PAGE SIX Greenware Boys Battle Sanford! to Within 1 Point Os Victory; feifls Falter After Gallant Bid Jttitier V r»ity Scraps ORilet- ■ 49-/ *• Tir» "All three Dunn trams gave tjjeir opponents from Sanford real ■ t*ttle.i in .the triple-header at the armory heir last night, but the Hime iHubt - athered no wins; how ejjer, the nior boy.-; did get a 49- est tie. The girls dropped a 64-57 verdict aft-r pulling up to w'tuin tjjree point of their foe in the final quarter, and the boy- so- ght tact to witiiip one point of a win at 60- 99. he" led'the coring fo>- the local girls’ with 25 pomts and she divided tftem almost eq all-’ a u-ng tJie quarter. Rack White and Mar ttaa Butler -ot 17 and 15 to r., i ptete the s- oriny Hack *’>"e • I Mr seor ng equally amoii". the <i ar as Martha got h r 'mints in the first, second and fourth period'. lWlda-Hatri’ton p’ayerl a ;*ooa de fftisjve* game. THORN IN CREENIVAVE ’’Lucy Blue, 'tall and true, hit the nets for 4! points for the visitors Ip., (*» make the difference in the ball -at— ii Todays Sportrait By HAL WOOD (United Press Sports Writer) * SAN FT? ANCI3CO lift Paul “Fabulous” Fagan, the man v:lm once gave the Pacific Coast League a hut-foot by demanding tha. it Income a third major league or go outlaw, now is convinced that it bas a •brilliant futire” under its new “open" classification. The undU-mi'lionaie, who bought the Seal; here seven ye-r; ago without ever having been in a baseball po-k previous! ■•. lie; the ggme in his bb od now and plans to make it a life time h i> But. on’v th e> months he was threatening to close Sens Stadium and quit baseball entirely. | “ ‘The. public doesn't realise what an a ivrtnced step we have talc. j IjJ Ahi-; new ‘opaul classification," savs Fagan. “The doorw. v now i-M open to become a Ml major league organisation^*”^ • ■ "We not on’v' arm kr-o our n-oy’jo firs r»r* n-«v '• "> hot thev si*n t -iilrscu saying th ? do w--'t • -t the draft. . « “teiieve it tep • of. fah th* players we i;n , i . ■ ; yet has r-Jeeted t)H- draft waiver.” . “ It Is Fagan* ,h I. the ca'ih r -f. bvehvl in f ■ . a •* ; Improve .j'e • y ivd h the ’-exi few seas ns. !The Se-. la -o *■ ft 1 rn ru. ’ll ■' ' ' ' ,;l chibs. “W- w'l! ’ •> abo t 53 l» < h ' •l»tb« W year,” Fagan said. In making a 'lean sweep of hi-- *>sonne - ’ tui o the 13 «l season. F»«mn reha ed Lefty OTJwH as n r -r an t hired ag gressive Tommy Heath, who had success mam •• n he New York Giant system. - “Unde.- m>r long-range system," he e ' hu'e to ho", good management' an ewr'<nw»d tua 1 ■ - ' ' ' ic r must drtvptnn ■. t***m *h«* h-v* eg- •, .»*■-' ' - : • ».4* ; amt b’ that I mean a hustling club that will ’“in h ’t iin • fc-' B -use font- •n>e* *v 1 1 • - y I t vi’g ’1 d -VOlOp Big players that will fit into the future." %’ * s—l. . * [MAKE m > V V EXTRA I Wm SPECIALLY feljo _ HAPPY THIS Celebrate WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ■ I ; l E-! " .By Attending The DUNN LIOX'S CLUB INVITATIONAL H•, , i DANCE I j i/PllwVt I FRIDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 22nd. I / 9 'till/4 | DUNN ARMORY I ADMITTANCE BY || § INVITATION ONLY I SB JB. " ' H »f«s2 ticket ky a local resident entitles that I game. Others scoring for Sanford were Shirley Ingram 7, Geneva Bur ge'S 2, and Shirley MoFayden 14. Tiir visitors l ed a slight edge in the shooting • percentages with a .43 mark as compared to the local girl 40 peicent, and the winners made 8 free th.ows as compared to 5 for the home team. Lucy Blue had a .66 shooting per centag. from the flo«jr t. she hit 29 of 30 attempt.'