FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 15, 1»52 <*'" -Yf.. r- - : : r. Teen Tattle Tales Bf LINDA AYCOCK v By LINDA AYCOCK 8«y, Rack White, what’s that story you told about the stovepipe? Ans> good? While dressing last Tuesday night In Clinton, Faye Monels slipped her > hand Into her pocket. There she ‘ louncj a dead rat. From the dress ing room tame shrieks and girls, coach Waggoner seemed to have liked the rat, for the rest of the night he teased the girls with it. From now on I’ll bet those basket ball girls will empty their pockets before' putting on their suits. When Tommy was born, humor ist Coach Waggoner sent this tele gram to his wife: “I hear you had a boy In your room last night.” ©Everyone was glad to see Nancy Jernigan in town last week. She visited the band and took her old position as only oboeist. We were happy to see her agairr and boys she’ll be back soon. Joy Lou Edwards seems to be awful lonely since Durwood Jack son went bock to San piego. How often do you get letters, Joy Lou? Some school teachers set a nice ©ample .by making the little things count. It’s being said that a Erwin High Senior is giving a certain DUnn High Junior plenty of competition in the race lor Frances Register. Who’s ahead Frances? I think I’ll place a two-dollar bet on the Dunn High Junior.) It’s good to see Olenda Bass back in school after two days at ©me with a bad cold. She was Kirry that she missed the ball game Tue9dav night and even sorrier that Pete Skinner missed her. Who’s that Erwinite that sent Betsy • Anne Tart’s heart for a cartwheel? I’ll het he’s cute. Annette,” observed Mr. Barefoot, "that young man who’s been walk ing you through the park strikes © as exceedingly unpolished.” Yes,” replied Annette, “he is a little rough around the hedges”! Valentine's Day is easing up on some of the boys around Dunn, but we girls are dropping plenty of hints around the candy section. Even the other dgy Nancy Aber nathy and Rita Fleishman were in Fitchett’s admiring the beautiful heart-shaped boxes filled with de licious chocolates. Just helping ttfeir boy-friends decide L Rita McLean. I hear that Gene Lewis has your valentine greetings coming to him. He certainly must be very special! Charles Johnson, how many girls are you sending valentines to? I’ll bet there are more than 1, you, or he can count! Judge Paul Strickland once climbed into a dentist's chair, fix w a beady eye on his tormentor, and intoned, “Do you solemly ■wear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth? Seems that Emo Boado of Wil mington has hooked Joan Caudle, hook, line, and sinker. She met him on a TH-Hi-Y trip this fall. See. you can never tell what an educational trip can bring about! JND YOU KNOW: Wlu has caught up with Dunh High and it’s “inhabitants”? Manley Pope and Peggy Kirby are still love-dovey? The Sophomore Class is giving a play? (Details later) They have started giving traf fic tickets to us “criminals” again’ Jon Fitchett doesn’t like to make and throw water-bombs anymore? Some teachers think we’re Just short of Albert Einstein? -All high school girls like boys Rid dates? "For Men Only” is strictly a woman’s picture? Men will date a girl Just eo she’s either a blonde, brunette, or red head? Frank Spruill has been missed around schoal, not only by Bar bara Reddish, but by the rest of us, too? Mary Gibson Whitehead has the cutest hair style I’ve seen lately? ..-All the spring clothes are com ftA in uptown? Joe Andrews is awfully nice to Ethelyn Maxwell lately? Jackie Alphin, isn’t interested in girls after Becky Bryant? Tbere^re*'only two places where socialism work one is a beehive and the other anthill! - Mary Rage Williford decided tot snipping her grass with scissors one day and upon being asked why, she replied, “That’s all there is; there isn’t any mower!” The Student Association of the Dunn High School announced to day the dance being planned for Thursday night. No time or place has been announced, but boys, tag your gals and bring them out Thursday night to hear dreamy re frains from our dance band. You’ll I The Teenage Club is throwing a big semiformal dance in the Ar- I mory Saturday night. This dance will be to honor St. Valentine's i Day. All the girls will be them donned in their best formals and the boys must wear a shirt and tie. This is requested. Some say they’ll wear the snirt and tie but, nothing can get them out of their Jeans. Well, gang. I’ll see you there | at'B o’clock, Satiddy night) A lot of stag conventions are < held Just so the date for the next convention can be set. Safety tip to motorists and Kate Pope: If you insist on taking cor ners on two wheels, ride a bicy cle. Have you heard about the new couple at school? They are Bob by Jane and Jane Day alias Bob- I by Day Godwin and Jane West- 1 brook respectively. We have hop ed for this a long time and I wish 1 you two all the luck in the world. One of the