- m-v, - "v* >- /: v AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 13, 1982 Hello yours a— \ jhe now? Well, me every V and child has a for hand some Gruen Watch . . , and nexl B she'll have a Ladies Model Gruen for herself. What's that? Expensive? No M didn't cost a dime! Just a few pleasant arn.;n 3 your neighbors end cn the r v \ * > RECORD She says it was easy. Just get ti e order, send the money in, and then you're ready tor 10 more new subscrip ficr.s and an 0! her watch. What's that? „.;<*%, t Oh, you knew about it all the time? . . .You say the kids are getting watches .-"^jaa|§» I too? Just shows that anyone who can use a really fine wrist watch for himself or JjjjaßfflßE as a swell gift should send in pronto for the easy to follow instructions. Well, so I M& |p Jj I long now, Henry, I'll see you Sunday with my new Gruen Watch, K *%. — - -jk Sf' 1 I * We Will Give You Your Choice of These World ] Famous GRUEN Watches for Obtaining Only 10 NEW One-Year Subscriptions or tho Equivalent, to The DAILY RECORD - For Evory 10 Subscrip- 1 I tions, you Get oWotch... For YoursoH or To Give To Your Loved Ones. ' | II •ggsssSSSSSfSSSSmSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB I » REGISTRATION COUPON ONE YEAR RATES THE * TOWN— ume m**a£cmjtL*^Th^mT^ 8 - *** ** ** *** D *® y I - -pi- « «., .«. * $l3O P«r ymar ... $5.00 for 6 months ~ I I tUHAL ROUTES- M -ft. >- I (Print) Only NEIIV mbtoripUoni fg, #na jfgg, dursttor. will cavrrl- A new Ss awe J 'J • ;J0 V V? ' A THE DAILY RECORD PPWN. »• O PAGE THREE