. Alter missing her first try of the game, she hit six shots in a row, and in the thiFfl period, she hit -even in a row. Hack White had the best shoot ing percentage for the Grei-nie ga’-s with a .48 mark with 9 for 19. stvmgp to 18 18 12—54 GRKENWAVK 11 14 16 16—5 r (U a-h ’ a cut's boy ; 'showed n-i-ch improvement at times last ~;g h t as they held the lead through l <> first half and into the rniddl of the third quarter; then tire Doys hit a . hm;p. They misled three.eas/- lay-t ps in less than two miautes fer instance, and the boys on the out id didn't, know what to do with the bail as they sUod with iL and ha: their passes intercepted. 1 Except for a period or about six i mine tea, fo’4ow’ng the opening of the third round, the boys playeu a good ball game. Tommy Waggoner led the scoring 1 forth” Greenwave with 2V points hfs highest mark of the season; and a couple of those easy shot. tcva'M , 1 the end of the gnme were his chan ••es al o. Daley Goff and Corbett Hartley came up with 15 and 12 points for the home team. Dal o ." missed a cm pie of easy ones toward the end of the game a! o. Oorbctr ‘ made 10 of his 12 ppints in the la t rer od when he hit 5 of 6 efforts. 1 hkcot Ca-r g-abhed lots of rebounds r nr t'>e locals. Skeet, Doc Corbett, ' and Don .Taokson made one (joint ‘uc'> for the home team. M-NEII» LED SANFORD Harold McNeill led th* Yel’ow i Jackets with IP points, big Hobby Tr-elove got 73. and Bud Ca rt! o -. 1 ; berry scored 11. Others scoring for th° winners were Grayden Spivey, 5. Ho'var Snide.' and Jimmy Love 1 4 each, and Jimmy Trot-love and Sam Spivey with 2 each. | The s’ice ting pev.-entages for the hoys’ gar e were also mighty close as the visitors topped the Green - , wave by 37 to .35. The best fndi -1 vidual shot of the night was Har cld McNeill witli close to .60 per cent. Bobby Day Godwin led the JVs - in their deadlock battle with San , ford as he scored 27 points. William Corbett hit a free throw in the last 30 seconds tq tie the garrnf. The ; coaches decided to let it go as a tie s’nce the time was running fast for the "'r'-.' game to begin. SAVFHRD 14 <1 29 17—64 GREENWAVE 13 IS 10 18—59 j. j M l Tart led the Guardettes -(„ n -Mi»t w n over W -stbrc ik H°l f■ ';i t t at Westbroo 1- ! s*g’ i.'.vn pressed the 41- ■rar' end rcrNOl 37 points. Tie G"rrd.etteS wen the game by a 63- 57 score. The National Guard took another loss as the Westbrook boys out scored them by 34 to 23. Inability to score was apparent as the Guard reg'-hed a scoring peak in the last , period' with 7 points, with pnly 2 points gomg to their credit in the opening r und. Lobe Johnson and Effie McLean were the other scorers for the win ners ns I oise eot 18 and Effie mad* r 7. Francis s rles and Jeanqfe Goff the drfe’.uive leaders for the C 5; a-dettes * Hh vley Strs-kland l<vl the s-rc-; T" for the home team with 27, i point :. Ellen Noles and Flora Na ter? mt 14 to 1“ t» complete tile scoring. I Betty Strickland and Shirley Ray nrr tonne-1 *: -«, defen-e. «t’*RnETTE.S 24 10 17 18—S3 WESTBROOK 12 8 16 21—S7 George Willoughby and Louie Tmlt’’ were the high scorers for | ‘he Guard with fi noints each. Bill I °taul ’v and Paul Strickland led the | defensive. Rpvne- nr ’ Vvf t l nnr'«'4 flip win mg for the Westbrook winners with ’0 and 8. W. D. Harris and T. Nayiof were the defensive leaders Westbrook led at halfilme by tthe low score 14-8. ■? , J ThO Guard and Guardette (fams meet Piainview High teams, in the armory here tomorrow night. BATTERY ft 2 6 6 7—24 WESTBROOK 9 5 It lfist BASKETBALL TONIGHT A team com nosed of for-! mei Dunn High basketball players* meets the National Guard team tonirht at the, armory in a Polio benefit Tame. The two teams be- ! gins battling, and it is un-! Terstood that it will be ai res* battle, at 8:00. Fans are urged to attend this cage scrap with the idea ‘ of helping a good cause and» seeing a hotly contested af -fair. INSURANCE k JoWii K. Snipes Off|ee it tonto4 la^FCX RCA iH VUBbp «. - "* UH..’