cutest couples Tv seen lately is Guyton Smith and Rilda Hamilton. This has been go ing on for awhile but their feel ings for each other have just been released. I’m glad and have fun! Over this past weekend Joe An drews visited his relatives in Char lotte. He’s back now and we know he didn’t get lost in the big city. How are the girls, Joe? I hear they’re good-looking up that way. If this statement is true, I can’t blame you for going up there to work every summer.!!' Another poodle cut! Anhe Con nor surprised us at school Mon day with a short crop of curls all over her head. It’s very becoming. Anne: how does Ronnie Kimmell like it? . The most successful people keep their mind on their . work—others have their work on their mind. Mote political candidates would m. wa liJm * We found out who put the dead rat in Faye Mond’g pocket. None other than Coach Godwin. Some prank! Have you seen Alice. Lou Jack son's new haircut? It’s cute as pie and sharp as a razor blade! It cer tainly ought to help catch that cute Junior! Wouldn’t It Be Funny: ' If cabbage really had heads. If com really had ears. If potatoes really had eyes. If trees really had trunks If ears really had drums. If fish really had scales. If shoes really had tongues. Everybody learns something every day, says a writer. And then terri ble memories spoil everything. | Did You Seel E - B. Dixon’s darling new hat?. “Pandora and the Flying Dutch man?” I Charles Johnson keeping score at the ball game Thursday night? All the 7th period pupils? The fire out on North Orange the other day? How good Dapne Parker hasheen looking lately? j Mr. Cheek flirting with Miss Grantham the other day? | If you haven’t seen these things, you’ve missed something! 1 Chalybeate News HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB MEETS , On Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock Mrs. C. E. Snipes and Mrs. Har vey Senter were hostess to mem bers of the Chalybeate Home Dem onstration Club at the home dl " i VHhHUH RRH . FIRST IN JOHNSTON POLIO DRIVE Benson and Banner township of which it is a part was the first community of Johnston County to go over the top in the March of Dimes. With a goat of $2,000 the community raised a total of $2,550 during its drive. Shown in the picture presenting the check to H. B. Morrow, County Chairman are Mrs. R. Leslie Smith and Mr=. Joe Abdalla. A crowd of -400 people attended the dance Thursday night and the proceeds for the polio drive amounted to S3OO. Mrs. Abdalla and Mrs. Smith expressed their gratitude for the fine cooperation they received in putting the drive over and making Benson the first Johnston community to reach its goal. (Daily Record photo by T. M. Stewart). Spring Branch News Items By RACHEL JACKSON H looks as If this pretty weather just gives everyone the going fe ver because we sure did have a lot of visitors and several members gone off for the weekend but be fore we go into this lets tell about two new members. Corbert Phillips and Garland Lee have joined the Intermediate boys Sunday class. Welcome boys. Agnes Jane, Ann and Billy Hairr visited their Grandparents, Pr. and Mrs. Reddin Hairr over the weekend. They are from Dunn but they visit down here lots of time. Misi Jenny Ruth Barbour m Dunn, visited her sister, Mrs. How ard Tew Saturday night and'came out for services Sunday. Ann Phipps had as her guest over the weekend her couski Miss Josephine Godwin from Burling ton. ■'* ’ Corbert Jones of Dunn visited Robert Lee Strickland this week end and Floemce Dawkins spent the weekend with Shirley Marie Strickland. She was returning a visit which .Florence made the weekend before. This' change about of visiting omit some of the others either for James Muriel Tev spent Satur day night with Billy Bass knd Bil ly went home with him Sunday night. Donnie Ray Jackson took Sun day with W. A. McPhail and they went to Kenneth Oliver’s and the three went to William Howard and George Godwin’s all on their bicy cles of course. ■ Joyce Jackson went home with Shirley Hairr Sunday and for the first Sunday afternoon in 4 they didn’t stamp books for the Library the only reason being that it was such a long way that they had to come due to the bridge being out over at Mr. John BUI Stricklands. Books may be checked out on the 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings be fore Sunday School, at the close of Sunday School and' following preaching. On the Ist and 3rd Sundays they may be checked out before and after Training Union. Now that we have this Library with the varied types of books we J. Pittard, Mrs. Frank Motley, Mrs. Jim Weathers and Mrs. Norman Aiken. Carol Oakley, who makes her home with her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Spence, was taken to Rex Hospi tal, Monday night for examination and treatment. ,*• Mrs. Hurley Mason and little son, Mike, of Sanford are spending a few days with Mrs. Leila Clay and family. By MRS. L. B. SMITH Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Crutchfield, of Durham, are spending the week S'.r'-.