THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FERfttTARY 21, l9s> Arrest Os Klansmen »Ends Terror Reign WHITEVILLE. N. O. (If) State and local officials said today the arrest of 10 former Ku Klux Klans men on kidnapping charges has ended a reign of terror in this area. “I think the whole town of Fair Bluff is. relieved,’ 1 said Columbus . County Sheriff H. Hugh Nance. “The klan was developing a reign of terror, for which we have no place in North Carolina,” com "J merited Oov. Kerr Scott. "I think people are pretty happy about it (th» arrestsl." ' “It’s Just like being, able to breathe again.” said Sam Scott, Fair Bluff merchant. The nightridere wpre charged with kidnapping and flogging Mrs. Dorothy Martin. 27. and Ben Grain ger. 40. of Fair Bluff on Oct. 6. “I plan to prosecute them to the fullest extent and nt the earliest possible date,” said U. S. Dtst. At torney Charles P. Green in Fayette ville. The 10, including four officials of the now defunct Fair Bluff Klav ern, allegedly took 1 their victims across the state line into South Carolina and inflicted bodily injury. Green said: “in all probability" the accused men would be prose cuted through regular channels, al through a blue-ribbon federal grand Jury will be convened Thursday in ..Raleigh with power to indict, v The men were freed mi bonds of AT COMMERCIAL BANK Dunn, N. C. COLD I SUFFERERS ■ this tasted formula *fo» ■ fast relief from cold mis !■ arise. Don’t suffer any a) r—• 1 ' Financial Report Os The MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION , Dunn, N. C. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 31,1951 COMMUNITY MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. DRNN, N. C.' BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1950 « sicock m RECEIPTS: * 8159 65 “ 1. Total assessments collected $ 3546.95 2. Number new members 274 at 25c 68.50 3. Interest on time deposits, etc 4. Miscellaneous _____ ' 5. Total (lines Ito 4 inc.) ' $3615.45 6. Net difference of advance assessments: * 243.25 * RwiLinta 3372.20 8. Total Receipts 11,531.85 DISBURSEMENTS: • ,!• 3 600.00 * 10. Collection commissions 11. Miscellaneous expenses 235.16 12. Total expenses (Hue 8 to 10 inc.) 835 ic }} btawifitg paid (No. 28) 2800.00 % Membership fees pdid agents w 68.50 15. Refunds aa 16. Total disbursements (lines 11 to 15 inc.) _ BALANCE TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR , 7828.^0 • ASSETS: 17. Cash on hand mm 11 - c«4 gn «r 18. Bank deposit Hie Commercial Bank 873.50 10. War Bonds 6290 00 ’ ’ 20. Building A Loon Stock 21. Total Assets . 7828.19 ™ \ 646.80 9 24 S^a^^gid* P * id None . • Number of assessments during year 4 double Rice W Membership in good standing at dose of books 3378. ''■ \v,' ‘ ' ' ir’*-' r> / ■ v - \ ■:•.• - '*l I ~ DUNN N C i ,*ss?.’w'-,' .%■ : - <*> ] e sfi,ooo each and hearings were aet e before U. 8. Commissioner T. L. j - i Hon in Fayetteville Feb. 26 and 27. | s The FBI identified the men as l. Early L. Brooks, 44. Fair Bluff con- I r stable and exalted cyclops ( presi- J s dent) of the disbanded Jclavern; 1 his son, Bobby Brooks, 19, kfakard . i lecturer: Ross Enzor. 32. kleagle : o (vice president): L. C. Worley, 25, - ligrapp (secretary) of ,Cerro Gor- , t do, N. C.; Bob Hayes, 38, Fair! t Bluff; Pittman Foy Strickland, 29, Cerro Gordo; George Miller. 19, and ! i his brother, Sherwood Miller, 26, ~ both of Cerro Gordo; Steve Ed mond, 26, Fair Bluff, and Horace 1 Strickland, a Columbus County de . puty sheriff. Prospects Cards ; Chamber Sends 1 Prospective members of the local ; j Chamber of Commerce are now receiving a series of cards explaining the functions of the organization, according to Norman Buttles, Mgr. The cards carry amusing cartoons by Dave Morrah, nationally known humorist and cartoonist, hflkgah’s work has appeared in a number of America's greatest magazines, in cluding Saturday Everting Post Collier’s, American Magazine and the American Legion magazine. 