. Duke Upsets State, I Texas To Head. Nath By JOHN GRIFFIN , (CP Sparts Writer) I NEW YORK (IB A pair of up sets gave the Southwest Cenfe> j ence new leaders today as the bas ketball races in all - actions of the nation began to heat up. West Virginia was elevate*: to the ton spot in the Southern loop wh -n North Carolina State, which had, been first, suffered a 71 to 08 set back last nieht at the .hand:- ** Duke. And T-'a' Christian took over in the Southwest a* Ternis <•’ tfprf i a stunning loss to Baylor, 71 to 59. Oth°- res-Its last night 'aw In- • dependent Dayton strengthen if” bid for a tournament be-'.h bv 'had’ng Bowling; Green .79 to 69, and highly ranked Oklahoma City upoet h;/ Si»na B 5 to V). For eyrth Csrol'ra St'tel ran' °d : Ifth nal'onally by tij" United Press Pca'vl r s Coi''he». ’a t n’-ht’s lev to Di ke was the »t»bth >n 24 eapies—the second in 11 rrnf ren “ »a ue'. West W-mnia which de- ] fee* 1 Richmond’Monday, has a 9-1 i confe-eiiue record. 1 T ast night's upset gave Duke r°- vrnge for a 72 to 70 loss to N. C., State earlier this season. Texas Christian ran its South-; wc't Conference re»-ord to 6-1 last’ n’-ht by rolling over Rice 83 to 49. v WHAT AN UPSET! Meanwhile, Terns bowed to Pav lor. whieb now has won only four out of 20 srame.s. The favored T on * horns trailed in every period of the* game at Waco. Tex. Dev ton’s narrow victory over) Bowling Green was the 19th in 221 Kv's Bill Spivey Plans To Resume Ploy With Sauad > - p-rYu’DroGN, Ky. -dW— An pt- Rntvev will vtslt the : ’ ni rs <h" Hnlverof Kri »• "gv f ndav to . »ee about geNio® ,i,e ■ ,T«i.f ot A’Y Ame-tear pl’veri —» for-vt to the Kentucky basket-; br't toom. Chive” has hem —nnjw, f ■ tlv* team mt his own request my rome sho'l be e'eared" fr-ro onv impllcatl-'n in the basket-] • b"’* bribery scandal. Snl-ev'-, lowver Elmer Drake.! sold he will pr°4ent a letter from ♦h« nlayer to University President T, e-mon Donovan today, asking for ‘mrrediite reinstatement to the team. Soivev hones ’hnt action will be taken in time to-allow him to n'ov in no«t-season tournament; with the Wildcats, currehMy, rated •h" vo. l team in the nation. , Pnivyv mode hi? s"'Dension re '•■"H fhertlv ofl»r Assistant Dis •**fS- 'VtlPner vn-e-nt QYPWnor bf ; few York viiited |he 1 university- to ft r> n'r* °r • -■>-"* Uw brlbyv. f CrV-’v s"jfl t’’a* he was asklo? ; r’i ’S'h’emeu 1 Vr use. the t.vh» months s’nce that '■'••’e. neither tl«i itvev-uv °r th (-ict attorney lias taken any -ten to clear his name or to< bring cliarges against him. i SASKSTWA" *^ORES | Jtv OP'”’’ PRESS EAST "o ’no CotJ-'-e 96 Prondel- 49 “’n’v C’t - “o mo-ureietjcut 53 Yn’e 81 Dortmmith 57 S’ena 55 Ok! horn a Citv 50 Manhattan 72 CONY 54 SOUTH Duke 71 N. C. State 58 \ rranklin tt Mnrrha'l 79 Navy 76 Ge-wretown (DC) 96 Cathilic U 52 West Kentucky 87 Marshall 82 North Carolina 75 South Carolina 68 MIDWEST Dayton 70 Bowling Oreen 68 , Houston 54 Wichita 53 ’ loyola 111 West Michigan 58 Ob°r'ln 71 Western Reserve 62 Toledo 62 Ohio U 56 Wayne 81 Illinois Tech 49 1 SOUTHWEST j Paylor 71 Texas 59 .Texas Christian *» Rice 49 WEST i Idaho 46 Oegon State 43 * I Seattle O 67 pacific .Lutheraff 65 Wa'h. State 62 Whitworth 57 Santa Clara 61 Oollege of Pacific 46 rri Vi*n F**r Olympics * PHILADELPHIA lift This eity made its bid today for the; 1956 Olympic games. A cablegram signed by Mayer and that “an other facilities are now adequate and available." > I Chicago m 'lhe lnteroa j Johnny Bratton win meet VsHGdP I round main event at’ the Chicage Saturn Feb. 2K The match, announced yester day, substitutes for a 10-round oror | weight bout between Luther Raw- *'(■' ■ , ■t < 'j ••- ' v * iIMQIf IL u ■ - -■ -■ - - ' , ■ 1 mmm m m in n ■ un ii Baylor Upsets onal Situation games for the Flyers who are j ranked 13th nationally, and their l?th straight win since losing to 1 St. John‘s. Oklahoma City, ranged No. 17 na-- tiona'ly, saw its record slump to j; 14-4 with the loss to Siena, which j now has r 16-3 record. St. Louis, ranked No. 7 in the ! nation, shoots for' it-. 