FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 EVERYTHING TO VUIUD WOT) to furntth everything n coded to build your home except framing seisisff* M-W-P-tfna Lfcst Time today mi Little Rascals Comedy & Cartoon Saturday Only Tt ~£~ !■ am RkMMUSMa Henri R SUM Sunday Monday • * H 0310V0 SmVpWOSIVM 311301 MM* i ‘ :I{SSSEeUi; Nc'W'i and Cartoon 2 Shows Nightly BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 fern*! Start At 7 And 9 aaaammmasam -SHWART-, J i % ■ « Dunn’s Leading Th<4t&fc SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE NO. 1 NO. 2 Tim Holt Elliott Reid in : in "TRAIL GUIDE" 'THE WHIP HAND* Also Chap. 11 “Government Agent vs. Phantom Legion” «* Cartoon SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY it-_ ■ 'J™ v 1 I I Famii J' The**" “SLAUGHTER TRAIL” SATURDAY - DOUBLE FEATURE MW SHERJFFOf TEXAS' "HP HE ARMS" ■ ■.. .i'fWSf''. '., “*— ■^rr; ft .\ Also , 2Uh«* 7 “Caftain Video”—Cartoon & ij *4. ue-in'rtmwu u » ■■ i ■ jflK; MONDAY A TUESDAY ) -M THE .MTU OF THE SEXES! % ■ m GABLE • GARDNER i # fpAM/tAPR 8 wk-. y READ ÀND USE CLASSIFIED ADS ALL KEYED ADS Si , strictly eonadentoi am. , no Information will be i given. Please do not ask tOi It. ' ThK oiw Tvne V Word e h¥»t ftNIY tns *-vi>nre TRMmnm Mfe Ohm Oft nut Ea Tyva fr tebt* __ FOK SAL.E for saarr with «s term tninata. WAYNE FEED tt feed «t fajours supply. < r »unn $-17-tf-« Hydrated Masons Lime for pas- | tures and other agricultural uses. $29.13 per ton. FOB Whse at Cromartie Hardware Co., Ino., Dunn, N. C. 2-13-ts-c '. ,t-, ZI FOR SALE: House built in 1950 with large lot. Joins city limits on , E. Pope St. Ext. No town taxes. Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dinette and bath. Phone 4228 or after 6 p.m. 3385. Mickey Rouse. 2-20-3t-c___^___^_____^ '“Sarnet^"* 1 TODAY ft SATURDAY James Stewart Marlene Dietrich in "DESTRY RIDES AGAIN" Also Cartoon ~ SUNDAY 3 Stooge. Cartoon FOR SALE: Singer Sewing Ma- " chine in good condition. Very rea- I sonably priced. If interested phone , 3762 after 6 p. m. Mrs. Hattie C. Horne. 2-21-3 t-c - j FOR SALE: One registered pedi- i freed male oolite dog. If interested call Dr. Belmon Kitrell, 3840 or Mrs. Clifton Brock. 2137. , 2-21-3 t-c SAVE sl7 by buying now Sears’ i finest semi-automatic washer, only 1 washer with visi-mattc wringer. On 1 sale at $132.56 "until February 28th. Washer has 25-galicm insulated tub, automatic timer, motor - driven pump. SEARS ORDER OFFICE, 209 j E. Broad St., Phone 2187, Dunn. 2-22-3 t-c | PIANO—One extra high priced and ! high quality used Spinet piano. In j Four Oaks Community. There has been good down payment made on | piano. You may have for paying Unpaid balance. Cash only. Don’t write unless interested. F. B. Mer ritt. Rt. 4, Salisbury, N. C. 2-22-3 t-p ENJOY FRESH ASPARAGUS from i your own Garden. Plant now 50 2- year crown Mary Washington As paragus, offered Postpaid for $3.65; 100 for $6.76 Postpaid. Offer No. 1— 18. Write for Free Copy 66-Page , Planting Guide Catalog in color, of fered by Virginia’s Largest Grow ers of FVuit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines and Ornamen tal Plant Material.' Salespeople wan ted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA. FOR SALE: 1951 Ford convertible. Fully equipped. See Charles Woot en, 501 E. Broad St. or phone 4352. 2-22-3 t-c SPECIAL NOTICE ' REAL ESTATE LOANS: Residen tial, business property and farm loans. Prompt service. A. T. Dixon, P. O. Box 1698, Raleigh, N. C. 2-U-10t-c FOR LAND CLEARING and bull docing work, call Paul Grienwahn Grading Co., Rt. 5 Dunn, located one mile from Dunn on Highway 55. 2-6-ts-c _ SERVICES OFFERED QUALITY PRINTING at econo mical prices at TWYFOKD PRINT ING COMPANY in Dunn. Let us ’ bM on your next order. Telephone 1271. We wOS crU for and daßvur yar worts. WANTED: . ....... . ... vv- • perienced. Apply In person at McLamb Machiney Co. 2-13*-tf-c WANTED: Young man, preferably single, to work In grocery store and service station. No Sunday work and % day off per week in addition to Sunday.* Salary will be commensu rate with ability. Writ* “Mox X” % The Daily Record,. Dunn, N. C. 2-20-3tc WOMEN make extra money at home. Sew our ready-cut “Rap-A- Rouud”. Easy, profitable. Holly- 1 wood Mfg. Co., Hollywood 46, Calif. 