1 Book stores in the city recently raecelved Morrah’s newest book; “Cinderella Hassenpfeffer,” a col lection of stories and fables In mock German. Cartoons In the book are also by Morrah. “We are highly pleased to ob tain this series of cartoons from Mr. Morrah,” Mr. Sutten said. “They are very amusing, but at the same time bring attention to the fact that support will help the Chamber of Commerce do a better Job for Dunn.’,’ WORKING TOGETHER THEME The theme of the campaign Is, “Well Get' More Dene If We Get Together." Copy on the second In the series of cards points out “Your Chamber of Commerce has a comprehensive program for .the betterment of our community. We| will’ be- able to do the Job better with your support. Let’s get to gether.! “Your Chamber of Commerce Is a force for unity, a builder of in dustry, a leader In thinking and a source of service. It is devoted to the improvement of the communi ty et large ... to all people ... to —' i I H i I ■■RHDHHMi Troll B SrhL| TE H» HE f t9 BEE DOUBLE Seeing double Is an occupational hazard with Mrs. Jim Pipkin, f.rst grade teacher at 2®“"* H , 2“ eontains the three sets of twins shown in the picture above. Shown are, left to right; Fay and Kav Mason, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mason of Lllllngton Route 3, Fay and Fred Cameron, twin children of Mr and Mrs Routed m AU n o f f the°twh^ y a ROU .!f * “ nd nda . a " d Brend » Strickland, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Strickland of Lillington Route 3. All of the twins are six years old and entered Boone Trail School this year. (Daily Record photo by T. M Stewart) Dunn Grammar News The Pre-school Clinic under the as little hosts and helped to en , direction of Dr. W. B. Hunter of tertain their little visitors by sing the County Health Department and ing, story-telling, and playing Mrs. Ruby Hood, our local Health games. The little tots themselves Nurse, assisted by Miss Lillie Tay- took part in all the activities and lor of the County Department was seemed to have had a wonderful bet^ een Ume The y also visited the audi- JL 1 ' k in thc Dunn torium where silent pictures (film j , >v . .. , stri P s) wer ® being shown. Here Seventy-two children with their saw the “Three Bears,” the “Three P. a . r * n . ts . and 4 others with friends Little Pigs,” and Aesop’s fables 'ttrhiHr tu- . .. . . come to life on the screen. While they waited their turns with the dentist, doctor, and nurses When the examinations were they visited the four first grades, over each child received a souvenir The children of these grades acted 1 and were invited into the lunch ~ ’ room where they were served re all types of business ... to all pro- freshments of cookies and orange fesslonal people. Juice. “Your Chamber of Commerce Is Everyone left h„ nm 00 „i_„ “»«.!■"» a w . -“££! fn. w at li no et hnsiness time,” and were looking forward to for you. Membership In the Cham- September when they can come to ber of Commerce Is an Investment school and stay a “long time.” At 2LJ hi H h „ yOU W,U reCeive aßßUred ‘he front steps Miss MassengUl, aivlaenas. our Elementary school supervisor ("•k 4l "'a? Uttei r f?) nted out that the was waiting to catch their smiles eWeTv Lm? Commerce works with kodak as they left. . closely with all types of business, Thg Clinic wishes to thank Mrs. from the smallest Ao the largest, Pat Lynch and her co-workers cooperating with them and assist- from the Parent-Teachers Associa ing them m every way possible, tlon who so ably assisted the doc-1 Up-to-date information is provid- tors