12th win In ' 23 games against Bradley in a J nf tonight's action. Seton Hall, ranked No. 14. tries, 1 fer Its 19th win in 20 mimes against t Reivers, and Louisville, ranked No 15. se°ks Its 18th win in 21 games sea’nst Kentucky ' Wesleyan. Ivv | T.eague leader Cornell risk; Its 5-0 : loop mark against Harvard, which 1 ha- an 0-5 league record Other l««ding games tonight n • 1 e’ude- Pr’ncetrn-Coh’mbin in the T'y Leav' e, G°nrgia-F!oi idc a-r 1 Georgia Too-■ Auburn In t.h° So- th- , sn.'t°”n Conf;’■eni-: lata’’7-Penn • vlvania. Te-nnl* Albright. A' -uerst-, Brown Boston U„ Xavlur- ! Cr : unati lona-Fordham. T fai!illne- St. Thon as and Rider-Vlllanova. Norway Ski Course Needs Snow Badly pv HEVRY THOPNP'-RVY j (United Press Sports Writer) | OSIO, Norway —(IT)— Poor snow condP'ons forced posiponcment of one ski event and kept officials in a dither on the eve rs the opening of the Winter Olympics today but o”° thing was certain—the show will go on. |; Harassed officials predicted the games would begin as scheduled j wilh the two-man bobseld. and ladies "’wot slalom e»ents tumor j row. But they still looked hopefit'-1 >v for the long promised snow, .the ; onlv real, solution to the pr-b'em. EVERYONE ELSE HAS SNOW Violent snowstorms raged' over most rs Europe yesterday but only a flurry swirled over the site 1 of the officio’s to -e>vt or* a can for 300 additional volunteers to shovel sndw onto No-efje't’s downhill ski (Surse. ! The committee vot'd to host pone the women’* downhill rhnmpinn ;.h’p from Saturda" to Sunday but, “ftei- inspectin' the women’s sla lom. course derided to go ahea i with the offe’al draw for the event. The downhill championship is run 1 over a three-mile course with nat-’ urtP hasards. The slalom Is over-' a 460-yard course, marked by flags 1 on bamboo poles 30 feet apart around which the skiers must maneuver. Rrst choice on the finest of new cars Joday U.S.ROYAL | "laxy" rubber la build up hsall Air Ridti run tlv* Air RM* grindgl* |lvm ffMtar Nr* 6m* ■ H 0 12% mori rubb*r a* ft* road! S«f*ty-M*ck lr**d g*ct Sfnr l*»y Trnti Hl>**4 «wWWy t* y»r l , A- , h k*ui *9*)nst ikl4i—t(*ft y*M *v(ct*rl driving 4*Hgv* hit g*ridng giWmil )(— , 19*“ ( 49* 4* B m JBIMI Jl ■■l mi V O N. Callftd ty Draft: Snider Slcrns NEW YORK Hfl Pitcher Don! Newcombe of the Brooklyn Dad- ’ gers learned today that he will be inducted Into military service on I Ffeb. 26—from two weeks to a' month earlier than expected. The big 20-game winner v waa In- I eluded in a “supplemental call" by . his Elizabeth, N. J., draft board,) necessitated when four of 59 men scheduled to be called today were deferred. Don was in Florida when O. Edmund Grundy, chairman of the draft board, made the announce ment. MUST RE REPLACED ft is agreed that the Dodgers will i be forced to make a deal for a tap-flight pitcher to replace their strong-arm ace but Brooklyn off e ials appear inclined to wait until well into sp-iny training before closing a transaction. Newcombe won 20 games and lost nine last sea-on and had a thr e y..«r won-and-lc.t mark of 53- 28 wilh the Dodg; rs. The Dodgers also announced the signing of outfielder Duke Snlrt 'r. whose baiting average dwindled from .321 to .277 in September last year but who still is regarded as one of the National League's most destructive It t. -hand hitters. Snid er's contract was eriimated at s2l 090 -da raise of about $1,060 over last season. FIGHT RESULfS By United' Tress NEWARK, N. J —Jack Holt, 164, New York, stopped Curtis Moore, 130, Newark 1. , LONDON Randy Turpin, 163, Leamington, Eng., stopped Alex Buxtop, 103.' Watford, hug. 7. 1 WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. Frankie Kid Anselm. 