-zr. tKb DAILI RECORD. DUNN. H. CL | hope to see the adults as well as the kiddies, children, and the young people. There are books for every member of the family and you’ll be doing yourself a fbvor to find tkne to relax and enjoy a good book. Miss Jenny Mae Pleasant of Leesburg was visiting her Aunt, Mrs. Elbert Glover for the week end Rufus Matthews visited Ray mond Naylor for the weekend and j came out for Sunday School. j Mr. and Mrs. Smith (pastor) vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Layton Lewis Sunday for dinner and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Lathan Norris and daughter, Caro lyn visited Mr. and Mrs.. Liston Jackson Sunday afternoon. Who went to the Ml night sing out at Mingo School Saturday night? The auditorium was packed and the front, all isles and plat forms were jammed packed. Peo ple were constantly going and com ing. I would like to hear a good estimate on liow many there were in all. One thing for sure,’ they didn’t sing all night but the few notes we could pick up where we stood sounded good. While we had so many visitors Sunday there were some of our group gone. Vivian Tart, for one, was visiting her aunt and Uncle in Columbus, S. C. Friday, Satur-< day and Sunday Capt. and Mrs. Charlie Bishop and her cousins Betty Jean and Bobby Bishop. She says she really enjoyed herself and we can bet she did (if we were the betting type). Just the same we wish she would have brought them back- for us all to see' again. Mentioning service men reminds us that another of our boys has gone to lend Uncle Bam a helping hand. R. C. Warren wasn’t a mem ber of our church but he seems like one of us becaus.- he and his wife, tho former Margaret Tew, used to come out here. R. C. has been stationed at Ft. Jackson, S. C„ but we understand that he was •shipping out for California. v Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Stones left last Saturday for h visit in Flor da, they took along with them Mrs. Stone’s mother, Mrs. Wilbur Mc- Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stones. Os course they took their son Dwight David and Mrs. Stones baby brother, Bobby Ray. While we are discussing Stones we might say how glad we were to see Del- Winstori-Salem Undoing nicely. Miss Hilda Rambeau spent Frh> day night in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hildreth. 4v V 'i Mrs. T. B. Bailey is visiting rel atives in Chapel Hill. Mrs. Kenneth Smith , and little daughter, Jackie, are ill with flu. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Matthews of Fuquay Springs, spent the week end here with relatives and friends. Mrs, D. H. Holloman and Mm B. L Cotten were Joint hoatepses at a miscellaneous shower at the .home of Mm Cotun, honoring Mrs. Ben Smith, a recent fiftjr ful games were played, after which the hostesses served refreshments UK honor,, opened UK iteay la Carter and her son Jerry back with us from Oxford and Jerry says he does have a girl friend up there too. The YWA met Monday night, Feb. 11 at 7:30 p. m. with Misses Joyce and Juanita Lee. The meet ing Was called to order by our vice-president, Joyce Lee in the absence of our President, Thelma Beasley who has been sick for the past two or tluee weeks. Business was discussed and the secretary’s report was given and roll called. Then the group repeated their watchword and the program was given by- Mary Jackson 1 with all members taking part. The program was closed by the singing of the YWA hymn. The hostesses served Jello with fruit, ritz, cookies, candy and Pepsi Cola to Willoway Naylor, Louise Hairr, Catherine Beasley, Vivian Tart, Rachel -Jackson, Mary Jackson -and -Mrs. Wilson WilKfora, counsellor. The next meeting will be February 24th at the church. . The parsonage just looks better every day and with men working day and night why shouldn’t it? Circle No. 2 of. the Missionary Soc iety are serving dinner at the par sonage' on Wednesday of this week instead of Tuesday as was prev iously planned because of the fu neral and burial of Mrs. . Laura Smith'which will be,Tuesday mor ning. The. G. A. (Intermediate) will meet Thursday nigh't, February 21 at the home ,of Miss Betsy Willi ford. The Junior G. A. will 'meet Sunday afternoon with Miss Peggy and Polly Kirby. Girls, let’s pot- for get these meetings and learn your steps. " . A.