2-22-lt-p FOB RENT ~ • FOR RENT: Grade A Case. Ful ly equipped. Equipment can be bought or rented. See J. T. Blackmon, Buies Creek, N. C. Phone 3129. . 2-21-3 t-c * "u 11 1 ■* j - r FOR RENT: One furnished bed room to gentleman. Phone 2587 af ter 6:30 pqn. John Ciccone, Dunn, N. C. 2-21-3 t-p FOR RENT: Two three-room fur nished apartments in nearby vil lage. Electric kitchens. Children o. k. $35-140 month. Astor west. Lin den, N. C. 2-21-6 t-p fOR RENT: Rooms for rent either as an apartment or as bedrooms. Steam heated. Continuous hot wat er. Mrs. J. W. Whitehead. 211 N. JCing Ave. 2388 or 3396. Mrs. C. R. JBassford. 2-22-lt-c HELP WANTED WANTED: Parts van for Interna tional Harvester n Machiney. Apply McLamb Machinery Co. 2-13-ts-c Aete ftiwa > \m s * I ~ , n k .. i I Moncy.nlOM.nulG H MO < f\ CRED! f CO LZL'£J LOef Maroon Billfold conUln to «ner fleet Between IM* end 1:00 p. m. Wednesday In Betts Dept. Store, or rlctnlty. Reward. Call 2M» Be» ' | > t ; a-21-Jt-C! 188 DAILY RECORD, DUNN, N. a a-- ’■ ' Schnozzola (Oenttnaed from page me) but his income seldom amounted to more than eighty dollars a week. MET CLAYTON IN 1923 It was in the late Autumn of 1923 that Clayton entered into Jimmy’s career and friendship. Lou, was one of the best soft shoe* dancers since the days of Minstrel George Primrose. He had been a headliner on the Orpheum Circuit at fifteen hundred dollars a week. He had earned a fortune but dis sipated it by gambling, his greatest | weakness. Clayton was practically broke | when Durante offered him twenty- I five per cent of his little club, “if j you only Just come in." Durante : had two partners already, Frank I Nolan, and ex-waiter and Eddie I Jackson an entertainer, who later I became part of the team of Clay ton. Jackson and Durante. “I don’t want you to put up no cash,” said Jim to Lou. “You dance like nobody’s business and you won’t do us nothin’ but good.” Clayton thought this over. “Jim, I’d- want to feel as if I was coming in on an even footing. And I’m not coming in as a bully or a tough guy. Further and more, if I do come in I want you to know that I’m gonna be president and I'm gonna be treasurer, too of the concern.” "That’s good enough, for me," Jim, said. “You can handle the money. All I want to do is play piano.” : > ■ ; <• CLAYTQN HELPED BUSINESS The Clayton Influence almost at once affected the business. The strong-minded Lou could say “no” to a best friend. Clayton's un yielding observance of his code, "don’t push me around,” made up for Durante’s lack of purpose. Jim would shillyshally, avoid decisions, try to please everyone and get ihto all sorts of mixups. Jim had never paid much atten tion to the cash register. Like all the other equipment at the club, it was an antique. Each evening when the club »1., i 1,, Por ON IN, look at our newest L* arrivals—great G-E 25th An- NEW LOW niveraary Values —in honor of the nnwu bavmbmt ( world's first heme television set, DOWN PAYMENT developed by G.E. back in 1827. up to 78 WEEKS 1* pay j S3®EiSS ®:s::b i ,„*.v -as-xisr** 28-lnch picture. M. H,tm im W ’ B It’ , m m MOFVO for tv (gaddn/iio In Hhli imclloii. rI ' tmmm IQlliPMiliT CO* -i _ ... . . /■T/'. ' ~T' n SiOb flatten Avft uunn I 9 \ 4 opened It contained what was call- 1 ed “the bank”—petty cash in the * amount of five hundred dollars, to J make change, because there was no * tab-signing, no charge accounts, ( and no bookkeeping. Ij One morning, as president and [ J treasurer, Clayton asked the cash ier to stand aside while he checked , up to see that the reading coin- 1 j cided with the amount of cash in | the drawer. The ribbon showed the club had taken in more than seven thou sand dollars that night. The till, however, held seven hundred dol ■j lars less than the recorded amount. 1 11 Lou asked, “Where’s the rest of this ' money?” Frank Nolan offerfed the explana ' tion, “This cash register is second- ' . hand, and it jumps.” Clayton looked at Jimmy, “We’re i over seven hundred dollars short here, and the answer that I get ! from our partner. Mr. Nolan, is • that the register jumps.” t Durante took the initiative. ! “Lou, go open the front windows.” : There were two large windows 5 overlooking Fifty-eighth Street r with Danes painted green anl cov ered by black curtains. Clayton went to the windows, » parted the curtains, then opened e one creaking window. 