147 1-4. Philadelphia, knocked out Dick Cannady, • 148, Newark, N. J. I. - Golfer Lose- Eye LUBBOCK, Tex. —W— A freak go’fing accident cost Mr*. Pat' Lindsay, two-time winner of tha Piainview Women’s golf champion shin, her right eye. The eye was removed after a golf ball, driven off the No. 5 tee by Dr. Gerald Wagner, shattered Mrs. Lindsay's sunglasses while she was sitting on' a bench. San Antone Golf Opens '■ • . ’ . ! San ANTONIO, Tex. an -Qualifying -round for- the SIO,OOO Texas Open golf tournament gets under way at Willow Springs Coun try Club here today. Seventy start ing places are at stake. A Pft 1 ftVOflK fiffifttlAM 17 riM Rodiy Martin. Faces Savdd Tonight In TeWvblM Fight ] First Bout For Marciano 1 ! Since Knockout Os Louis { ] PHILADELPHIA (DV-r A crack ' at Jersey Joe Walcott’s heavy- . weight title in Philadelphia next . summer may hang in the balance J tonight when Rocky Marciano, the big punch man from Brockton, c Mam., meet* Lee Savojd In a 10- : round bout at Convention Hall; . New luster was added to the bout, already expected to set a new in door gate record here, after p.-o- * muter Herman Taylor talked by telephone to Jim Norris of the In ternational Boxing Club and “Indi cate**" th o winner might get a shot 1 at Walcott's crown. Taylor said Norris, IBC presl- * dent who plans to see the Mah r ittr’C Sa-oid bout, wi’l flv f -ran ' Flrr’dn today, and that the two . wcu Id vo into a huddle immediately 1 over the pomibiUty of a champion ; *:hln fight here. 1 Revo.rd’e'S of nov turn of events 1 Ui* 27-yenr-old Marciano Ls des- 1 ■ lined to fight for the t’tle in the * 1 near future, as long as he keep* - winning. i The odds-maker. have establish ed tlie unbeaten Rocky as a heavy 1 i fo’-er te. The men who put their ' 1 mcnev cr> the >’ne see the 35-vear- 1 old Savold only as victim No. 39 I ' in Marciano’s string of successes,' ■ which ls studded with 33 knock- ' outs. , LAST BIG CHANCE | • But underdog Savold of Pater -1 Tor Heel Wing First 8 Ro'inrl At Palm Beach PALM BEACH. Fla. —ah— Ber ridge; Ixanv, a 15-vear-old golfer from' Huntington, Va„ and Arthur Ruffin of Pinehurst. N. C.. meet de fending champions Bea Me Wane of c Birmingham. Ala., .and Robert 1 Sweeny of Ps'm Beach todav In the 5 f*atur«d second round match of the ■ F,’'er»'ades Mixed Foursome tour-1 nament. * Miss McWane and Sweeny, form | e- BriU'h Amatettr champlqgt, scor -1 «d an easy 7 and 6 victoty over ‘ tae’en HnmD*nn nf Rign»l Mountain. Tenn., and Earl E. T. Smith of I Pa'm , Peach In yesterday’s first | : round play. > Rut young Miss Lopg stole the - opening-day show from the other 1 women amateur lfcgjef-players atM s their society partner by teaming j - with Ruffta for a 2 And I triumph l - over Elizabeth Ridge and George' Guy. both of Fori Lauderdale, Fla.' son, N. J„ has other ideas. He has ® trained hard and long for an op portunity to come up with another upset triumph like the one over Bruce Woodcock, which made him British Empire champion. A vic tory over Marciano would taring Savold new fame and fortune. A crowd of 13,000 U expected to see Marciano th his first start since he demolished former champion Louis sn<l hit the fistic heights. Maricano may weigh In at 188 * pounds. Savold probably will scale • around 196. The bout will be televised na tionally. except for a blackout of Philadelphia and a radius of 100 miles. The fight will be broadcast to all points. Legal Notice DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP m Notice is hereby given that the V partnership formerly composed of J. Leon Godwin and Charles C. Wade, trading under the-firm name of G. and W. Poultry Company, has been dissolved mutually. Char les C. Wade has purchased the in terest of J. Leon Godwin and has assumed the payment of all obli gations of said partnership. This the 11th day of February, 1962. J. LEON GODWIN, A CHAS. C. WADE. • Feb. .13-20-27. Marl Sc GOT A COLD TAKE >^ CU IS symptomatic OOtl RELIEF . Fayetteville Highway ! PHONE 3591 I POgW. N. C. ; — WjPif

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