'V' ; -T|»>.' ' ... , • • • * fc-V' « '*'» ... J • _ ’ 9ti@SK>AY AfUSHNOON. MARCH 4. 1d62 © Senior play. ' ■when I Was Gneen' • were begun last night fdk#ils-year's Senior Hay, which tt*”to gfe presented on Thursday gigHt, Mbkoh 30 in the Dunn High pttiooi Auditorium. jiPiy-outs for’the parts in the play supervised last week by Mrs. Hoy Dixon, senior, sponsor and di ;jffi>en Green” entlUes the Hite* apt farce-comedy to be pre- MRted by the present senior class.; '«'*M written by Guernsey Le Pel- Wj'tend published by the koe-Peter spn Company. There is a twfenty five dollar royalty lor the play. ; "The entire story revolves around the Bleaaher family and their ups Ud, ntalbns, especially When the teen-age children try to straighten Out their lather’s troubles, such as income tax and the losing of his {.There is an alternate cast for the db in case of any emergency, but' the following cast bas been named: Bleacher, L. O. Draughon, head txf the household: ' •iMom” Bleacher. Anna Daniels, his sweet and tolerable wife; v katsy Bleacher, Catherine Ste phenson, a .rwld-be sophisticate; G*Jtesworth Bleacher, Harvey Al dridge, eternally enthusiastic, wants eji weld the world with friendli ..jrßeeney" Bleacher, Rita Fleish nßn, a rugged individualist; ('Alta Bleacher, Gaye Lee, pretty. Sensible; : Dayan Ellsworth, Clause Pope, AmSk'boy friend; Henderson Elliott, J. K. Adcox, %mMUne lauott, Mary Lou Frink, Elliott. Helen Faircloth,,' Ut spy daughter; ‘Jfeger Martindale, Tommy Wag- g ßother suitor; i Wood, Gatesworth’s ended gun-moll; , Louis Buries, a pre *r, another of Oates- It; .. important widow, Bil vHl be held each night three weeks in the auditorium and it is ft no one be present ast, the director and ■tteptrs. |atS. LEE HERE ire. Llnwood Lee of jent the weekend here treats, Mr. and Mrs. i and Mr. and Mrs. ra. Lee and her child here with their par- INNY ILL ask is confined -to her |)ipi,Bije to flint sa. I ggj, " • 1 " ’ ■! I \\ \ \\» M 1 |U I ■ * f • Hf I A* \ \\l ■ 2 m- ■ ■ mm- :■■# VI I J. i 7 ' M} ■ •; .. A fuAIVU' \ " 1 a\ \ wIOUjMWUm *j'-v a w 1/ a #IA W| 1 « 'T\ ff-L \mmm f ~ • r f R \ Yvv f /I ./ /f fj 11* A Viry I/ a l\ 11 In jar Sc - \ \\ Ihi wash cones CLEANER B -« GENTLY .i« ' •. .fit U:,! I\|n|C| HJ Jm • *B>3Wk ittm * to ,Mt “ d U “’ * "•“* W GENTLE liniKieriQgr *Of confM yon 00l I - j I f £. ! r warn laapfiof iui» mw umrlikcl urmhlirt in ONKI *3*"*. j " ts washi* Vi ® I1 L siV 4v :,? ‘<WA||rV '.iihitif' -s.; 'M’ me Mae] Nllr ima bim A m \ ■ a ‘ JL. nU‘oibb iff UUU'UkMi I I 11 wiitt I ' W * '■* - mrmr '~ Tn ait YiißHi' iiiifiiniiiii * s- s ; I ' He down eiiMfil'rnjii^hifl"'■•* ■ 'lSk' I nitei “uy new ;• "Ay next fra. EASY TERMS | Q unn Hospital Patienfs ADMISSIONS Mrs. Catherine Coats, Rt. 3, Duntt. lira. Mary Alphin, Rt. 4, Four Oaks. Mrs. Christine Jemigan, Rt. 5, Dunn. 1 Master Larry Byrd, Dunn. Mrs. Mildred Lockamy, Fayetteville. ■ Mrs. Helen Jackson, Rt. 1, Dunn. Mrs. Mary Long, Dunn. Master George Williams, Jr., Dunn. Mrs Hattie Weeks. Dunn. - Mrs. Sudie Lucas, General Delivery Dunn. Willie McCoy, Rt. 1. LiUington. .1 Ear tie Easom, Godwin, wade Richardson, Benson. BIRTHS Baby Girl Barbour, daughter of > Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Barbour, Feb ruary 39. Fuquay Springs, Route 3.. Mrs. Barbour is the former Miss Mattie Blackman. Baby Girl Johnson, February 29, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott H. Johnson, Rt. 3, Angler. Mrs. John son in the former Miss Doris Jack son. Baby Girl Lockamy, daughter of Mr. and Ms. Delmas Lockamy, Fayetteville. March 1. Mrs. Lock amy is the former Miss Mildred Gay. Miss Summerlin, Miss Tart Fete Miss Pat Johnson Miss Pat Johnson, popular