1 THREW IT OUT WINDOW Jimmy said, “Look out and see that nobody is passing.” I Clayton gazed out on the early :. morning street. Nobody was to be y seen. Durante picked up the cash !, register and threw it out the win r dow. 1 “I'll tell you somethin', Lou,” e he said, “that damned register ain't never gonna jump no more!” " During the first week at • the e Durante Club, Clsfyton decided to y take Jim away from the piano and put him on the floor as a come dian. As' an employee at other clubs, Whenever Jimmy had tried t to say anything ' the bosses had e stopped him. Now he was a boss ” himself. He could do what he want - ed to do. President and Treasurer !, said so. Clayton hired a piano play p er called “Sticks” to play the Du ll rante songs. s. And now Clayton coined the nick o name for Durante of “Schnozzle,” or "Schnozzola,” or simply, "Sch - nozz.” il Durante says, "Clayton would run ), out to the kitchen, pretendin to look for me, and when he found me he b” would grab me by the beak and yell that he has discovered oil. Then Jackson would aak where, and Clayton would say, “In Jimmy's Schnozz.” When Jimmy refused to permit Jeanne to continue her stage ca reer, the disappointed young wom an aspired to become his business advisor. But Clayton usurped—to Jeanne's way of thinking—that . place. WIFE TURNED TO DRINK 1 Nor did Jlgimy Durante help i matters by telling Jeanne little lies, saying that he was going to ask, the Shuberts or the Albee theatrt-: cal managers to find work for her; on the stage He did not sense that Jeanne had a secret desire io work, as a singer at his club. He also could not see that he was well an htt men way to be coming a great entertainer. Even if he had, he would not have coun teranced Jeanne’s presence as a fellow performer. "And that," he says, "was the biggert mistake I ever made.” Unknown to Jim, his wife be came so unnerved and 1U that she drank during her lonely nights at home. She had not, by nature or desire, been $ drinking person; but in her extremity she sought release. Ip Olayton' she obviously saw a rival, and she behaved as though rite were caught in some strangely qet trap, a triangle. TOMORROW: It was Chilly in Minneapeitt. It’s A Fact! GOOD ONE, TOO) I AMANA j m t FOOD FREEZERS JF, Afl I W. BACKED BY A CENTURY OLD JB? ~ TR CRAFTSMANS| FI P F V ”* ws **' ■ ewtefr Learn the many surprising secrets of food preparatipqjgpd f n&eai planning that mean graatly reduced food bills .. t *&s ■ *—g » delicious meals .« . extra hours of leisure time for you.wm 1 “ E FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN CUT YOIM FOOD COSTS gg£ C Hear the exciting story of how new discoveries in froaenJflH* M 1 ~ arid home freezing are creating a wonderful new way j^Jp for yon today! ’■ ! w* tm nth n tPiOH mpfly lx NvMtal , fi f W : : team oM f 'Bbt v 8 Ejjjk gg Jvßr s v" jpi w ygn# tm I ® CESTVRY-OtD TRADITION W \*** CRAFTSMANSHIP , « AMANA S I I and beauty of design assure a lifetime of proud *i|l BBa 11 wmeMm ' 'fpnyppp ifim i unop . nrijsnM • I. Farnwrs Told (Cunttanwg from page one) lor bettor production, and urged that soil samples be sent to the department in order that the ; proper amount could be determin ed. J. A. Shaklin, Cotton Specialist of State College, cited the part \ that ginners could play in encour ! Tar Heel farmers now have more More than one-fourth Os North ! than 70,080 tractors. In 1988 they Carolina’s culUvated cropland- tt had only about 11,000. devoted to com. LEWIS GODWIN AW CO. I ■n °“ IMNO PONDS CLEARING - ggmS** BULLDOZING FREE ESTIMATES ’ •1 i-ff-a- LJ_ imp •I Ambulance Jifiltfl f Phene 2072 «. 5 CROMARTIE FUNERAL HOME | DUNN, N. C. - prrjt MBB i ■.l ; ; r>4 PAGE SEVEN aging increased production in or der to meet the goal sit for 1052. Film strips to illustrate -the pro cesses described were sßtjjfh ' and each phase was sed. The meetings were arfahied) by Conty Agent C. R. Ammdns v who had invited interested parties, in cluding ginners, fertilizer - dorters, bankers, production ertflit,’” civic club and agricultural leaders - to at tond - '-Z-oZ [