MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 18, 1952 VALENTINE TEA IS GIVEN BY k STUDENTS OF MARKS SCHOOL Students of the Mark’s School For Beginners entertained for their mothers on Friday morning in the studio of the school. The occasion was the annual Valentine tea, and only mothers of the children at tended. The guests were Invited for ten o'clock, and were greeted by the receiving line, composed entirely ■ of second year students: Billy Wellons, Harriet Thomas, Mick 0 Rouse, Alexis Parker, David Black man, Deddie Burrage, Wayne Just esen, fcany Neighbors, Donna Gammon, Billy Overman and 'Jean /• ette Rowles. The girls wore evening dresses and the boys were dressed in long pants, long-sleeved white shirts and wore bow ties. They danced the minuet and sang Valentine songs for .the program. Plates and nspkins were decora ted by the children. The menu' ™ Cough Help fOR IITTIE CHILDREN For coughs and bronchitis due to colds you can now get Creomulsion specially prepared for Children in a new pink and blue package and be sure: (1) Your child will like it (2) It contains only safe, proven 4*) ingredients. (3) It contains no narcotics to dis turb nature's processes. (4) It will aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed throat and bronchial membranes, thus relieving the cough and promoting rest and •lepp. Ask for Creomulsion fdr Chil dren in the pink and blue package. CREOMULSION FOR CHILDREN fiDem Co*jkj, Chest Ctlfc, Ante ItncMHi • ICA fO AND RADIOS • Leonard Ranges • V Refrigerators - Water Heaters - Deep Freeze. • Universal - Small appliances. JOHNSON FURNITURE COMPANY Hassle M. Johnson i «J : : I—lfl Bl'l ll jjßKya | ll l_o It is wise, when buying (Ti 1 " '' lik. —— tW . a washer, to remember Mji l i ny ‘ die old saying, "It* isn’t I I |i I the original cost, it's the I KJ j ft ' Because the cost of a 11 |R ; | ■ tot of hot water and II II • I soap and frequent re- H I, < M pair bills can take away 1 ' iII mucli of the joy and con- H III* ; ■w, ? ** venience of owning a BL , ■ V i ' washer; I ■ LOOK AHEAD I ■ I I AND BUY A I 11 l SPEED QUEEN » ™ 4 w We know of no other washer in America which has as fine a service record as the Speed Queen. And that record, especially during these days, should be an important £ |AA QP consideration in selecting your new washer. The beautifui !b|V7 ( 7D IID Speed Queen shown here sells for only ~ r A #* na , i gj 19 G f !■/ S . consisted of candy hearts, canapes, nuts, mints and punch. The good byes were also said to the second year students. Miss Rayma Lee Entertains At Valentine Party Miss Rayma Jess Lee. daughter of Mr? and Mrs. J. B. tee, graci ously entertained at a Valentine party Thursday night from seven till eight-thirty. Decorations in the Lee home carried out the Valentine motif. The dining room table was center ed with a lovely heart-shaped cake decorated in red and white and banked with ivy. The guests enjoyed several games ! during the evening. Miss Pat Walk er was the winner of a prize for drawing the lucky number in a Drawing Contest and Miss Bar bara Jones won the frist prize in a Talent Contest. They later gath ered around the piano and sang songs. Misses Gaye and Betsy Lee, sis ters of the hostess, assisted with the party. Refreshments consisting of- ham biscuits, sandwiches, cookies, and lemonade were served. Each guest received a package of Valentine candy as a favor. Those present for the enjoyable affair were Susan Purdle, Pat Walker, Barbara Jones. Carolyn Hawley, Hannah White, Nina Coats. Becky Aycock. Betsy Johnson, Al ma Bell Westbrook, Joy Lee, Ed ward Black. Sonny Livingston, Billy Mack Hai'-e, Donnie Whittenton, Richard Manning, Bud Hudson. Johnson Tilghman, Wesley Purdle, Bill Bryan, Bubba Peay, and the hoitess, Miss Lee. Mr. and Mrs. David Hayes of Elizabethtown announce the birth of a son, Andrew Glenn, on Feb ruary 13 at the Thompson Division of Lumberton Hospital. Mrs. Hayes is the former Laßue West of Fuquay Springs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Richard Johnson of Dunn announced the birth of a son. Ferris Richard, Jr. on February 9 in the Dunn Hos pital. Mrs. Johnson Is the former Mary Catheme Coats of Dunn. RETURN THURSDAY Mrs. John Green returned Thurs day from Roseboro where she had been visiting her sister and Mr. Green returned from business trip to Charlotte. IN ATLANTA Mr. Ettrl Westbrook returned AtWlnav Ga. |Young Adult Class Has Valentin© Party At Church The Young Adult Class of the First Presbyterian Church held a Valentine party at the church in the basement last Friday evening from 8 until 10:30. A colorful Valentine motif was carried out for. the occasion with red hearts being used on the walls of the room and tall red and white tapers on the tables and piano. During the evening the group en joyed games under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Dick Gammon. Mrs. Gammon assisted Mr. Gam mon in the games. The group was led In a grand march by Mrs. Gammon and the evening was ended with the song “Blest Be The Tie That Binds." Refreshments of iced heart squares, nuts and soft drinks were served. Those assisting in serving were Mrs. L. P.