MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARV 18, 1952 Bess ads | 4 St ART TOUR SAVING? COMMERCIAL BANK Dunn, N. C. R. A. CHESTNUTT CO. Fayetteville Highway PHONE 3591 ! DUNN, N. C. , EARL HAWLEY OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealer i FROMW SttVICE - COMPLETE I • . K 1 ' * , IT? % ■ * WP^SPICIAI J1 119.95 !• • Pressure Cleansing Wringer roll* automatically adjust to • / extract maximum amount of • Weshlnf Actien ~ trip I*, washing action-light, ■fti " clothes gontly, but thor oughly. *«^ v * ; * Plus These Great G-E Washing Features • Finger-tip Control for Fast Operation • Tough Resisto-mar White Bakad-Eaamal Finish • 1-Yr. Written Warranty on Entire Washer 4 PURDIE EQUIPMENT CO. “EQUIPPED—TO EQUIP—TOUR FARM AMD HOME" So. Clinton Ave. Dunn, N. C. Authorized Dealer illCtllft WASHERS „t. „.i*: GSNERAk(|hEkECTRIC O&SMtfoV.- ■ .oeeMhgntMa— x AM. WttVTm ADS *Ol strictly eonfldentm am. qo Information will be five*). Please do not ask for it. CLASSIFIED RATES 3 TIMES ONLY SI.OO This *Hne Tvue 8c Word * TIMES ONLY 51.?5 *-Wnr fr*? -f" 4' , Ixdesively By •;;’ c ; i ) /JR £§ n - I Pretty Model (Continued from page one) way train as he was making the ‘ arrest but Detective Alfred Spinosa grabbed them as they struggled. ARREST ON TIP An anonymous tipster who said she wanted to repay the city for opening a new hospital for nar cotics addicts tofortned the squat) last night that the ring operated from a Times Square telephone booth. When the tipster disclosed that a “pretty blonde” was Involved in the ring, Spinosa and Valente called in Laurette McDonnell, “mystery women" of the narcotics squad who has been the nemesis of drug peddlers for several years. Miss McDonnell, whose attrac tive face is never photographed be cause of her undercover work, joined Spinosa and Valente In a vigil near the telephone booth. Another pretty operative was called to pose as a model and ad dict and when Schonbaum and Miss Lane appeared at the booth she purchased a quantity of heroin from them. FOUND NEEDLES IN BRA Then the detectives followed Schonbaum and the dancer to the subway station. Miss Donnell took the woman .into custody as the two detectives wrestled with Schonbaum. Miss McDonnell searched the dancer' and said she found three hypodermic* needles In her bras sier e. They returned to the telephone booth where Miss Lane removed a key to a subway locker. In the locker the detectives found a hypo dermic needle and a one pound can of heroin worth about $65,000. Ambulaace Service Phone 2077 CROMARTIE FUNERAL HOME DUNN, N. C. SALES SERVICE A Big Complete Shop 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE • HE OUR 6000 USD) CMS W. &S. MOTOR CO. ' W. WILSON AVE. DUNN, N. C. Negro Masons (Continued from page one) many towns have done this. A petition will be presented for Alfred Blalock and George Pope asking that parking on only one side of the street be allowed on North Magnolia Avenue between Broad And Bdgerton Streets. Mr. Manning will present a re port on the number of signs illeg ally erected in the parking strips of the town. A sign cannot legally be placed between the sidewalk and the street, without special auth orization from the board. ffot|2£iint * Refrigerators * Freezers * Ranges * Water Heaters * Ironers * Washers rhere’s No Point Being Without Hot Point LAYTON'S LILLINGTON PAGE SEVEN LEADERSHIP SALE 8 BIG DAYS Ends Feb. 1M HUNDREDS -of llEUSyj \ '* WiAiyy WORTH ii M shouting! ft* ABOUT ! > innm4 DON'T Misi this j! GIGANTIC!! • » SALE !! M " .% >, * .vjfc Yeall Fiad... • RADIOS • APPLIANCES • AUTO ACCESSOftIRS • Tires ' '—; H1 • t ti l • BATTERIES , “ ‘ .. Items Redgcjil, • " ’ ’ * ■