Gilbert Elder baum. Following the program Mrs. Fran ces Caldwell told the story of Jonah and this was followed by a Bible quiz. Mrs. Leroy Carpenter presided over a routine business session after Which the hostess served coke, ice cream, salted nuts, and coffee to: Mrs. Carpenter. Mrs. Gilbert Elder baum, Miss Helen Moore, Mrs. Roy D. Caldwell, Mrs. Frank Norris, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Keel Lucas, Mrs. Pink Leonard, Mrs. Alton Stephen son, Mrs. Frances Caldwell, Mrs. B. F. Patterson and Mrs. Theron McCaskill. WEEKEND WITH WHITMANS , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitman had as their weekend guests Master Ser geant and Mrs. Elmer Murphy of Augusta. Ga., and Mrs. Marie Reryman, Mrs. Evelyn Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Murrish and Children Rickie and Jackie of Hald rege, Nebraska. AT LACKLAND Alft BASE Jackie Whitman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitman and Billy John son, who recently enlisted in the Air Force are now stationed at Lackland Air Base in San Antonio, Texas. AT HOME Miss Lula Sheppard spent the weekend at her home in Laurinburg. gR RENT: Two-horse farm with t acres of tobacco. Contact Mre. rion Butler, Dunn, N. C. Phone 4254. 2-7-3 t-c FOR RENT: Apartment for rent, Close In. On North Wilson Ave. See Fred Byerly at Barbour-Byerly in surance Agency Office, Dunn, N. C. 2-7-ts-c APARTMENT:: Three rooms, up gtairs. Private bath. Hot and cold .water. Wired for electric range. Phone 2968. Mrs. J. R. Turlington, Erwin. 2-7*3t-c HOUSE FOR RENT: between Dunn *nd Erwin, near Oldfield Church. If interested see A. M. Jackson, Rt. 3, Dunn. 2-7-3 t-p SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LAND CLEARING and bull dozing work, call Paul Grlenwahn roe Me Wm diLIST Hlglr^Sy 2-6-ts-c. »fw work. Auto Finance , lUBU AUTO LOANS —REFINANCIN'; - MOTOR Mrl ■ • V A CIR.ECMT CO. WANTED: WANTED: Woman wanted to care for invalid and do light housakeepi ing. Two in family, no children. Room and board and 350 * month. Good Opportunity. Contact Arthur O. Bryant. Erwin, N. C. Phone also: 2'-7-«-c SALES SEftVtfE w ran* V.* ***► : \ \ 1 . . ' i . - \MA2i££i±.. 1 I Methodist Classes Guest At Weinet Roast In Erwin Marvin West and Jack Brock gave their Sunday School class a weiner roast roast’ to the church basement Wednesday evening at 8:30. . Miss Pat Warren led the group in games snd songs after which they enjoyed hot dogs, ’potato chips and drinks. Those present were: Gordon En nis, Jr., Bud and Larry Wise, Rob ert and Herbie Dennis, Witoe Car rol Westbrook, Tommy Royal, Billy James, and Thomas Weaver, Don ald Byrd, Lanry Odom, Harold Stephens, Jimmy Parker, Bill Ty son, Charles West and Edward Snead, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin West and Martha Ann and Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ennis and Susan, Mrs. Jack Brock. Mrs. B. B. Hud son, Pat Warren, Gail Rogers and Mrs. Weaver. ERWIN TEACHERAGE NEWS IN RALEIGH Mr. Gilbert Watkins spent the weekend to Raleigh. WEEKEND WITH SISTER Miss Alice Langston was the week end guest of her sister In Wilming ton. CHICAGO Disclosures of a market of illegal horsemeat in Illinois have encouraged a rUsh of new jokes. There’s the one about a ham burger joint that features a 32 betl ting window. Or there’s the restaurant pstrori who asks for the scratch sheet in stead of the menu. , Another sample, gag: Diner* I'didn’t order two steaks. Waiter: Sorry, sir they’re an en try. * Information Column fejH f J • m A SALES- SERVICE- REPAIRS | mfcKS Qj t Next to Stewart Theatre ~ ~ .*" E Piorapt Service 0 » AUTO PARTS q I * - Drugs SundfrlMl motgr WHl* |!2 i AiM o# I ffPfftl llik 5 DEPENDABLE • [mm t w/fa m- *.'■ . m DfiC' •• - t| mi I vl Dunn. N, v, L -4 ■} I,D ; :_ S jyollQlll J Many From Area In Training Atsfei!oi«se> Undergoing recruit training at the U. 8. Naval Training center, San Diego, Calif,, are six Lillington, N. C-, men George & Newton, air iqan recruit. ÜBN, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Newton; Karl H. Borodeaux, airman recruit, USN, sonAf ai*d »s Y. W. Bordeaux of ftoute i; David F. MaCae, sea man fifcruit, DON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mcßae of Route 3; Wilde M. Stephens, seaman recruit, URN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Stephens of Route 3; Charles E. Matthews, airman recruit, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Matt hews, and Hobby L. Wicker, sea man recruit, USN,, son of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Wicker of Route 2, Box 26, 208. Also undergoing training are: Pfc. Maynard. O. Edwards, ÜBAF, aon of Dr. and Mrs. John R. Ed wards, Sr., of 205 Fuquay ave., Fuqday Springs, N. C. Joe t. McLamb, seaman recruit, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McLamb of Route 1, Bunnlevel, N. <3. McLamb entered the Naval ser vice Dec . 28, 1951. I EARI HAWLEY OIL CO. | j Wholesale Dealer « SERVICE - COMPLETE i N. Laytog Are. 3704 Phonea %841 Dunn, N. C- 1 6M—B——MM—♦Wet * ■ ■!'l wry PAGE SEVEN The net Income realised by fMHK operators in 1951 is estimated at approximately 15 billion dollars.”** billions above the level of 19501 m 2 billion below the postwar peak reached In 1947. ■ • -Q£ Our Complete - One Stop Service Will Help Make Your Cbr Ready For Any Driving Need. We Give Expert Service * Oil Change * Thorough Greasing * Tires and Tubes Checked * Radiator Service * Battery Service And Powerful Esso Extra res. WILKINS ESSO SERVICE E. Broad St. Dunn, ,N. C.