« Stephens, Mrs. Bill Stancil, Mrs. Norwood Stephenson and Mrs. Bill Laughinghouse. Jr. Attending the party were Rev. and Mrs. Dick Gammon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belote, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Welborn, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Williams, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Royal, Mr. and Mrs. John Wel born, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stancil, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Ted surwell, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Stephenson, Mr. Marvin Godwin, Mr. Oliver Knox, Mrs. Bill Laughinghouse, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitchett Jr. Friday Evening Club Meets At Home Os Mrs. Scott Ferrell The Friday evening Bridge Club was graciously entertained when the group met at the home of Mrs. Scott Ferrell last Friday evening at 8:00. A gay note was carried out in the lovely Spring flower arrange ments used in the honje for the enjoyable affair. The hostess served a delicious dessert course of cocoanut cream pie and coffee, after scores were compiled, buring play soft drinks and nuts were passed. Mrs. John Perry Jones was re cipient of high score for the eve ning. Second high went to Mrs. Dennis Strickland. Those playing were Mrs. Joe Leslie, Mrs. Floyd Middlebrook, Mrs. Dennis Strickland, Mrs. Ralph Lanier, Mrs. Mac Andrews, fdrs. John Peyry Japes, Mrs. Ed Hood, (and Mrs. Willie Warren. THE DAILY RECORD, DUNN. N. C. DINNER PARTY GIVEN IN HONOR OF CROMARTIE-COATS WEDDING PARTY Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson and Miss Nancy Abernathy were hosts at a delightful dinner y>arty last Saturday evening at Johnson's Res taurant. The party was in honor of Lloyd Coats and Miss Patsy Cromartie and members of the wedding party and their dates. Miss Cromartie and Mr. Coats will be married in the Divine Street Methodist Church the latter part of March. A lovely, color scheme of yellow and white was carried out in the appointments for the affair. A pale green bridal cloth covered the din ner table and a centerpiece of yel low roses, acaeia and freesia was I used. Silver candelabras holding yellow and.white tapers entwined with fern was used on each end | of the table. Fern was used to out- VISITS PARENTS Jim Farthing of the University of North Carolina was home for the week-end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs! J. S. Farthing. FROM UNC Miss Allene Warren, who attends UNC, spent the week-end in Dunn visiting her family and friends. IN DUNN Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutaff of Chapel Hill were in Dunn during the week-end. GUESTS FROM VIRGINIA Mrs. J. S. Farthing had as her guests Friday Mp and Mrs. Felton Lee of Richmond, Va. The Lees were on their way home from a trip to Alabam and Florida. HOME FOR DAY Miss Rosalyn Poole came home Sunday for the day. She attends. Meredith College. STUDENT HERE Charles Overman of UNC spent the week-end in Dunn. He arrived Friday afternoon. LEAVE ON TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blalock are leaving Saturday for Florida and Cuba. IN GREENSBORO Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Whittenton spent last weekend in Greensboro with Mr. Whittenton’s daughter Mrs. Bill Smith and family. IN RALEIGH | Mrs. E. M. Whittenton, Mrs. Silas Whittenton and Mrs. Lofton Tart were in Raleigh for the day Thursday on a shopping trip. WELL AGAIN 1 Miss Irene Beasley is able to be out again after being confined with the flu. ’Visit’m ounn I Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Beasley are spending this week in Dunn visiting friends and relatives. HOME LAST SUNDAY Mrs. Pat Tart spent last Sunday In Newton Grove visiting her sister in-law Mrs. Sansom Warren. (CONDITION BETTER Mrs. C. M.,Bannerman who has been ill, Is much better. TRAIN TRIP Mrs. J. B. Rouse. Sr., J. B. Rouse, m and Gary Ciccone left this morning for a train trip to Fay etteville. They will return this af ternoon. VISIT LANIERS Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Holland of Goldsboro were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lather. W. C. STUDENT HERE Miss Dale Watkins, a student at W. C. In Greensboro spent the past weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ferrell. RETURNS TO COATS Mrs. W. W. Wood of Coats, has returned after undergoing treatment at Highsmith hospital In Fayette ville for the past week. BACK HOME Mr. Namon Denning of Dunn.'Rt. 3, is able to be back at work after being out a week due to illness. Charles Overman of UNC spent the week-end in Dunn. He arrived Friday afternoon. BAKER CHILD SICK Master Gordon Ray Raker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker of Dunn, Rt. 1, has been confined to his home for the put .two weeks. He is improved .now 1 , it is reported. / V j , ’ ( j Enjoy nit mi tacit w ‘ 'TANGLi-FREr SEWING! line the table and the guests found their places with yellow and white bridal place cards. The honoree received a corsage of white freesia and a silver vegetable dish from the hosts. A delicious dinner consisting of fresh fruit cup, tossed salad, turkey croquettes, parsley new potatoes, steamed broccoli, congealed salad, lime ices, sand tarts and coffee was served the group. Those attending were Miss Cro