and Mrs. Hood. Without them ed for anyone seeking it. to help It could not have been the I THE DAILY RECORD. DUNN, N, 0. Couple Feted At Shower In Godwin The sisters and sisters-in-law of - Mr. and Mrs. J. David Jackson, | honored them with an informal re -1 ception and linen shower Tuesday I night, February 12, from 7:30 until 10:00 o'clock. Since their marriage 2 years ago i in San Diego, Calif,, and after a i year’s work there, they were assign ed to work in Seattle, Wash. This was their first visit to Mr. Jack son’s parents, who are Mr. and Mrs. Wiley B. Jackson of Godwin. The bride was the former MWs Maxine Fox of Hihton, W. Virginia. The guests were met at the door and introduced to the bride by Mrs. Herman Culbreth and Mrs. Hector McLaurin and gifts were taken and put on display in the gift room. The bride received many beautiful and useful. gifts. Mrs. Hector McLaurin entertain ed with several popular selections on the piano during a period of conversation. Then the guests were 1 Invited through the gift room to the dining room where delicious success that it was. We wish alto jto thank the two dentists, Dr. Bain and Dr. Hooper for their | services. ■— ; ; f r:;g ~ Tr^ —-—TTT-Tsr-rT-T--~rr-’T‘rT i. 7\ The NEW / JU&' ~ J lightweight 9hp Disston / I Intermediate Chain Saw |h SAT FEB. 23rd I —a 10:00 A. M. I I SEE THE NEW MSSTOM 1* 211 I IX ACTION I SEE THE DISSTON MOBILE UNIT - A COMPLETE I CHAIN SAW SERVICE STATION ON, WHEELS. MEET FACTORY TRAINED WOOD CUTTING f AND CHAIN SAW SERVICE EXPERTS. “ “~7,"VVTS I _____ . . ■ - -C bc|u ppoo o equip our Fonti ond Hmud plates of mints, cookies, cheese coronets and fruit punch, was ser ved, with cups, plates, napkins, mints and favors carrying out the valentine motif. The living room, dining room and gift room were decorated with arrangements of cut flowers. The guests were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Jackson, Mrs. Howard Jackson, Miss Suebelle Jackson, Mrs. Ada Jackson, Mrs. Newland Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis Griffin, Mrs. Hubert Jernigan, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Attie Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Cranford McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Barthy Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Car roll, Miss Doris Carroll, Mrs. Felton Warren. Also Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Jack son, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cul breth, Mrs. Willie Culbreth, Mr. and Mrs. Calton Warren, Miss Mollle Warren, Mr. and Mr». Wiley C. Jackson, hfr. and Mrs. Elwood G. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Clark, Mr. and Mrc. Hector McLaurin, Mr. and Mrs. Lattls Sills, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley B. Jackson. | BOY MEfcTS hOfT MEMPHIS, Tenn. (IP)—lt was a double binthday celebration Mrs. Bob Mays - attended. The boy had his cake with nine candles on a big table and his dog a gaily wrapped ham bone on a smaller table. ' EARL HAWLEY oil CO. ~T' 14 Wholesale Dealer PROMPT SERVICE - COMPLETE PRODUc.s 3 N. Lay toe Jive 3794 Phoney 2241 Dunn. N- O. « j THE FIRST CITIZENS BANK ; AND TRUST COMPANY and THE COMMERCIAL BANK of Dunn WILL BE CLOSED All Day Friday In Honor Os WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ! *••<>•••••••••#••••#•#( i S JUST RECEIVED { • NEW SHIPMENT OF • FRESH MULES • * We Also Have Good Second, • Handed Mules and Horses 2 CASH OR CREDIT See - - - 2 Louis Baer Livestock Company S Dunn, N. C. SficoNb Mi PAGE ONE COP BURNED tip iS WINOOSKI, Vt. (IB—Police Lleat. Joseph Sprano thumbed through*» routine directive to be on the iao(V out for “torchy” sweaters. As a gag, he doffed his own new puH over and touched a match to It; .Whoosh—no sweater.