- : - On Friday afternoon February 2 the WMS will have their Mission Study at the Church. It will begin at. 5:30 and .there will be a recess at.',which time the group will-have' supper. (Don’t forgfet to bring a sandwich to help out,) and then the study will contine. This should be IsSlt ** S -'"'ifet ® " ■ ’ - X s Godwin News By MRS. G. R. WASHBURN The Godwin Lions Club held their Charter Night Program on Friday evening, February Bth at 1 8 o’clock at the School Auditorium with twenty-six charter members and their wives. There were ap proximately one hundred and six ty-five members and visitors pres ent. There were visitors from a number of other clubs in the state ' as far as High Point and Albemarle. N. C.. with a number of state, of ficers present. Lion Carl A. Bar rington. President of Fayetteville Lions Club was Toastmaster. Lion Barringer Introduced the speaker who gave the address Internation al Counselor, Roy W. Boling of Fayetteville, eTe:> ntption of the Gong and Gavel was by N. M. Jernigan of Dunn. The Home Demonstration . Club of Godwin served the dinner. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Register of Fuquay Springs announce the birth of a daughter, Catherine Elizabeth on 'February 4th. Mrs. l Register is the former Elizabeth Jernigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jernigan. Mrs. Murphy Holland and chil | dren, Joyce and Gary returned home with Mrs. Holland's sister, Ylrs. Willie Tew last Wednesday and spent a few days with her at her home in Greenville, S. C. Mrs. D. H. Matthews has re ceived a cablegram announcing the marriage of her son, Ulysses E. Matthews, U.S.A., to Miss Hedl Schmitt of Radach, Germany. M- Sgt. and Mrs. Matthews expect to return to the States sometime in March. Mrs. W. H. Graham and sons of Fayetteville visited her parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baker and other relatives here diving th£ weekend. i The Executive Board of the Wo men of the Godwin Presbyterian ' Church met last Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Donald Mc- Intyre. Mrs. Willard Smith, presi -1 dent, presided over the business. i very Interesting because the speak er and teacher will be none other 1 than a former Missionary to Per sia, Mrs. Leslie Turlington, herself. Don’t forget and miss It because ' there is really a treat in store for ; those who come. Our prayer meeting number grew - exactly 10 persons in number last ' Wednesday from the week before. • The Deacons art doing a fine Job 1 and you’ll be doing yourself a favor by coming out on Wednesday night and you won’t regret it. If I overlooked any visitor? Sun day I'm sorry and say to them and ah those mentioned that we were extra proud to have you. WO might also add that J. C. and Elbert Wade were home, so was Frank Hinson. The church extended the - right hand of fellowship to Benny - Phillips, Earl Grey Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Carey Olive Sunday. This was the first Sunday at Grey had I beers homd since the Baptizing late last summer on Sundays ‘and long enough to advance to plan on right : hand of fellowship. We might add ’ that Pvt. 'Jackson leaves for Ft. Knox again Thursday. He and his ' pal who Is in the Coast Guard, Wade McLamb and an ex-Airman Wilbert’ Barefoot have really en ! Joydd the week together. They say i that it is just like old times for i the three of them. I ; V ... - i ‘Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Dawkins Jr., : of Mt. Olive were visiting several i relatives In the Spring Branch com. ! m unity Sunday afternoon. The hostess served pear salad, crackers, potato chips and coffee. Mrs. J. E. Graham and daugh ters, Barbara and Frances and Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Braxton spent the weekend in Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Graham went especially to attend the celebration of the 89th birth day dinner given in honor of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Braxton vis ited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnson of Fayetteville and Miss Alda John son of Burlington spent the week end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Johnson. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. McLellan Wade during # the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Snipes and daughter, Sheila, of laGrange, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pope and sons, Bob and Branch of Lucoma and Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell TreptOw and daughter, Julia, of Kinston, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Edgerton, Sr., spent Sunday in Goldsboro, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones of Rocky Mount spent Sunday here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mra Benjamin Honey cutt of Autryville, N. C., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Honeycutt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Atwood Pope of Dunn visited here Sunday. Mrs. Annie Godwin and Mrs. G. W. Spell attended the cake-bak ing demonstration at. the Curb Market building in Fayetteville given by Mrs. Jewel S. Fessenden of the State College Extension Ser vice on Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Washburn and Harold Jackson attended the dinner of the Durham Life In surance Agents and their wives at Johnson’s Restaurant in Dunn on Tuesday evening. Mr. Jackson is being transferred from a debit in Fayetteville to Dunn. Mrs. J. A. Starling has return ed home after visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Winfred McClaren and Mr. McClaren of Holly Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Gordon and sons, Bobby and Charles spent Sunday with Mrs. Gordon’s mother, Mrs. : Edwards, in Selma. The W. M. U. of the Godwin Baptist Church met at the home of- Mrs. Murphy Hotiandoh Mon day evening. Mrs. James Williams, President, presided. Mrs. D. *H. Mathews was program leader with Several taking parts on the "pro gram. The- Subject was, “The Minis try of Prayer.” 