martie. Mr. Coats, Miss Polly Pope, Pope, Carroll Summerlin, Llnwood Sills, Thad Pope, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Coats, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cro martie Jr., Clarence Corbett, George Willoughby, Meredith Cromartie, Pat Snipes, Jimmy Coats, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Charles Over man and Miss Nancy Abernathy. BROTHERS VISIT Mr. Harvey Underwood of State College, Raleigh, and Mr. Oordon Underwood of St. Pauls visited theif sister, Mrs. J. S. Farthing here at the first of last week. Mrs. Farthing is recuperating after un dergoing an operation. HAS BEEN CONFINED Miss Libby Ray Cromartie has been confined ■ to her home for the past two weeks with the flu and as a result of a minor accident. She is much better now, it is re ported. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Mr. Ralph Warren has returned from Highsmith Hospital where he has been a patient for the past two weeks. CONFINED' TO HOME Miss Billie Jean Jemigan, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jernigan has been confined to her home for the past week with the flu. VISIT IN CLINTON Mr. and Mrs. Thero Barefoot and children spent Sunday in Clinton visiting her nephew, Mr. J. L. Byrd. MRS. EFJLEY HERE Mrs. Robert Epley of Gettys burg, Pa„ arrived yesterday to spend the week here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goddard. Her husband will Join her next, week-end. WAYNE BARBOUR ILL Wayne Barbour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Barbour, has been con fined to his home since last Sun day, but is improved now. TO ARRIVE THURSDAY S-Sgt. Hershel Barbour will ar rive on the 21st to spend a leave here with his mother. Mrs. Fred Barbour. He is stationed at Battling Air Force Base in Washington. D. C. SLAUGHTER On East Broad Street § Feb. 18, Dunn, N. C. (S.P) Benny Slaughter, well-known Dunn business man is charged /iCsl **”*** #n ma * #r Many prices of his major units have been V found bleeding from his butchering. Slaughter admits the reason for this im pulsive attempt on the prices es these ap , pliances has been to make room for the advent es the new line it# Mmrfiin A M Itfß# 'nAJMI fa iMMfc mjtnw " Wi IfMjtlly H IPIlw m|ma urge siflsiifid to ovilv $259*00* Benny snvs *** *" I' ■A Cokes And Cards Bridge Club Met On Saturday Eve. The Cokes and Cards Bridge Club members met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thornton Jr., last Saturday evening for their evening of bridge. Lovely arrangements of camellias were used in the rooms for the en joyable affair. The hostess passed cheese tid bits during progressions, after play was completed a delicious dessert of homemade pound cake. Ice cream with heart designs, nuts and cof fee was served. The winner of high score for the men was Alsey Johnson who received Old Spice lotion. High among the ladies was Mrs. Luther Turner who received a scarf. Trav eling prize, candy, went to Mrs. Billy Pope. Those playing were Mr. and Mrs. Alsey Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Haurz Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wade, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thornton, Jr. Boy Is Charged In School Case Preston Hayes, 17, one of the two boys charged with the acts of vandalism at the Erwin School last week, faces trial as the result of these activities in Harnett County Recorder’s Court Tuesday. With a companion identified as Edward McCaskill, he is alleged to have broken windows, damaged equipment in the office of Prin cipal D. T. Stutts and other mis chief. After their escapade, the pair travelled to Washington, N. C„ to visit the sister of one of the boys. However, they had boasted of their misdeeds to a motorist who had given them a ride and he notified Erwin Chief of Police C. H. Avery, who communicated with Washing ton authorities. The boys were picked up on their arrival in Washington and returned to Erwin to face parental wrath. The parents of the boys have agreed to pay for the damage. GRANDSON VISITS Mrs. H. S. McKay had ,as her visitor over the week-end, her grandson, Mr. Bryan McKay of Chapel Hill. IN ALL LAST WEEK Miss Frances Godwin, daughter of M*. and Mrs. J. Leon Godwin, w«s ponfined to her home all last week due to illness. FROM DUKE Miss Polly Pope spent the week end in Dunn visiting her parents and friends. She attends Duke Uni versity. RETURN FROM DUKE Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Warren re turned Friday after spending sev eral days at Duke Hospital for a check-up. The internationally Famous Westminster Choir Will Be At Campbell College Buies Creek, N. C. ONLY APPEARANCE IN THIS AREA Mail Order Prices Adults 1.80 Students 1.20 TrtnSnlt* Enclosed is for tickets. lOnignT Name 8:00 F. M. Address... . . . Make Check Payable To Campbell College Concert Association, Box 223, Buies Creek, N. C. , . | fpstif— | Our modern equipment and our highly trained B personnel equals the finest dry-cleaning service available. Remember, proper care means longer „. B wear. CAROLINA CLEANERS and SHIRT LAUNDRY - f " f/ ... . Phone 246* / ~D~£ ” LUCKNOW SQ. ) DUNN PAGE THREE FARM BUREAU INSURANCE John K. Snipes Office is located in FCX Building Dunn, N. C. Phone 2254 ' *