Dunn bride-elect, was complimented at a canasta party last night at the home of Miss Emma Lou Summerlin with Miss Melrose Tart as co-hos tess for the delightful affair. The Summerlin home Was espec ially beautiful for the affair with spring flowers being used on the three tables of play in the rooms of the home. Mias Johnson received an or chid corsage from the hoetesses and also a silver salt and pepper Set In her silver pattern. Guests were served delioioua ice cream, bridal squares and toasted nuts when they arrived. During play soft drinks and assorted nuts were served. Miss Emily Frances Altman waa recipient of high score for canasta and received a miniature cup and saucer. Consolation award, a dainty linen handkerchief, went to Miss Eloise Johnson. Those attending the enjoyable as ■ fair ware MAM Johnson, the hon orae, Mrs: X. B. Johnson, mother ~Mrs. James Yates, , High Scorer At Bridge Club Meet 1 she Friday Afternoon Bridge : Club members were the guests of ; Mrs. Bdbby Strickland at the home i , of Mrs. Paul E. StrlOkll&d, Sr. Friday evening for their monthly i meet of bridge. . I . In honor of George Washingtons’ , . birthday the hostess .used attrac- ; tive decorations j earning Out the . . George Washington theme, Spring flowers were also used in lovely, , bouquets in the home. . When the group arrived they] l were Served cherry pie topped with ■ Ice cream and cotfee. During play , cheese crackers, potato chips, pick- , les, assorted nuts and cokes were I passed. J . ■ ; The recipient of high score when scores were tallied was Mrs. James Yates who was a guest of the club. . Mrs. Vaughn Hutkff received high score among the club members. ; Guests for the delightful affair ; were Mrs. J. B. Rouse; Jr., Mrs. James Yates, Mrs. Paul L. Strick land, Jr., and Mrs, Charles Chest nut. Members playing were Mrs. Jack • Hemmingway, Mrs; Carl Fitchett, | Jr., Mrs. Vaughan Hutaff and Mrs. Strickland. ! Christian Circle i Meets At Home Os Mrs Vic Anderson Mrs. Victor Anderson was hostess test night to members of Circle No. V <M the Hood Memorial Christian Church at her home at X.-00. • Potted "plants were used In the ! living-room of the Anderson home , and jonquils were used in » lovely, , centerpiece on the dining-room table. - - i . y i, . Mrs. Dwight Mattox was in charge of the program for the meeting'and Mrs. Felton Tart gave an most in spiring devotional. “Americans, , North uld South" was reviewed by Mrs. Tommy Harrall. During a social hour held after the meeting the hostess served de licious honffe-made chocolate cake and cokes to the members attending. MB. CAMPS HERE Tommy Canipfc o it Campbell Col lege was the guest . Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frad Jackson ahd Miss Marilyn -Jackson. . • . of the bride-elect, Mrs. Lucille Carr Bliss Elolae Johnson,. Miss Sue i Tumage, Mias Effle Lou McLean, Mrs. H. A. Westbrook, Mias Emily Frances AltmaH, Mrs. F. E. Sum - merlin. Miss Patricia Snipes, MBs > Melrose Tart wad Miss BunuuerUn. m DAILY MQORtD*' t#BNN. R. ©, .r.r’rrT srs. R. G. | Hostess To Ladies * Os Circle No. Grie Circle No. One at the Hood Memorial Christ ten Church ..met at ;the home ot Mrs. R. G. Tart yesterday afternoon at 3:30 tor their regular monthly meeting. The Hostess used a lovely ar-. rangement of gtedloliui ip the living room and gay potted plants tar the occasion. . Mrs. Jerry Butler bed charge of the program for the afternoon and gave a review pn the .Mission Study Bgpk the group is studying on Latin America, M«. Herman God win gave the devotional taken from I Mra. Pat Lynch, circle leader pee-; 4,:,. ~4t .... A., ■ ■ ; ,jj tmHHMwi aaraHkymiiia} * —■■— —■ --q j AllfP SAVE : m mm ■ - ... & „.V -» ,\ -• ■ ■ • ■ ; . • . ■ ttttß. -tt . j f ' ■ • ' ■ nnmnnRAPV IIC Hrl Ull H All a AND SAVE AMERICA! inh, Simwwn. .'I ' ■ 1 ) V- ■" . JOIN mwnmn L ■ ,UIII DEFEAT FAIR DEAL SOCIALISM I ■■■■/■ yv, /., v ■ vv• i ■£?: -''v "'> v;K. ;■ . J The regular D»roocia,ir Party won the Preaidenlial election ol 1948 in eYery one of the 11 elates -- | Alabama, toulSana. MisetMijOpi and South Carolina. , ' V II ■, ■') - 1 9« i■■ eunri wHare North Cayolinn’t vote rmimfa rtm mmA m - larovm uMOfaEEiOMia wpwb vonwi ■ vow at *i»w ; '.fBH York's. UtdMii lttM ft>pu£ttccmtf had voted far Truman In the House or die Trumanite* had voted t , v.. 4ml > {or D^ wey< aacmm or later the Houye would have had to elect Thurmond. F 2 came nmd dcmer I | t -■- , y.:... . • ..e 1 1 • j"*'.'' ' ' ; C'' i , ; . ■ II you w°t44 .hh® detailed UutmdltilM on whart can be dbne in North C<" ’ina, bowend c4t)T‘ Hjf doOccr (or oi()nO to ths BiSßiocfotic x •' , lin ■ ■■■i i im ‘ B M 'mim • ■;-Miiiiin^ wA|s9|Wi ttjr. -pypi t rw~ • ; ttttHWptt 9* % .. 1. *UitMVSI6i Itmt •■ UU ■! ■ ( IPlnrttt ttlwnfrt tnlifttlippii nii fai'gr tci llrl V Imß' 'Wlmt Steffi s skted over an routine businem ses tSMl during which the group dis ousaed business matters dis pensed with them. Mrs.' Paul Bare foot, seoretary of the Circle read the mthutfes of the last meeting. Reports from all the sick mem bers were given who were unable to attehp because of Illness. jUrp.Wturt served tempting (re freshments at home-made. cake, cofft* and salted nuts during a socUB hour held immediately after the meeting. i —, One guest waa praseßt . for the meeting, Mrs. George Cuthell. Members present were Mrs. Houston Jernigan, Mn. Doug Butt, Mrs; W. [T. Williford. Mrs. Paul Barefoot, I MM. JeVry Butler, itrs. Pat Lynch 1 and M«.>. G. Tart. ■ •' Donnie Whittenton Fsteici AtSuppei ;! Ow Nffttfi Birthday ■ Donnie Whittenton, son of Mr. and, .Mra. Bites Whittenton had a delightful ’spaghetti sqpper test Baturday night at t:3O in honor ot hfs hi“*h Birthday. ■" The party pits Held at die home of his parents in Carr Heights. Be fore supper the group enjoyed games gnd aftipr the games Mrs. Wbit»WMf» v served a . delicious spaghetti supper with all the trim mings aim ice cream and cake. ""i Those attending* the party were Misses Rayua fM. Sue Whittenton and Alim AWredge. Also Jimmy Mattox, George Neighbors, Bud Hudson and Doable Whittenton. Bid Arid By Club Meets At Home Os Electa Maynard •the Bid and By Club members and guests were delightfully en tertained When they met at the home of Miss Electa Maynard Mon day evening at 8:00 for their reg-J uter evening of bridge. The hostess used lovely apoint-j ments carrying out the St. Pat-] ricks Day theme in the home. Jon quils and spirea were used in lovely] arrangements for the affair, 1 When the guests arrived they Were served angfei food cake with: angel hash as a topping, nuts and coffee. During progressions cokes] and cheese tid-Mtt were sfcrtwd.] Miss Anne Priddy assisted the; PAGE THREE hostess In serving during the Tun ing. Club high after scores were-tall ied went to Mn. James YateW’btiss Louise McOugan received tmypJing I prise. Ouest high went to Mrs. 4 William Tart ] Those playing were Miss Jerry I Cobb, Miss Elizabeth CrdmßrUe, Miss Louise McOugan, Mrs. James Yates, Mn?. Eugene Huggins..Jlhp Was a guest, Mrs. Paul L: Strickland, Jr., and Miss Maynard. * IN WASHINGTON Attorney Bverette L. Doffermyre and John Sorrell, Jr., are in Wash ington, D. C., on a business'frip. fcl ] MRS. WILSON WELL* I -- * ] Mrs. Duncan Wilson who has been •i ill for the past several weeks is able >lto be out again.

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