18 members were present and one visitor. The hos tess served cherry pie with whip ped cream and coffee. The M. Y. F. met on last Thurs day evening at the home bf Misses Linda and Joy McLellan. Rev and Mrs. Dodson gave talks and* Miss Linda McLellan gave a report of the Vocation Conference that she attended in Durham last week. Tire hostesses served fruit-jello with 'whipped cream, crackers, coffee :and Valentine candy, j , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Collier .of Roseboro spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrst-L. W. Thornton, Mr. Thornton, who was quite ill -on :Saturday and Sunday is able to be out again; ; Mr. Oliver Ward is ill at his res idence at Holland’s Lake this .week. ‘His friends wish for him a' speedy recovery. PAGE THREE Pearson "} (Continued From Page Two) cist organization, and the only of ficially recognized political party in the country. More important still, "he has been okayed by Pro- Franco capitalists and Catholic leaders. Franco has often told close as sociates he believes the monarchy should be restored in Spain but feels that present members of the Bourbon family, ousted from the throne in 1931, all are "weak” and eventually would give way a New Republic. The Generalissimo’s one big am bition, if possible, by NATO. He thinks he can achieve at least the i first of these aims within another two years; then he wants to step* down triumphantly, perhaps on the; 15th anniversary of his entrance in-' to Madrid at the end of the Civil War. Despite the apparently unani ; mous support for Artajo, actually j his choice has stirred undetjmver- I jealousy in falangist ranks, • plus’ serious discontent among monar chists who backed Franco on the assumption that some day would bring back the Royal Family. Linden News By MRS. A. B. BETHUNE " Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Crumple)-,; Betty Byrd and Frances Crqnipler, Hallie Bethune, Mrs. Jesse ’Byrd, Catherine Neal Byrd, Mrs. 'B. Bf. Wilkins, Toni Wilkins, attended. “The Carolina Playmaker?; , at' Campbell College Tuesday nigbt.^' Mrs. W. C. Melvin is spending a 5 few weeks in St. Flo rida. j Miss Lillian Bell of Fayetteville visited her sister, Mrs. A. V. Daw kins, Sunday. ... ” Mr. Robert Williams spent the. weekend in Wilmington visiting h\a mother Mrs. Joseph Willlanis, Sf“ . 12 >•*' Mr. and Mrs. Clem Williams; of Raleigh spent the weekend,, witN the Kirby Barefoots. Mr. A. B. Bethune is in Raleigh' attending a North Carolina -Farm, Bureau Convention. Mrs. B. L. Owens of Smithfield' visited the Floyd Colliers Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bethuqp, and family spent Sunday in Broadway with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude’ Cox. ' v ' . a Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Moore, Mr.' and Mrs. William Memyes and children, Ray Moore all of Fay- Stjpville were guest of Mr;.and and Mrs. A. M. Ray Sunday. ~( J Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Raynor spent Sunday In Fayetteville "viritw ing Mrs. Ruth Wilkins. -• . Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Whfttlng-- ton, Mr. and Mrs. James Honey cutt of Dunn spent Sunday- wiflf the J. M. Tew.’s. - ” . „ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Collier and children of Fayetmvllle spent'Sun-' day with the Wayne Colliers. Mr. anu Mr*. B. L. Tucker visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giles' ik Steadman. Mrs. Edgar Raynor was hostess to the Home Demonstration-'t2ub Wednesday evening, 6, 1952. Mrs. Charles Collier president had charge of the business-mast; ing, “Miss Lena Bullard, 'Home Demonstration Agent had chaffs of the program. She gave a most interesting talk on the “Preveii tion of Colds.” At the close of the meeting, the -hostess served delicious refresh-, ments to 10 members. The Auxiliary of the Sardis ftres byterian church held its regular meeting Thursday evening in Recreation hall of the church. SOO Edgar Raynor president, presldeff at the meeting. Mrs. J. M. Tew and Mrs. wfyne Collier gavSan interesting talk on The Christian Pattern of Life. The hostess, a^y, J. H. Sawyer and Mrs. Alice Arm. field served refreshments toB members. * ular^meetlng 1

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